new quest

Kade woke up from his slumber a little disgruntled, shapeshifting into a human was like trying to push the same ends of magnets together. As soon as he made some progress in one are other areas reverted.

Kade felt deep down that their was something fundamental needed for him to become a complete human.

Kade stood up letting out a yawn and stepped out of the martial arts hall. once kade left the hall he could tell somthing was happening. Thick smoke filled the air and the heat was blistering. Kade could hear fighting in the distance and see the light from the rageing fires. It all orginated from ome direction. Kade activated his stealth and started his approach, curiosity killed the cat but for a cultivating wolf it could mean opportunity.

Once kade got past the fires he stumbled apon a scorched plain. There was a mud yellow colered basilisk with a tore out eye and numerous broken scales with dark blood trickling off its body. It was staring at the body of a dead human. The human had one arm missing and the other looked petrified in stone the rest of the body was mangled and riped with guts painting the ground around it. The battle must have been ferocious. Kade used his scan skill on the injured basilisk.

< mudstone basilisk>

near death

< energy> extremly low

none left

petrification skill unusable

At the same time the scan was completed a ding rang out from the reward system .

< shameless escaping technique>

Kade grew excited as he truly liked fighting, especially when rewards are involved. Kade loved growing stronger, but what made his heart beat with the strength of a 1000 horses, was fighting. Even when kade was just going over the battles in his head to see what he could improve on or how to be more lethal it made his heart flutter.