Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 6 "Weary"

Ally stood at the tree line watching the pack house. Her silver hair shone luminous in the moonlight and her eyes had a natural glow. The baggy, over-sized jumper floated effortlessly in the wind as she frowned on at her pack.

It was tradition, that if a wolf perished then all members were requires to light lanterns out of respect. The wolves she grew up with stood in a circle, some of which she recognized and some she questioned. Surprisingly, some were even weeping. Ally rolled her eyes, why did they care about her so much? She hadn't engaged with them for almost a year. Perhaps, they were crocodile tears in an attempt to grant sympathy, it's unnerving to see what people will do for attention. Scanning the crowd her eyes soon found her brother, clearly weak and disorientated he lent against their mother whom cried uncontrollably. Sadly, her mother wasn't someone she recognized anymore. Helen and Ally had never gotten along. Helen was too passive and dominated... the polar opposite to Ally. The countless times Ally and Blake was beaten, her mother turned a bind eye out of fear from their father.

The atmosphere was grim and the wolves raised the lantern in uni-synth highlighting their faces bound with sorrow.

Ally pushed her body against the tree for stability at the packs gesture still dazed from the nights events. What would her pack do when she returned still alive and kicking.? The community would go up in flames, people would gossip childishly about the Luna gene coming to life. Despite, her doubts, Ally had returned for Blake. The brother she loved more than anything, the brother whom regardless of her cold demeanor stuck by her and endured. Blake deserved to be at peace and know she was alive. Even if it meant she would see him one last time. The pack watched the lanterns float into the sky and began embracing each other. Blake stared up at the sky and thought about Ally looking down upon him when in reality she was less than 200 meters away. Ally wanted to run to him and hug him but she wasn't stable enough yet. It would alarm the pack also.

Promptly, the whole pack bowed their heads as the Alpha walked out of the main door with his face cut to shreds. Ally couldn't believe her eyes. Who could have done that to her father? Following with a grin on her face was her step-sister Leah. Strutting out in her red bottomed heels she looked very happy with herself. Ally gripped the tree she leaned against causing the trunk to dent under her strength. What was that sly, pathetic excuse for a female doing back here? Blake looked up in hatred at his father, trying his best not to cave in his face further. Blake, didn't know who the young man was he encountered beating his father earlier. Who ever he was Blake was very grateful seeing his father limb towards the ceremony.

"Put aside your sorrows for one moment, I have an announcement." Alpha bellowed. The pack began quivering in fear and Ally wanted nothing more than to break his legs where he stood. Helen wiped her tears and looked on at the Alpha with underlying wrath. He had taken away her only daughter. Her everything.

"You would announce something at a time like this Jackson. Do you have no heart!" Helen yelled causing the pack to look on in terror. This was the first time Helen had ever spoke against his request. Even the Alpha was startled. Alpha King advanced forward his fist bawled ready to strike Helen but Blake stepped in front blocking his way.

"Get out of my way boy." Alpha gritted his teeth and Blake sneered back.

"This is for Ally." Blake said calmly as he punch his father in the face causing him to stumble, his legs buckling beneath him. Ally's legs almost caved. In her death she had ignited a fire in her family she never knew existed. Both her mother and brother were defying her father in her honor. When the Alpha straightened up he punched Blake so hard he knocked him out cold, when Helen raised her hand to slap the Alpha and was also knocked out cold.

"You wish to follow in Ally's footsteps then follow, you will die the same way she did!" the Alpha screamed outraged. Ally's eyes began to glow as she peered at her brother and mother passed out on the cold grass. Everything inside of her told her to stay put but she couldn't. The rage inside of her was too much. No more will people kneel before him, no more will people live in fear. Enough was enough!! Alpha King placed his knee on the floor and raised his fist to continue pummeling Blake and Helen when he felt a force strike his body. The immense power behind it knocked the wind out of him. Alpha King flew almost 100 yards before he skidded on the grass. Dazed he looked around to see what had happened and saw a girls shadow walking towards him. The blazing flame of the fire behind her. Almost unconscious he couldn't make out her face. Pack members looked around in confusion, completely in shock from what they had witnessed. The flames grew higher as a large gust of wind swept the grass. Alpha King stumbled to his feet and looked around for the girl whom was nowhere to be seen.

"W-who did that! Find them! I demand they be found.!" Alpha King screamed causing the pack to scramble some tripping over their own feet.

