Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 8 "Hide"

Aiden had requested a family chauffeur to take Dash back to Lang Manor until he regained, he calmed down. Dash was still out cold as Aiden watched the car drive away. Dash's turmoil was brief lived but still had devastating effects on those around him. Aiden picked up his phone and phoned for a clean-up crew. When vampires acted turn off their emotions it's common that unfortunate people will lose their lives.

"I need clean-up at south-side club, victims are two females. Both appear it their twenties, it's just an assumption but their clothes suggest their strippers. Perpetrator has been apprehended there is no need for a force team." Aiden was professional in his speaking, but his face was lathered in devastation. Selfishly, he didn't consider the girl families, all he thought about was Dash. Dash had never killed anyone since his transition which is something a vampire was prided upon. Now, in the space of an hour two girl were dead and that pride had been forgotten…

Ally stood further away from the car studying Aiden's manner. There he was… the council member she had poured her soul upon. To her surprise, he was still wearing his smart Armani suit he wore in the courtroom. In the day she had been gone, he hadn't changed. She knew because the cologne he was wearing was less pungent. I wonder what you've been up too? Ally watched as the car drove away and didn't care for the vampire she'd just apprehended, he was nothing significant to her. Seeing that girl in his arms stricken with panic awakened something in her.

"Shall we get a drink?" Aiden said nervously. Ally snapped away from her thoughts. She nodded and made her way towards the quiet bar on the end of the strip.


Aiden couldn't take him eyes off her. Was it really her? How could it be her? I watched you die before me?

Ally strutted into the bar her heels echoing throughout the still empty establishment. Upon entry the young bar-girl from before was cleaning glasses carelessly, slowly humming to herself. Totally oblivious Ally was standing before her.

"Nice to see you again." Ally said kindly. The girl shrieked in shock and almost dropped the glass she was cleaning clenching it tight.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I was a little out of it." She blabbered clearly embarrassed.

"Don't mention it. I'm Quinn's friend from before would you mind fetching him for me?"

The girl looked behind Ally and saw Aiden standing there in awe. So, caught up in admiring Ally he didn't even break when the girl growled at him.

"He's with me there's no need to be alarmed." Ally was reassuring, and the girl nodded in agreement before walking into the stock room. Ally sat on the old bar stool and crossed her legs, bottles of whiskey stared her down. Inner demons began to crawl up from inside her tempting her to drink the whole bottle, but she shook her head. Aiden still hadn't moved from the doorway.

"Are you just going to stand there staring at me or should we get down to business?" Ally's voice was harsh. In her mind, she didn't see it as a big deal her cheating death. Aiden walked wearily towards her trying to find strength to look her in the eyes. Aiden sat next to her and looked her up and down. It was her perfect frame but apart from that she was unrecognizable. The only reason he hadn't ran as quick as he could was because her speaking manner and voice was identical to Ally. Now, her nourished silver hair fell by her side, some strands found their way to her shoulders. Ally's facial structure showed off her sharp cheekbones and blushed cheeks. By far her most attractive feature was her eyes. Once, both ice blue, one now was blood red. They glowed natural and her aura was much different than it was. Ally's over-sized trench coat hugged her body not leaving a sliver of skin to peak through. Aiden noticed that Ally was very reserving with her body and didn't like to show it which he struggled to understand.

"I don't appreciate you looking at me like that so if you value your teeth then keep them on my face." Ally had noticed him looking at her body and she hated it. She wasn't just this pretty picture everyone could leer at. Aiden was staggered by her remark, she really was insecure about herself.

"A-Ally how are you alive?" Aiden stuttered. Ally grinned at his cliche remark.

"In honesty I don't know. Waking up in the city morgue wasn't very thrilling, but I would only be there if..." Ally stopped. It pained her to admit the truth, but she had evidence against her. When the mortician showed her the death certificate Ally couldn't believe it.

"You were gone Ally I watched them carry you away in a damn body bag. This is impossible." Aiden for some reason was hurt. Watching them carry her away really shook him so, for her to be sitting before him wasn't something he could comprehend.

