Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 5 "Rebirth"

Blinding white lights filled the room as two females entered he white stone decor with sadness on their faces. It's scent was pungent with formaldehyde, used the preserve the deceased. One of the female unzipped the newly admitted patients and was quite surprised to see the beauty and age of the girl.

"It's always a shame when we see people this young come in." said a older woman in a formal attire.

"How old is she?" a younger female full of immature tendencies thought over the new arrival .

"Only eighteen years of age. Suicide it seems. What a waste she's a stunning girl." the woman said sadly.

Ally's body had been admitted to the city morgue and the mortician determined her death to be suicide due to the gunshot wound to her temple. Even in death though Ally's beauty was captivating. Her long black hair fell dormant off the edge of the gurney and her skin was completely untouched as it shone in the white overhead lights.

"I wonder why she did it? For someone to be that lost to take their own life, I wonder what led her to it?" the young female asked staring at Ally's face.

"That is her secret and her secret alone. At least she's not suffering anymore." the female placed Ally on a metal slab and placed a sheet over her naked body.

"We will make preparations for the funeral tomorrow. Let's let her be." The female mortician walked away but the younger female stared at Ally once more. She was so pretty? I thought looks were the key to happiness? Snapping back to reality the girl bowed her head in respect and walked out. The girl didn't like being left alone in the morgue, it was far too spectral without a companion.

Ally's body was left alone and the quiet whispers slowly filled the room but they fell on deaf ears. It was Vermont's words tempting her, streaming our to awaken her. His words hissed in the air.

"You will be shot and point blank range. If you survive we will state you as Luna."

Ally's face lay lifeless under the suddenly dim room. Simultaneously, the lights began to flicker and strand by strand Ally's hair began to turn... white. The young female assistant could hear the electric buzz from the lights and came to investigate. Upon entry the room was ice cold, so cold she could see her breath. The dark hue was like smoke and it terrified the young girl. She looked around for the female mortician but couldn't find her anywhere. Perhaps, this was a joke due to her new position.

"Elizabeth is this a prank? If so could you stop now it's really eerie in here." the girl whimpered. The sudden rattle of a table startled her causing her to sequel loudly. Her gaze directed towards Ally's slab and plucking up the courage she walked towards her and almost fainted... Ally's raven black hair had turned completely silver. This was not possible! Her hair was black, I recall it! What is this!

"Miss Hannigan I need you assistance immediately!" the young girl shouted in terror. The mortician strutted in quite annoyed, she was just about to leave.

"What is it Janet?" the mortician asked impatiently but Janet couldn't answer her glare transfixed on Ally. Miss Hannigan followed her glare and her face suddenly went blue with fright.

"I--I her h-hair wasn't that color before was it?" Janet stuttered but Miss Hannigan couldn't answer. In all of her years in this profession she'd never seen a sight like it.

"This is impossible."

Miss Hannigan began to blow on her hands noticing the chill in the room.

"I've never seen that in my 40 years of this profession. Has someone tampered with her?" Miss Hannigan was in shock. Her words whispered as a strange heaviness filled the room causing Janet to stumble back in a fear. Both looked on at Ally who was still lifeless. Their thoughts, went to spirits and demons but, they had no idea what forces were at work. Forces that hadn't been awakened in centuries swelling right before their eyes.

"Wait a minute! L--ook!" Janet gasped peering at Ally. Miss Hannigan adjusted her glasses and scanned Ally up and down. Ally's chest rose slightly then returned to resting position.

"Oh my god!" Miss Hannigan almost screamed. The sheets began to rapidly move up and down.

"Miss Hannigan I think she's still alive!" Janet shrieked tears running down her face. It was too much for her she was completely traumatized.

Using her expertise she treated this with care. It was not unheard of that an alive girl had been pronounced dead. Miss Hannigan rushed over to Ally and placed her fingers on Ally's neck to feel for a pulse. Her fingers lingered for a while. The pressure was more effective than paddles and it jump-started Ally's heart like an engine.

