
While the gostly bears roar was quite loud, kade thought it was funny. He moved his paw forword centering his gravity and let out a beastly roar. It sounded something like a wolfs snarl mixed with a dragons roar. It caused small pebbels by his feat to shake and made the bear take half a step back. What caught kades attention the most was how hot his throat felt, little wisps of fire started coming from his maw. Kade thought to himself " I have a dragons bloodline, can I breathe fire?" In kades lack of attention, the bear charged at him tackling him to the ground. Kade was pushed on to his back, but with his strong hind legs he kicked the massive bear up into the air. Kade regained his footing, looking back he relized the child had moved farther back into the cave. The bear had fallen back to the ground after hitting the ceiling. Kade really wanted to breath fire a wolf breathing fire how cool would that be.

While the bear started standing up, kade centered himself once again and looked inside of himself for some type of heat. Right by his heart he detected a firey mass. This time when he started to roar he pulled that heat to his throat, a mighty dragon roar was released with dark red flames they were just a tenge brighter then blood. The fire enveloped the tier 2 ghostly bear, what followed was a mornfull screech that sounded like it was comming from the depth of hell. The sound was actually escaping from the bears mouth. The screeching slowly died down after about 30 secounds. kade stoped his fire, all that was left was a husk with no hair and serious burns and blisters. The bear was completely rosted. Kade confirmed their was no life left in the teir 2 ghostly bear. Kade sank into unconsciousness he had no energy left at all.