"I don't know what happened to me or what all of this means but I need to find out. What do you know of the Luna story?" Ally asked with desperation in her eyes praying he at least knew something she didn't.

Aiden recited what he knew, and his story was almost identical to the one Ally's mother used to tell her. Ally looked disheartened.

"If I knew more Ally, I would tell you." Aiden looked at her face once more and smiled. He's never seen a more attractive woman in his life.

"Look at you, your unique. I've never seen anyone with your characteristics. You woke up like this?" Ally shot him a dark look, if he continued to ponder over her appearance she would slowly unravel.

"My appearance doesn't matter right now. Would you concentrate, I'm in a bit of a predicament here." Ally said coldly. Aiden grinned at her ignorance.

"Maybe it's your appearance that's key to finding out what's going on. I'd be lying if I wasn't unnerved to see you back and I won't fill your ears with nonsense about you being the great Luna. How do you feel since you've come back?" Aiden tapped his temple in thought. Ally didn't know what to make of his question. How did she feel? Everything had happened so suddenly that she didn't even evaluate herself. Ally still breathed the same, still walked the same but her mind didn't work the same. Since, she came back no-matter how cold she wanted to be there's was this gut-wrenching feeling of hope. Hope wasn't a word in her vocabulary, that had been deprived from her by Alpha King.

"I-I feel a little different. I can't really explain it I just feel unsteady. Somethings different but I can't really put my finger on it." Ally looked at herself in the bar mirror and bowed her head when she saw herself. The stranger... possessing her body. Hiding the girl, she'd gotten to know all these years. Aiden frowned when he saw look away. If was clear Ally was lost right now.

"Ally, look at me." Aiden said softly. Ally rolled her eyes childishly and glared at him. Aiden studied her eyes for a while until his mind was given a jump start. Aiden eyes lit up and Ally frowned at him.

"Blue is representation of the moon and humidity… Red signifies blood and power. Werewolf affliction and vampire affliction. Ally I think there's something much bigger going on here." Aiden seemed pleased with his evaluation but was brought back to earth with Ally's piercing eyes.

"I sincerely thought because you belong to the council, you'd have a little common sense looks like I was mistaken. What are you trying to say Aiden." Her fists had clenched in defense and Aiden saw this. Whatever he'd said it had upset her.

"I think by some miracle you carry both genes. How else do you explain your appearance? Your healing, your strength, your speed all of it… Represents both Ally." Aiden said fearful she'd strike him any minute. Ally's eyes were like saucers, her eyes began to glow and so did Aiden's.

"Look at my eyes and look at yours." Ally's eyes darted left to right lost in Aiden's pools. Then she shot a look at the nearby mirror and stiffened up simultaneously. It can't be true… vampire blood living within her… no.

Ally's horror was broken by the stock room door flying open. Quinn sprinted from the room his whole-body trembling in fear. Ally could smell something sinister in the air and stood up from her seat in preparation. Quinn swiftly jumped over the bar and ran behind Ally clutching her coat in terror. Aiden, quickly stood up and looked at the stock room door, his heart pounding in trepidation. Quinn quivered behind her, so hard she could hear his teeth chatter.

"A-Ally please don't let him hurt me!" the panic in his voice caused Ally to grip his tightly behind her. Ally's breathing quickened, and Aiden moved closer to her standing slightly ahead. Everything was silent, the whole room was still, and Aiden looked around in confusion. Ally spun round and held Quinn in place with his shoulders.

"Quinn, talk to me what is it?" Ally voice was dominant and stern to console the terrified boy before her. Quinn couldn't take his eyes off the store room door. Aiden took a step forward and peered over the bar at the door. Searching through the small glass stained window for the source. The store room had gone completely dark, and the squeaking of the swinging light-bulb left an eerie feeling in the air. Just as Aiden was about to pull away a pair of luminous red eyes stood idle in the black. Aiden gasped and instinctively stood in-front of Ally.

