Im Trash?

Kade was startled by the description on the dream platform, he started to wonder if I learn how to cook fried shrimp would I have to fight shadowy chefs or shadowy shrimp.

The thought didn't remain long in his head as he decided to run over to the beginner bookshelf . Kade was scanning the bookshelf trying to find a good beginner skill to try out. Some of the books on the Shelf looked new and shiny with nothing extraordinary about them. while other books looked new they had an ancient feeling to them, something you wouldn't see in a modern bookstore . After scanning the bookcase a couple times his eyes landed on one book that seemed important

"All inclusive beast guide ".

The reason the book would be so important is because Kade knew he was human once and had been reincarnated, but had no clue what kind of beast he is. Only that he is a type of wolf, he reached out with his wolf neck and bit into the Beast guide pulling it off the the bookshelf. Kade ran back to the dream platform and dropped the book down useing his nose to nudge it open. He started reading from page one.

Right on the first page he found a small wolf.

"Colored wolf"

"most common and least talented animal of all the domains, can be found everywhere considered a nuisance for many. Eats livestock and destroys crops.

Received its name because it's fur takes on the color of the element it's living in or has adapted to".

In bold letters at the bottom of the description read "THIS IS YOU".

Kade thought to himself " Im just a trashy wolf"?