Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 3 "Trials."

Alpha King sat pondering in his office with a smug grin spread across his face. Ally's defeat gave him great pleasure and re-installed a sense of pride. King knew that no-one had ever survived the trials. If it were up to him he would murder Ally in cold blood without a second thought but subsided his dark desires. The murder or foul-play of a wolf resulted in death deliberated by the very same council whom would witness her trials. The council was a provocative as well as profound force which were feared more than Alpha King himself. Rumors had it, the council deliberated on their likeness to someone, not their guilt or innocence. They were cruel and took advantage of their status.

Alpha King paced left to right thinking about how they would kill his daughter. Taking the burden off his hands for good.

"If you continue pacing like that brother I'll start to get dizzy."

Alpha King glanced up recognizing the voice. A man slightly younger than Jackson appeared before him leaning against the door frame. His dark brown, long shaggy hair held speckles of grey but not enough to identify from a distance. Wearing a new Armani suit and golden watch he was a picture of good wealth and hygiene.

Alpha King, "My dear Conrad, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he pondered with a hint of unpleasantness in his eyes. Conrad scanned the Alpha's room looking for valuables but was surprised to see it quite plain.

Conrad, "Can't a brother visit his other brother? You could be a little more excited you know." Conrad expressed quite disappointed. Then, through realization frowned at his brother. The Alpha was happy to see Conrad but the news clouded his mind still.

Alpha King, "Haven't you heard? I am to be free from that wicked child once and for all." he smiled genuinely at this thought which made Conrad slightly unease.

Conrad, "Alpha, who will keep you on your toes from now on huh? You act like this is a blessing when in reality I know as soon as Ally is gone you will miss her dearly." Conrad's words were blunt but were covering a bitter truth. Ally, was always his favorite Niece from the minute she began to speak there was wisdom in her words. Like she had lived a thousands lives before. Although, he was her uncle he desired to be loved by her. The sheer beauty and intellect of that girl was enough to bring any man to his knees.

Alpha King scoffed and dismissed his brothers words completely. Understanding, Conrad shifted the subject to the trials.

Conrad, "What presented enough evidence for her to undertake these trials brother?" Alpha King sneered up at his brother and smiled once more.

"Her healing ability of course. After receiving several lashings, which were brutally delivered, she healed in 4 hours flat. Her skin was completely untouched." Alpha King emphasized each word. Conrad looking on amazement. For a wolf to heal that quickly was quite a spectacle.

Conrad, "Very intriguing brother, looks like her talents venture further than her intellect. Do you remember when she was younger, the days where people would bow at her feet? What did she used to say?" Conrad was pushing for the Alpha to recognize his once loved daughter. Alpha King sighed and began reciting each word.

Alpha King, "Do not bow for me for I am equal. Have faith in the day that no person will have to bow before anyone. We breath the same air and we walk the same roads. There is no such thing in superior." Alpha sighed his daughters words. They fluttered in his heart as he recalled the day she spoke those words. Such wisdom, for a child of only 12 years of age.

"Her wisdom has bloomed into hatred and her hatred has consumed her brother. Ally is not the same girl she once was." Alpha stiffened his tone as he recalled the present circumstances.

Conrad, "I can't find myself to blame her Jackson, the girl lost something very valuable to her. Something, we only find once in our lives and at the peak of her power she lost it." Conrad spoke through sorrow. The Alpha nodded without saying a word.

Alpha," Conrad that child is the strongest, fastest most willful wolf I have ever seen. I do not hate that child for who she was, I hate her for who she is now. Ally would rather take 100 lashings than spend one minute with her own pack. That girl is broken. What is broken deserves to be thrown away." Alpha's tone returned to anger. Conrad sighed as his head tilted to the floor.

Conrad, "If your decision is final then please let me speak to my niece one last time." he was pleading. The Alpha nodded his head without uttering a word. Conrad swiftly walked out of the office towards Ally's bedroom.

-----------------------------The Council-----------------------------

The council sat mercilessly in an oval room. Their seats and chairs elevated giving their deliverance a much more domineering appearance. A weeping young man knelt in the middle of the oval room as the prophecy filled stainless steel windows, allowed various colors to decorate the floor. The main protagonist sat center and silently judges the man while words echoed around him. Out of fear the young boys head sank to the floor. Wealthy, overweight men surrounded the protagonist arguing over the verdict. All of them but one...

