Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 11 "Released"

Lucian heart had already begun to shrivel, and Ally dropped it carelessly to the floor. Those who experience emotional trauma will always have their own personal method of survival. Dash stood before Ally, tears streaming from his face. Ally's voice and body language was lethal, Aiden had never been more afraid of her than he was right now. Ally had her head bowed causing her hair to fall over her face, so her expression wasn't clear but the way she cradles her shattered hands she screamed vulnerability.

Everything inside Dash wanted to hold her close but this was too much of a shock and the way she spoke to him was as if he was a stranger. In Ally's mind he was a stranger, his hair was different, his eyes even his scent had changed. This wasn't Isaac anymore…

"Ally, your hands are broken. Let us help you." Aiden said softly but his voice was like a wind whistle and Ally ignored him. Trembling in agony she turned and looked at Lucian's petrified body, the body she ripped the soul from in her anger. The face of the prevent who relentlessly pursued her wasn't smiling anymore. Ally was the one who smiled as she watched the agony paint his face, this wasn't who she was.

"I'm leaving. Try to follow and I'll kill you both." There was no emotion in her words. Aiden and Dash both finally met eyes in shared concern. Aiden watched her body shake uncontrollably and tears filled his eyes. As she unsteadily turned to walk away her legs collapsed beneath her and the stabbing pain returned to her head. Blood spilled from her nose, but Ally couldn't let this happen now. If she looked at Dash's face once more, she would lose herself altogether. A weak cry escaped her lips and both brothers knelt to aid her.

"Don't!" she screamed snapping around to face them both. Their red eyes stabbed at her soul and she clutched her chest. Dash looked away to see her in such pain, he realized that Ally had suffered brutality without him there. Ally never showed weakness so to be collapsed in agony at his feet, was something he struggled to witness.

"Y-you both lied! We're done! I'm tired of hurting we're f*cking done!" All wisdom had fled, and her words were angrier and more painful than ever. Ally rarely cursed, and, in her speaking, she sounded younger than her age. Ally felt her head begin to wobble and her vision began to blur. So, overcome with emotion her body had exhausted itself. Aiden watched her eyes loose it's light and her body started to go limp and groggy.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to fight anymore. I'm tired." Ally said quietly before passing out on the ground. Dash took the opportunity and pressed his hand on her forehead. His hand almost sizzled at its touch and his body ached. This was the first time he'd touched her since that night and heart began beating irrationally. He shook his head.

"She's burning up, pick her up I'll get everything ready to treat." Dash patted his brother on the shoulder and ran towards the mansion. Aiden couldn't move his body frozen in shock. Dash was allowing him to pick her up. This was his mate why was he being so accepting? Aiden outstretched his arms to pick her up but hesitated. This wasn't right, he didn't trust Dash to just let him do this without consequence. Dash got a bed ready and medical equipment in a flash and stood waiting but was confused when Aiden didn't come rushing in with her.

Dash walked back outside and almost exploded in rage when Aiden hadn't even moved yet. Could he not see she was sick? Dash ran back over and shoved his brother.

"Are you deaf?"

"I-I won't do it…" Aiden's voice was nervous; his eyes couldn't leave Ally's burning face. Dash also looked at her and began growing more worried by the second. If her fever wasn't treated then, he would lose her all over again.

"Damn it! Aiden." Dash rushed over and scooped Ally up. His feet were glued to the grass, it was like carrying air. She was so light and frail he couldn't believe this was the same girl he'd carried countless times before. Dash sprinted back into the mansion leaving Aiden still stunned at his brothers' words. Dash was pissed of he wouldn't touch his girl, Ally was his everything and he would happily let him be her hero. Something wasn't right here, Dash had anterior motives and Aiden didn't like them one bit. Little did he understand when Dash looked at her face all he could see was pain. Pain he had been responsible for since he left her, it didn't matter that his leaving was to protect Ally. Ally was stubborn and could never accept that. But when he watched her take his brothers hand on the battlefield, she looked content. She looked happy…

