Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 7 "Truth"

Dash's vision was blurred and he wearily began to wake up from his slumber. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes Dash tried to regain his bearings. After, his senses returned to him he was met with the sight of his brother and father. Sitting, looking concerned for him. Dash faced them with squinted eyes struggling to make out their expressions.

"Morning son." his father spoke softly. Dash groaned in response. Looking at the floor he was met with broken glass and blood. His eyes suddenly widened and he pushed himself back in the chair. Last nights events one by one hit his brain like bullets causing him to clutch is head.

"Brother, calm yourself. Everything's going to be fine." Aiden said reassuringly.

"Fine?" Dash chuckled. Aiden always had a solution for everything but this time he had no idea what to do. His father leaned forward and placed his hand on Dash's knee gripping it tightly. Dash sighed and tried to conceal his tears. Weeping wasn't going to fix anything.

"Dash, I'm so sorry for your loss. We need to tell your brother about this he is very confused." father spoke soothingly trying to get Dash to agree.

"I c-can't father. I can't talk about her." Dash stuttered. Aiden looked on in sorrow.

"Then with your permission could I explain it to him?" this time his father pleaded. Dash nodded. In reality he didn't care. His thoughts were so concerning, everything inside him seemed to numb itself from the pain he was feeling. Their father breathed in a looked at Aiden, his face deep in thought.

"Several months ago our clan was hunting in the nearby woods for game. They hadn't fed in weeks and were on the brink of starvation. After permitting them to leave, I received a call almost 20 minutes after to say they had attacked two wolves in the woods. Those who wolves were Ally King and Isaac Lake..." his words trailed off and he quickly glanced at Dash who bowed his head expressionless. Aiden was in shock, he never knew it was his clan whom initiated the attack. The news was new to him.

"When I arrived, I found Isaac on the brink of death holding Ally in his arms. Several members of the clan lay dead at her feet and from first glance I thought she was dead. Isaac's heart was barely beating. I was so disgusted my own clan would do such a thing I made a choice that day." he looked down in shame.

"Y-you turned him didn't you?" Aiden gasped, His father nodded in response.

"As your well aware to turn a wolf is forbidden under council law but I couldn't help myself. I saw a fight in that boy, even in death he still clutched his mate silently begging she would survive. So, I turned him. Then, I directed my attention to this beautiful girl laying covered in her own blood in Isaac's arms, while waiting for Isaac to transition I fed her blood from my wrist and waited for her to return to life." his expression soon changed into sadness. Aiden listened intently occasionally peering at Dash whom didn't move an inch.

"What happened?" Aiden questioned.

"It was ineffective. Ally even subconsciously spat the blood from her mouth. I couldn't help her, I tried over and over and each time her body would reject it. So, I made the decision to leave her. Ally was going to die and their was nothing I could do..." he said wrapped up in guilt.

"I took Isaac back here and waited for him to wake up. While, I waited at his bedside, I received a call to say that the wolf community was looking for them both. So, I used my power to tip off a member of the pack to say that Isaac was drained and had died."

"Dash, are you Isaac Lake." Aiden asked tears in his eyes. Dash bowed his head in confirmation cradling his mind. Their father sighed again.

"They found Ally and to my amazement she was still alive. To this day I don't know how that is possible but she lived. I watched that girl die right in front of my eyes. That's why I left her there and prioritized Isaac." he said almost guilty. It was the truth. It was a miracle that she was still alive, renounced to him this wasn't the last time she had defied death. He looked at Dash with pleading eyes to silently ask his to tell the rest. Dash looked back with some resentment and then looked at Aiden.

"It's takes a lot more than eight vampires to take down Ally." he smiled as her features came back to him. Her sweet scent and piercing eyes.

"I struggled with the blood lust and adjustment to your ways for a while but eventually found a balance. Against, fathers will, I sneaked out and went to see Ally in the hospital. That's where I was met with Alpha King." Dash clenched his fists again. The evil Alpha's smug face imprinted in his brain. The Alpha that he had received lashings from his whole life.