A tall male with jet black hair and piercing red eyes stood out among the other bickering judges. His face was flawless, not a freckle nor scar, it was like a porcelain dolls. Cheekbones that could cause woman to faint and a jawline so sharp in could shed blood. Despite, his slicked back hair one strand lay dormant on his forehead. Smoking, carelessly he didn't even pay attention to the bickering and instead studied the young boy knelt in the middle. The main protagonist glared at the young man also studying him. Suddenly, a hammer raised and struck the oak desk causing the room to fall immediately into silence. Clearing his throat, the main protagonist looked down on the boy and smiled.

"As leading council member and through great deliberation I will be handing over the verdict to Prince Aiden."

All council members looked on in awe at the Prince. Aiden, was even slightly startled he would ask for his input but consoled himself.

"Rise." Aiden's demand was strong and captivating. The young boy jumped up quivering in fear.

"Joseph Marie you have been charged with murder of the first degree. The victim being your own wife. Jade Marie was found with several stab wounds to her abdomen, head and legs. Am I correct?" Aiden didn't raise his voice once and calmly stated the case facts. The young man nodded in response tears streaming down his face. All of the council members sneered on at Aiden through jealousy, the head council member never selected others to speak on his behalf.

"Belonging to the vampire community this case has peaked my interest. Your wife was human is that also correct?" Aiden continued pushing still calm and collected. The young boy nodded again his head still bowed.

"Joseph, I would like you to look me in the eye."

The boy began shaking once more and his head reluctantly looked up towards Aiden. Aiden's eyes pierced his soul but he didn't break eye contact.

"Joseph Marie did you kill your wife?" Aiden questioned him this time with a hint of sadness in his eyes. Glued to Aiden he shamefully nodded his head.

"Why did you kill your wife Joseph?" Aiden's words were now enraged as he gritted his teeth. Sobbing uncontrollably the young boy blurted out his reasoning.

"My wife was a wolf! Our marriage is forbidden but we were in love! Once she transitioned the vampires in our community found out and threatened to rape and torture her!" the boy screamed out in agony.

"You murdered your wife to spare her from the communities rage. So she would die painlessly." Aiden's words were soft this time and caught the young vampire off guard.

"I saw in the autopsy report that she was given a sleeping agent which is also used to numb pain in certain hospitals around you area. Your wife didn't feel a thing."

Joseph looked up at Aiden like he was an archangel. It brought him great ease to see that someone understood his actions. The main council member pondered at Aiden and was surprised he had noticed these very minute details.

"Joseph, your crime was unforgiving but your wife didn't die in vain. Resulting of this I am sentencing you to death." a gasp echoed throughout the room and council members began up-roaring in partition.

"This is madness! What does this naive little prick know!"

"He deserves punishment much worse he is a murderer!"

The head council member slammed both hands on his desk and stood up causing the room once again to fall silent. To his surprise Joseph was smiling up at Aiden. Looking at Aiden's eyes he knew that this was an act of kindness.

"Explain your reasoning." the main council bellowed.

"This man cold have simply suffocated his wife while under the drugs effects. Joseph didn't stab his wife maliciously nor to cause her harm. He did this to be summoned by the council and be punished for his crimes. His wife died because he was fearful of his community. Fearful, that they would rape and torture his wife and therefore he ended her misery. From my evaluation Joseph Marie granted his wife mercy which is why I would like to grant him the same." Aiden's words well evaluated and reflected the young boy soul who stood before him.

Reading the case file he noticed Joseph was married at age eighteen, which is very young, and lived in a vampire community. Being a vampire himself Aiden took interest and began to dig deeper. Other council members were enraged to see such a young vampire take stance on the desks. The main protagonist had selected Aiden for his wit and intellect as well as his wealth. Joseph's actions touched Aiden's heart which was usually very cold but the case had some familiarity to him. He knew Joseph wanted to re-unite with his wife and even if they imprisoned him Aiden knew it was only a matter of time before he ended his life.

"That will be all. Take him to the cells and we will inform him of his execution date." the main council members words were quick and blunt. Joseph's eyes never left Aiden's and even nodded in gratitude at his verdict. As soon as he was dragged out the room exploded into arguments.

"The verdict was biased. A vampire should not seat a vampire case."

"How could you select such insolence for this council!"

Calmly, Aiden took his seat and lit up another cigarette as if the voices weren't there. Puffing slowly, he watched the spot where the young boy had stood and felt somewhat proud that he had ended his pain.

