Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 10 "Broken"

After discussing Ally's plans with Joseph, they both exited they office. Ally began getting a gut-wrenching feeling after Aiden had angrily refused to ask his brother for help continuously. At first, she naively excused his behavior because she believed it was just a brotherly love but after further evaluation Joseph seemed adamant to request Dash's help. Aiden was hiding something from her and she began to ground her instincts. Aiden began walking away but stopped when he didn't feel Ally behind him.

"Ally?" Ally looked at him coldly catching him off guard. There was something in her eyes that made him shiver, she knew something… Aiden walked closer to her, but she raised her hand.

"Don't even try touching me Aiden." Ally's stubbornness had returned with a vengeance and Aiden felt a sudden annoyance. How could she have embraced him and let him in and was now talking to him like a stranger?

"You weren't saying that earlier." He said rudely, it was strange, but he wanted to prompt a reaction out of her. He didn't want her defense to go back up after they'd built some bridge of trust between them. Ally scowled at him, her mismatched eyes glowing dangerously. Ally knew deep down it was guilt for letting him in. Isaac was the only one she ever opened to. She hadn't even known Aiden for two days and already he was getting under her skin, breaking down the barriers she'd proudly maintained her whole life.

"I let my guard down, don't let it get to your head. It was momentary weakness."

Aiden, "No, you can't go back on it now Ally. Your hurting and I get that but I'm not letting what happened in there go. It's not weak to let others in if anything it's weak to ignore your feelings. I thought you'd be intelligent enough to understand that."

Aiden was asking for troubling calling her out like that. Ally began shaking in anger and clenched her fists. Aiden had no right to say such things to her.

"You can act like you know me all you want Aiden. If that's what your brain is telling you then I pity you. I see through you your lying to me." Ally decided not to keep her gut feeling to herself anymore. Aiden looked a little unnerved by her demeanor and looked away from her.

"What could I possibly be lying to you about?" he tried acting nonchalant, but Ally wasn't accepting it.

"Fine. You won't tell me then I don't need you. I think I'll take your fathers advise and talk to Dash I'm sure he'll protect me." Ally had no idea who Dash was really, but her words really hurt Aiden. Aiden quickly pinned her against the wall and glared her down, Ally didn't stir and glared right back.

"You're not protecting him you have an ulterior motive. What is it?" Aiden had mistaken her IQ, if his father hadn't of kept implying Dash to help then he wouldn't have had to keep rejecting which raised suspicion. In these attempts Ally had worked him out and he was cornered like a rat in a trap. Aiden dropped his eyes and pushed his hands harder into the wall.

"Ally, please don't fight me on this. I'm asking you to trust me. I would never keep something from someone unless I felt it necessary. Leave it be." Aiden's voice was sad and desperate and as much as Ally wanted to push him aside and see Dash for herself. Ally was conflicted to see Aiden in turmoil over whatever this ulterior motive was. Aiden hugged her closer and that warm feeling washed over Ally again. Every time she would put up her wall Aiden would knock it down, Ally stiffened up at first but relaxed again.

"I hate you." Ally said softly.

"Liar." Aiden said playfully quite happy he'd broken down her barrier once more. How does he do this to me? Why can't I pull away from him...?

They both were interrupted by Joseph exiting his office in a hurry. Aiden pulled away and stood firm. Joseph looked on in concern seeing how close Aiden was to her. He frowned at him, how could he be so close to his brother's girl. Ally adjusted herself and crossed her arms trying to pretend it didn't happen.

"Dash broke out." Joseph said painfully trying to scrape the image from his mind. Ally watched as Aiden gulped and looked at her with a complicated look. Ally looked back in understanding. Something in his eyes made her feel worried and out of respect accepted his request. He had helped her after all.

"I'll stay in your room. I trust you. "Aiden felt his heart flutter at her words. She wasn't fighting him anymore. Joseph looked completely dumbfounded, why was she listening to him? Aiden smiled and nodded as Ally made her way to his bedroom. Joseph waited until her door closed and pulled Aiden by his arm closer.