With her touch Ally sat up and snatched her arm with such speed Janet didn't even see it happen. Pushing her away all gasped for breath and began choking on the dry air in her throat. Searing pain pulsated through her head causing her to clutch it in agony. Ally felt like she'd been drugged and had no idea what was going on. The room was spinning and she struggled to focus on anything. Janet and Miss Hannigan were white as sheets. The girl they had just performed an autopsy on had come back from the dead right before their eyes.

The whispers returned but only fell on Ally's ears. It was a soft female voice.

"You still have purpose Ally. Your not done yet." Ally snapped her head round in confusion as the voices penetrated her pulsing head. Fearful, Ally tried to stand but collapsed at the table edge causing her to fall to her knees. Ally placed both hands on the floor and prepared herself as gut-wrenching nausea overcame her. Soon enough, she vomited her guts up as her body shook uncontrollably. It was as if she'd had the worst flu of her life. As her nausea settled Ally found the strength to lift her head staring Miss Hannigan and Janet dead in the eyes. Both female attendants noticed Ally was visibly in shock, her body was shaking because the fight or flight reaction was acting up. Miss Hannigan was surprised her nervous system was in tact at all considering the damage to her brain.

"How is this possible! Please don't hurt us." Janet pleaded shaking in fear. Miss Hannigan gulped attempting to console herself. Ally's vision blurred again and everything she saw was multiplied. Janet's words changed pitch and went from loud to quiet concomitantly. The room was still spinning and Ally bowed her head trying to fight it. Miss Hannigan could see she was in a lot of pain and advanced forward to comfort her.

"Do not c-come n-ear me!" Ally was shaking to much so her words weren't clear. Miss Hannigan immediately retreated. Ally weakly pushed herself up from the floor and sat back on the slab clutching the sheet to cover her body. Still unable to see clearly she clutched her head and shook it trying to dismiss her disorientation.

"C-could you t-t-turn down the l-ights please." Ally shivered violently. Janet slowly walked over to the light-switches and flipped one off making it easier for Ally to focus.

"Will someone please explain to me what the f*ck is going on?" Ally slurred her words. Ally had no memory of what had happened and tried desperate to recall the information but got nowhere in her state.It was as if the slate had been wiped clean. Miss Hannigan cleared her throat. Her eyes were like saucers peering on at Ally. The dead girl she'd just examined and pronounced dead. The girl with a bullet wound to her head. Talking and moving.

"Um.. um how are you alive?" Janet spoke up in awe. Ally frowned in response. What were they talking about why would she be dead?

"Is that suppose to be a joke or something? I'm perfectly alive." Ally scowled.

"I just examined you and pronounced you dead child!" Miss Hannigan shrieked. Ally looked down and began questioning why she was naked. Why was the room so cold also? Her skin was riddled with goosebumps from the cold air circulating the room. Ally glared at Miss Hannigan with anger.

"Unless, you have a twin sister whom switched places and I pronounced dead then I am positive you were dead. Look round you child! Look where you are! " she shrieked in disbelief.

Ally looked around the room trying her best to focus her eyes. When her eyes met the utensils on a silver platter not far from her, her heart almost stopped. Utensils like that were only used for one thing.

"I'm in a mo-mortuary?" Ally gasped. Studying, the two woman she could see the trauma on Ally's faces. Was what they say true?

"Do you know your name?" Janet stuttered. Ally thought for a minute. Her named echoed in her head that was something no matter how battered she was she would recall.

"It's Ally King... This was a great joke and all but I'm very tired so if you'd excuse me." Ally stood to leave but her body wouldn't listen to her. Miss Hannigan was getting frustrated that Ally didn't believe them. Being, very unprofessional, in this unworldly scene she handed Ally her case papers. Ally tried to focus on the words and it took a while to adjust.

Victim name: Ally King

Height: 5"8

Weight: 58 kg

Cause of death: Suicide by gunshot.

Ally couldn't believe her eyes, this was a genuine death certificate. Suddenly, flashback to the council meeting haunted her mind. It was her standing with a gun to her head smiling at her father. The papers fell from her hands and she clutched her head in pain once more.

" I don't understand. How am I alive?"Ally was stunned. This was true, she had died. Why else would she be in a morgue? Ally completed the trials and that was it?