"I am requesting all council members excluding Prince Aiden to vacate immediately." The main council member shouted among the rest. Without hesitation, the other members fled, sneering at Aiden as they left. Aiden looked each of them in the eyes and refused to break.

"Aiden, I'm quite impressed with your verdict." The main council member issued. Aiden looked up from his seat.

"There is no need Vermont, I did my duty." Aiden didn't speak with pride or sarcasm his words held no value. His verdict wasn't something that he felt needed to be rewarded.

"Very well. I would very much like it if you attending the final meeting of today." Vermont's words lingered as if trying to purposely intriguing Aiden.

"What is the crime?"

"There is no crime. The meeting is trial based." Vermont's words caused Aiden to look on in disbelief.

"You must be mistaken. If someone were to undertake the trials then we may as well put a bullet in their head. It's absurd." Aiden grew disgusted in the idea. Vermont looked on searching for Aiden's thoughts. Clearly unnerved Aiden lit up another cigarette.

"True, no member of the wolf community has ever completed them before. However, I don't believe this to be the usual case. Normally, wolves whom delusion themselves into thinking they are godly among the others undertake the trials with confidence. You are familiar with Alpha Jackson King am I correct?" Vermont spoke clearly in making sure Aiden heard every word.

"My father occasionally has meeting with him but I have never conversed with him. What does he have to with this?" Aiden thought intently. Surely the Alpha was smart enough to not undertake them.

"Alpha King is a ruthless man. We retrieved a message late last night stating that the Alpha had put his daughter forward for the trials." Vermont's hid a slither of sorrow in his speaking.

"Your right he is ruthless. He just signed his own daughters life away. Why would he do such a thing?" Aiden spoke disgusted that a man would do such a thing. Vermont smiled and took a deep breath.

"Ally King is her name. I met with her briefly to discuss the case of Issac Lake. Do you recall?" Vermont suddenly seemed enlightened. Aiden thought briefly and quickly realized.

"I do. The murder of Issac Lake, found drained and slaughtered in the woods beyond wolf territory. Vampire attack." Aiden recruited the case from memory. The case had never been solved and was now presumed a cold case. The name Ally was never mentioned in the reports?

"Ally King witnessed the attack and fought off eight vampires at once which gravely injured her. Sadly, Issac was pronounced dead on scene and Ally was in a coma for several weeks. All of the vampires except one died at her hand. Once recovered she was brought forth to speak to the council and was let free for the murders as they were self-defense." Vermont spoke almost proudly of Ally's actions and Aiden noticed this.

"How could one wolf kill several vampires. Are you sure these case details are facts?" Aiden was doubtful. He'd never heard of such things.

"The facts are true. When speaking to Ally I soon realized that she was an extraordinary girl. Intelligent, strong an ideal wolf. Tragically, after the death of Issac she grew cold and her father began to resent her. I believe Jackson put Ally forward as a punishment. That man has been looking to dispose of that girl for a while." Vermont admitted saddened by the thought. His demeanor changed the minute he spoke Ally's name which alarmed Aiden. This girl appeared to have gained a soft spot within the Council leader.

"Is there no way to stop the trials? Perhaps we could appeal?" Aiden respecting Vermont's admiration for the girl searched for ways to spare him from her death.

"This is why I have requested you. We cannot appeal in time for Ally's trial but perhaps we can save others. I would like you to witness this and identify flaws we can bring forth in the appeal. I will not watch another wolf die." Vermont's words filled Aiden with wisdom. Witnessing the pain in his eyes Aiden nodded in agreement.

"I will witness."

---------------------Ally's bedroom------------------

Ally dried off her raven black hair and looked at herself once more in the mirror. This time she didn't look with disgust. Peering over her malnourished body she smiles. This is the last time I have to look at you. You have done me well but now I must let you go. Choked by her own thoughts Ally walked away, it was too painful to see herself like that anymore. Changing into some sweatpants and a white tank top she let her wet hair hang loosely by her sides. Ally's room looked like it were on show. Everything was spotless, no more were their empty beer bottles or cigarettes laying around. In order to remove herself completely she scraped away all essence. Sitting on her bed awaiting the knock on the door, her door slowly creaked open.

"Well if it isn't my favorite niece." Conrad smiled at Ally in the doorway seductively looking her up and down. Ally's eyes didn't even peer up and lay dormant through her uncle.

Looking at her more intently he saw the dramatic weight loss she had endured and her eyes didn't sparkled like they once did.

