Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 9 "Allies"

Aiden pulled into the Lang Mansion and sat silently. Ally was clearly exhausted from the day; her head lay lightly on the window and she'd hadn't said a word for the rest of the journey. Eyes closed Aiden took the opportunity to study her without having his life threatened, even without her eyes visible Ally was stunning. Aiden couldn't understand why he was so drawn to her presence, but he couldn't help but stare. Just as he was starting to feel relaxed…

"Aiden Lang if you keep staring at me like that, I will happily rip your fangs from your mouth." She said smugly with her eyes still closed. Aiden jumped in response. Did she have eyes in the of her head?

"I-I thought you were asleep." He stuttered, clearly embarrassed he been caught out.

"You really think that I would let my guard down like that?" Ally scoffed, and Aiden seemed disappointed she didn't have must trust for him.

"You can't lie to me I know your exhausted." Aiden said annoyed. Ally laughed.

"Very observant of you Aiden. I could be knocking on deaths door and not let my guard down around vampires." Aiden bowed his head, but he couldn't blame her. After, what they did to her she had a right to be prejudiced. His mind sprung to Dash, he wasn't safe to be around right now. Therefore, his father had placed him in solitary until further notice. Ally watched Aiden deep in thought confused why they were still in the car.

"You're worried about your brother, aren't you?" she said surprisingly soft. Aiden looked at her with a complicated look.

"Are you psychic now." He chuckled. Ally smiled widely showing her dimples in her cheeks. This was the first time Aiden had seen a genuine smile.

"It's nothing I just…I understand what it's like to love your brother. It's nothing to be ashamed off." Ally said smoothly. Aiden smiled back. She really did have a soul after all.

"Yeah, I considered what you said about those who defend the crime are equally as guilty. I can't help it, he has this way of making everything okay. I just want to do the same for him." Ally looked at Aiden's enlightened eyes and for the first time felt a slither of admiration for him.

"Your brother's troubled did you say?" Ally questioned. Aiden immediately froze up, he can't tell her, yet the news would destroy her. Ally was already in enough pain.

"Dash, lost someone very dear to him recently and he hasn't taken it well." Aiden was trying to be as brief as possible. Ally was smart meaning if he let too much slip, she would work it out in a heartbeat.

"I don't mean to pry. I'm just asking out of curiosity, he seemed very troubled holding that girl against her will. Is that what he's usually like?" Ally couldn't help but want to know more. Perhaps, it was an inner desire to understand his pain or she was asking just to waste time reluctant to enter the clan. Not even she knew anymore, but when Aiden stated his brother had lost some-one dear she related.

"No. Dash tries his best to put up his walls but in truth he has a really good heart and head on his shoulders. I-I think he reminds me of you quite a bit." Aiden smiled painfully. Ally sighed and finally plucked up the courage to exit the car. She hated this, asking her enemy for help but what choice did she have? Aiden watched Ally confidently walk towards the steps and he swiftly dashed from the car to a few steps ahead and raised him hand.

"What is it?" Ally asked annoyed. Aiden put his fingers to his lips and asked her politely to keep quiet.

"This house has prying ears and dangerous people, so keep your voice to a minimum." Aiden warned her with sincerity in his eyes and Ally frowned in response. Patently ignoring his request Ally walked up to the conjoined brown oak door and knocked harshly. Ally was determined to show nothing but formality and strength. If she showed any weakness, then the vampires could take advantage of her.

A maid answered the door and almost passed out at the sight of Ally.

"Is your master home?" Ally asked politely. The girl settled herself and took a deep breath.

"Yes, you must be Prince Aiden's guest. Pleasure to meet you." She said gratefully. Ally could see her cheeks blush when she looked at Aiden and almost threw up in her mouth. Did females really have no control over their lewdness these days?

"The pleasure is mine." Ally's words were suddenly short and abrupt, her kindness quickly gone. Aiden walked behind Ally as they made their way to the private lounge guided by the lewd maid.