"I'm calling the police they won't believe this. And an ambulance your gravely hurt Ally" Miss Hannigan fumbled fetching her phone from her pocket. Ally, saw the phone and knew immediately that if the police did come they would contact her father. Quickly snatching her phone Ally threw it at the wall with force. Miss Hannigan watched the metal and plastic sharps shatter on the floor and looked at Ally in shock.

"No phones now then your positive I was dead? Maybe I didn't shoot myself in the right place?" Ally asked desperately looking for an explanation. Had she really survived the trials by sheer luck by missing the shot?

" You were dead before you even got here child. I studied your wound it destroyed your brain. This is a unbelievable. You shouldn't be breathing never mind walking and talking!" Miss Hannigan was surprising excited to have witnessed such a thing.Moments like this only existed on her hospital dramas she would binge watch when not on shift.

Ally began to recall the trials. Vermont... her father and the mystery man who she confessed her sins too. All watching as she placed the gun to her head. Ally quickly clutched her head as the images began to flash through her mind. Bringing her hands forward, Ally heart stopped as two silver strands slid through her fingers. She jumped off the table and rushed over to a nearby mirror. Her raven hair was gone and replaced with long silver locks. Focusing, with more detail she caught sight of her eyes. Ally stumbled slightly at the sight, her mind couldn't comprehend this. One eye appeared blood red while the other was bluer than the hue of the moon. The icy blue eyes she'd possessed since birth were gone... Everything that made her Ally was gone, she could barely recognize herself. Now these two glowing circles stared back at her. In a way they were stunning, if she wasn't unique before she was indeed now.

"What the hell happened to me." Ally bowed her head in disgust. What had happened to her? Why was she still breathing she was so ready to be free. Her logic determined that the trials was her way out but the general purpose of them had been forgotten. The Luna trials were there to identify the re-birth of the gene. Ally snapped her head up and glared at herself again. Luna's hair was silver like the stars and her eyes were bluer than the moons hue. Her others story recite-ted in her head. It was a myth, it would be foolish to believe in such insolence. However, Ally didn't have any leads as to why she looked this way. For the first time in her eighteen years of existence her intellect couldn't help her.

"Stop being so naive Ally, there's no such affliction." Ally couldn't believe her own thoughts. Surely, there was no truth to this complete myth was there? Science had never proved this to be a condition nor had their ever been any records of someone coming back to life after shooting themselves in the head...

Ally spun around facing the two women with tears in her eyes. Miss Hannigan could see she was starting to understand.

"Could you bring me some clothes please. I would be grateful." Ally said her head bowed in exhaustion. Janet nodded and quickly reached in her bag for some clothes.

"H-here you can have these. I wear them when I've finished my shift." Janet stuttered but wasn't as afraid as she once was. Maybe Miss Hannigan was right, maybe this was a miracle. Ally forced a smile and nodded at Janet. Ally headed for the bathroom and felt a wave of nausea flush over her again. She ran to the toilet and was violently sick. Miss Hannigan walked closer to her but Ally lifted her hand demanding that she halted. In truth, Ally didn't feel like herself at all. Maybe it was because she'd just cheated death but either way her trust within herself was wavering.

"Give me a second." Ally closed the door and changed as quick as her body would let her. Her aching bones and migraine from hell affected her general motor skills making putting on trousers a real workout. Ally caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom mirror and immediately spun around. Her new look made her very uneasy. Each time she saw her eyes it reminded her that she was more than just different she was on a whole other spectrum now.

Ally swiftly exited the bathroom and stopped in her tracks to see Janet on her phone. In an instant she snatched the phone and listened to the caller.

"Miss you are telling me a girl has come back from the dead, are you sure your not on any illegal substances?"

Ally hung up and threw Janet's phone also.

"Ally we need to call you an ambulance you still have---" Miss Hannigan cut off her words and titled her head at Ally.Once again she choked on her words and with widened eyes pointed at Ally's head.

"How is that possible where is it?" her face appeared white . Ally reached up and touched her head and just felt hair and skull. The bullet hole was gone... Ally shook her head and walked past both woman. They must be completely flabbergasted not being from the supernatural world. Ally, wanted to spare them from this it was too dangerous for them to get involved.