"Alpha where is your wife and son?" one pack member shrieked. Leah stood still and refused to move. Staring at the spot where the mysterious girl just stood. Alpha King slapped her face breaking her daze and she gripped her cheek in pain.

"What did you see! Where did they go Leah answer me!" his voice panicked Leah just shrugged her shoulders in disbelief.

"It was too fast, no-one can move that fast. They just dissipated Father I swear it." Leah stuttered. It was true, when the Alpha was flung almost into another world Leah caught a glimpse of silver hair and piercing glowing eyes but the person was too quick to see. When she looked back Blake and Helen were gone. Alpha King immediately thought this was witchcraft and demanded the wolves find the witch responsible.

-----------------Helen's bedroom--------------

Ally stumbled through her mothers room with Blake and Helen over each arm and tried to walk but had virtually no strength at all. Ally collapsed forward, placing Blake and Helen gently on the floor. Hands spread apart Ally looked down to see blood droplets on the carpet and brought her hand to her nose.

It was bleeding heavily and the pulsating migraine she had before returned with a vengeance. Not even Ally knew what happened, she remembers running towards the Alpha to stop him but after that she blacked out.

Mayhem was breaking out in the yard as wolves desperately looked for the culprit whom had injured their Alpha. Ally pushed her mothers door shut and pulled Blake and Helen away from it. If someone came in now Ally didn't know what would happen. Something didn't feel right inside of her, the calm inside her soul felt desperate and disturbed. Breathing heavily she examined Blake and Helen. Stroking Blake's cheek he flinched slightly when she applied pressure to his bruised head. Ally breathed in relief to see that their injuries were minor. Ally stumbled towards the window and looked out. People scrambled in every direction, she could hear some calling out about a witch. Ally began to question the wolves intelligence, they didn't even recognize her. Successfully, she'd ruined her fathers pride and saved her family without detection. So, caught up in her joy Ally didn't see her brother start to stir slowly waking up from his head injury. Ally tried to stand but couldn't. Whatever, she had done it had taken the very soul out of her, with each movement her body would weakly shake.

How had things turned out this way? Miracles, don't happen to people like her so why had the gods expressed such mercy? Why was she still alive?

Sliding her head against the window Ally pricked up her ears. Footsteps! Heavy footsteps filled the house as people searched frantically for Blake and Helen. Ally didn't know what to do. If she left them here her father would torture them, on the other hand what if they recognized her. Ally would be hunted for the rest of her days. The footsteps got closer and Ally crawled perilously to the door placing her hands against it to stop anyone coming in.

Blake opened his eyes to sound of banging and was met with a mysterious girl with white hair trying desperately to keep the doors shut. Ally spun round pressing the door closed with her back and met eyes with her brother. Helen also shot up and looked at the door terrified that the Alpha would enter at any minute, totally oblivious of her daughter. Blake blinked a few times and clutched his head in agony. Ally looked at her family, her heart began to throb seeing them like that. Her father had broke them too. She so selfishly gave up her life without regarding Blake. Without her there who would protect him?

Ally's nose started to bleed again and she felt her mind completely short-circuit. Ally's body was begging her to pass out but Ally refused too. Blake's vision eventually returned, Ally groaned in pain as her muscles began to seize. His hearing came back and was struck with shouting coming from behind the door. Startled, Blake jumped up and sprinted for the door trying with all his might to keep it closed. Ally bowed her head causing her hair to block her face.

"Who are you? Why are you helping us?" Blake shouted over the wolves outside. Ally couldn't talk she was in too much pain. Instead, she gripped Blake's arm encouraging him to hold on.

"Alpha their in there I can hear Blake inside." members shouted. Ally's heart almost dropped when they mentioned Alpha. Ally wasn't strong enough to fight him off at this point and it was too late to run now. Helen, broke from her terrified expression and also moved to the door pushing it with all of her might.

"He's coming ready yourselves." Helen pleaded. Ally didn't look at either of them she was too focused on keeping her father out. Suddenly, a huge crash slammed against the door, so strong the door opened slightly. Alpha King pushed the wolves aside and began barging it open with all of his might.

"I can't hold on much longer." Ally whispered thinking desperately for a way out. When in defeat she found no outlet. Soon or later he was going barge though that door. Ally wasn't going to leave her family so she decided to stand her ground even if she died on the spot.