"What are you doing Aiden? How could you get so close to her when your brothers suffering the way he is?" Joseph said angrily.

"I can't father, I can't let him take her away from me. I've never felt a closer connection to anyone in my life. When I'm around her I can't even think straight." Aiden was direct as he didn't feel the need to hide what he felt anymore. Since, she sat with him in the bar there was this pounding in his chest he couldn't shake. A constant pull between them like magnets. Joseph staggered where he stood, and Aiden quickly looked on in concern.


"It can't be, this isn't possible." Joseph whispered. Aiden tried to work him out but couldn't. His face was full of anguish and complications, not even Joseph could fathom his thoughts.

"A-Ally's your spire there's no other way to say it." Joseph admitted this reluctantly and every hair on Aiden's body stood on end. The spire...

The spire was vampire folk law. Wolves have mate's which share a spiritual connection between a male and female. Once found wolves will be mated for life. There bond is irreplaceable unless one mate dies. Vampires have something similar called a spire, a bond that is equally unshakable but very rare. Some lucky few had the luxury of finding their soul spire. Aiden couldn't move, did she feel the same way? Could she feel it too? Spire includes affliction of inseparability and desire, but Aiden wasn't sure if Ally was capable of such things.

"How could that be? She's not a full vampire?" Aiden said alarmed.

"You didn't feel; the connection in the courtroom because she was a full wolf. Now she carries the vampire gene it's awakened the spire bond. I can't believe this…" Joseph didn't know what to do. Ally carried a mate bond as well as a spire bond. Her mind would be in conflict if Dash came back into the picture. It was a matter of choosing which son could make her happier.

"Aiden, if you both carry the bond then it's up to her whether she accepts that. From observation it brings her great discomfort to know our blood runs through her veins meaning she's not very accepting. "Aiden was struggling to grasp his father words and stood silent. He knew there was something about her he couldn't shake but he's never imagined it would be this.

-------------------------------Aiden's room-----------------------

Ally couldn't let this charade go on any longer and pressed her ear against the door eavesdropping on their conversation. Usually she didn't care about others personal business but in her heart, she felt obliged to know what disturbed Aiden so much. It was the same general disagreement as before and Ally began losing interest until she heard Aiden admitting how she felt about her.

"I've never felt a closer connection to anyone in my life. When I'm around her I can't even think straight" his voice sounded so troubled in admitting this…

Ally's body shivered as a pulse of electricity shot through her. It was as if she was paralyzed and she pressed her head against the door in discomfort. They contained to blabber until Joseph blurted out about a spire. Ally was confused, she'd never heard of such a thing. What was a spire, was she Aiden's spire? Her knees began growing weak, so she knelt and continued to listen. Of course, she felt guilty and had a strange trust for Aiden but if something concerned her then it was own right to know whether addressed formally or not.


"My sire…" Aiden was shocked but somewhat delighted that he shared this unique bind with her. Aiden saw Josephs eyes widened and slowly spun around coming face to face with his brother, his pleasure briefly vanquished through large puffs of smoke. Dash was taking drags on his cigarette carelessly like last night's events never happened.

"Sire huh? Who's the lucky girl." Dash managed to escape the cells and as he was walking to find his brother, he overheard him talk of a sire. Dash wasn't too familiar with it, but he knew it was a strong bond between two people. Dash did specialize in folk law, but he purposely stayed clear of romantic bonds, it was simply too hard for him.

"No-one I was just speculating." Aiden tried to hide his expression, but Dash stuck to him like a cactus. It was rare Aiden engaged in romantic relations, so this sudden spire of events peaked him interest.

"Don't give me that Aiden, I'm happy for you. When can I meet her?" Dash kept pushing slightly annoyed his brother wouldn't tell him about this. He told Dash everything… Dash instantly smirked. Perhaps Aiden was embarrassed about his new affair.