"I didn't see her... The Alpha said that if I went anywhere near her that he would slit her throat. I've been waiting for that bastard to die so I can see her again. Everything in me told to push him aside and stay with her but Alpha King didn't bluff when he said such things. He was disgusted that a member of his pack was now standing in-front of him a vampire." Dash said full of rage.

"Council law states that if a wolf is turned against their will then war will break out. That was the last thing I wanted, it would hurt Ally too much. Seeing her family die because I had been turned. We made a treaty with the Alpha which stated I would not contact her at any cost. Ignoring these policies would result in war." Dash said sadly.

"Ally , didn't know you were alive. Her pack told her you were dead. You let her believe that? Maybe if you had told her you were alive but forbidden to contact her she might still of had hope." Aiden said naively. Dash stood up in rage his emotions finally taking over him.

"You don't think I wanted to tell her that. Are you f*cking deaf Aiden! If I spoke to her the Alpha would have killed her. I have been dormant here waiting the day that I could see her again. I loved that girl more than anything in this world and now she's gone. I might as well of spoken to her, at least then she knew I still loved her. I was still alive, I never left her! Dash screamed tears spilling down his face. Their father stood up to console him but Dash pushed him off and got up to leave.

"I don't want to hear her name ever again am I understood! You mention her and I will kill you where you stand. My name is not Isaac Lake, it's Dash Lang. We will never speak of this again. I need a drink." his words were like daggers. Aiden watched as his brothers eyes lost their color. Dash stormed out and drove away as quick as he could.

"Did he just turn off his emotions?" Aiden asked in fear.

"This is not good. I'll get someone to follow him and make sure he doesn't kill anyone."

Vampire's, if under extreme emotional distress, can switch off their emotion almost like a safeguarding program. Sometimes, it's not optional and happens through instinct. This is Dash's case, he didn't intentionally switch them off. When a vampire's emotions switch off it is very dangerous. All natural feeling such as fear, love and common sense no longer matter so are suppressed. Vampire's who do this normally leave a very brutal massacre behind.

-----------------------Alpha Office-----------------------

Ally, watched as Blake walked back into the office with a proud grin on his face.

"How did they take it Oh Mighty Alpha." Ally said smugly. Blake nudged her as he entered.

"I've never seen the pack so happy in my life. All thanks to you." Blake couldn't contain his admiration for his sisters bravery. Not only, had her years of defiance payed off, but she had successfully made his dreams become reality.

"I'm glad to hear that. You didn't mention me did you?" Ally asked nervously. Blake sat down in the Alpha's chair with a complicated expression on his face.

"Ally, it wouldn't hurt to let them know your alive. I bet they would be delighted."

"You can't know that for sure brother. We live in complicated times, hearing of my survival would only cause panic and nothing more. You know me well. Do you really think I want deluded wolves traveling from all over bowing at my feet over a silly myth?" Blake smiled in amusement, her words were painfully correct.

"Exactly, I just need some time to consider my options." Ally tapped her head deep in thought.

"Ally, what about the council? Can't they help?" Blake didn't think before he spoke. Ally glanced up at him in annoyance. Return to the people who pronounced her dead on scene. That would go down miraculously she thought.

"Brother if your going to be Alpha, you need to start reading or something. Don't be such an idiot. If I went back there not only the wolf community would know about me but every community." Ally sat back closing her eyes. She was worn out from the days events and her head began to throb again.

"Ally, can you believe it? He's finally gone. You did it." Blake said happily ignoring his sisters insult. Ally smiled her eyes still closed. Strangely, her mind drifted back to her vigil on the front lawn where she rescued her brother and mother. When their father entered his face was covered in blood and cuts like he'd been brutally beaten.

"Blake, before you hit father on the lawn did you strike him before-hand?" Ally asked intriguingly. Blake began to chuckle. Ally opened her eyes to see Blake smiling at her.

"I was a little out of it because I thought you were gone so I can't remember exactly what he looked like. I was setting things up for the vigil when a young man burst through the pack door demanding to see the Alpha. He pushed passed us all and headed to his office. I managed to catch up eventually, he was really fast and I mean that. I almost didn't see him run past me. When I came in father was being beaten mercilessly on the floor. He looked quite shook up while that man was punching him." Ally listened with a questionable look on her face.