Conrad,"My brother really did a number on you didn't he child." sitting next to Ally on her bed he scanned her up and down.

"Do not give my father credit for my own destruction. He'd be far too pleased with himself." Emotionless Ally answered catching her uncle off guard. Saddened, by her words Conrad placed his hand on her shoulder. Ally immediately shrugged it off and stood up facing her uncle.

"Ally? Can't I touch you like a normal Uncle?" Startled Conrad set himself up for defeat.

Ally, "If only you touched like a normal Uncle. Do you know what I sense each time you touch me? Lust. You must be one shallow man to get off on his own niece, I pity you Uncle. You thought because my time is finally up you could come to seduce me?" Still expressionless Ally stated something she had wanted to expose her Uncle for. Since, childhood her weariness towards him was still there. Seeing the way he touched and looked at her made her skin crawl.

"Ally, I did not come to seduce you. I came here to encourage you." Conrad admitted his ego slightly damaged by her words. Ally scowled at his waiting for his confession. Ally knew what he was requesting.

"What if you could use that brain of yours to get out of the trials. Expose your father for unwillingly putting you forth. What if you successfully completed them!" Conrad became excited at his own words but Ally chuckled in response.

"Your dreaming dear Uncle. These trials were made for elimination not successors. What person could possibly survive such a thing?" Ally scoffed at her Uncle naive wording.

"Ally, your a unique wolf. Look around here you are the only wolf with black and blue eyes. The only wolf who your father is afraid of!" This time Conrad overcame to his emotions admitted a forbidden truth. Ally looked up in shock. Her father was afraid of her? Why didn't she see it sooner?

"Thank you for that Uncle. " Ally smiled at herself. In the end she won. Conrad looked on in great fear and pleaded with her to forget what he just told her but the words were already etched into Ally's mind.

"Uncle, I hope one day you will find your mate and live a happy life. Forget about me. I asked my brother to do the same." Ally's words were again cold. Conrad looked on in sorrow. It was true what his brother had said, Ally was indeed broken. Sighing and holding his head in his hands Conrad took one last look at Ally.

"Ally, I have one last request." Conrad said faintly. Ally glared at him with determination.

Conrad, "Give them hell." Ally received her Uncle's hate filled words and nodded before slowly making her way towards the door. Conrad watched as the girl he loved walked away with her head held high.


Alpha King sat silently in the front seat occasionally peering in the back mirror at his daughter. Ally looked on at the fluttering leaves and fallen blossoms on the roadside. Leaves green with life and flowers pink with color. Thoughts weren't something she needed right now as they would cause unnecessary pain instead she hummed to herself.

"You seem pleased with yourself." Alpha scowled at his daughter. Ally smiled and continued to hum.

Alpha, "I see even at the brink of death you still defy me." this time his words were deflated. Ally continued to hum until her voice was cut off by the sound of screeching crows. Their talons scraped the windows but Ally wasn't startled. Black feathers fell swiftly on the screen window.

"Father, before I die I want you to know I understand why you hate me." Ally words were sudden and almost caused the Alpha to choke on his won saliva.

"Pah, you understand nothing girl. Just keep your mouth shut!"

"I will not. I can't even imagine what it must be like to live with someone like me. To be outsmarted by your own seed and most importantly to feel guilty for sending her to an untimely death. Don;t worry father I forgive you." Ally didn't express any emotion in her words. Lying through her front teeth she stated this just to hurt her father. Deep down she knew somewhere in his heart despite his hatred for her, he still loved her.

The Alpha fell silent and gripped the steering wheel in pain. Ally always had a way of breaking down his defenses ever since she was a child. Ally watched her fathers hands clench and decided to keep going.

"It doesn't look like much of a spectacle but do you see that crow feather on the windshield. Without, a crow to belong too that feather will slowly wither and die, it no longer has purpose. Do these words speak to you." Ally was rather sarcastic with her words but they contained a heart-wrenching truth. To her surprise her father remained silent. A tear trickled down his cheek. To hear his daughter speak to his without a hint of hatred brought him emotional pain. It had been such a long time.

"Father, I am the feather. I lost who I belonged too and now I wither. I still may be a pretty picture or a souvenir but I'm disposable. I want to thank-you for finally getting rid of what is not needed." Ally's powerful words finally broke her father. At first his tears brought her joy but soon enough her heart began to race. Ally had never seen her father cry before. Ally always forgot that her words carried weight and sometimes that weight was too much for people to bare.