"Not yet, I have to sort somethings out first." Aiden looked to his father who was looking very conflicted as to what to do. He decided that if Ally was going to discover the truth, he needed to ensure it happened naturally. He couldn't force them to re-unite it wouldn't be right. Dash tutted in disappointment.

"Anyway, I came to apologize. I acted out of character, but you don't have to worry it won't happen again." Dash didn't sound too sure of himself, but Aiden could tell Dash's mind was still unraveled. Aiden smiled at him reassuringly and placed his hand on his shoulder. Dash smiled back and nodded.

"Dash, I need your help on something." Joseph spoke up and Aiden almost ripped out his throat right there. Aiden clenched his fists and looked at his father with such blood-lust Joseph looked away intimidated. His sudden outburst wasn't well calculated and now he was in the firing line.

"Sure. What with?" Dash seemed intrigued at his brother reactions. Aiden clearly didn't want his help on this which made him want to participate more.

"Aiden's spire is in trouble. You're the only one who can't succumb to Lucian's influences." Joseph cut straight to the point leaving Aiden lost for words. But Dash didn't shudder at his name or darken at the thought instead he chuckled. Dash knew it infuriated Lucian that he had no control and their last encounter almost came to blows.

"I'll never pass getting under that sadistic pervert skin. Don't worry Aiden I'll protect your girl." Dash teased playfully but straightened up when he saw Aiden's rage filled eyes. It was happening right before him. Dash spoke so inattentively unable to realize that he was speaking of his own mate. The girl he would do anything for.

"Aiden, you can't help her. Juts let Dash do what he's good at." with that Aiden and Joseph froze up when a loud knock at their door echoed eerily throughout the whole house. Dash quickly switched his demeanor and had a dangerous look in his eyes. His eyes glowing blood red, flames danced inside his iris. Joseph quickly shooed Aiden to fetch Ally and warned Dash before he engaged.

"Stay behind cover unless it's absolutely necessary. If they need you, they'll call you." Dash chuckled.

"Father, once Lucian sets his eye on something, he'll possess over it for eternity. It's going to come to blows whether you like it or not. I've never seen a girl catch his eye though. She must be interesting." Dash pondered for a while picturing what type of girl was Aiden's taste. Joseph watched him think and his heart welled up in trepidation. If only you knew…

-------------------------------Aiden's room----------------------

Ally sat and listened to each word and couldn't move a muscle. Her body painfully ached but she struggled to comprehend why. Limbs and muscles gripped tightly to her bones contracting under an odd presence. Heavily her lungs inflated, and she sighed out her breath was caught up and she felt restricted. This strange feeling overcame her, like she was drowning, gasping for breath. Even her heart was pumping heavily through her chest. It was a pain she's never felt before but as soon as Dash spoke her body trembled. Ally didn't like the feeling and shook her head reluctant to give in to it. Her head snapped around to the door when an echoing knock bellowed throughout the house. Ally clutched her neck which was still painfully bruised from his grip and sensed it was him. In their fight Lucian imprinted her with his bruised fingers prints and no matter how many times she'd try to wash it, it was a painful reminder that she wasn't strong enough.

Determined Ally stood up and went to exit the room before Aiden stopped her in her tracks and shuffled her back in. Startled Ally gripped her chest and sighed, looking on at Aiden in vexation.

"I've told Dash to keep hidden unless we really need him are you ready?" Aiden held Ally's face and his touch was relaxing which aggravated her. His somewhat fearful and fires up eyes were clearly fighting to see which the successor would be. Aiden didn't want to be under his control and had decided to resist his submission no matter how painful it may be.

"What the hell is a sire?" Ally ignored Aiden's words and was adamant to know what a sire bond was. She hated others knowing what she didn't. Aiden looked suddenly embarrassed and shook his head. Had she listened to the whole thing? Why was she eavesdropping?

