Kade scaned the field with his eyes, other then everything being blackened from the fire. There was a great sword on the opposite side of the mudrock basilisk that radiated a fiery red light.

Kade figured this was about to be a hard fight. He didn't even have a compete understanding of his own strength. A mortal animal could never fight a beast that has become teir one. Once Kade reached teir one, he personally thought it was a little too easy when he was fighting another teir 1 beast.

Kade knew the basilisk infront of him surpasses the normal teirs and had reached ferocious beast level. The only upside was that it was severely injured. In some spots on the basilisks their where no scales, only soft bloody flesh.

Kade had already started to formulate a plan of attack, he wanted to kill the beast as fast as possible. Kade using his stealth he sneaked over to the side where the great sword was imbedded . Then like a thunder bolt, lighting shot out of kades eyes arcing across his body. He activated lightning response and was immediately in top fighting form. A Second didn't even pass when kade had ran past the greatsword putting it in his inventory. Before the basilisk could even react kade had used its long body as spring board shooting up into the air. Kade had approached the basilisk in its blind spot. If he didn't their would be no way he could get so close with out the basilisk even reacting.

Kade was high up in the air. He pulled the greatsword out of his inventory and gripped it using his twisting transformations to form a furry red hands. Kade realized while practicing, as long as he wasn't too concerned about details he could change alot about his body with the 48 twisting transformations skill. Gravity took over and the sword started to fall back twords earth. Kade was following in tow like the greatsword was pulling him to the ground.

The basilisk looked up dumbfounded, it wasn't the injurys, low energy levels or kades lighting speed and great stratagy that won kade this fight. It was the utter shock of seeing this wolf falling to the earth holding on to this giant sword. Before the mudstone basilisk could even comprehend it had been engaged by the sword weilding wolf, the Blade peirced its only eye left going threw its head and down its body, draining its last bit of life left . The basilisk layed dead on the ground with a sword peirced through it. Kade still hanging on the sword and thought to himself " I wonder of this was what pole dancers feel like". He swung from the sword and landed on the ground. he looked at the dead basilisk "defintaitly not".

A wolfy like smile spread across his face , the smile made him look truly like he was gonna eat some kids, it was quite ferocious. kade gleefully said " reward time" licking his lips like he was about to chow down on some chocolate pudding.