"Here we are ma 'dam my master is waiting for you." The maid bowed and flashed Aiden a devilish smile. Ally rolled her eyes and looked at Aiden who had ignored her advances. Aiden was surprised to see Ally face was stone-cold.

-----------------------------Private lounge------------------------

Joseph Lang, Aiden's father sat silently awaiting the mysterious guest on the chiffon leather, occasionally sipping from his whiskey glass. His mind was in ruin since Dash's outburst and was quite annoyed Aiden would bring a guest at a time like this. Just as he was about to take another swing of whiskey, the screen door to the lounge opened with force. Aiden walked in clearly in discomfort which alarmed Joseph, causing him to stand up from his seat.

"Son, what is it."

"Father, I'd sit down if I were you." Aiden said sincerely. Joseph nodded hesitantly and sat back down in his seat. He watched in awe as a beautiful, silver haired girl flaunted through the screen doors and stood directly in-front of him. Silver strands feel from her face which made way for her striking mismatched eyes. Her look was very judgemental and intimidating. Ally felt great discomfort in the clan and wanted to make sure they understood they weren't in control of her.

Joseph stood up and looked her up and down completely captivated by her uniqueness. Ally scowled at him and snapped her fingers slowly bringing him back to earth. Ally studied Joseph for a while. It was clear he was Aiden's father; his tall slim frame and black hair they were practically identical.

"Joseph Lang, pleasure to meet you," After clearing his throat he found his pride and greeted her like any other person.

"The pleasures mine. I appreciate your hospitality Mr. Lang" Ally's voice was very formal, and it caused Aiden to smirk. He knew exactly what she was up too. Aiden had noticed when presented with new people Ally's manner was very calm and soothing. Then like a bombshell after she'd evaluated them, she would destroy them. Word by word.

Joseph, "May I ask your name?"

Ally looked at Aiden for reassurance. Aiden nodded at her to indicate it was safe to reveal her identity.

"My names Ally King of the moonstone pack." Ally said faintly. Luckily, Joseph had a heightened sense of hearing and heard every word.

Joseph stood in shock for about 30 seconds until Aiden finally broke his gaze.

"Father, I know it's a lot but it's true that's Ally." Aiden said happily.

"Strange, you both reacted the same way. Seems you influence Aiden quite a bit Mr. Lang." Ally said smugly. Aiden shot her a look and continued to console his father who wouldn't take his eyes off Ally.

"It's a miracle, y-your brothers going to be- "Aiden cut off his father's sentence almost immediately and looked at him with pleading eyes to not reveal anything yet. Ally looked on in suspicion, Aiden was clearly alarmed by something.

"Father, you know Lucian well correct?" Aiden quickly shifted the subject. Joseph trembled slightly at his name verifying Aiden's question.

"I know that boy well. Could I be so modest as to take a wild shot in the dark and guess he did this to you Ally." Joseph words were sad and pitiful which aggravated Ally.

"Correct. Now I'm being hunted down. Your son mentioned you know a lot about folk law." Ally was quick and sudden. All politeness had gone, and her main concern was her survival right now.

"I've had my fair share of research, but I've never seen an affliction such as this." Joseph numbed all feeling of shock and despair for Dash and focused on the task at hand. He could tell by Aiden eyes that some secrets needed to be concealed at least for the time being. Joseph extended his hand to look at Ally's eyes closer. Aiden intervened and stood between them.

"I wouldn't. Ally doesn't like to be touched. Just ask her to step closer." Aiden said firmly. Ally didn't know what to say. She didn't need him to speak for her but in a way, she appreciated the gesture, it saved her from an unnecessary conflict. Aiden looked at Ally with concern at which Ally nodded in gratitude. Ally then stepped closer to Joseph and extended. As she stood awkwardly Joseph studied her. Joseph looked at Aiden with a worried expression and Aiden joined him as he studied.