"Ally, we don't have time for this right now. If we don't open the door, he'll break it down. Let's go." Aiden grabbed Ally's hand and led her out of the room. Ally wasn't fighting back and let him guide her, thunder struck her face when she realized, he'd broken down her barrier once more. Ally pulled away and dusted herself off.

"I'm perfectly capable of finding the door. I don't need your guidance; how stupid do you think I am?" Aiden smirked at her. Even when faced with grave danger she was still as stubborn as a mule. Joseph walked in-front and opened the door before Aiden could intervene.

"Wait!" but he was too late. The door slammed open and there he was, standing tall looking as smug as ever.

"Have some respect boy. Not in my home.", Joseph warned and surprisingly Lucian backed up until he reached the middle of the green separating the woods and the mansion. His eyes were yet again glued to Ally refusing to leave her. His legs were bent, and he stood idle with his hands in his pockets. Ally recognized he'd found some pleasure in rendering before, now he stood defenseless on purpose to aggravate her. Aiden looked at him darkly and stood in-front of Ally blocking his gaze. Ally grabbed Aiden's arm and moved around him, looking at him with reassurance as she walked outside. Ally wouldn't break if her eyes were scooped from her head, she wanted to let him know that she wasn't to be played with. Joseph stood precariously at the door evaluating Lucian's body language. If anyone knew what he was thinking it was him, he'd known his for a long time which is why Lucian respected his wish to not fight inside. Lucian smiled at Ally seductively and sniffed up the air, her scent was like his own personal brand of heroin. Joseph identified that he did have sexual desires for Ally probably because of her strength and he would take pleasure in making her surrender. It disgusted him immensely.

Dash had earned his name because he was extremely fast, like lighting and Joseph believed the name suited him. Dash accepted willingly and forgot about once being the noble warrior from the Moonstone Pack. It didn't have much taste carrying the name of a dead man.

In the time it took Aiden to fetch Ally, Dash had sprinted out undetected and assumed his position behind a large oak tree around 20 meters away from the entrance. Hiding in the brush his red eyes peered over the thicket, he watched Lucian standing foolishly in the center. That annoying grin spread across his face.

Dash froze up as he admired a small framed, silver haired heroine appear from the mansion entry and his brother tagged not that far behind her. Dash sniffed up but couldn't get a clear scent, she was wearing Aiden's shirt, so it somewhat masked her. Sadly, she faced away from him, so Dash couldn't see her face, but he noticed her tanned slender legs peaking from beneath the shirt and grinned cunningly,

"Nice pick brother." he chuckled to himself. Dash didn't care for Lucian's intentions he was doing this for his brothers' sake. They made a pact to support each other no matter what and so far, Aiden seems to be the lead supporter. Dash wanted to change that. He couldn't be this broken, unstable man his whole life. He speculated whether she'd escaped his castle or Lucian had just taken a liking to her. From the way he smiled, he was interested in her. The way he looked at her even made him uncomfortable.

Ally stood front center while Aiden stood closely behind her. Both fists bawled at either side of her and one leg stuck out longer than the other, it was a subtle fighting stance but effective. Ally refused to break eye contact with her piercing eyes glowing brightly, they only seemed to become apparent when Ally felt an overwhelming emotion. In this instance her body shuddered with rage. Lucian tutted at her, and then looked at Aiden strangely. The way he stood with her was different from before. This time he was protecting her instead of cowering in fear. Ally had given him this hidden strength and Lucian didn't like It one bit.

"Your cute together I'll give you that, but I can't let you have her Aiden." Lucian warned him, but Aiden scoffed in response. Lucian spoke like Ally was just a toy to play and discard of as he pleased, Aiden wasn't backing down that easily.

"Try take her from me." This sudden courage broke Ally's gaze and she looked up at Aiden who was also staring Lucian down with glowing eyes. It was as if his soul had awakened. His front was guarded but Ally couldn't help but notice a light shiver in his skin, Aiden was fighting relentlessly to defy him right now.