"What did he look like Blake?"

"Well, he had black hair and red eyes. He was well built and really good looking. Definitely a vampire but father didn't act out of character and declare war. He acted like nothing happened. I think the young man was fighting in your honor Ally." Blake said proudly. Ally was flabbergasted. Her memory pulled Aiden forth. Blake's brief description identified him but Ally didn't know that it as actually Dash.

"I must have made an impression on him. His names Aiden, from the vampire community. It's quite foolish really he could have lost his place on the council fighting on my behalf." Ally said concerned.

"A vampire fighting for a wolf. I never thought I'd see the day." Blake laughed in disbelief. Deep down Ally's heart was warmed that he would sacrifice everything in her honor. In time she wanted to thank him for this.

"So what will you do now sister?"

Ally, "I'll figure something out. Maybe, I should take my inheritance from grandma, set myself up a new life?" Ally said jokingly but Blake took her words to heart.

"Your not leaving I just got you back. Plus, how do you expect to keep a stable lifestyle looking like that. You look like a comic book hero." Blake pouted. Ally laughed.

"It was a joke brother. I'm not going anywhere. As for my appearance I need to do something to blend in if people see me like this they'll probably pass out."

"I don't think you should change it. Don't take this the wrong way but if I wasn't your brother I would fall at your feet Ally. Your picture perfection ." Ally looked disgusted at her brothers words, compliments didn't come easy from Blake.

"Your such a freak." she said amused. Blake looked offended. Ally thought for a moment. Coming to a sad realization, she couldn't remember the last time she looked at herself and thought fondly. Normally, she cursed at herself. It was ever since she lost Isaac there was no-one to tell her she looked beautiful anymore. Blake saw Ally's expression change and quickly changed the subject.

"Ally, I think you should speak to Vermont or even Aiden I wouldn't judge you for it. You need answers. Even if this wasn't a miracle, wolves can't heal that fast." Blake wanted his sister to find peace as she was clearly disturbed by her new found affliction.

"Blake, I don't need answers. Even if I did... I'll find them myself, I don't need Aiden or Vermont." Ally said bitterly. Blake refused to accept that and was fearful Ally would go back to her previous ways.

"No, Ally I'm telling you to do this. What are you going to do start drinking yourself into oblivion again? Don't waste this second chance Ally, I mean it." Blake's words hit Ally like a ton of bricks. In truth, he had blown her cover before she even had the courage to do the crime.

"Your not telling me anything I don't already know brother. Your right, I've been given a second chance but I don't know why. Blake, I still feel the same. I'm still broken and no-one can fix me." Ally said disheartened. Blake slammed his hands on the desk and stood up angered by her response.

"Ally, your the most talented wolf I have ever seen. You sitting before me proves that ten fold. You never listen to me when I say these things and you constantly put yourself down. Give yourself some damn credit for what you've endured. Stand tall and stop hiding in the shadows waiting for something to change." Blake yelled and Ally stood up crossing her arms egging him on to finish.

"I am not telling you to forget what happened Ally. I know you will never be fully whole after what happened to Isaac but I bet if he was here right now he'd tell you to suck it up and be strong for him. " Blake stammered back when he realized what he'd said but Ally didn't move. Her eyes filled up but she nodded at Blake to continue.

"Please, Ally be strong for me. There are some really good people here. You could teach them to be smart and to fight fearlessly. That's all they've ever wanted. To not be afraid anymore. You taught me to do that, no matter how many times our father demanded you to bow you never did. Your special Ally and I need you here. " Blake lay his soul out before his sister. Ally walked over and at first Blake flinched but was conflicted to feel his sisters arms wrap around him.

"That's a hard truth I've been ignoring for a long time. I needed that Blake." Ally whispered. Tough love was what Ally needed from the start but everyone had always been too fearful to say it aloud. Blake hugged her back and pulled her in close. In his new apprised role he felt revitalized like he could do anything. Before, he believed that his sister was a lost cause but since returning she was completely different even if she didn't realize it. Ally never laughed, smiled or would look at her brother for more than three seconds before the trials and now... Ally was better. When Blake looked at her, she wasn't fighting her pain anymore, she was using it to punish people like their father. Ally's laugh and smile cold light up the whole world and Blake cherished this new person who stood before him.