"We have to go right now!" Aiden trembled in fear, but Ally was never one to take orders. Quinn's grip tightened causing Ally to wince in pain his fingers digging deeply into her hips. Ally turned around and looked at Quinn placing her hands on his soft face. Wiping away his tear she peered into his hazel eyes and smiled. Quinn felt an exhilarating sense of calm take over him and sighed in relief, his breathing returning to its regular pace.

"Ally, you don't understand it's..." Aiden's words were cut off by the store room door slowly swinging open. Ally spun back around and began watching as a tall, young man walked casually from the darkness. Blood splattered his mouth and his frightening red eyes glowed mercilessly. Ally sniffed up and the distinct smell of wolf blood stung her nostrils. Immediately her concern switched to the young bar-girl who had gone to fetch Quinn. Ally looked at Aiden who was bowing his head in submission. Ally nudged him, but he was glued to the spot. The young man stood smiling his eyes refusing to leave Ally's. His dirty blonde hair and fair skin was seductive and intriguing, scanning Ally's body up and down he licked his lips. Ally looked on in disgust, seeing Aiden's reaction this man was of high ranking. Vampires only bowed to their own superior.

"Quinn, I want you to leave. Don't look back and don't run. Walk slowly to the exit I'll be right there in-case anything happens okay." Ally's words were calm and collected. The situation had taken a dangerous turn and she wanted Quinn as far away as possible. Quinn slowly let go of her and walked precariously towards the exit. The man stepped forward slightly and Ally blocked Quinn from his view.

"I wouldn't blood-sucker." Ally warned him a growl in the undertone of her voice. Quinn left and began running away from the bar as quick as he could. Ally redirected her eyes towards Aiden who was still idle on the spot shaking in fear. Ally placed her hand on his shoulder and he flinched, she gripped it tightly trying to ease him, but the man began to chuckle.

"You can't help him beautiful." His voice was equally seductive as his looks. Ally shot him a daring look and continued to grip Aiden.

"Fight it Aiden, look at me!" Ally lifted Aiden's head up and his eyes were glowing. His eyes screamed for help, but Ally was powerless.

"What do you want with him?" Ally sneered.

"Aiden isn't the reason I'm here. You are." He walked closer to her, but Ally went immediately on the defense and growled at him.

"I don't know you. If you're a superior, then you should be knowledgeable enough to not harm a wolf. Unless, you want to start a war." The man laughed at her remark and tutted at her.

"Oh Ally. I'm not a superior. I am THE superior. The names Lucian James perhaps you've heard about me." He smiled proudly. Ally choked on her saliva when she heard his name. Lucian James was the newly appointed Vampire King. He outranked every vampire and was extremely powerful, Ally had heard rumors when in the pack house but never payed them much attention. The vampire race was no concern of hers. Until now… the acclaimed superior stood before her. Ally found her strength and scoffed at his title.

"Was that supposed to install fear in me?" she said her head held high.

"No, nothing scares you does it Ally? I've been watching you for a while. The Alpha's daughter with a mouth like glass and the eyes like ice." He bit his lip with lust which sent a cold shiver down Ally's back.

"Why would a standard wolf like me peak the interest of the Vampire King? I am no concern of yours." She said coldly. Lucian picked up a bottle of whiskey and studied it for a while. Ally could work out his body language and stopped him before he tried anything.

"By the time you smash that bottle and threaten me, I'd have already ripped your heart through your chest but if you still feel the urge to do so then be my guest." Lucian smiled and looked at her amused.

"That's why Ally. Your smart, you have a heightened sense of awareness. You're unique and I like that." Ally frowned at him, he had set her up.

"I watched as they carried you to the morgue, I watched as you lay there lifeless and I watched as you came back from deaths grasp. I was there Ally, watching you." Ally was stunned, how could she have not detected him.

"I was devastated seeing such a waste of potential, so I gave you a gift." Aiden flashed his teeth, blood still stained them from his earlier meal. Ally felt her knees go weak, what was he implying? What had he done?

"You've exceeded my expectations Ally. I expected you to come back like me but to my delight the wolf gene didn't want to let you go." Ally felt anger well up inside her. She was turned against her will, just as she was about to be set free, he'd ripped it away from her.