Dash watched from the distance and couldn't believe his brothers strength as he fought gallantly to overcome Lucian's submission. It was soul destroying and exhausting to refuse such a compulsion which Dash is why felt this sudden admiration for Aiden. This girl must be something special.

Ally looked at Aiden's hands which were shaking violently. Quickly she grasped then softly, her touch calmed Aiden. Aiden gripped her hand back and slowly calmed his breathing, her touch held something special.

"Don't push yourself let me handle this Aiden." Ally whispered. Dash couldn't make out her words but could see her hold his brothers' hand. Clearly, she felt strongly about him too. Dash readied himself when the girl walked closer to Lucian, her legs didn't shake, and her head wasn't bowed. Why wasn't she submitting? Instead she held her head high and walked casually toward him. It takes some strength to challenge an official never mind a king. Dash huffed in disbelief, she was something special.

Lucian also walked closer until they were less than two meters apart. Ally smiled to herself seeing Lucian's broken nose and blood-stained lip. Lucian scowled at her. In her eyes held a taunting flame, her clear pleasure in seeing his injuries made Lucian question if this was really a good idea. It seemed he could torture her to widths end and she would still never submit to him.

"I'll pay you back tenfold for that." Lucian said gesturing to his nose. Ally laughed at his threat, his hands were strong, but his words were weak.

"Still with the threats Lucian. Your get more pathetic every time I see you." Ally smiled clearly enjoying her influence on him. Lucian noticed that she was quite relaxed as if he didn't intimidate her. Her hands fell elegantly by her side and her feet stood still together. The fighting stance was gone, she'd let her guard down.

"You're a poor broken girl, it must be exhausting keeping your walls up like that all the time. Let me ease your pain I'll show you the best time of your life." Lucian said seductively, the sexual undertones were enough to make Ally wince in disgust.

"As I said at our last encounter, you may have turned me, but you don't own me. I'm not afraid of you Lucian. You have no power over me. Would you kindly end this childish endeavor before the situation becomes critical? Once we begin this I won't stop, I'd like you to know that." Ally said coldly. Lucian's face darkened and his eyes suddenly pinned Aiden who looked away to avoid his compulsion. He was growing weaker and weaker fighting it off, but he had to keep a straight head for Ally's sake.

"Your fights with me. Don't be cowardly. Look at him one more time and I'll pluck those red eyes from your skull." There was desperation in Ally's voice. Her heart clenched when she saw his glare fix on Aiden and she felt an overprotective force envelope her. Aiden took her in without a second thought, even though she was clearly unstable in her mind. In her time of need Aiden risked everything and helped her regardless of consequence. Ally owed it to him to fight.

"You care about him. Don't you beautiful." Ally looked away shamefully her cheeks slightly blushed and Lucian burst into laughter.

"What about if I tear him apart right now? While you watch, they say history has a way of repeating itself. Is that what you want?" Lucian looked on distantly as Ally's eyes glowed brighter and brighter until they were practically blinding. Lucian was implying about Isaac and Ally's mind painfully filled with the terrible night's events. Isaac's cries as they both fought off the feral, the way he fought for her until he had nothing left. Ally pulled herself back refusing to let that darkness consume her, her glowing eyes met Lucian's and a smile escaped her lips.

"Don't engage!" Aiden shouted but it was too late Ally lunged herself at Lucian with unjustly speed shoving him almost 30 meters away. Her fists like dumbbells she brutally delivered each hit, without hesitation. Dash couldn't believe his eyes seeing this small framed girl giving the Vampire King a run for his money. Dash decided to leave his station and rushed to help the girl, but Aiden held him back by his collar. Aiden couldn't let Dash see her face, it would distract them both, leading to defeat. It killed him to see Ally fighting alone but he knew she was perfectly capable of handling herself. If not, he'd happily fight in her honor.

