Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 4 "Trials part 2"

"Congratulations Ally. You've completed the second trial." Vermont ignored the Alpha bleeding helplessly on the floor and looked on at Ally in delight. Members all round stood dazed including Aiden. Ally refused to break glare with her father whom for the first time in her life was beneath her.

"The second trial required the participant to show resilience and independence from their pack. Defying your Alpha was one of the requirements and inflicting damage upon him was the second. You continue to surprise me." Vermont said proudly. Ally had completed a trial she had no knowledge of. Resulting in her father unconscious on the floor, blood trickling from his head. Vermont had no regard for the Alpha his interest existed only in Ally. Aiden gained his nerve and plucked up the courage to ask her how she did it.

"I've never seen a wolf like you before. I don't understand how you could posses such power. By the look of you, I'd be surprised if you could arm wrestle a child and succeed." Aiden's words were straightforward and bitter. Ally's behavior soon unnerved him, vampires had never been afraid of wolves. Vampires were always considered the stronger breed so he now considered Ally as a threat. Ally smiled and looked up at Aiden.

"Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. Unfortunately, I do not have the answers." Ally's wisdom shook Aiden. How could such words escape the image of this young girl. Aiden looked on in sadness to see such a waste of a life. The final trial was approaching and he immediately regretted sitting in. This girl was too unique to let die.

"You have a kind heart. I admire that." Ally spoke directly to Aiden. Looking at his expressions throughout the meeting Ally noticed the sympathy in his eyes. This young man stood out among the rest. Aiden looked around confused as to who she spoke too but her gaze never left him.

"Vermont, before I die I would like to ask a request from you." Ally directed her stare towards Vermont, this time her expression was soft. Vermont nodded.

"I think this gentleman has great potential. While the other members verdict in greed and personal gain. I'd advise you to end their en-devours and employ more suitable candidates." Ally gestured to Aiden.

"I couldn't agree more. Aiden is a very promising man. Ally would you like a break before continuing your final trial?" Vermont almost begged her to do so but he knew Ally's stubbornest so her answer was expected.

Ally, "I don't see the logic in delaying the inevitable. I'd much rather die before my father wakes up anyhow. It would be much too satisfying for him to witness."

Aiden didn't know what to think of her statement. Did her father really hate her that much? Vermont's head began to drop and he raised his hand. Ally returned to the middle of the oval room and stood tall.

"The final trial is the power of resurgence and vitality. To test this you will be... shot in the head at point blank range with a silver bullet. If you survive, we will state you as Luna. Making you a god among people. A powerful force which may never be disposed of." Vermont could barely state the final trial. It was a test no person had ever survived. Aiden bowed his head in shame, he wanted to know more about Ally. Why was she so cold and collected? Why did she posses the wisdom of a thousand lives?

"Ally, I would like to thank you for joining us today. I am darkened to have this done to such a unique specimen as yourself. On behalf of the council I am truly sorry you were put forth for these trials." Vermont admitted dejected.

Ally, "You have no reason to apologize Vermont. This is my fate and I have no right to question it."

"May I interject?" Aiden suddenly spoke up. Ally looked over to see Aiden standing looking quite alarmed.

"Very well Aiden." Vermont permitted which yet again angered the members.

"You have not pleaded, cried or expressed pain throughout this whole experience. The only time I have seen you smile a genuine grin is when your demise is mentioned. Ally, why are you giving up so easily?" Aiden spoke softly as if trying to understand her. Ally thought for a moment. This man was good at identifying body language and emotions. It caught her slightly off guard. Ally sighed and placed her hand on her head conflicted whether to admit the truth before she died. Perhaps, it would relieve her in the after life.

"Several months ago I lost someone very important to me. Issac's case was deliberated in this very room to be specific. I watched as the boy I loved was torn apart by feral vampires. Viewing the skin being torn from his bones and his body reduced to it's shriveled state, I acted out of character. I killed every vampire except from one in an effort to protect him." Ally started to get choked up in her words. Reliving that night was too painful for her but she endured. This was something she had to admit before she died. Aiden's eyes filled up to see emotion in Ally's face for the first time.

Ally, "I was gravely injured and when I woke up from my coma he was the first thing I asked for. My brother stood next to my bed in tears and told me that Issac died at the scene and my attempt to protect him wasn't enough. This is a truth I have never told, Issac was not only my best friend. Issac was my mate." tears streamed down Ally's face as she blubbered the final words.

Aiden was immediately hurt for her. A wolfs mate was one of a kind and shared the strongest bond that existed in the spirit realm.

"I lost myself that day not to mention it was the first time I'd ever taken a life. My views are regardless of someones soul they should be given a chance to change. Those men didn't get that chance." Ally looked down in sadness.

