learning skills sleeping like a baby

After kade finished reading the beast guide he had a small head ache and took a nap. He wasn't too worried about his heritage being trash, He had the godly triangle .Unlike last time their was no fighting. His dream consisted of him scrolling through life like 3D models and taking tests on them. At that point he realized how amazing the dream platform was, it could modify to whatever situation he needed to learn. Kade sadly realized he wouldn't be battling any shadowy chefs. His theory was later proven as kade decided to start learning

every the beginners skills he could.

"how to cook shrip the holy trinity

steam,boil, fry "

" how to cook as a wolf"

"beginners swordsmanship"

" beginners face modification"

" beginner's merchant guide"

" beginner self defense guide"

"beginners inspection skill"

The skills go on and on and kade just kept reading and reading. He piled all the books up on the dream Pavilion. After about two hundred and twenty seven books kades headache was about to split open his head . It was a horrendous feeling. kade concluded that the headaches were a warning, he needed to sleep. Kade drifted off, he slept and slept and slept. An unknown amount of time passed by maybe days maybe months possibly years, Kade was asleep and had no way to tell time. He looked like a cute little wolf curld up in a ball most of the time. Sometime he was on his side runing in his sleep. Others times drool came out out of his wolfy cheeks.

Kade was awoken by a warning that came from the depths of his soul, it was The Godly triangle.

Kade was awoken from his dream he wasn't in the martial arts hall anymore. He was back to the menu screen, with a gaping jaw that was behind the triangle. The bottem portion of the godly triangle User interface was illuminated with red starlight. Kade realized that during his unknown amount of time in the godly triangle, very little time had passed in the real world.

The mouth of dangerously sharp teeth had only moved about half of foot closer! The mouth was already so close to begin with and now was only about a few feat away.

Kade thought to himself

"I have skills "

" I have knowledge"

" Im ready for excitement "

" lets start"

At that moment time unfroze.