"Ally, I hate you for wasting who you are. I hate you for giving up. But... most of all I hate you because you were always my weakness." Alpha King spoke through his tears. Ally nodded in agreement. He was correct in every sense.

For the remainder of the ride, they never spoke. Alpha wiped away his tears and pulled up to a matte black building with golden statues surrounding it. It was time. Ally stepped out and walked towards the building without even acknowledging her father.


All members re-joined and took their positions on the podiums. Vermont stood tallest and peered at the center with sadness. Aiden sat smoking and watched Vermont. I wonder why he admires this girl so much? This girl is just a wolf being thrown to slaughter. He had never shown any sympathy towards any other trial at-tempters. Aiden broke his gaze and glanced around to see the council members almost jumping with excitement. Puzzled he put his finger to his ear and began focusing on the conversations.

"I'm excited to see that girls brains on the floor."

"I'll store her mental image in my head. Regardless of her stupidity I'd enjoy getting off to her."

"I bet she won't even make it past the first trial."

Aiden snapped back to reality when a steward entered the room and nodded to say that the Alpha and his daughter had arrived.

"Silence. Alpha coke forth." Vermont raised his voice causing the room to go still. Each member intrigued peered over the podium to see Jackson walk causally through the doors. Aiden studied the 6"3 man with bulky shoulders and grey striped hair dressed in a formal suit walk through the doors. Sniffing up the distinct wet dog smell was overpowering but he still maintained eye contact. The Alpha bowed before the council.

"Jackson, it's been a long while." Vermont spoke casually but with a hint of disdain.

Jackson, "It has indeed." Alpha was visibly still shaken from his daughters words which lingered in his head.

"I understand you have entered Ally King, your daughter to undertake the trials."

"That is correct." Alpha broke contact with Vermont and peered over at Aiden after catching his scent. Aiden sat forward interested that the Alpha would do this.

"A new member? " Alpha questioned Aiden darkly.

"Yes, Prince Aiden was selected personally by me. A very smart young man." Vermont praised Aiden but the Alpha scowled in response. Aiden smirked at the Alpha's manner. Even in a neutral courtroom the hatred between wolf and vampire still exceeded. Turning back to face Vermont, Alpha's manner changed drastically.

"Should we get this over with then?"

The council members chuckled at his disdain. Quite pleased to see the disregard he had for his daughter life. Aiden looked at the door awaiting the legend of a girl to appear. Alpha moved to the side and also peered at the door.

"I call Ally King to step forward." Vermont's words echoed. Ally stood outside of the door listening to every word. Already, she had decided if this would be her last hour then she would make as painful as possible for all those involved. Casually walking Ally glared at each and every council member with a glare that could kill. Some adjusted their ties and others shuffled in their seats at this glare. Her eyes soon met Aiden and to her surprise he didn't look away nor shuffle. He looked back with a questionable glare. Upon, entry Aiden sniffed up and was almost dumbfounded to not smell wet dog but Vanilla. When her icy blue eyes met his, his heart almost began to beat. Quickly breaking her glare she stood center with her arms by her side. The council waited a while but were confused when she didn't bow. A member spoke up and demanded her to bow. At which she glared up at him and smiled.

"Still as stubborn as ever I see Ally." Vermont smiled on at the girl. Other member looked on in shock when he didn't scold her or demand her to bow. Aiden couldn't take his eyes off her. Clearly undernourished, her sweatpants hung off her waist and her tank top showed her ribs. Ignoring this Aiden studied her face. Jet black, healthy hair hung carelessly still wet from her previous bath. More than anything he wanted a better look at her eyes. The eyes that pierced his soul only moments ago.

"The circumstances are unfortunate. You are a very promising girl and you have probably already worked out what must happen here today. Sadly, I must wish you the best in these trials. May Luna present herself among us once more." Vermont strained his words trying hard to show his hate for the situation. In response, Ally nodded still keeping her words quiet. Looking over she saw a man with leather gloves on approach her with a silver steel rod in his hand. From his manner the rod was extremely heavy.

"The first test is of strength and immunity. As you are well aware wolves and highly allergic to silver. I would like you to hold this rod until I say otherwise." Vermont could see the expressionless glare on Ally's face as she nodded. Ally held out her hands and awaited the deathly pain that she would endure. Quickly, going into survival mode she pushed everything to he back of her mind. Distracted, she didn't even feel the rod enter her hands. Council member sat forward excited to hear the girl scream but were highly disappointed. Alpha King looked on in trauma as his daughters hand didn't sizzle nor burn. Tightly she held on as if begging the rod to hurt her but she felt nothing.