"This isn't an art collage just come to your conclusion already." Ally said angrily. Joseph sighed and plonked back into his seat completely defeated.

"This is worse than we initially thought. Ally have you been feeling dizzy or suffering from migraines." Aiden said gulping down the expensive whiskey clearly disturbed. Ally thought for a while and recalled the nose-bleeds she'd gotten at the pack house. Both times when she used her vampires' abilities.

"Yes, migraines and nose-bleeds. Only when I use my vampire influences though." Ally said shamefully still not able to accept that their blood ran through her veins.

"Why does it matter it's just my bodies way of adjusting."

"No, your bodies not adjusting Ally, it's rejecting. Eyes are windows to one's soul, when you look closely enough, they can reveal things even the host is unaware of." Joseph began fiddling with his rings in concern. Ally stood there trying to figure his words.

"Your souls in conflict Ally. Part of you is accepting of the vampire gene because it's keeping you alive and strong. Yet, your wolf gene is adamant to reject it. Therefore, creating conflict. You must be exhausted."

Ally also sat down, shocked by the news. It was true… perhaps her soul was in conflict because she didn't know if her heart was in the right place. Eventually, one had to win…

"What do I do? I can't decide what I want, there's not enough evidence for that. What about Lucian?" Ally asked worried.

Joseph thought for a while and then flashed Aiden a daring look.

"No." Aiden said quickly. Ally was caught off guard seeing Aiden's anger spark like a live wire.

"Aiden. He's the only one Lucian can't control, you know this. He can protect her better than we can." Joseph said hopefully. Aiden felt the burning in his chest crawl its way up to his throat. Before, he could let loose Ally swiftly grabbed his arm and looked at him. Her touch was so soothing and gentle that Aiden calmed down almost immediately.

"It's okay Aiden. Take a breath." Ally said soothingly. Aiden sighed and smiled at her in gratitude.

"I'm not sure what your implying but if it's going to cause conflict between the two of you then I'd rather find another alternative." Ally addressed Joseph sternly and Joseph began also swinging his whiskey like there was no tomorrow.

"My son Dash… he's quite unique. F-for some reason Lucian's influences don't work on him. He could protect you." Joseph smiled. Aiden scowled at his father, he didn't want his brother to take Ally away from him.

"Dash is unstable. He's not suitable for such a task, especially considering the circumstances." Aiden sad coldly.

"Sir, I don't know your son but if he is troubled, I wouldn't want to pressure him more. I'll find something I just need to think." Ally yawned as she spoke clearly exhausted. Her feet were unsteady, and her mind pulsated beneath her skull.

"Very well. You look tired, we have a private room for you and some spare clothes. Your welcome to stay." Joseph was polite, but it didn't matter how flattering his manner was Ally couldn't trust any-one.

Ally looked at Joseph and her vision began to blur, a sharp pain in her head caused her to clutch it. Aiden placed his hands on her shoulders and steadied her.

"Ally!" Aiden shouted but Ally senses were failing her leaving the sounds around muffled. Her head bowed to the floor and she watched as blood spilled from her nose. Ally stood back up but, in her state, stumbled back at which Aiden caught and lifted her up. Ally peaceful passed out in is arms and went limp.

"Set her up in the guest room she's having a harder time than I thought."

"She's stubborn that's why." Aiden said studying her features.

"That's why." Joseph said coldly. Aiden looked up confused.

"You don't want Dash to have anything to do with her because you have feelings towards her correct?" Joseph's words hit Aiden like a sharp knife.

"That's not your concern." Aiden yelled and quickly left with Ally said in his arms.

Joseph placed both hands on the table and sighed.

"What are you doing son…"

-----------------------------------------Pack House-----------------------------

Blake sat drinking in the kitchen with all the pack members celebrating their new-found Alpha. They all sat drinking champagne and wine, playfully gossiping with one another. Blake smiled with pure delight to see smiles on the faces of these broken wolves. Everything they had ever known was brutality and now they were free.

