Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 13 "Building"

That night Ally slept soundly without even stirring and when she woke up, her body was revitalized, and all her wounds had healed. Waking up without fear and her covers soaked in sweat from night-terrors was very surprising. Rubbing her hands along her sheets, Ally was enthralled in happiness. Playing with her hand she stroked them softly, the pain had gone, and her silky-smooth skin had formed back. After, she'd admitted what was on her mind to the boys, a weight had been lifted from her shoulder and she thought much clearer. Since her transition her turmoil-ed mind had been in battle to figure what she wanted. It wasn't a question as to why she was still but why she wanted to still be here. Forgiveness for her peers was still far ahead but just talking to them was a step forward. In her head she argued not to be so cold and distant as there was no need to be anymore. It brought her nothing but loneliness something she couldn't cope with any longer.

Ally got up from her bed and placed her bare feet on the soft carpet from beneath. Standing wrinkling her toes against the fabric she remembered her mother cleaning when she was sick. It was a small act, but Ally knew since they were so distant, cleaning her room was her mother's way of showing affection. Ally smiled reluctantly but secretly appreciated her mother trying. Even standing up to her was an act of kindness as irritating as it was. Maybe that strength she believed her mother lost was just lying dormant all that time, because her father was there. Ally often forgot the power he had due to its ineffectiveness on her, it was easy for her to defy him but other were bound under the Alpha authority. Now her caring brother had taken the throne the pack didn't have to live in fear any longer.

Ally wondered where her father and sister had run too after she removed their titles and kicked them out. Perhaps they were plotting for revenge or finding people to hunt her down, which wouldn't be surprising. Either way if trouble came, she would handle it in her own way.

Ally showered and looked at herself in the mirror her hair still dripping wet. Previously, her image was something that disgusted her but studying reluctantly she noticed that the bags under eyes were faded slightly. Blood red and icy blue pearls stared back and for a small moment she liked them. Of course, her malnourished body was still far too skinny and pronounced but it was nothing a bit more care could correct. At least, it was a step in the right direction. Ally caressed her collar bone and sighed. It pained her that she looked so weak and fragile, if she wanted to be stronger, this needed to change. Nothing annoyed her more than having people look at her with pity. Ally got changed into some causal jeans and jumper and tied her hair into a pony tail.

Ally made her way to the pack kitchen, when she entered the pack members all looked on in awe. Ally didn't look at them and continued to the breakfast counter. Helen and Blake hadn't arrived yet with it being so early, so Ally independently made herself some toast before sitting on the stool. It seemed so insignificant, but this was a huge step for her. It was time for her to stop being so selfish and attempt to live among-st her pack. The packs eyes wouldn't leave her even when she looked up in anger. Some whispered calling her the savior witch who rid of their Alpha, other commented on her appearance. Some men spoke of lust and others spoke in fear, seeing her power when facing off with the two beasts had ignited some anxiety in the community. A young girl with short curly ginger hair and green eyes bravely approached the table and sat opposed to her. Ally sat silently munching her toast in deep thought when her presence broke her from her gaze.

"I'm Carrie it's nice to meet you." This girl was friendly and had a nurturing face. Ally recognized her immediately. Carrie was a wolf she grew up with and one of the only ones Ally tolerated due to her kindness. Ally smiled to herself.

"I suppose it's been a while Carrie." She said calmly. Carrie looked at her like a lost puppy and began studying Ally more closely.

"I'm sorry have we met?" her voice was sweet and delicate. For having such a strong bloodline, it was dazzling to Ally that this girl was so caring.

"Forgive me I must be mistaken. Can I help you with something?" Ally continued to drink her coffee rarely raising her eyes to look at Carrie. Carrie began nervously playing with her hair.

"I just wanted to thank-you on behalf of the pack. You were really brave to stand up to our Alpha like that." The room fell silent at Carrie's words and all eyes were on Ally. Ally felt a little unstable seeing all these eyes glued to her, it would be unfitting for the room to explode in question if she was recognized. Just as she was about to get up and leave, she thought for a moment. It was only a matter of time before her identity was revealed so she may as well come clean while the whole pack was together. She didn't want to keep running away from her affliction.

"I've suffered along side you all for a long time, we were declined together and beaten mercilessly by that man. I know I haven't engaged with you all in along time but I'm hoping to change that today. With my brother being the new Alpha I hope we can work together to return this pack to the community it once was." Wolves began standing up from their chairs and gasping in choir. Carrie was dumbfounded, so much so she'd spilled the coffee she was drinking all over the table. Ally looked around and was met with stunned faces and wide eyes.