Aiden dragged his feet up and gave Lucian's body a final glance, the gaping hole in his chest etching his mind as he pulled away. Meanwhile, Dash had set Ally down on his bed and began applying Ice to her head trying to control her fever. This wasn't the usual fever, this was different. Dash was trying with everything he had to not look at her face in fear it might ignite his feelings too strongly. Recognizing she would be much clearer headed after she woke up, every moment her vulnerability became apparent he needed to cherish it. Not because he wanted to see her in pain but because this moment was rare and once, she awakened. Ally wouldn't show him mercy, all that pain she'd buried deep inside her was clawing to the surface. Even when they were together Ally showed no restraint and if he upset her, she'd happily make it known. Sadly, this wasn't upset this was heartbreak, Dash would be surprised if he escaped with his life.

Aiden entered his brothers' room and looked at the broken body of Ally laying lifeless. Ice packs surrounded her, and the bed-sheets were soaked. Droplets trickled down her bed and body, glistening in the artificial lights. Dusk had fell and the natural glow from the underlying sun lightened the room. Dash didn't look up and began making splints for her hands, the way he handles her was gentle like she was a china doll. Softly placing the stints between her bruised fingers. Aiden sat in the chair opposite and studied him. Why could he never tell what he was thinking? All of this time he'd implemented that Dash reminded him of Ally because of the way he spoke but soon realized that wasn't the case. Aiden could never read Ally until recently. The common factor between the both is that they built the same walls but with different cement. When faced with emotions they were like a Rubik's cube, it took someone very skilled to work them out.

"Stop watching me and get me some more ice. She's burning though them." Aiden watched the once hard ice-packs become squishy, some of them even streaming. Aiden began recounting what his father had said. Ally rejected the vampire gene, because the idea of their blood within her was too agonizing.

"It doesn't matter how much ice we put around her she'll burn through them. She's rejecting." Aiden said sadly. Dash looked up in arrogance and tutted at him. Aiden had clearly gotten to know her situation quite well while keeping him forcefully in the dark.

"Explain it to me." He said angrily. Aiden could see his body language change, slowly Dash was transitioning finally able to understand the situation. Aiden gulped and thought of a brief way to explain it.

"Ally's a hybrid, she carried both genes but she's rejecting the vampire counterpart. That's the part keeping her alive, without it she'll die." Dash shot his head up alarmed. He couldn't lose her again, she had to fight. Dash reluctantly looked at his brother with despair in his eyes. Aiden was caught off guard by his sudden desperation.

"Can I talk to her?" Dash asked permission which made Aiden's heart stop simultaneously.

"Why are you asking permission? Dash she's your mate. I have no input." Dash scoffed at him.

"I might be her mate but you're her spire as much as I hate to admit it. Until, she wakes up and makes up her mind. You're in charge of how I approach her." Dash's answer was calculated. Aiden felt his body relax. Dash finally told him what he was thinking. Aiden looked at Ally with sympathy, her lungs working hard to keep herself breathing.

"Why?" Aiden asked worried. Even though it was for her benefit, his jealousy still lingered.

"That night in the woods when she was dying in my arms. I talked to her, until I couldn't talk anymore. I don't know if she could hear me, but she pulled though. I'd like to do that again." Dash said painfully trying desperately to conceal his tears.

"Okay." Aiden's answer was hesitant and blunt, but he needed her to survive. Aiden didn't have the connection Ally and Dash had so he feared his attempt would be fickle. Dash nodded gratefully and made his way over to Ally's side, savoring her features in her sleeping state. Dash knelt beside her and rested his head against the pillow her head rested on. His lips only centimeters away from her ears.


Ally was confused as to where she was but when she stood alone in the black abyss, she recalled this place. On the night she fought to keep Isaac alive this was where ended up, on the brink of death looking for some hope that her life would eventually be okay again. It wasn't the usual darkness we see everyday as we lay dreaming, this was a lonely darkness. Not a sound, not a light. Just her and her thoughts.

Ally sat in the fatal position in the abyss and was completely numb, bleeding into the darkness. Just as she was about to close her eyes, footsteps surrounded her. Ally lifted herself up and searched frantically for them. As, she spun around to her horror it was herself…

It was her past self, the self she'd stubbornly forgot because she believed that form of herself was dead. The clone had raven black hair and icy eyes like she used too, and she smiled… How could she smile at a time like this? Ally scowled at her clone. It walked towards her and Ally began to back up hesitantly. This was a fear she'd never experienced before.