"On the count of three we are going to move away from the door. You stay behind me at all costs. Do you understand?" Ally said calmly. Blake shot his head up and Helen did the same in concern. Ally bowed her head and began the count.






All three of them jumped back away from the door. To their surprise the door didn't break straight away giving them enough time to formulate their positions. Ally stood tall at the front bypassing the immense exhaustion she felt. Blake closed his eyes awaiting the final blow and Helen did the same.

"Do not advance at any time. I will handle this." Ally said calmly. Blake's heart suddenly began to beat faster and he looked at the meretricious girl in front. Still, he couldn't make out her face and in the panic she never looked at him once which confused him. Why was she trying to save them? Why did she sound do familiar to him?

Ally stood firm as the doors finally gave way. Alpha King stood front with his fists bloody from hammering the door. Other members, stood further behind in anticipation. Leah stood equal to her father in a fight stance ready for whatever may happen. Ally bowed her head so her silver hair covered her face. Leah looked on at the small girl and smiled. In her mind she thought how foolish this girl was to cross them. She was going to make her suffer. Ally kept her head bowed not out of fear but to conceal herself until she felt ready.

Alpha King took this as a submit and began chuckling.

"You've entered the wrong pack today witch. As for you two, your going to wish you were dead. You miss Ally so much I'll make sure you see her soon." Alpha King's words were sarcastic and bitter. Leah chuckled from behind and Ally clenched her fists at his words. He talked a vicious game but Ally had already won.

"I want her burned at the stake and these two brought to the basement. Such a pathetic attempt in saving these two, I'm quite intrigued why you would do such a thing. Did you suddenly have a moment of sympathy seeing me beating them?" Alpha questioned with a hint of humor in his voice. Blake and Helen looked at the girl who hadn't said a word since he entered. Ally didn't move an inch and stared contently at the floor. Ally, settled herself and thought deep into her brain to find a plan. This was a choice she was going to have to make. Either, expose herself as Ally or let her family die in vain. The choice was so easy she didn't even hesitate, she will never let anyone harm her brother. Alpha King looked on concerning at the girl, she wouldn't look or speak to him. Leah stepped forward and went to grab Ally by the throat but Ally grabbed her hand and began crushing her wrist her head still bowed. Alpha King looked on sight amused to see the witch finally fighting back. Leah moaned in pain before Ally let her go. Leah was taken aback at the strength of this small framed girl.

"If your going to kill us then just do it father. If Ally was here, she would have used everything in her power to break you. You were no match for my sister which is why you disposed of her. I want this whole pack to know that Ally would have beaten you hands down for the Alpha role and I would give anything to have seen it." Blake said calmly and collected no longer frightened by his fathers demeanor. Alpha King raised his hand to punch Blake but Ally caught it again. Ally pushed the Alpha with might back. He looked at the witch completely dumbfounded she had such strength?

Helen recognized this girls bravery although she couldn't understand why she was protecting them.

It didn't matter she was extremely grateful.

"I don't know who you are but I want to thank you for standing for us today child. My daughter would have been very grateful." Helen said softly weeping at Blake's words. Ally smiled to herself in response. Her mothers pain-staked words gave her a boost of adrenaline.

"I've had enough kill them all." Leah said waving her hand like she owned the place. Pack members looked at each other confused. They didn't take order from her but the Alpha remained silent?

"Who made you Alpha Leah?" Blake leered. Leah smiled in return.

"Well, before I was rudely interrupted by this scheming little bitch. Father was just about to announce he is making me Alpha." Leah said proudly. The pack didn't know whether to laugh or cry, they hated Leah because her head was always above the rest and her intellect was very lacking.

"So I'd watch your tongue when speaking to me brother. As for you." Leah said stroking Ally's hair.

"Why are you so strong and why were you protecting such a waste of space?" Leah said viciously. Alpha King stood silent watching Leah. Ally stiffened up stunned at the news that her father had picked Leah for the Alpha role and not Blake.

"Answer me or I cut you open as you stand." Leah yelled in Ally's ear. Ally, had enough of own charade and was looking forwards to seeing their faces as she looked up. Just as Ally was about to lift her head she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Looking down in confusion, a silver blade stuck out of her abdomen. Ally couldn't believe that Leah had stabbed her she never knew Leah was that cruel.

Ally's breath stuttered in shock but she couldn't feel any pain. Alpha King smiled. Blake and Helen placed their hands over their mouths as they gasped.