"Thank-you for the clothes, for your own safety do not discuss today events with anyone am I understood." Both women nodded in response and Ally quickly fled.

------------Alpha's office------------------

Alpha King was thrown to the floor in rage by Dash who was taken back by his statement.

"Don't f*cking call me that. I am not Isaac. Tell me straight is Ally dead or not!" Dash's eyes glowed red and the Alpha couldn't look at him . Defeated he nodded his head in guilt. Dash picked up Alpha's oak desk and flung it at the wall causing it to crash into a million pieces.

"I left for her own f*cking safety. I left because I no longer belonged to this pack. Now your telling me after the deal we made you sent her to her death! You f*cking bastard!" Dash began punching the Alpha mercilessly until Blake sprinted through the doors and almost fainted at the sight. His father's blood was splattered everywhere. Dash looked at Blake and all he saw was Ally. He stopped in his tracks his fist still raised. His bright blue eyes and pitch black hair was enough to break Dash sown completely. What he would give to see Ally walk though those doors right now.

"Who the hell are you!" Blake said weakly still visibly heartbroken from the news. Dash couldn't speak instead he punched the Alpha one more time and headed for the door. Blake caught his arm and stared Dash in his eyes. Dash glared at him but couldn't bring himself to shove him aside.

"Your father is a dead man you understand me." Dash gritted his teeth with anger and pushed Blake's hand from him. Before, Blake could say another thing Dash was gone. Alpha King rolled over and begged his son to help him up. Blake smiled in response.

"I don't know who that was but I'm happy he came here tonight. He saved me a job of beating you myself you heartless f*cker. He's right you are a dead man walking!" Blake yelled in rage. Tears streaming down his cheeks as his father stood up to face him.

"I made a mistake Blake. It's too late for apologies now but if I could go back I would NEVER of let her undertake those trials." The Alpha blubbered uncontrollable blood dripping from his face.

"Save your tears you pathetic waste of space. If you think your attending her funeral boy do I have news for you. " Blake walked away exhausted. The Alpha limped over to his chair and dabbed away the blood with a tissue. It was true his life was on the line and he regretted the day he began to despise Ally. What he would give for her to outwit him one more time.

-------------------------Lang Mansion-------------------

Aiden paced back and forth constantly ringing Dash. He had grown to know Dash quite well over the last few months but what he just did was so out of character he questioned whether he'd lost his mind .As soon as Aiden said her name Dash's eyes filled up. He wanted to know how he knew Ally. How that unique girl broke his brothers mind.

Aiden was almost blinded by headlights as he saw Dash's car speed into the driveway. Aiden rushed outside the cold biting his cheeks. Dash quickly exited the car and before Aiden knew it he was dragged inside by his collar and pushed back into the private lounge couch. Dash stood over him covered in blood and Aiden could smell the wet dog scent.

"Brother what have you done?" Aiden said in fear.

"I want you to tell me exactly what happened in those trials or I will do to you what I just did to Alpha King do you f*cking understand me Aiden." Dash yelled. Aiden looked on in fear and realized that his brother wasn't playing around. Dash suddenly raised his fist and Aiden submitted immediately his brother was acting like a maniac.

"Okay, okay just calm down and I will tell you everything." Aiden pleaded. Dash sat down his legs shaking with adrenaline and cracked open a bottle of whiskey drinking it from the bottle. Aiden took a deep breath.

"Ally completed the first trial like it was nothing, she picked up the silver bar and held it unharmed. Then she snapped it in two like a twig." Aiden rushed his words trying to give Dash the answer he was looking for but Dash didn't say a word. Readjusting his collar Aiden continued growing more and more weary of Dash as he sat covered him blood.

"It then came to the second trial which is the independence of character and defiance. Alpha King got angry at Ally for upsetting the council and pinned her against the wall. Ally then picked him up by his throat and slammed him to the ground knocking him unconscious. She completed this trial without even knowing it." Aiden kept rushing trying to ease his brother in some way but his words angered Dash more. When he heard Alpha King had touched her like that it killed him inside.