"Don't tell me your giving up that easily?" the clone spoke just like her and continued to smile. Ally couldn't believe that she was having a conversation with herself. From further inspection, this version looked healthy and nourished. She was a healthy weight and held that sparkle in her eyes everyone sought after. This was the version of herself, when Isaac was alive.

"What if I am, it's none of your concern. You died a long time ago, haunt me all you want but I won't listen to you." Ally crossed her arms and silently began to weep. It was childish of her to respond her way, but she was so troubled to see what she used to be like, her walls went up.

"Ally, you're not done here. You have your missing piece, back don't you? Fight!" her visions encouraging words jolted her heart. Her missing piece? But when she looked at Isaac, she didn't recognize him. The black hair and red eyes were the opposite to his sandy blonde hair and lake blue eyes she recalled in her memories. Now him and Aiden were close to identical. What separated them anymore?

"Fine, you don't want to fight then this world has no use for you." Ally watched her image turn cold and everything that made her significant faded away. Ally clutched her chest, this was the girl they all saw now. Lifeless and hopeless. Rivers of tears tore though her face and she fell to her knees defeated.

"I-I'm tired." She cried. Ally looked up to see no-one there and the abyss had returned ready to consume her. Ally lay down on the ground and looked up into the darkness, closing her eyes she could feel her heart rate getting too slow. Silence was upcoming, and Ally was ready to accept.

"Ally King you better not be dying on me."

Ally shot up at the familiar voice which echoed throughout. Whispering in her ears, tickled her.

----------------------------------------Dash's room-------------------------------

Aiden watched his brother place his head near her ear and took a deep breath. Dash wrapped his finger around a strand of silver hair and twiddled it for a while. It was still like velvet, the hair of the head he used to kiss every morning.

"Ally King you better not be dying on me." There was a taunting, loving way he delivered the words.

"How are you going to kick my ass if your gone huh? I know how damn stubborn you are so if I give you a loving speech you'll just drift away. I'm not going to explain myself until you wake up. I know your strong, I know how angry you are but I'm asking you to fight. Not for me, not for Aiden but for yourself Ally." Aiden was stunned to hear such arrogant yet loving words. Dash talked to her like he was scolding a school girl. Dash knew her too well, Ally would only fight if he prompted her. It might seem odd his words, but there was method in his madness.

"If you still think you can beat me then how about we go for round two?" Dash chuckled in her ear.


Ally giggled in the darkness at his words. Even in death he was still a pain in the ass, but it didn't mean she forgave him. This attempt was so pathetic she wanted to wake up just to tell him how much of an asshole he was. Ally watched the darkness begin the spread out. Isaac was never one for showing affection but Ally like that about him. It was too smothering to be constantly tied to some-one. Ally smiled genuinely and closed her eyes.

----------------------------Dash's room--------------------------------

Dash placed his hand on her forehead gently and smiled to himself.

"Well?" Aiden said hopefully. Dash got up and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"The fevers going down but just to warn you. When she wakes up it'll be a war-zone, I'd take cover while you still can." Dash seemed worried and light-hearted at the same time. Aiden quickly grabbed his wrist, and Dash looked at him questionably.

"Outside." With that Aiden dragged his brother from the room into the corridor. Dash clenched his fists at his actions. Aiden was being irrational, but Dash had calculated this would come, not this suddenly though. Aiden stood with this anguish in his face, looking at Dash like a stranger. When Dash had gotten close to Ally jealousy had consumed him. Dash smirked at this and decided to set the record straight.

"Before you even ask me, I still love her." Dash butted in before Aiden could open his mouth. Aiden bowed his head in defeat. Those were the words he needed to know but still hurt him to hear.

"So, that's it?" Dash said playfully. Aiden looked up in confusion, both of their red eyes met with an aptitude.

"You're going to back down that easily? Come on Aiden you know I like a bit of competition."