"Blake, what did you do to your dad to make him submit?"

"What happened to the witch? Is she staying here with us?"

Blake looked slightly shell-shocked at their interest. As he sat on the table swarms of them surrounded him intrigued. Helen, Blake's mother sat comfortable at his side, she's never been so proud in her life.

"Um… I can't really explain it. T-the witch was a great help to me, but she decided not to stay. She'll be back to visit though. Let's not talk about my father anymore and just enjoy of new-found freedom." Blake raised his glass and the pack clinked glasses and cheered. Helen gripped Blake's arm tightly and hugged him.

"Ally would be so proud of you son." Helen said with tears in her eyes.

"I know she would be Mom. Thank-you." Blake smiled and hugged his mother back.

They all continuously drank until most of them gave in and returned to bed. Blake began clearing glasses with his mother casually chit-chatting to bide time.

"That girl was a god-sent, wasn't she? The way she stood for us was amazing." Helen couldn't get the girl out of her head.

Blake, "Yeah, I couldn't have done this without her."

Helen, "I don't mean to keep bringing her up, but I bet if Ally was still here, they would have gotten along well. Maybe she would have actually opened up to some-one." Helen said sadly. Blake couldn't help but smile. Only Ally could open to Ally he thought childishly.

Just as Blake was about to answer his mother the front door knocked lightly. Blake's initial thought was Ally must be home, so he shooed Helen back to her room. It would be too much of a shock for her, to see her now.

"I'll be back soon mom just give me a minute." Blake closed the door on Helen leaving her feeling alone already.

Blake walked towards the pack door but was stopped in his tracks. He watched as every hair on his body began to raise and the air had gotten colder around him. Blake was very hesitant but the hope his sister was on the other side made him bypass his own common sense. Blake opened the door slowly, already shaking with fear. The bitter cold air blew through his body like a storm and rendered him stiff. The moon was still in full and it highlighted the pack grounds. Blake looked around for a second until a vile presence swiftly stepped in-front of him.

Lucian stood leaning against the door frame like nothing was amiss. His devilish smile flashing his canines as a warning. Blake couldn't move. He knew exactly who this was.

"Is your sister home Blake?" he asked playfully. Blake tried to slam the door, but Lucian held it open without using any strength at all. Blake noticed his nose was visibly broken and red stains lay faintly on his upper lip. Lucian stared at Blake curiously, Blake looked away in discomfort.

"Ally did the same thing but not to worry I don't swing that way." Lucian was joking. He was making jokes at a time like this. Blake growled at him, but Lucian kept grinning.

"Your sister gave me a run for my money earlier. It takes a lot to get away from me but Ally's unique, isn't she?" Lucian asked intriguing, but Blake needed remembered what Ally had told him. If he came looking for her, he had so implied she was dead, and he had no knowledge of her.

"You mean to say she WAS unique. My sister died yesterday, you're wasting your time." Blake tried to sound as much in despair as he could, but Lucian was smarter than that.

"You should really get an Oscar for that performance. I'm not an idiot Blake I know she's been back here recently. Her intoxicating scent is everywhere." Lucian said licking his lips. What was going on? Did this perverted freak really have a thing for Ally? Lucian's tone was so casually compared to the way he spoke to Ally. It was as if he was being deceitful with his words to temp Blake into trusting him.

"You can act friendly all you want Lucian, I'm not as smart as Ally but I can see straight through you. Ally isn't here. If she was, she wouldn't hide away and let me take the fall. If you know so much about my sister, you'll know that she would never back down to a bloodsucker like you." Blake's words were full of anger which took Lucian by surprise. From observation Blake was very passive and Ally was the stronger of the two, so his defiance was not expected.