"You forgave them?" Aiden was shocked at her words. Ally kept her head bowed.

Ally, "I forgave all members that day exempt one... Myself. Their life was not mine to take. I acted out of rage and it's ruled me every day since." Ally stuttered every word. Finally admitting her inner thoughts exhausted her more than the trials. Quickly correcting herself Ally looked up and peered into Aiden's eyes.

"Let's begin." Ally wiped her tears and stood tall once more. Vermont nodded trying his best to hold back his sympathy.

"Ally, I'm sorry you had to endure this and I will keep your words with me until the day I die." Vermont admitted his head hanging low in defeat. Aiden looked as the steward walked over with the pistol in hand. The room was silent and all members also bowed their head.

Ally looked at the gun in hand and began to feel calmer than she'd ever been. Aiden, listened to the almost silent thud in her chest. There was no panic or sadness the beating was steady. She'd waited so long for this moment. The moment she could be free from her pain, so that she didn't have to struggle anymore. To the councils surprise Alpha King began to wake and jumped up in a panic, struck by confusion. Ally turned her head towards her father. Alpha King stumbled to his feet clutching to his head.

"Just in time father. I knew you wouldn't miss this part." Bitterly Ally addressed her father whom looked at her with confusion.

Alpha, "Ally... " his words were soft spoken this time. Ally realized he wanted to make amends before her end but she couldn't grant him that after everything he'd done.

"Save what ever dignity you have left. Before I pull this trigger I need you too know that this is of my own accord and you cannot take credit for my death. This is my choice and my choice alone. I could of ran, I could of fought but I didn't. " Ally's words were determined. Letting the Alpha know that this was indeed her choice. He had no influence over this situation the same he had no influence over Ally in the 18 years he'd watched her. Alpha King bowed his head in sorrow and Ally began smiling once more.

Glancing up at the jury she removed the silencer from the pistol knowing the shot would echo in the large room. Ally wanted the sound to linger, she wanted them all to remember what happened here today. Vermont looked quite concerned to see her unscrew the silencer.

"I want this sound to stick with you for the rest of your life." Ally said coldly. When there was no answer Ally looked at her father which to her devastation was weeping once more. His tears were genuine which conflicted her. Immediately, rage followed.

"Who do you cry for me now huh? You've had years to shed a tear for me and now you choose your moment? Now you have regrets father?" Ally shouted which startled the council. Aiden could see the pain and anger in her eyes which were glowing once again. Alpha tried to speak but couldn't.

"I can't forgive you much as you want me too. I genuinely hope when this day ends you can finally find yourself and change your ways. Otherwise I have nothing left to say to you." with that Ally raised the gun to her head... All members gasped and Aiden immediately looked away. Vermont bowed his head.

Ally felt the cold barrel against her head and sighed a breath of relief as she looked at her father. Her hands startled to shake as her body went into survival mode but she blocked the impulses to put down the gun. Smiling once more Ally closed her eyes.



All council members jumped at the sound and it was quickly followed by her body falling lifeless to the floor. Aiden couldn't bare to look at her. Vermont lifted his head up to see Ally laying on the floor completely dormant. Alpha King stood in terror staring at Ally's body and he was so traumatized that he started to stumble away. So distraught he immediately fled his feet barely carrying him.

"Steward could you check for a pulse." Vermont demanded. The steward nervously walked over and put his finger on Ally's neck. Waiting a few moments he shook his head as confirmation. She was gone. Aiden gulped and looked over at her. Eyes closed she lay on her side blood seeping from her head. The energy seemed to leave him and Aiden got up from his seat and excused himself. The girls body was too much for him and the blood which he wasn't normally phased by became a distraction.Vermont watched as Aiden left his hand covering his mouth.

"Ask the coroner to pick her up immediately. This trial is dismissed." Vermont also devastated that such a talented girl was now dead. Other council member also got up and left without muttering a word.

----------------------------Ally's bedroom-------------------

Helen and Blake sat in the middle of Ally's floor without saying a word. Tears streamed down both of their faces and whenever they would speak their words were choked. Ally or the Alpha hadn't told them they had left for the trials. Blake was angered by this. He wanted to say a genuine goodbye to his sister before her demise and his father stole that from him.

"Blake, you know she loved you right?" Helen muttered. Blake gripped his hands.

"She loved both of us mother despite her ways. Ally is an expert at hiding how she truly feels. It's just who she is." Blake said it almost enlightened. Helen also smiled.