Aiden, "How can I compete with you? You know her better than anyone."

Dash, "True, but I saw the way she touched you. Looks like you have some influence on my girl. If you want her so bad, then you'll have to fight me for her." Dash was playing a dangerous game, but this was an act of kindness. Dash wanted Ally to be happy even if that meant it wasn't with him.

"Don't be so childish. It doesn't matter what we want. Have you forgotten who she is?" Aiden said maturely. Dash giggled, it was as if Ally's presence had turned him into a new man. The situation had deflated into a petty competition, a high-school adaptation. Dash's mature and cold attitude had been ignited turning to ash. All that was left was the young boy he was before he lost her.

Dash, "Well, we both have a bond with her. Have desires for her. Unfortunately, she also has hatred for us both. Were basically even." Dash said casually. Aiden jumped, hatred for him. Aiden tried to fathom why that would be. Dash scoffed at his brother. He really had no idea.

"It's simple, she hates me because I left her alone. She hates you because you lied to her about who I was. You're in trouble but I might as well be dangled from a skyscraper while she crushes my fingers. I'll either survive the fall or I won't." Every word was so naive that escaped his mouth. Aiden considered if he was possessed.

"Who are you right now? This isn't a joke Dash. Can't you see that she's hurting and your treating this like a game." Aiden said angrily refusing to accept his new persona. Dash immediately squashed the act and chuckled to himself.

"My words were true but that was a test. If you're going anywhere near my girl, I need to see if you can read me. If you can read me, you can read her." This sudden maturity and precarious look in his eyes made Aiden head want to explode. Dash had an elaborate plan to still give Ally choice while also evaluating his brothers' tendencies. No-one was going to take her away that easily.

"Don't mistake me brother. I'm perfectly aware of her state which is why I'm doing my best to distract myself. I can't do anything until she wakes up. Might as well have some fun with you while I wait." Dash teased but it just made Aiden angrier.

"Enough Dash! Go ahead put up your barriers but I know your hurting just as much as she is!" Dash tried to ignore his words but eventually succumbed to his pain. Aiden watched as Dash wiped away the tear from his cheek. Dash cleared his throat.

"Fine. She'll wake up soon, and she's going to be pissed so prepare yourself. She'll destroy you if she can." Dash's words had returned to the mature manner they always spoke. Aiden nodded and returned to her side while Dash did the same tending to her wounds.

---------------------------2 Hours later------------------

Dash and Aiden hadn't moved from her side, not even their father's presence would stop them from watching her. Hopefully she would wake up soon, so they could accept their fate. Joseph walked over and studied her hands, both red and swollen.

"She's healing nicely, I can feel the bones fusing back together. I've cleaned up the mess and sent a report to the council. They will be replying shortly." Joseph spoke as if he was numb. Dash looked at his father with sympathy. Although Lucian had repulsive tendencies, he still cherished that boy. Joseph had spent a lot of time training Lucian when he was newly turned. Somewhere along the path he'd lost his way and becomes consumed with power. Joseph sighed looking at Ally's mobile face, scattered with cuts and bruises.

"You fought well my girl." He said calmly despite the slight resentment he had for her strength.

Aiden, "Father, it was never meant to go that far. She lost control." Aiden was making excuses for here which angered Joseph. He knew if she was awake shed take responsibility, but this wasn't Ally's fault entirely.

"Aiden, why do you think she lost control?" Joseph said coldly. Dash gulped, he could read his father expressions like a book and knew what was brewing.

"That's just how she is." Dash chuckled at Aiden's words. Still trying to act as if he knew her after two days. Aiden scowled at his brother.

"Laugh all you like Dash but this is your responsibility too. After she confided in you about her despair you hid the one person she needed out of sheer selfishness and jealousy Aiden. Dash you had your chance to return to her and you wasted it. Imagine how she feels to see the boy she thought she'd lost living carelessly under vampire affliction." Joseph got louder and louder with each word, his anger overtaking him. Both brothers looked on helplessly, every word he spoke was accurate meaning they couldn't argue back.

"I don't blame her for acting the way she did but if you had just been honest with her then it wouldn't have resorted to this. In simpler terms your both f*cking idiots!"