"Ally?" pack members began asking. Ally could feel the atmosphere begin to heighten so she stood up from her chair.

"There's no need to be so shocked. Before you all start wondering yes, I completed the trials. I understand your families have fantasized about the Luna gene for centuries but don't mistake me for it. It was a matter of luck and that's all. I'm sorry to disavow you all." Ally was calculated and stern which made the situation simmer down for a second. Some looked disheartened to hear their dreams be shot down sop abruptly but all admired her as this prodigy. The girl who defeated their ruthless Alpha and mysteriously survived death in the matter of one night.

"You still haven't changed one bit." Carrie said happily admiring the beautiful girl that stood before her. Ally smiled in response.

"You're a complete bad-ass, could you teach me some stuff." A young boy shouted over the incoherent chatter and the pack began giggling among themselves. Ally frowned at the rest and singled him out with her eyes, giving him a reassuring look.

"Alpha King denied you all training in-case you grew strong enough to challenge him, but I don't believe in such insolence. If you are willing to be trained, I am willing to teach." A sudden excitement filled the room and wolves began nodding and smiling.

Blake and Helen had been standing at the door completely enthralled by Ally's sudden interaction with the pack. It was as if she'd become a new woman. Wolves began surrounding him bombarding him with question about his sister, Blake was a little overwhelmed but was saved by his sister.

"If you wish to be trained by me, I'll ask one thing in return. You give my brother the up-most of respect, those who don't will face me. Am I understood." Pack members suddenly gave him his space heading Ally's warning eyes. Ally sat back down and continued eating her toast, blocking out the chatter around her. Helen couldn't believe she was eating but didn't pay too much attention in fear she would stop. Blake made himself some coffee and sat next to his sister still in shock at this implausible scene.

Carrie, "I'm happy your back Ally." She admitted sincerely before returning to her friends. Ally smirked to herself and Blake noticed it.

"Explain how you can disappear off the face of the earth then return and be more popular than me?" Blake joked.

"It's simple brother. I'm a bad-ass." Ally said it so seriously than Blake didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The young wolf words had amused her and ever since making eye contact with him his gaze never left her. Ally looked at him interestingly then gestured him over. The boy looked like a deer in headlights for a moment before happily running over to greet her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Alpha." The boy showed respect to Blake before addressing Ally which she appreciated deeply. Blake smiled and nodded at the boy. The youthful brown eyes and dark brown hair accentuated his age, Ally could immediately see a lot of potential in him which is why she singled him out.

"I'm Ally it's a pleasure to meet you." Ally's voice was very soothing and soft. The boy began to blush.

"I'm Jake Lamont, it's nice to meet you." His voice was complicated. Being on the brink of puberty his voice was struggling for pitch and it was sharp. Ally's eyes lit up at the surname, she knew there was something special about this boy.

"Your Quinn's younger brother am I correct." The boy looked up with oy hearing his older brother name and nodded.

"I know your brother well, he's a very smart young man. I can see something special in you both. How has your brother been?" Ally recalled the last time she saw Quinn. Quivering behind her in fear, terrorized by the Vampire King. This reminded her of Quinn's friend, the young bar-girl. If she had been drained, then it would be very upsetting for him but so caught up in her own issues she hadn't considered how scared he must be.

Jake looked a little unnerved by her words and shied his eyes away. Clearly, he wasn't doing very well.

"Jake would it be alright if I visited you and your brother later tonight? I'd like to make sure he's alright." Jake's eyes lit up at the prospect and nodded gratefully. Ally smiled and rubbed his shaggy brown hair.

"Then it's settled."

"You have iridis, they're really pretty." Jake gestured to Ally's eyes in amazement. His intelligence surprised her, and she began to blush. Iridis is the term for mismatched eyes, or different colored eyes something a young boy like him would have to study himself.

Blake, "Don't tell me you have a crush on my sister Jake." He teased. Jake blushed and looked away.

"Do not." Ally giggled at his flushed face. He smiled at her before returning to his friends.

"How are you feeling today?" Blake asked out of the blue. Ally almost choked on her coffee and gave him a daring look.

"I'm perfectly fine. Do I not look it?" Blake clamped up the minute she asked but looking at her she did seem fine. Ally had regained her natural beauty and her face didn't dull anymore. Blake watched her fall asleep without hesitation when they returned, looks like the sleep had done wonders.