"Ally I want to ask you something." Blake said softly. Ally broke their embrace and looked at her brother to see him face worried. Ally nodded.

"How do you feel after you've come back? Is there anything different apart from the obvious." he said playfully nuzzling her head. She knocked his hand away and looked on in anger, he could see something was different but Ally had ignored that factor since her awakening. Ally sighed and looked at her brother with sadness.

"I feel different. I can't put my finger on it but I feel unwell and the best I've ever felt at he same time. Is that possible? Have I gone mad?" Ally sat back down trying to settle her thoughts.

"I wouldn't say you've gone mad but there's something definitely off. I've never seen you laugh or smile genuinely in a whole year. It's kinda unnerving." Ally shot Blake a glare causing him to clam up immediately.

"I hate to say it but maybe your right. If I contacted Vermont privately then it would avoid the attention of the public. If something is wrong with me perhaps he could help." Ally pondered for a while.

"Will you allow Aiden to come along too? I'd like to thank him personally for beating our father." Blake said childishly.

"Well, he seemed trustworthy I don't see why not. Could you contact them for me and just say it's a matter of urgency. We need to inform them of your new Alpha role anyway?" Ally pouted her lips and flashed her gorgeous mismatched eyes. Blake's face had went white at her words. In reality, Blake was terrified of the council. The rumors he'd heard were unimaginable.

"W-ell what if they reject? What if they tell everyone your alive?"

Ally, "If that be the case then so be it. I have trust in Vermont to keep my secret contained. I trust you too Blake so don't let me down." Ally smiled at her brother then her gaze immediately shifted to the window and Ally shook her head in annoyance.

"Damn it! I forgot all about him. You idiot Ally!" Ally shot up from her chair startling Blake.

"What? Why are you so alarmed?"

"Quinn knows I'm alive. I went to the bar after I'd woke up and he saw me. If he tells anyone. my covers blown Blake." Ally said exhaustively. Blake's face darkened. Ally had chosen to go to a bar before coming here. Maybe she hadn't changed?

"Before you start lecturing me I didn't drink I just needed a pack member to talk too before I came back. Quinn was the only one I spoke too. " Ally interjected Blake's thoughts knowing he would judge her for going there.

"Fine. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going back there. I need to make it perfectly clear that he is to tell no-one about me." Ally got up to leave but Blake caught her arm.

"I'm warning you Ally. You better come back sober or I won't forgive you." Ally rolled her eyes at her brother noble request. Drinking was the last thing on her mind right now. It actually offended her that Blake would think of her like that still.

"I won't touch a drop now do me favor and cancel my funeral would you? Just say that it was a private family gathering, a group vigil was too extravagant for you. I'll be back, don't wait up if your going to be Alpha you'll need to learn the ropes. Get some sleep brother." Ally patted her brothers cheek and left quickly hoping to catch Quinn before he went home.

--------------------------Club Strip-----------------------

Dash's car skidded to a halt and he proudly exited his care and entrepreneurs and attractive women in skimpy outfits began swarming him. Dash had earned himself a powerful reputation throughout the past few months. Being the acclaimed son of the richest vampire on earth aided him but he was also known for his way with women and fighting skills. Some feared him , some envied him.. some worships him. Dash, after switching off his emotions, was completely numb to the people around him. Pushing through, he caught eye with two attractive girls and with his arms around them led them into a private club. When the girls peered up to see Dash's handsome face they didn't even struggle and submitted to him.

Aiden's car soon pulled up too and he received the same treatment. Aiden was also well respected but was also very humble. He didn't like attention, his concern was Dash right now. No good had ever some from a vampire turning off their emotions. Aiden pushed through the club and looked over the dancing bodies and drunk idiots desperately searching for Dash before he did something he would regret. Private velvet rooms layered the outer boundaries of the club. Aiden began checking each one frantically until he was met with an unnerving sight. Dash had pinned both women down on the ground and began sucking the blood seductively from their necks. One woman was already drained while the other barely clung to life. Aiden acted quickly and went to push Dash but was too slow. Dash grabbed Aiden by his throat and pulled him in.