This was the first time they'd ever heard their father curse, implying that he wasn't angry, he was furious. Both synced and bowed their heads in shame. Unbeknownst to them Ally heard every word, she'd been awake for a while but refused to open her eyes out of fear. When she pictured look at Aiden and Isaac again it made her heart want to shatter.

Dash, "We messed up and we'll apologize for that in due time. I'm not an idiot father I just have my own way of dealing with things. "Dash was angry that his father wasn't very understanding of their predicament. Ally smirked and without even opening her eyes got up from he bed. All three-gentleman looked up in awe as she casually walked from the room. Not even lending them a glance. Ally was done listening to then all whine on about things that would change or be forgiven. It didn't matter if they begged on their knees, she would still always be heartbroken by their action.

"Should have figured, she was awake the whole time." Dash was confused. The fact his head still sat on his shoulders was a miracle, it bothered him more that she wasn't acting of outrage. Aiden stood up and looked at Dash for help in what to do but Dash was equally stuck.

"I'd leave her be for now, she's been through enough boys." Joseph said sadly. When passing he'd caught a glimpse of her face which was quivering, fighting back tears. He understood she didn't want to face them right now.

"Screw that." Dash said stubbornly and stormed out after her. This wasn't the reaction he'd anticipated, his idea of her was somehow wrong. He'd never gotten her wrong before. Aiden followed recklessly behind, and Joseph tutted in disappointment. He looked at the sweat soaked bed and blood sheets where her knuckles had been. In the shirt time she'd been here everything had happened because his sons were to self-absorbed to consider that when he truth did break free. What effect it would have on the girl they deluded themselves into protecting. That girl was a fighter, but a person can only take so much before they snap. A inner nervousness crept over him and he quickly made his way to the boys.

-----------------------------Lang private lounge-----------------

Ally wandered in wearily and sat down glaring at the 1934 Japanese's whiskey sitting lonely on the silver platter within her reach. Ally shrugged her shoulders and picked up the bottle. Sip by sip she began polishing it off, even if it numbed her for a few seconds that's all she asked. To be free of this feeling in her chest before it killed her. Since, she saw his eyes on the battle field there was this rage emanating from inside her. Ally was smart, and she also knew Isaac better than anyone, but he no-longer knew her. The way he enticed her from death was still childish like they used to be, but Ally wasn't a child anymore. Ally wanted to hurt him, she needed a release from this agony. Karma is one hell of a bitch and who better to deliver it than the recipient. Ally continued drinking even when she could hear footsteps bowling towards her. The hurried steps gave away their identities immediately.

Dash and Aiden entered the room, but she didn't even acknowledge them. Instead, sucked off the whiskey with a smile on her face. Dash evaluated the situation and decided that no matter what he couldn't see what she was thinking. Aiden walked forward.

"Ally, please say something." Ally tutted while still drinking, the bottle glued to her palm as she looked anywhere but then.

"Still as stubborn as ever." Dash said worried. Ally ignored the beating in her heart and chuckled.

"Forgive me, I'm still recovering. Have we met?" Ally's words were like blades, her tone was genuine. So, genuine that Dash believed her for a second. Ally was playing games with him, something he wasn't expecting.

"Aiden, I wanted to thank you for standing for me on the battlefield. I'm impressed you could overcome his compulsion. I'm in your debt." This time her words were flirtatious and happy. Her attitude was so complex both brothers couldn't keep up so remained silent.

"Actually, I think I remember Aiden talking about you. You're the troubled brother, right? Of course, if I hadn't of knocked you out in that alley then yet another girl would be dead." Ally said every word carelessly, trying with everything in her to hurt him. It was working, for the love of his life to speak so coldly and hurtfully devastated him. Ally could see Isaac's eyes twitch, when she settled on the couch she looked out of the window for a while. The dusk was decorated with pink hue and the clouds looked like the heavens would open at any minute.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Ally gestured to the window emotionless. Dash and Aiden bot peered out and she was right, it was a sight. Admiring it, Dash felt the well of his heart open. This was the final blow, Ally was going to finish this with her words alone. In a happier time, she would have resorted to violence to express her feeling which was easier for him to understand. Her actions hurt physically for a while but then faded and all was forgiven. Her words were a different matter. Ally would always say to her brother that physical pain was irrelevant and didn't require attention because she had to reserve that attention for worse pain. Once, hurtful things are said they are archives within one's brain lying dormant until one day they decide to visit. Nothing hurt more than words…