"Tell me where she is, or I'll tear your throat out where you stand. I'm usually a patient man, but I'm tired of playing hide and seek. Where is she?" this time Lucian's words were dark and made Blake uneasy. Blake would never forgive himself for giving up her sister, but he was backed into a corner.

"I don't know but I can call her to find out." Blake said unwillingly. Lucian smiled and nodded in agreement. Blake's shaking hand took out his phone and called Ally his face stricken with rage as Lucian awaited to hear her voice.

"H-hey Ally…"

---------------------------------------Lang Guest Room----------------------

The room was soaked in velvet red interior and the golden ornaments complimented the expensive feel of the room. Ally slept peacefully in the silk sheets while Aiden sat not far room the bed in a lounge chair. His eyes wouldn't leave her, and he would occasionally jump whenever she stirred. Aiden didn't know what to do anymore. His fathers' words resonated with him. He didn't have feelings for her. Did he? No, he couldn't she was his brother mate it wouldn't be right…

Ally began moaning in her sleep and tossing from side to side. Aiden stood up looking at her curiously. It looked like she was having a night terror, but he was fearful to wake her. Ally began sweating and breathing heavily.

"Isaac…!" Ally called out his brother's name which rendered him paralysed. She must be dreaming about that night… Aiden finally plucked up the courage and pinned Ally's hands above her head to stop her from moving.

"Ally! It's okay It's okay!" Aiden shook her, and her eyes shot open with terror. It took her a few moments to realize that Aiden was on top of her holding her down and her instincts took over. With a swift motion Ally threw Aiden from her onto the ground and pinned him down in the same way. Ally was breathing heavily, and her eyes were teary, Aiden glared back at her in shock. It happened so fast he couldn't wrap his brain around it.

"What the hell are you doing Aiden." She said angrily still panting for breath.

"You were having a night terror I was trying to calm you down." Aiden said fearfully as her gaze was so full of anger it could kill.

Ally stood up without looking at him and walked back over to the bed. Facing away she bowed her head in shame.

"You didn't have to pin me down like that. You could have just called my name asshole." Her words still full of rage held an underlying sadness. Aiden brushed himself off.

"I did. You wouldn't wake up and you kept calling out Isaac's name. I had no choice." Ally stiffened up when hearing his name and clutched her chest. Just his name was enough to make her heart painfully contract. Ally tried her best to choke back her tears, and she began shaking. Aiden walked over and placed his hand gently on her shoulder.

Usually, an action like that would have resulted in Ally losing her mind, but she could feel the warmth in his touch. She stood conflicted for a few seconds before relaxing her body. Aiden placed his hand on her other shoulder and slowly pulled her in closely hugging her from behind. Ally didn't have the strength to hug him back, but Aiden couldn't believe his face was still in-tact. This was like a revelation that this girl wasn't broken, she just needed someone to embrace her. Some-one to tell her it's not okay right now but there's still hope.

"Why?" Ally said softly. Aiden squeezed her tighter.

"Why what?" he said humorously.

"Why would you embrace some-one like me? Why are you helping me Aiden?" Ally said her words clearly full of pain.

"Because from the minute I saw your eyes in that courtroom I knew you were something different. You completely captivated me by your strength, your stubbornness but most importantly the way you stood for what was right. You're not broken Ally, it doesn't matter what people say you are not broken. You're just hurting, and I want you to know that it's not going to last forever. I'm here if you need me." Aiden whispered his words into her ear causing shivers to go down her spine.

No man had ever gotten this close to her since Isaac. Aiden could feel her body shiver as she wept. Ally turned around and buried her head in his chest, Aiden hugged her tighter refusing to let her go. He could feel the cold as her tears penetrated his shirt. After her tears had faded Aiden rested his head on top of hers. Aiden calmly leaned back and lifted her chin, but she kept her eyes closed refusing to look at him. Ally had never cried in-front of anyone before, so this was uncomfortable for her. Aiden studied her pain filled face and stroked her cheek. Just as he leaned in to kiss her Ally's phone vibrated in her pocket breaking their connection. Ally pulled away and answered the phone without hesitation. It was safer for Aiden to not get too attached and she felt like an idiot letting someone get that close.