"It's rude to interrupt someone when their feeding. Have you forgotten your manners brother." Dash's words were emotionless. Aiden gasped for breath and managed to form a sentence.

"What would Ally sa--y if sh-e could see you right now." Aiden wanted to bring his brother emotions back but his attempt wasn't enough. Dash raised his eyebrow and threw Aiden to the floor.

"That girl can't say anything because she's dead and gone. What's the point in dwelling?"

That girl? Was his brother so numb that he couldn't even say her name now?

"You can kill as many people as you want Dash but sooner or later it's going to bite you in the ass. You can't protect yourself from your pain forever. Quit being so damn stubborn." Aiden said coughing occasionally clutched his windpipe. Dash didn't give Aiden a second glance and walked past him into the booming nightclub. Aiden looked at the two innocent girl who had fallen victim to Dash's dark side. Springing to his feet, tolerant to not give up Aiden ran after Dash who had made it to the club street.

--------------------Ally POV Club strip-----------------

Ally had changed into an over-sized trench coat with a long hood in an attempt to conceal herself in-case she caught the wrong attention. The night was cold and calm, stars twinkled in the sky and the moon was a full strife. Ally looked up upon the moonlight which lit up her beauty with might. While peacefully walking down the club strip, peering up at the starts she noticed two men up ahead. They looked quite similar but one was visibly older. Ally stopped in her tracks when she saw one man grab and innocent bystander and grip her tightly around the throat. It was apparent the older man was pleading with him.

--------------------Aiden POV club strip--------------

"Stop running Dash. I'm not leaving you alone until you turn your emotions back on." Aiden shouted.

"Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together then brother." Dash said smugly.

As Aiden advanced forward Dash quickly grabbed a young woman on the curb and wrapped him hand around her throat.

"Leave me be or I'll drain her right here." Dash threatened causing Aiden to back off. The young woman shrieked in shock and tried to pull away at which point Dash tightened his grip cutting off her airflow.

"Dash, put her down this is between you and me!"

----------------------Ally POV Club Strip---------

Ally started to walk quickly over to them but again stopped hesitatingly when she saw Aiden suit. She recognized it from the court room because he would constantly play with his cuff-lings when he spoke. Ally could see a another male with the same eyes and hair color opposite to him holding the woman hostage without any hints of emotion on his face. Ally was compeer conflicted. Either she walked away and saved Aiden from discovering her survival or let and innocent girl be drained. Evaluating the situation, the young man had no intention of letting the girl go as his blood-lust was too strong Ally would smell it in the air.

Plucking up her courage Ally sprinted forward and through Aiden with such speed no-one could even see her and slammed Dash against the wall knocking him un-conscious. The hostage fell from his arms and in panic fled immediately. Ally was taken aback by how fast she moves and shook in shock for a moment while trying to grasp her bearings.

Aiden looked on in disbelief as a silver haired girl stood before him. In her sudden motion Ally's hood had feel down leaving her face exposed to the moonlight once more. Ally studied the vampire she had rendered briefly before glaring at Aiden. Dash was facing away so she couldn't identify his face, therefore not paying him a second look. Oblivious to her the love of her life fell lay at her feet.

"I die for one day and the whole world appears to go to hell." Ally said humorously. Aiden still wasn't clicking on so Ally watched closer too his making her features more apparent.

"I'd advise you to lock him up until he's desperate enough to turn his emotions back on. This is a peaceful strip it doesn't deserve to be defiled by raging vampires. It's a pleasure seeing you again Aiden." Ally spoke with confidence. Aiden could feel himself ready to faint in shock. Did her words deceive him? No, that can't be the case only one person spoke with such wisdom.

"A-ally?" Aiden gasped in awe. Ally pressed her finger against Aiden's lips and shushed him before be burst into babble. Ally couldn't afford unnecessary attention right now.

"Put your friend in the car we have some business to discuss. I know your in shock right now but I'll explain everything in good time, right now listen to me." Ally asked pain-staked at Aiden's joy filled eyes.