"You had no f*cking right to take that from me!" she said angrily tears in her eyes. Aiden jumped at her words slowly being released from his submission. Lucian was a little taken back at her words.

"Look at me!" she yelled. Lucian within seconds was standing in-front of her. Being 6"4 he towered above her, but Ally didn't find him frightening or domineering she was so caught up in pain that she didn't care about her safety anymore.

"I am, and do you know what I see?" Ally glared back in rage.

"I see a hybrid. I see a girl stronger than the rest. I see the future Ally." He smiled seductively stroking her face. Ally snatched his hand and pushed it away with force causing Lucian to stumble back.

"Then your future will be a dark one. I will never ever submit to you, you might have made me, but you don't own me." Ally shouted again snapping Aiden completely from his submission. He looked around dazed and saw Ally standing defensively in-front of him. Lucian looked in shock to see Ally had broken his submission over Aiden. Enraged he sprinted forward and grabbed Ally by her neck. Ally tried to peel his fingers from her throat, but he had strength like she'd never felt. Aiden wanted to help but Lucian raised his hand telling him to stay put. Lucian pulled Ally's face close to his so close she could smell the blood on his breath. Ally pulled her head away repulsed.

"You're mine Ally King. You can't fight me, and you can't run. I will always find you do you understand me." His began kissing her neck and Ally growled in discomfort. Aiden stood helpless, he wanted to rip Lucian's heart out there and then seeing the way he held Ally. Lucian raised his hand stopping Aiden in his tracks. Ally struggled with all her might, but his strength was too much. Ally felt her vision began to fade as her face turned blue. Lucian watched the light drain out of her eyes and before it diminished completely, he let go. Ally fell to the floor gasping for breath and she groaned in agony. Aiden knelt to help her, but Lucian's voice was like an invisible barrier between them.

"Don't touch her if you value your life." Lucian said viciously. Ally finally got her breath back and she felt nothing but pure rage. Faster than she'd ever moved before Ally punch Lucian with all her might. Lucian was too busy focusing on Aiden to catch her hand in time. Knocked back in surprise Ally grabbed Aiden by the collar and sprinted to the club door.

---------------------------Club strip----------------------------

Ally and Aiden ran said by side with everything they had. The cold air snapped at their ankles and burned their lungs as they ran. Ally was already struggling to breathe so she weakly wheezed as she ran. When they ran into the woods for cover Ally collapsed to the floor coughing harshly. Aiden began patting her back but was too ashamed to speak. Aiden couldn't do anything when Lucian was hurting her so be was bound with guilt. If the tables were turned, he knew Ally would have stood for him the way she did for Quinn. Ally moved away from him and spun around with desperation in her eyes. The trees whistled in the wind and her silver hair flowed softly on her face.

"You were a great help back there Aiden thank you very much!" she shouted angrily. Aiden looked away in shame and Ally scoffed.

"Ally I'm sorry. Not everyone can be as defiant as you. I'm powerless against him." Aiden said sadly.

"So, what now Aiden? In the space of ten minutes my whole world is in turmoil. The King Vampire's on my ass and after thinking I was given a second chance by a higher power to make a difference. I find out I'm just a f*cking vampires lab rat!" Ally's words were full of pain as she fought back tears.

"I-I don't know… Lucian hasn't left his castle in centuries Ally. If he's left there for you then he'll do anything to get you." Aiden admitted. Ally couldn't believe her situation. Yet, again she was fighting a losing battle but this time it wasn't with herself. Ally grasped her hair in worry and tried to come up with a plan of action.

"Blake! I need to warn Blake what if he goes looking for me at the pack house!" Ally said in a panic. Ally quickly grabbed her phone and called Blake, so afraid she began biting her knuckle to ease herself.

"Blake it's Ally are you alright?"

Blake, "I'm fine Ally what's wrong? I've been waiting up for you, you're not drunk, are you?" his voice was disappointing which would usually send Ally it a rage but the relief she felt hearing his annoying voice was unimaginable.