"Keep going." Dash sighed getting impatient with his brother.

"Then the final trial presented itself and..." Aiden stopped struggling to say the words. What if it sent Dash over the edge. Dash closed his eyes waiting for the words.

"She shot herself Dash." Aiden strained to say it still devastated by witnessing the tragedy. Dash gripped his bottle tight causing it to smash in his hands.

"Did she say anything to you before she did it?" Dash said this time his words full of pain and despair.

"Yes, she did." Aiden said faintly.

"Tell me what she said." Dash was desperate. Aiden took an deep breath and could recall her words as if if she'd just spoke them.

"Ally, told me that several months ago she watched the boy she loved be torn apart by feral vampires. His name was Isaac Lake and he was Ally's mate... she recalled killing several vampires in an attempt to save him but her efforts were failed. After waking up from her coma Isaac was the first person she asked for but was told he died at the scene. I think she blamed herself for his death, Ally didn't reject or defy the trials in anyway which leads me to believe she wanted this brother. Ally said she was nothing without him." Aiden took a deep breath. Aiden was scared to look at his brother. What if he wanted to kill him for not stopping the trials? Would he hate him forever?

Bravely, Aiden raised him head and was completely shocked. Dash was sobbing uncontrollably, so hard that he couldn't even breathe. He was having a full blown panic attack and didn't know what to do. Aiden jumped up and put his hand on Dash's shoulder in an attempt to console him. Dash gripped Aiden's shirt tightly in the panic and slid to the floor. Aiden came with him.

"Brother, please just breath and talk to me!" Aiden was extremely concerned as Dash's face turned blue. Dash began to go dizzy which caused him to relax his lungs in order for him to breathe. Dash pulled his legs up to his chest and breathed deeply.

"It's all my fault, how could I do that to her!" Dash forced his words letting his inner mind go free.

"Dash what are you talking about how do you know Ally!" Aiden asked desperately.

"I'm Isaac Lake okay! It's me! I did this to her!" Dash cried out his words in grief. Aiden was nearly knocked off his feet by his words.

"H-how is that possible? You can't be Issac Lake!" Aiden could barely form a sentence. How could Dash be Isaac Lake it was out of the question? Isaac Lake was a wolf!

Aiden waited for Dash to answer but he was visibly exhausted. He didn't even have the strength to life his head. The words he'd kept inside of him for seven months was finally out in the open. He was Issac Lake...

----------------------------Club strip ----------------

Ally walked barefoot across the cold concrete floor. The cold sting caused shooting pain to riddle through her legs making them weak. Wearing a casual jumper and jeans she stood out like a nun in a strip club. Even in such casual wear she was still captivating and her silver hair caught the attention of every man on the strip. Wolf whistles and obscene words were called after her but she was still out of it after her ordeal. Without being aware of what was going on she was caught of guard when she was pushed against the wall by two men. They grabbed her wrists and pinned them by her side. Ally inhaled quickly and their scent sanctioned them as vampires, she was slightly shocked they didn't recognize her scent. Vampires were normally repulsed by wolves. Ally pushed them away but had very little strength.

"Whoa, sweetheart there's no need for violence. We just want to show you a good time. Your the hottest girl I've ever seen out here." a young man dressed in a top end suit estimated £200,000 addressed Ally seductively looking at her body. Ally couldn't comprehend what he was saying and instead blinked in amusement. Was he serious? How drunk did he have to be to not know she was a wolf?

"You look pretty out of it so it already saves me a job of drugging you." with that his hand caressed her neck. Suddenly. Ally felt a heightened sense of awareness and immediately gripped his hand with such force you could hear his bones snap under the pressure.

"If your looking for pleasure then you better tend to yourself. Maybe avoid jerking off with this hand for a while though. Don't worry though handsome I'll leave your left hand, have a nice night." with that Ally snapped the mans wrist in half causing him to scream in pain. Ally didn't understand what just happened. It was like her body went into survival mode and she had no control. Those words were not hers and neither were her actions. She was harsh but usually violent with words not with actions. Ally pushed past the men and jogged towards the quiet bar on the end of the strip.