"Th- that's enough." Vermont stuttered also in a state of shock. No wolf had ever shown immunity to silver before. Aiden finally sat forwards in his seat. On rare occasions, wolves would muster enough strength to hold the rod but were usually very much hurt after. Some suffering third degree burns on their hands. Ally nodded and put down the rod. Deep down Ally was unnerved at herself. She remembered coming into contact with silver when she was younger and it was the worst pain she had ever felt. Why was she unaffected?

"How did you do that! Are you a witch or something!" a member roared. Ally looked on humorously at his remark.

"This is not possible. Witchcraft!" another shouted. Aiden could see the humor in Ally's eyes and immediately knew what she was thinking. Sighing Ally breathed in to speak.

"Considering this whole building was consecrated on holy ground I'd be very ungrudging to hear,how a witch as you call me, would stand before you. With such foolish remarks, I'm surprised you have the capacity to sit in such a seat. Perhaps, you should reconsider your position members." Ally's words echoed throughout the room causing most of the member to go red with rage and some with embarrassment.

"How dare you!" they all began screeching. Aiden watched with amusement as the room unraveled. Vermont was right. This girl was unique, so unique that with three sentences she managed to disband the greatest force in the community. Alpha looked on in rage at his daughter, it took everything in his to not beat her to a pulp right now. Vermont banged his hammer on the oak desk and the room fell silent once more.

"Very good. Now I would like you to pick it up and snap it in half." his words sounded simple but the rod was at least 5 inches thick. Strength was a wolfs affliction and even Aiden lost hope. Aiden was strong but not that strong. There was no way a female wolf of her size could even bend the metal. Ally received his words and picked up the pole gripping it tightly in the middle. She looked over to see her fathers smug face, this was the moment he'd waited for. All council members seemed to lose interest and began daydreaming disappointed the trials had ended so suddenly.

Ally looked at the pole in her hands. Beforehand, she wanted to fail immediately and succumb to her time but now looking at it, she knew nothing would kill her father more than to see her make it until the end. Smirking at her thoughts Ally reached into the back of her mind and dug in her sorrow to the night her life changed. The night she lost herself and immediately her body filled with rage. Rattling metal soon filled the room and all council members broke their daydreaming in bewilderment. Aiden looked on at Ally and saw her eyes begin to glow. Suddenly, without effort the pole broke in two and fell the the floor causing a heart stopping echo to ring out. Gasps immediately filled the room and Vermont smiled in amazement.

"Your the first person to ever complete that task. Congratulations." Ally still didn't show any emotion whatsoever. Aiden couldn't believe his eyes. Her hands still shaking Ally began to breathe heavily suddenly exhausted from the energy it took from her. She re-positioned herself to avoid stumbling. Aiden could sense her sudden weakness and finally spoke up.

Aiden, "Perhaps we should call for a short break. The girl is clearly exhausted." Alpha King suddenly snapped his head up.

"Out of the question. Keep your concerns to yourself bloodsucker." Alpha squalled. Ally looked up to identify the voice and met eyes again with Aiden. Giving him a confused glare she quickly snapped her head towards he father.

"It is possible for another species to show concern father. Perhaps, you should take a page out of his book. Oh that's right. Your eighteen years to late." Ally said sarcastically but still breathing heavily from exhaustion. Alpha King, immediately lunged at his daughter grabbing her by the throat and pinning her up against the far wall. Aiden stood up but was stopped by Vermont whom raised his hand in demand. Ally locked eyes with her father who tightened his grip mercilessly cutting off her airflow altogether. At first, she didn't want to fight back. Ally had never fought back, she considered it a waste of energy. This time was different, her time wasn't up yet and this was the perfect opportunity to destroy her father for good.

Grabbing hold of his throat Ally pushed herself off from the wall and lifted her father into the air. Alpha looked on is despair as she pulled his face in close. All members stood up in fear.

"You don't hate me for who I am... You hate me because your afraid. should be." gritting her teeth she watched her father look on in horror. Painfully, she slammed her father head first onto the marble floor and stood over him. Aiden had never seen such bravery in his life and felt an admiration for this girl. A girl he's never seen or heard of. A girl whom caused the council to jump to their feet in fear.

"If I am to die today. Your soul will to father." Ally breathed in relief. She had wanted to do that for a long time.