"I warned you witch." Leah whispered in Ally's ear seductively. Ally clutched the blade and pulled it out with a swift motion. Ally clutched her wound and was shock to feel the skin begin to mend itself. Leah stepped back weary that the girl didn't even flinch when she stabbed her.

"You put up a strong front witch but you won't be so silent when I burn you at the stake for trespassing on wolf territory." Leah pronounced each word trying to sound as much like the Alpha as she could. Feeling quite satisfied to feel her wound heal immediately Ally turned her head towards Blake and Helen. The silver locks parted ways letting Ally's red and blue eye shine through. Blake looked on in confusion for a second and then his expression softened. Blake was filled with admiration for this girl, who stood wounded and noble. Still, he didn't recognize her, Ally had changed a lot more than she thought.

"I'd advise all pack members to return to their rooms. I would like to speak to the Alpha in private." Ally said professionally. Alpha King glared in disbelief and then began to chuckle.

"You wish to have a meeting with me. Are you tired of living witch?" Alpha chuckled his words.

"She's clearly trying to pass time father. I would too if I was going to be burned at the stake." Leah gritted. Ally sighed.

"Under pack law it is forbidden to burn a witch without consultation from the council. Therefore, you cannot touch me and If you attempt it I have the right to defend. Believe me, for your own sake speaking with me will be much less painless for you both." Ally's words were dignified and fearless. Alpha King didn't know what to say. How could a witch possibly know pack law? Pack members began gossiping among themselves still in anticipation. Alpha King shot his head back and glared at them. Without a second thought they shook in fear.

"Go to your rooms. I'll call for you when the burning is about to begin."

"Yes Alpha!" they answered him like a soldier. Alpha grinned at their obedience and redirected his glare to Blake and Helen.

"I'll deal with you too later. You will pay dearly for this act of disobedience." Alpha clenched his fists. Blake and Helen both looked at their savior.

"Go, I will see you both again." Ally said softly. Blake nodded and walked down the hall with Helen leaning against his for support.

"Father, why don't we just kill her right here?" Leah said childishly. Clearly, deep-rotted with evil she couldn't help but crave to end Ally's life right there. Alpha tutted.

"If she wishes to conjure the council then we would be punished greatly for her death. Let us deal with her another way.Follow me to my office witch." he spoke with anger. For her to know of the laws means that if they did kill her it would be considered unlawful. A murder trial is the last thing he wanted. Ally nodded and walked past the wolves towards the office. Leah looked on in confusion.

"How does she know where you office is father?" Leah said in worry. Alpha dismissed her and swiftly followed behind Ally. Ally was ready, after great thought her front was eventually going to give way. Her true face will be revealed. If she was going to be re-born then she would do it with grace.

-------------------------------Lang Mansion-----------------------

Aiden looked at his step-brother sleeping peacefully on the private lounge couch. Aiden was still greatly disturbed by his brother new demeanor, so much so he was afraid to touch or wake him. Dash was exhausted from his despair and fell asleep before telling Aiden any more details but his words still echoed in the silent room. I am Isaac Lake...

It was impossible, he was just talking gibberish Aiden thought to himself quickly dismissing his brothers words. Still, why was Dash so distraught over Ally's death? Surely of he felt that strongly or came in contact with her Dash would have told Aiden. Deep in thought Aiden failed to hear the lounge doors slide open.

A tall, slim aged man stood in the doorway his head held high. Despite his age the man was devilishly handsome. His black hair was striped with grey and his suit that tightly grasped his body was of top brand. A golden Rolex wrapped his wrist and ring of various jewels hugged his fingers.

"Aiden..." his voice was deep and gritty. In one simple word he could cause a room to fall silent. Aiden jumped up and faced the man. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"F-father?" Aiden stuttered. The man glanced over Aiden's shoulder at Dash and tutted.

"Father, what are you doing here. I thought you were in Japan on business?" Aiden wasn't expecting his father to return for another two months. Why was he here?

"How long has he been asleep?" Aiden father dismissed him words and discerningly looked at Dash who didn't even stir at the chatter.

"Around 6 hours now father. Dash was extremely upset, he exhausted himself." Aiden said sadly. His father sighed and gestures for his to sit. Both sat side by side staring at Dash.

"I received a call from Vermont early this morning to inform me that the Alpha's daughter, Ally King perished in the trials. Go witnessed didn't you son?" His father was very calm and collected occasionally playing with his rings on his fingers. Aiden didn't know what to say. Vermont had contacted his father? Why is Ally any concern to him?