Upon entry, there was no lights blinking or any people in at all. Confused she looked around for staff but couldn't find any.This place was a ghost town. Frantically, her eyes searched for Quinn, the young wolf who would serve her whenever she came.

A tap on her arms startled her causing her to clench her fists. Spinning around she was met face to face with a waitress.

"I'm very sorry miss but we are closing tonight on behalf of a recent death." the girls words caught in Ally's throat and she didn't know what to say. Was this death hers?

"I'm sorry to intrude but I was wondering if I could speak with Quinn please. I'm a close friend." Ally forced sympathy through her words trying to convince the girl but she looked back in sadness.

" Perhaps you can console him he seems very distraught over the loss. He's just through the back your welcome to try talk to him." the girl was almost begging Ally to see to him. With that Ally nodded and headed for the back. Ally was conflicted. Why had she returned here? She knew she wanted to talk to another member of her pack to ask for advise but couldn't understand why Quinn was the first person she thought of. Maybe it was his quick wit or caring soul.

Ally entered a store room full of brown boxes piled high to the ceiling, the light was dim but she could see Quinn in the far corner his head low to the floor. Quinn didn't look up so he didn't have a a chance to recognize her. Not that he would anyway she looked like a totally different person.

"Jessica, I told you just leave me alone and let me pay my respects to her in peace." Quinn said bitterly, he did seem very upset. Ally stood their not knowing what to say. Was this a good idea? What would he do when he saw her? Just as she was about to leave Quinn stood up outraged.

"Your just going to stand there the whole t---"his words were cut short and he looked on in awe. Ally looked him in the eyes and saw Quinn begin to sway so she rushed over and sat him down before he collapsed.

"Quinn, take it easy." Ally knelt before him.

"Ally? Is it really you?" Dumbfounded Quinn couldn't even pronounce his words properly. Ally shamefully looked down.

"It's me. I know it's hard to tell these days. Surprised to see me?"

"Ally the whole wolf community is mourning you right now. They all think your dead. You did the trials how are yo--" Quinn's eyes suddenly filled with tears. Curious, he stroked Ally's silver hair which felt like fresh silk. Ally lifted her head and Quinn stared at her eyes in shock.

"Oh my god. Your Luna!" Quin almost fell off the box he was sitting on. Ally shushed him quickly placing her hand over his mouth.

Ally, "You wan't to kill me off already? You do not say that anymore do you understand? I don't know what I am. I don't know what happened to me or how I survived those trials but I did." Quinn nodded showing his understanding. He was surprised to see Ally's words appear quite normal compared to her usual speaking manner.

"Ally, you sound different?" Quinn was intrigued by this and wanted to know more. Ally sighed seeing her cover had been blown.

"Cut me a break I can't be a genius all of the time you know? Plus, I did just take a bullet to the head so forgive me if I'm not up to my usual standards" Ally said it almost humorously causing Quinn to smile.

"Ally, everyone is going to loose their minds when you go back. What are you going to do?"

Ally, "I'm going to hug my brother whom I bet is hurting really bad right now. Then, I'm going to walk into my fathers office, hopefully giving him a heart attack, if not then I want to challenge him for the Alpha role." Ally was even struck by her own words and her mind seemed to make her decision for her. Quinn looked on in excitement.

"Your going to be my new Alpha! I would love that, maybe then I won't get beat all of the time. If I have an Alpha I actually like then I won't misbehave anymore." Quinn smiled and Ally forced one back.

This young wolf had a lot of faith in her and it warmed her heart slightly.

"Don't worry I'm going to try my best. Save your tears little pup. I'm not worth crying over. I'm glad I could speak with someone. I better return, I can't let my brother suffer anymore than he has." Ally patted Quinn's head and stood to leave at which point he wrapped his hand around her and hugged her.

"Promise me you won't leave again." Quinn's words were heartfelt but Ally couldn't bring herself to speak. That was something Ally couldn't promise because regardless of her second chance at life she still had to live in a world without Isaac. She was still lost, even more so now than before. Ally hugged him back and then left before her thoughts became too much.