"I remember when she was growing up she could outwit your father in a heartbeat and it used to make him so mad. Whenever, he was going to beat you she would step in and take your lashings. Ally never bowed to anyone. That girl has such a strong heart, I just wish it wasn't broken." Helen spoke as if she were talking to Ally directly. Helen loved her daughter so much, it killed her that she couldn't say goodbye. Ever since Isaac died Ally cut off ties with everything completely. Including her mother. Blake was often lucky to speak to her but even then their conversation were bleak and brief.

"Now she doesn't have to hurt anymore mom. Ally wanted this I know she did. Drinking all of the time and eating a little as she could was her way of destroying herself. It hasn't happened yet but I'll sure as hell feel it when it does." Blake said sadly as his eyes filled up. Helen rested her head on Blake's shoulders. Too loose a twin was unimaginable. As they were intertwined in grief a pair of high heels were heard echoing towards them. Shoes of that height only belonged to one person. Leah pulled her head around the door seeing mother and son weeping.

"Don't tell me your wasting your tears on that girl. After she treated you both so coldly." Smugly she enticed Blake.

"This has nothing do with you Leah. Get out." Blake gritted his teeth. He hated Leah just as much as Ally.

Leah, "Please spare me the lecture. I have no interest in that girl dead or alive. Word around here spreads like wildfire. So, she's completing the trials. She's definitely isn't coming back then." Leah said coldly. Helen stood up in anger and glared at Leah.

"You selfish, jealous b*tch. You can't put aside pitiful rivalry for one moment while my daughter is about to loose her life." Helen was furious.

"Maybe if you raised her a little better Helen then she wouldn't have to face such a fate." Leah said sarcastically. Without hesitation Helen slapped Leah mercilessly. As Leah raised her hand to slap her back Blake catches her hand and squeezes tightly.

"You lay a hand on my mother and I will not show you mercy Leah." Blake said viciously. Leah began to chuckle and snatched her hand back.

"Enjoy your mourning. I'll be celebrating." Smiling Leah spun on her heels and left. Blake placed his head on the door-frame while Helen rubbed his back. Without warning Blake felt a piercing pain in his heart which caused him to fall to his knees. Helen fell with him and began to sob on his shoulder. Blake's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No! NO! She can't be gone she- she can't be." Blake stuttered in shock. The feeling in his heart faded and he no longer felt his sister. Blake then screamed in anger and banged his head against the wall. Helen hugged him tighter and cried uncontrollably. Their hearts were broken.

-------------Aiden's car--------------------

Aiden relived watching the coroner carry Ally's body bag into the car as he drove quickly. He was still in shock over the whole situation and he couldn't understand why he felt a sense of loss. Ally wasn't a friend or anything like that but she sure left an impression on him. Now she was gone he didn't know what to do. Those piercing blue eyes and hair as black as night were features he would never see again. Aiden tried to shake his thoughts but her image still stuck with him. Pulling into the drive of a high end mansion Aiden shook his head before entering.

-------------------------Lang Mansion----------------

Aiden stepped through the door and was overwhelmed with the smell of alcohol and smoke. The room was practically a hot-box of half naked woman and handsome young men. Placing his hand on his head Aiden sighed and began pushing past the drunk strangers in his house. A few familiar faces welcomed him but he wasn't in the mood for conversation so he made his way to the private lounge. Upon, entry he was met with a sight he knew too well. A girl straddled a man younger than Aiden seductively and kissed his playfully. With that he bit her hard on her neck causing her to moan in pleasure. Aiden rolled his eyes and slammed the door causing the girl to jump up in fright. The young man sighed in disappointment.

"It was fun while it lasted. You can leave now." the young man dismissed her with his hand at point she fled given Aiden a dangerous stare.

"Did you come here just to cock-block me brother?" the young man tutted as he poured himself a whiskey. The white and gold room was an image of good taste. Golden platters scattered the fine oak furniture holding expensive whiskeys imported from out of state.

"I've had a long day Dash. The last thing I need is my eardrums bursting and cleaning up a trashed house. Have a little respect." Aiden was annoyed. Dash was Aiden's younger step-brother and their relationship was rocky but reliant when it needed to be. Dash was around 19 years of age and looked nothing like his step-brother. Dash's hair was died black and he was bigger built. His muscles perturbed through his Armani shirt and his face was picture of perfection. His strong jawline and cheekbones could make a girl his within seconds. His hair was ear length and wavy. Dash was very attractive but he wasn't over confident in his looks.

"You've been at the council court right?" Dash asked intrigued sipping on his whiskey.

"You aren't normally phased by such matters.?"

Aiden sighed and flopped onto the couch and poured himself a glass. Dash could sense his step-brother was unsettled and to Aiden surprise called the doorman to tell everyone to leave.

"Cutting the party off so soon?" Aiden questioned.