"I did. Ally was a very extraordinary girl. Is she the reason you returned?"

"I did come to pay my respects but my biggest concern is your brother right now." he sighed. Aiden looked back at Dash, his chiseled face completely still as he breathed deeply.

"Does this have anything to do with his reaction last night. He was so distraught I almost feared for my life." Aiden admitted shamefully. His father held his head in his hands.

"Did he say much during his outburst?" his father was immediately precarious praying that Dash didn't speak out of turn. Aiden thought intently and Dash's words kept bellowing back. I am Isaac Lake...

"Father, I think he was delirious. H- he told me that he was Isaac Lake. Which is impossible, that wolf died a long time ago. Perhaps, he's gone mad." Aiden looked at Dash again with sympathy. His father gripped his hands tightly and sighed.

"No, he hasn't gone mad. I guess it's time for us to confess the truth to you. This information is yours to do with as you wish. I say this as a warning son. As soon as Dash wakes up I will tell you everything. I need his consent first." He looked more energetic now and it unnerved Aiden. What truth do they speak of?

--------------------------------Alpha's office---------------------------------

Ally sat center of the office in a oak chair while Leah and Jackson circled her, her head bowed. She was like shark bait, one wrong move and she would perish there and then.

"So, you familiar with the laws. You know I cannot kill you yet so let's talk. I want some answers." Alpha growled. Ally sat quietly. Leah kept touching her hair. In truth, Leah was very jealous of her unique appearance. In her mind she'd just rid of her competition only to be faced with another vicious competitor.

"Why did you protect those wolves?" Leah asked.

"Isn't it my duty as a bystander to protect the innocent? Perhaps, if your Alpha wasn't so unbecoming I would not have needed to interfere." Ally interjected. Her words stunning the Alpha.

"You had no right to interfere you cowardly little bitch. You took refuge in my own pack house, how stupid could you be!" Alpha yelled causing Ally to rub her throbbing ears in annoyance.

"If I had fled you would have hunted me down and I would of been pronounced guilty and burned where I stood. If anything I've outsmarted your logic Alpha. You cannot touch me." Ally said smugly. Leah began to loose her temper.

"Which coven are you from!I'll be sure to burn down the whole community if you speak out of turn again" Leah screeched her high pitched voice set off a burning in Ally's chest as she tried to keep calm. As if one dominant Alpha wasn't enough, she had to fight off two idiots without raising a hand.

"What makes you think I'm a witch?" Ally queried. Alpha thought for a second. He assumed she was a witch but she hadn't attempted to use magic.

"If your not a witch then what are you. Your appearance doesn't scream vampire, mage or any other creature for that matter. I demand to now who you are." Alpha deepened his voice in order to install fear but it was ineffective. Ally smiled and stood up from her chair, Leah and Jackson stood back awaiting her response. Facing away Ally brushed her hair from her face.

"I knew you both lacked intellect but I clearly underestimated you both. Even after spending your life resenting me you cannot identify me?" Ally said softly. Alpha and Leah looked on in amusement.

"I don't know you girl and if you know what's good for you then you will bow at my feet and ask for mercy." Alpha demanded. Ally cleared her throat. There was only ever one thing Ally had spoke which the Alpha could never forget. It was time to end this.

"Do not bow before me for I am equal. Have faith in the day that no person will have to bow before anyone. We breath the same air and we walk the same roads. There is no such thing as superior." Ally pronounced each word ensuring her father could hear every syllable.

Leah watched as her father fell to his knees looking up at the silver haired girl.

"Father?" she questioned alarmed.

"You recognize me now don't you."

"Father..." Leah also fell to her knees and peered up at the girl.

Ally turned around finally revealing her face. Alpha couldn't breathe. It was her. His daughter standing before him almost unrecognizable. The flowing silver hair and mismatched eyes glowed luminously in the office light. His soul immediately shattered and for the first time in his life the Alpha felt fear. Leah was still dumbstruck for a while but eventually recognized the girl flawless features.

"A-Ally.." Leah also fell to her knees and Ally stood tall over them.

"Now then, now that we have this all cleared up. I have a proposition for you." Ally said proudly. Alpha King was paralyzed and listened to her words. He was now completely under her control.