Blake, "H-hey Ally." Ally could hear the nerves in his voice. When Blake and Ally were younger, they made a pact to always find a way to tell each other if they were in trouble. One would be a faint mouth click. Blake clicked his mouth sending a jolt of adrenaline through her system.

"Put him on the phone." Ally clenched her fists and closed her eyes awaiting the voice she dreaded.

"Hi, beautiful. Nice to hear you voice again. You catch on quick huh?" No doubt it was Lucians seductive tone. Aiden tapped into his advanced hearing and clenched his fists at his voice. Aiden stood in-front of Ally and gestured to hand up, but Ally shook her head reluctantly.

"Listen to me carefully, you lay one finger on my brother and I'll personally see it that you make it to an early grave. I'm not here to play games Lucian, you want me then fine. Leave Blake out of this."

"Ally stop." Aiden said sternly. Lucian began laughing down the phone.

"I can recognise that voice anywhere. I'm guessing you're at the Lang Manor correct?" Lucian said proudly.

"Tell Aiden I'll see him real soon and to keep his hands off my girl." Lucian said humorously. Aiden quickly snatched the phone from Ally leaving her dumbstruck.

"You're not taking her Lucian. You'd be smart not to start a war with my father and if worst comes to worst I'd happily get Dash involved." The phone went silent for a few seconds.

"Dash has nothing to do with this." Lucian said angrily. Ally was taken aback. Aiden's brother was obviously something special to get a reaction from a man as cynical as him.

"Dash has a lot more to with this than you think. If she's that important to you then come. I dare you." Aiden's voice was low and threatening. This was a totally different side to Aiden. When Aiden wanted something, he didn't care what it took to get it. In this case…Ally was what he wanted.

"I'll be there soon. Tell Ally to be ready for me." Lucian hung up the phone. Aiden took a deep breath and looked at Ally who couldn't believe her eyes.

"I need to talk to my father."

Ally grasped her fists.

"No, you're not fighting for me Aiden. I've fought alone my whole life this isn't any different. I'll fight him off myself."

"Stop being so damn stubborn Ally. You saw his strength, you couldn't fight him before what makes now any different." Aiden said clearly offended she would refuse him like that.

"Nothing! People can't get hurt because of me I won't allow it. The last person who stood up for me payed with his life. I can't lose you too." Ally suddenly realised what she'd said and watched Aiden's face light up. Did she care about him too? Ally looked away embarrassed.

Ally, "Don't take that the wrong way. It's only right for me to fight my own battles. "

"Ally, I'm not trying to take that away from you. Just let me be there in-case you need me. You don't have to be alone on this." Ally couldn't understand why suddenly, he cared about her so much. What had changed since the courtroom for her to be embracing him like she just did? Ally hadn't let some-one touch her officially since Isaac's death. Even though he wasn't here anymore Ally felt like she was betraying him.

"Do what you like, I don't really care." Ally turned off her emotions like a switch. Ally didn't want Aiden to start viewing her differently and she decided to not let her guard down anymore. Aiden grinned at her. Ally rolled her eyes and began walking past him when Aiden grabbed her wrist pulling her back around. Ally snatched her hand away furiously.

"You need to make up your mind. Either you care about what I do, or you don't." Aiden said playfully. He could see straight through her thoughts. Ally glared him down and couldn't answer him.

"I need to get changed get out." Aiden scoffed and stroked her hair as he exited the room.

As soon as Aiden left Ally let a sigh of relief escape her mouth. It was something about him that knocked the breath out of her. Ally looked at the skirt and lace top sitting on the chair near her and chuckled to herself. There was no-way she was wearing something so revealing. Maybe Aiden had chosen them intentionally and this was his own way of getting revenge. She looked at the clothes she was wearing which were soaked through with sweat after her night terror. Ally sighed and reluctantly put on the clothes. It was a white lace camisole and blue denim skirt; the skirt barely reached her mid-thigh.