"I really wish I could indulge in that luxury right now believe me… Blake I have a problem." Aiden watched as Ally exhaustively told Blake everything that had happened. Looking her up and down he couldn't help noticing her trench coat had ripped in the struggle and her neck was badly bruised from Lucian's grip.

Blake, "Y-you're a hyb-"

"Don't say it if I hear that word one more time the ground will swallow me up. I need you to lock down the pack house, if some-one comes looking for me do not mention I'm alive understood." Ally quickly interjected and lay out her action plan to keep her brother safe. In truth, she wanted nothing more than to guard him with her life but going there might draw Lucian. It would be a blood bath…

"Understood, What about you? "Blake asked sadly. Ally looked around trying to think of something. When she met eyes with Aiden, he nodded at her leaving her confused.

"Don't worry about me I'll think of something. I have to go be safe brother." She hung up and glared at Aiden.

"No-one knows more about folk-law and our cultures like my father does. M-my brother is very knowledgeable too." Aiden recalled Dash's outburst earlier. The whole thing exploded at the new of Ally's death and now livelier than ever she stood before him. Ally thought for a moment, entering a vampire clan wasn't ideal for her but she had no other choice. Ally knew she wouldn't stand a chance on her own. In the end her intellect outweighed her stubbornness.

"Promise me if I go with you there's no trouble." Ally said sternly. Aiden chuckled lightly.

"Ally King if there's going to be trouble, I guarantee we won't be the one to start it." Aiden smiled and began walking towards his car. Ally stood there shocked at his statement.

"I mean it Aiden if any-one so much as touches me their dead." Ally shouted. Aiden grinned at her and sat in his car waiting. Ally looked around reluctantly for a while and then sighing gave in.

------------------------------Aiden's car-----------------------------------

"Father, how is he doing?"

"Okay that's good is he awake yet?"

Ally watched the streetlights pass as she leaned her head against the window. Aiden's car was an Audi A-8 and very pricey she could tell by the leather interior. Aiden was chatting on the phone to his father asking about Dash. Ally didn't care for the conversation, so she zoned out and began thinking about her life. A hybrid… something only ever talked about in myths. A story told to vampires and wolves all around the world to scare them into never accepting one another in fear of becoming what she was.

"Father, we have a guest I think you'd be very interested to see. We'll be there soon. Do me a favor and keep Dash in solitary a little longer until we sort this matter out." Aiden hung up the phone and looked at Ally, her head peacefully rested on the window. Occasionally the streetlights would strike her face highlighting her natural beauty.

"Whose Dash?" she asked carelessly trying to make conversation to distract herself. Aiden almost steered off the road.

"Oh, um he's m-my brother. The one you--"

"The one I knocked out earlier?" she said amused. Aiden smiled.

"That's the one. Um, he got some bad news and- "

"Turned off his emotions? Must be nice…" she pondered. Aiden looked at her with a sorrowful expression. If only you knew who you were talking about…

"Yeah he's had a tough time lately…"

"Haven't we all. It's still no excuse to turn off your emotions. When you turn them back on the pains still there so it's pointless." Ally said annoyed at Aiden trying to make excuses for the mysterious boy she watched threaten a girl's life.

"Not always, sometimes people need to find the right time to deal with their issues. Dash just isn't ready yet." Aiden said defensively. His beloved brother would drain a whole time and he would still feel sympathy for him.

"For a minute there I thought you were different, but I guess not. Those who defend another person's action are just as guilty as those who commit them. You should have your own morals Aiden." Ally said coldly. Ally's words resonated with him for a while and he decided not to say anything else.

"Thank-you." Ally said reluctantly out of the blue. Aiden's eyes suddenly lit up. This was the first time she'd ever said something that wasn't wisdom filled or soul destroying.

"What for?"

"I might have a harsh mouth, but I know how to show gratitude where it deserves to be shown. You could have just left me there but your helping me. I appreciate it." Aiden smirked at her words.

"So, you do have a soul." He joked. Ally scoffed and returned her head to the window closing her eyes once more.