"I could save you a couple of girls if you like non of them interest me." Dash sighed.

"That's not a surprise. Will a girl ever appear to your standard." Aiden smiled. Dash smiled back with a hint of pain in his expression. Sitting opposed to his brother he looked on in interest.

"Let's talk about it. What did you witness?" Dash's words were heartfelt. Dash didn't have much regard for anything. Although he was younger Dash was very intelligent and sometimes Aiden struggled to keep up. Aiden always frowned upon Dash wasting his talents partying and disregarding his responsibilities but he accepted his brother for who he was. Just under a year ago his father introduced Dash as his brother claiming he had found him after a long search. Aiden was shocked but accepted him immediately. He's always wanted a brother.

"It was the usual. I sat on a murder trial and handled it pretty well. Vermont seemed to be quite impressed and asked me to sit the final case." Aiden's words lost their light half way though and Dash noticed this.

"What was the final case? Surely it can't be worse than a murder trial?" Dash said sincerely.

"I thought nothing would be worse than a murder trial but I misjudged brother. It was... the Luna trials." Aiden admitted sadly. Ally's face kept flashing in his head and he pushed back his hair in discomfort. Dash was immediately interested. Dash researched the supernatural often and had heard all about these trials but in simple terms they were a death sentence for wolves.

"I'm guessing some self-righteous idiot put themselves forward believing their superior. I've always hated those f*cking things." Dash said bitterly.

"No. Not this time... A wolf was put forward by her own father to undertake them." Aiden looked his brother in the eyes and sighed.

Dash, "That's unfortunate. The father must be one nasty piece of word to set his daughter up like that."

"You won't believe this but it was an Alpha." Dash looked up in shock. It was very strange to hear an Alpha do such a thing never-mind to his own child.

"Poor girl she must of been scared out of her mind." Dash spoke softly feeling sympathy for the mystery girl. Aiden chuckled to himself. Dash thought he'd went mad and pondered at his brother for a while. Aiden's chuckles soon subsided and he gulped down his whiskey.

"Dash, I've never met a girl like her. She reminded me a lot of you. Defiant, smart and a attitude like you wouldn't believe. Single handed she broke down the whole court, leaving even Vermont speechless." Aiden smiled at this thought. Dash had never seen his brother speak of a girl like this before, he sat silently analyzing his words.

"Her father was powerless against her. The sheer strength and wit could bring any man to their knees." Dash was unnerved to hear his brother speak these words. Not only was the girl a wolf but an Alpha's daughter.

"I wish you could have seen her Dash. You guys are like two peas in a pod." Aiden thought. Dash started to picture the girl in his mind.

"What was her name?"

"Ally... Ally King." Aiden said faintly. Dash almost dropped his whiskey on the floor. His head began to whirl as he scrambled to from a sentence. Ally! It can't be her.

"Ally King! " Dash blurted out. Aiden was startled to see Dash so unnerved.

"Do you know her?" Aiden questioned shocked.

"Aiden, p-please tell me she survived. Tell me she talked herself out of it!" Dash said concerned. Aiden was confused. Dash had never mentioned he knew a wolf member. Aiden couldn't believe his ears.

"Dash... she didn't make it." Aiden words were like bombshells. Dash picked up the whiskey bottle and flung it at the wall. Aiden stood up startled, he'd never seen Dash like that before. Dash was so calm and collected. Every word he said was well evaluated. Dash clenched his hair in disbelief. His eyes were so big they nearly poked out of his head.

"Dash, talk to me what's going on?" Aiden was concerned. Was Ally someone close to him? Dash's domineer quickly switched and he was furious. Before Aiden could say another thing Dash stormed out of the room. Aiden tried to follow but Dash was too fast.

------------- Dash's car----------------------

"You can't be dead! You can't be." Dash muttered to himself in disbelief. Why didn't anyone tell him? If he had known he would of sat the trial and helped her. Dash drove 120 mph until he reached the pack house. Storming through he burst open the doors taking the pack by surprise. Gasps soon filled the room and one girl fell to the floor in shock.

"Show me to Alpha King right now!" Dash bellowed. Alpha King heard the voice from his office and was dumbfounded. It was a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. Footsteps soon followed and his office door burst open with such force the handle forced through the wall.

" I t-told you never to come back here." Alpha stuttered.

"Where is she?" Dash yelled striking fear in the Alpha's heart. Alpha's head quickly dropped.

"Where the f*ck is she!" Dash advanced forward and the Alpha stepped back.

"So, you've heard." Alpha muttered.

"I will f*cking kill you!" Dash grabbed the Alpha by the throat and slammed him against the wall. Alpha King looked on in shock and corrected himself.

"Come now Isaac there's no need for violence."