"Don't intervene you'll distract her. Let her fight for her freedom." Aiden said painfully. Watching Ally's knuckles bloody and frayed as they fought brutally was destroying him, but he respected her choice to fight her own battles. Dash looked at him like he was an idiot. How could he let his girl fight solo like this? This wasn't just a usual cat-fight this was life or death. Just as Dash was about to dismiss his brother and intervene to his surprise, he heard Lucian cry out in pain. Turning his head, he followed as the girl's sheer strength and speed was enough to disrupt the natural elements. With each movement the air circulated and whooshed around her.

"What kind of chick can fight like that?" Dash said in amazement.

"That chick." Aiden said proudly.

Ally didn't even stop to take a breath and punched Lucian with everything she had. It was painful as each hit would shave a layer of skin from her knuckles, but she didn't care. After all of this time she'd fought to be free, she would die before laying her life before a deceptive degenerate like him. It wasn't just the fact he mentioned Isaac, but he had threatened Aiden. Something she couldn't let slide easily.

Ally could feel herself getting slower but endured through sheer will. Lucian had managed to hit her a few times, cutting her nose and lip built overall Ally had gotten the better of him. Just as she forced her tired hand to strike again Lucian caught it and began crushing it under his might. Ally bypassed the pain momentarily until she could feel the bones cracking and tendons snapping within her hand sending stabbing pain throughout her whole arm. Desperate she raised the other hand, but he apprehended this one too. Ally suddenly felt helpless and disappointed she hadn't worked out his strategy.

Ally gave him her all while he casually fought, saving his strength for her decline. Lucian was revitalized to see her face clearly pained but not a noise escaped her mouth.

Dash and Aiden ran forward but Lucian shot them both an evil look and his eyes filled with panic when he saw Dash running towards him. Ally used this to her advantage and kicked his feet from under him, his grip was still tight, and he pulled her down with him. Dash stopped in his steps and was captivated by this girl's strength to continue. Both of Ally hands were clearly broken, crushed under Lucian's strength but this wasn't going to deter her. This was life or death there was no mercy in such actions and Lucian kept crushing and crushing until her hands turned blue under the pressure.

Ally straddled him and raised her body with all her might and head-butted him so hard he thought his head was going to go through the ground. Momentarily dazed, he released his grip from her and just as Ally was about to gain some distance, he grabbed her by her throat and squeezed with everything her had. Pain radiated through her body as her already bruised windpipe succumbed to the pressure once more. In agony her eyes watered, blurring Lucian's broken, blood-stained face as gasped for air. Lucian's face was soaked in blood and his eyes were both already blackened. Lucian lifted her up like a feather and dangled her before him. His seductive smile appeared ragged on his face, but Ally didn't break her glare once.

Lucian pulled her face closer gradually, savoring her tear-filled eyes. Nuzzling his face on hers he forcibly kissed her, his vile tongue intruding her mouth. Ally wriggled in disgust and began kicking with her legs as hard as she could. Aiden could see his devilish lips on hers and it made him so angry he thought he would burst into flames. Aiden charged with everything he had but Dash was quicker, hence the name. Dash sprinted up and football tackled his legs sweeping Lucian off his feet.

Ally fell from his grasp gasping for breath and looked around dazed, the lack of oxygen to her brain made her feel uneasy and feverish. Aiden quickly rushed to her side and helped her stand, but her legs were too weak. The lack of oxygen had restricted the blood flow to her body. Ally grabbed onto Aiden and lifted herself up and glared at Lucian who was also getting to regenerate his strength to continue. If Dash hadn't of stunned him, he would have squeezed the life out of her. Throughout this whole time Ally never saw Dash's face, he was tall and always facing away from her. Dash also hadn't seen her face, her silver hair masked it in battle. So, caught up in battle, Ally almost forgot Aiden and Dash were even there.

"You fight well." Dash said happily as he stood in-front of Ally with Aiden by his side.