"I will give you the opportunity to forfeit your role of Alpha and leave this place unharmed. If you refuse I will kill you where you kneel." Ally's attitude suddenly dark . Deep inside herself she prayed he's refuse. Leah shook in fear.

"As for you dear sister, I'll give you the opportunity to also flee and I will take no further action. Consider this mercy."

Alpha King found his wits and began babbling.

"Y-your Luna! The legends are true your the prophecy. You survived!" he stuttered. Alpha walked over casually and slapped her father in the face bringing him painfully back to reality.

"Don't be so naive father. The shot was just very lucky. Don't talk nonsense about our myths. They are just stories to install our rage with hope that we are superior." Ally's well calculated response made Leah ad Alpha question their thoughts.

"What do you choose?" Ally asked one last time.

"We'll leave we'll leave just please don't kill us Ally." Alpha King submitted. He was broken.

"Leah, fetch my brother immediately and do not breath a word about me." Ally ordered Leah at which she sprung to her feet and ran down the hall towards Blake's room. Leaving just Ally and the Alpha. Ally knelt down locking eyes with him.

"Looks like I'm not as disposable as I once thought father. Yet again your outranked. Be appreciative to my mercy for it only comes this once." Ally said calmly. Alpha King stared down at the floor in defeat. Ally walked to the window and stared out waiting for her beloved brother to enter. Quick footsteps entered the room and Ally watched out of the corner of her eye as Leah knelt back down next to her father.

Slowly and unnervingly Blake entered the room and was dumbfounded to see his father knelt on the floor his head bowed in shame.

"W-what's going on." he stuttered.

"Blake stand before the Alpha please." Ally requested not looking at her brither just yet. Hesitantly Blake walked over and stood above him.

"Alpha I would like you to repeat after me. I, Alpha Jackson King." Ally recited.

"I, Alpha Jackson King..." he moped.

"Hereby reprise my role as Alpha and hand it to my soul remaining son Blake King."

"Hereby reprise my role as Alpha and hand it to my soul remaining son Blake King." The Alpha began to shake and reluctantly recited her words. Blake looked at the silver hair girl in awe then peered down at his father.

"It's done. Congratulations Blake, you are now Alpha of this pack. Jackson King, Leah King I am giving you 10 minutes to pack your things and leave. You are dismissed." They both scrambled to their feet in fear and fled the room without taking a second glance. Blake's feet were glued to the floor, in a matter of seconds his whole world was tipped.

"I'm Alpha?" he stated disorientated.

"I always told you I'd make you that one day didn't I?" Ally whispered. Blake quickly shot her a glance, that voice? Ally's tone and aura had softened. Blake recalled a conversation with his sister. After Ally had take Blake's lashing when they were 15 years of age, Blake told his sister that one day he would take over the role and change everything. Ally nodded in response and told him it didn't matter if it took the very life force from her she would help him accomplish that. Snapping back to reality he was once blind but now he could see.

Ally turned around and smiled at her brother with tears in her eyes. Without thinking Blake ran over and picked her up hugging her with all his might. They embraced for a while both silently weeping in each other shoulder.

"I was so selfish brother. I am so sorry I left you like that." Ally whispered. Blake just squeezed her tighter then placed her down his hands on both of her shoulders.

"Ally King don't you dare apologize to me. I thought my life was over the minute I felt you die. Now, like my prayers were answered you stand before me." Blake confessed his heart filled with happiness.

"The gods had nothing to do with it. I'm just a bad-ass." Ally joked. They both laughed before embracing once more. Blake rested his head on his sisters shoulder and peered at her healthy silver locks. So caught up in joy he didn't even pay attention to her new appearance.

"Ally, not to ruin the moment but what's with the hair?" Blake said breaking their embrace. Ally thought for a moment looking for a non-fictional answer but couldn't find one.

"I have no idea, I just woke up like this." she said quietly. Blake wrapped his fingers around her hair and looked with curiosity.

"It suits you. I think." he said unsure. Ally rolled her eyes and slapped his hand away.

"Before, you start your rubbish. I'm not this mystical Luna god who has been resurrected. I'm just Ally, okay. I just got lucky with my shot." Ally said sarcastically. Blake smiled childishly.

"Got it. How about we take a seat in my office and you can tell me all about what just happened huh?" Blake smiled devilishly. It was like a drug hearing Ally talk about breaking their father, he couldn't get enough. Ally smiled and sat down.

"Where do I begin."