"You see that sky will be beautiful until mid-day when the blue will overtake it. The sight is still appealing but not as appealing as we see it now. We cherish skies like this because we don't know how long they will last. Then there's the sun, which makes it possible for the sky like this to be possible. Without that resonating light, those rare colours will fade away. After a while those colours will still be there but there's no sun to illuminate them. Therefore, the sky will fall into darkness. Now imagine that the sun didn't come back. Imagine how the colours would feel." Ally's metaphor brought tears to Dash's eyes. Ally was the colours and Dash was the sun. Aiden understood her words and bowed his head in sorrow.

"What would happen if the sun came back?" Dash asked painfully.

Ally, "It wouldn't matter. The colours don't need him anymore." Ally said coldly. Joseph had listened through the door and couldn't help but hurt for her and his son. The love they had was so intense that it had burned out in his absence.

"Ally, don't do this." Aiden pleaded her, after all that time he'd finally broke down her walls, but she had built them up stronger than ever. Ally smiled at him.

"You were the clouds that blocked the sun. You are equally as guilty. I want you both leave me alone from now on. I have a pack to take care of. It was a pleasure meeting you Dash." With that Ally walked from the room without uttering other words leaving both brothers paralysed. Who knew words could be so powerful.

---------------------Pack house---------------------------------

Blake had been pacing restlessly since Lucian had payed him a visit and rang Ally over 50 times throughout. Helen watched her son's troubled expression and continuously asked his to confide in her, but he couldn't. Not until he knew his beloved sister was alright.

"Blake, please talk to me. You've been like this since yesterday. You won't sleep or eat." Helen said concerned. Blake slammed his hands on the desk in annoyance and plumped himself in the Alpha chair biting his nails.

"Mother, you didn't recognize the girl who helped us did you?"

Helen, "Is that who your worrying about, that girl seemed strong Blake. If she needed us, she would ask." Helen said trying to ease his mind, but she didn't know of who she spoke. Ally would die in silence before asking for help, it was just the way she was.

As Blake began drowning in his worry, he heard the pack entrance open weakly and light footsteps make their way to his office. Blake looked at the door in trepidation, hoping Ally would make her way through victorious. Helen also looked, and her face lit up in delight when the silver haired heroine stood at the door. Blake grinned happily but it soon faded when he studied her intensely.

Blood dripped from her bandaged hands and cut and scraped defecated her porcelain skin. The physical appearance wasn't what alarmed him it was her body language. Ally had clenched her fists so hard that she'd opened the wounds on her hand, and her body trembled violently.

"Ally…" Blake said weakly. Ally didn't have the strength to raise her head. Blake walked over slowly and placed his hand on her shaking shoulder. Ally was briefly proud that she could make Isaac feel just a slither of pain she'd experienced daily while mourning him, but this was a pain she couldn't cope with. Her thoughts were filled with darkness and she felt undeniably guilty for saying those things to him. Watching his eyes fill with tears was the most profound and upsetting thing she'd ever witnessed and although her attitude seemed strong in the heat of the moment. Ally had never felt weaker…

Ally stood silent for a moment and then began to whimper. Blake also began to tear up seeing her this hurt, he began to embrace her when she fell to her knees. Ally had finally succumbed to the everything she'd bottled up over the last year and began wailing in agony. Blake gripped her tightly and fell the floor with her, cradling her head and shushing her. Helen had finally realized who this saviour was, none other than her daughter. Without hesitation, she also fell to the floor and embraced the sobbing girl, comforting her by stroking her silver hair. Ally couldn't breath for crying so stuttered with each tear, her body still trembling.

"It's okay Ally." Blake whispered in her ear. To feel their embrace Ally began to relax and regain control of her breathing, this was the release she'd needed for a long time…