Ally had that heart wrenching feeling again and the pain was so intense she couldn't conceal her voice and sighed in pain. Aiden turned around concerned and looked at Ally's hands which were blue and trembling tightly clutched to her chest. Lucian stood back up and advanced, but Aiden stood forward and struck him with force sending him to his knees.

"You can't have her Lucian. I'll die before you take her from me. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave and give up on this childish desire of yours." Aiden spoke with such darkness that even Dash was dumbfounded. Seeing Ally in pain made him want to tear him limb from limb but he couldn't it would start too much trouble. Lucian had armies of vampires serving him. They would kill all of them in an instance.

"I'd listen to him Lucian I've never seen my brother this pissed." Dash's tone was playful he wasn't even phased by the events. Fighting was second nature to him, he could go at it all day. Lucian struggled to his feet and glared at Ally in-between them. Then Lucian looked at Aiden and grinned. Aiden felt a sudden sense of danger like Lucian knew something... His heart began pounding and his eyes filled up. It was as if he sensed what was coming.

"There's me thinking you had no significance to this battle old friend. I was mistaken, it's been a long time Isaac." Aiden was frozen, watching his brother's eyes twitch he promptly picked Lucian up by his throat and his dark eyes penetrated Lucian's soul.

"Call me that again. I dare you." Dash had stolen Lucian's ungodly grin and reveled in his broken face. This secret he so earnestly protected was known by the king all this time…

Aiden glanced back at Ally who didn't seem phased by this and stood firmly watching Dash work. Aiden couldn't understand why she didn't react; did she not hear him? In truth, Ally was so caught up in her own turmoil from fighting that words were completely numb to her. Lucian met eyes with her once more and laughed hysterically, so harshly he could be mistaken as a lunatic. Ally advanced but Aiden gestured her to stay still until he was no longer capable to harm her. Dash wouldn't let go, his grip tightened with each second until Lucian finally began gasping for air. Ally watched his eyes dart backwards and forwards until they stopped still. The final blow would devastate her beyond belief.

"Y-you seem wise but your blind. You can't even recognize him, can you?" Ally shuffled in discomfort and look at Dash's black hair and strong body. This was no-one of significance to her?

"You, your just as cowardly as ever. Hiding something like this from them both." Lucian singled out Aiden who was sweating with nerves, he could tell if Lucian was going to die, he would take their souls with him. Ally looked at him with curious eyes, but her body didn't react to Lucian's words. This was just a fickle attempt to bide time, Dash gripped tighter.

"Ally, your smarter than this. Would you really let him kill me and burden him like that? Haven't you burdened him enough!" Lucian gasped his final words, just as he was about to be consumed by the cold depths of death Dash irrationally let him go and stood frozen. Ally couldn't believe the sudden change in Dash's stature, his casual attitude diminished within seconds. Dash watched as Lucian clawed at his throat.

"What did you say her name was?" Dash said quietly, paralyzed by his words. He needed to hear it again before he turned around and faced the empowering woman before him. Ally couldn't understand what was going on and looked at Aiden for reassurance, but he shunned her glare and pitifully bowed his head.

Lucian began laughing and choking in turns while Dash refused to move, glued to the spot.

"Are you both still so blind. You don't even recognize your own mate Isaac?" Lucian said seductively. Ally felt the pain in her chest once again but this time it didn't hurt her to the point of exhaustion. It was as if a fragile piece of glass had replaced her once thriving heart and bit by bit its layers had been chipped away. Now, it was completely shattered. Ally clutched her chest and began to drift away, letting go of her emotions. It hurt to much, if she let herself be misguided by false hope it would kill her.

Ally brushed her hair from her face and clenched her jaw as Dash turned around hesitantly. The minute their eyes met they knew immediately who each other was. Once, those soul filled eyes had been studied and cherished forgetting them was unimaginable. Both of the colors had changed but the depth of them remained the same after all this time.

