What are you

Kade woke up, his eyes flashed open. Kade wondered to himself "How long have I been out ." Kade felt some weight on his side right above his rib cage. nestled in his fur Sleelping, was a three year old with long golden hair. The child woke up yawning and stretching, her bright greene eyes scaned over kade. she opend her mouth "good your awake, Ive been waiting for two days now"

Kade look stuned, after looking at the 3 year old he was at a loss. He used his twisting transformations skill to develp human vocal Coards. As he never had a use for them this was his 1st time speaking "why are you so big, what are you a human child doesnt grow that fast ." Kade knew it was the same child he saved because of her smell.

The child responded

" Im human.... but im special, I was born with the eyes and mind of heavenly earth. I don't really know the extent of my abilitys.

Aside from absurd mental capibilitys. I also have a map in my head with all the cool, good, and interesting stuff marked within a mile radius of where I am. It's like blank peice of paper with my location, and a question mark where something good is."

Kade was a little suprised and said for his 2nd time speaking.

"Such usefullness, It still doesn't explain why your so big now."

Kade might of been able to handle many thing, and things that suprised him only left him shocked momentarily. What happened next left Kades jaw wide open.

A twisting visuals wraped around the green eyed child. kade knew immediately it was his twisting transformations skill. right where the child was stood a baby layed. Kade shouted " how did you do that!" The child looked into kades eyes. Speaking in his head "your memorys I took a peek at them, after seeing you do it so many times in that strange place how could I not do it."