"No way." Ally talked to herself. Ally walked over to the door. She knew Aiden was standing waiting for her, his feet would often pace backwards and forwards. Ally cracked the door open slightly. Aiden could see the low-cut lace top through the crack and grinned cunningly.

"Go get me one of your shirts right now." Ally demanded.

"Why? What's wrong with the clothes your wearing?" Aiden said smugly. Ally growled.

"I'm not here to for fill your own perverted desires. Get me a shirt Aiden." Aiden smiled at her. Without warning Aiden swiftly un-buttoned his shift and offered it to Ally. Ally's face was bright red. Aiden's body was toned and his six-pack was enough for a girl to fall to her knees. The attractive v-lines connected to his crotch was clearly in sight. Ally was frozen.

"Your blushing Ally King. Like what you see?" Aiden chuckled. Ally quickly changed her expression to repulsed and snatched the shirt from Aiden. Ally slammed the door without saying another word. Aiden laughed to himself. She was embarrassed to see his body. What was on her mind to blush like that?

Ally pressed her back against the door and took a deep breath. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do you care if his shirts off? Get a grip of yourself Ally! Ally was disappointed in herself for giving him that reaction. Ally threw on Aiden's shirt over the camisole, it was oversized and comfortable hiding her body. Happy with herself she tied up hair in a messy bun and exited the room.

Aiden had on a new causal grey t-shirt which hugged his body tightly. Ally couldn't even look at him when she exited. Aiden looked her up and down, his shirt covered her up to her mid-thigh leaving the rest of her tanned slender legs visible.

"Nice legs." He said lustfully.

"Shut-up." Ally said viciously.

--------------------------------------Joseph's office---------------------------

Aiden entered first and stepped into the life-filled office. Ally peered around and identified a variety of souvenirs from different parts of the world. The mask of Tahiti from Hawaiian terminology. Fine Russian vodka bottles from over two centuries ago scattered the wooden shelves. Each were lit individually with their own colour.

"You're quite the collector sir." Ally said captivated by the items.

"I've had plenty of time to collect. I'm coming up nearly three centuries old soon." Joseph said proudly. Aiden admired Ally's interest for a while and then suddenly remembered their situation.

"Lucian will be here soon." Joseph shot Aiden a dark look clearly displeased that that boy had been drawn here.

"Why would that be? That boy hasn't been here in almost a century." Joseph's rage was clear and dangerous. Ally could sense Aiden getting aggravated also and stepped in.

"I drew him here. I'll pick a different location so there's no need to worry." Ally said politely.

"T-that won't be necessary. You are a guest on Lang territory, he is not. Were not safe to be around you Ally." Joseph said worryingly. Aiden also bowed his head. It pissed him off to know Lucian would make him submit due to him not only being superior but the King…

"I'll be there to witness. Ally said she wanted to face him head on. I know if we try to intervene, he'll make us submit and we'll be helpless." Aiden said shamefully.

"I'll fetch Dash just in-case, he can't compel him."

"I told you he's not stable enough." Aiden was growing tired of his father implements, he couldn't comprehend why he was so adamant to reunite them both.

"Ally, maybe you can talk him out of it. Your good with words, aren't you?" Joseph asked happily. Ally looked at Aiden who looked furious at this request.

"No, it's bad enough dragging one of your boys into this. I'll be perfectly fine on my own." Aiden appreciated Ally's words and Joseph frowned. Ally nodded at Aiden reassuringly. In her mind, Aiden wanted to protect his brother which she could understand. In truth, Aiden wanted Ally all to himself. It was selfish of him and he knew it, but he wasn't going to let her go without a fight. Not to Lucian, not to Dash not to anyone…