Ally hated herself. Broken and abandoned by everyone. This wasn't a light-hearted fairy-tale where they would embrace, and all the pain would magically disappear. In his absence, despite her divining love she had built up so much resentment after he left her alone. Ally struggled to look him in the eye., instead she looked at Aiden who was clearly devastated this secret he'd earnestly protected had escaped.

Lucian still laughed and pointed at Ally's priceless face which had turned stone-cold through revelation. Dash couldn't speak and just stared relentlessly. Aiden couldn't look at her but felt her burning hot glare strike the side of his face. They were liars, complete masochists keeping the one thing she needed away from her for their own personal desires made her sick. Lucian stopped laughing and instead began quivering in fear. Ally bowed her head and felt the wind swipe up her body sending her silver hair in all directions. In her chest she felt this bubble which soon traveled to her gut and then her brain.

Lucian watched as Ally revealed herself from the silver locks, her eyes the colorful of mountain spring violets. Lucian began backing away as Ally advanced towards him, her presence had changed. This was a darkness that was so intense it broke Aiden and Dash from their state, alarmed they both watched as Ally's silver hair glowed brighter than moonlight. As she calmly raised Lucian up with her broken hand, Lucian tried to hit her in a final bout for bravery, but All caught his fist before he'd even decided where he wanted to strike. Ally's eyes burned, this was no longer rage it had surpassed that point now, this prescience sucked the oxygen from the air. It darkened the cold night and sucked those in around it. Aiden and Dash reused to look at one another clearly in despair they would both hide something from one another. This was the worst form of betrayal and Dash didn't take these things lightly. Both were breaking from their thought by a faint spray of blood coldly landing on their face. In horror, they watched Ally deliver a final blow to Lucian, forcing her hand through his rib-cage completely expressionless like a robot. Lucian felt his body go cold as Ally clenched his heart from within. Blood trickled down her arm and left her feeling weary.

"A-ally p-please don't." Lucian pleaded for his life and was startled to see Ally smiling, looking happier than he'd ever seen her. Ally was strong not wicked but that's all her expression dictated. It was pure evil...

Ally pulled him in close, her hand throbbing in agony wrapped around his heart. Aiden and dash couldn't move they were paralyzed in fear. This wasn't Ally, it couldn't be. This wasn't the girl they both loved and cherished it was a total stranger, feeling pleasure by causing another person agonizing pain.

"Even in your last moments your undoubtedly unrefined and pitiful. You want mercy now that there's no other way out? How disappointing." Ally said it so softly, but her words were so destroying.

Silent ancestors watched as Ally ripped the heart from his chest and watched it contract twice pulsating in her hand before succumbing to its fate. This was the unjustly darkness she'd fended off for her whole life but in a matter of seconds her methods had developed a greater understanding of what it meant to be powerful. What it meant to be in so much pain your own spirit had to awaken and pull you up from perdition. Blood trickled down her arms and soaked into Aiden's sleeve. Lucian lay lifeless, his pain-stricken eyes were still wide, and his body quivered squeamishly. The gaping abyss that was his chest was visible for them all to see.

Ally felt her emotions begin to creep back up and darted her eyes frantically looking for an outlet. In her panic her whole body thundered when a hand placed itself gently on her shoulder. Like a Canadian stream tears trickled down her face as she began to realize the sincerity of the situation. This wasn't Aiden's touch, this was something she remembered like it was yesterday. Ally wasn't weeping because she was sad, she wept through anger and built up turmoil that endlessly tempted her every day. Instinctively, Ally shrugged the hand off and spun around glaring Isaac directly in his face. The enlightened expression in his eyes twinkled as he fought back tears. It was her… the girl he was adamant he'd lost. Right before his eyes, stunning as she always was. Aiden watched in anticipation as Ally didn't embrace, kiss or even look at him with any form of love instead her eyes burned in spite.

"Take a good look. That'll be you if you touch me again."