"Sorry it's habit." He smiled. Ally tutted at him and stared at the pack. Surprisingly, Helen kept the role of pack mother and fed the wolves pancakes, she'd freshly made. Ally sighed and watched her mother's beaming smile as she worked. Blake watched the conflict on Ally's face and could tell what she was considering.

"It wouldn't be a bad thing Ally." He said casually. Ally continued to stare and shrugged. What's the worse that could happen? They still didn't speak. Ally got up from her chair and approached her mother. Blake was surprised she'd took the initiative, it was usually his mother approaching Ally.

Helen watched as her daughter walked up to her, her hands began shaking and the plate slipped from her hand. Ally luckily caught it and handed it back to her.

"You don't need to be so weary of me mother. We need to talk." With that Ally walked past her into the Alpha private office. Helen gulped and looked at Blake for reassurance. Blake nodded at her. Putting the plate down Helen cautiously walked after her.

----------------------Alpha's office--------------------------

Helen walked in to see Ally pouring herself a whiskey, it was her father expensive brand he'd kept hidden under his desk, but Ally sniffed it out without a second thought. Helen sat opposed to her daughter awkwardly and watched her swill the whiskey in the glass. The silence was deafening, Ally had thought about her words carefully but was apprehensive to deliver them.

"Do you remember the day I was born and caught you by surprise?" Ally said casually. Helen looked at her idle expression and struggled to understand why she was bringing this up.

"Of course." Helen's voice shook but managed to form the brief words. Ally studied her for a second, she could smell fear emanating from her and truthfully it hurt her to see her own mother so afraid.

"Mother, I wanted to ask something of you." Ally said forwardly. Helen furred her eyebrows at this strange attitude. Ally hadn't asked her for anything in years, what could she possibly want.

"If you don't want me to enter your room or talk to you anymore, I understand. I apologize for intruding." Helen said sadly. Ally teared up at her mother interpretation for her. This was what her stubborn and dark self-had done to her mother, destroyed all faith and hope in a relationship. Ally sucked down the whiskey in one go causing her face to twinge.

"Actually, I was hoping for a clean slate. I think this quarrel between us has gone on long enough. Don't you agree?" Helen shot her head up questioning whether she'd heard correctly.

"What do you mean?" Helen was struggling to cope with her daughters' words.

"I haven't forgotten the way you used to stand for me and Blake, to this day I will always admire you for that. It's true we've both lost our ways but that doesn't excuse me for treating you the way I have. I'm sorry mother." Ally said her words with a genuine tone and Helen almost broke down in tears.

"I should be the one apologizing to you. You were right to say your father diminished my strength, it's still no excuse for ignoring what he was doing to you." Helen couldn't look at her face if she did, she would surely break down.

"It's no use playing the blame game it's a waste of energy. Let's forget the past and live in the now. We're free of father's influences which means there's hope for us both. I'd be happy to try this again." Ally smiled at her mother who finally made eye contact with her. Ally watched the tear fall from her mother's cheek as she nodded.

Ally walked over and embraced her mother for comfort, yet again she could feel a weight lift from her shoulders and breathed freely for the first time in her mother presence.

"We have to work together to get Blake prepared before this pack overwhelms him." Ally joked. Her mother giggled and hugged her tighter. It was one of the best moments of her life and she never wanted it to end.

---------------------Ally's bedroom--------------------

Ally entered her room to find her brother intruding sitting with a devilish smile on his face. Ally rolled her eyes and began sorting through her draws for a more sophisticated outfit.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Blake said curiously. Ally was tired of living with resentment, so she had tried with all her effort to rectify her mistakes one word at a time. Obviously, due to It being so out of character it had alarmed her brother, but she wanted to let him know that it was too much effort to avoid people.

"Is it so peculiar I'm looking to build back relationships I've lost through my own fault?"

Blake, "That's not what I'm saying sis. You took a big step today, I just wanted to say I'm proud of you." Ally wanted to slap him babying her like that but knew it was Blake's way of showing he cared.

"Are you going to the Lang mansion?" Blake asked with a hint of worry in his voice. Ally paused for a second recalling Dash and Aiden. Ally had evaluated the situation and hatch a plan to punish them both. Isaac, being the main offender. It would be difficult to maintain but it would hit them where it really hurt.

"Yep, there going to curse the day they fell in love with me." Her scheming tone made Blake chuckled, but he didn't object one bit. They deserved it after all. Ally pulled a low cut, black lace camisole from the drawer and looked at it intensely. It was quite an intimate number that would attract attention. Blake looked at it quite disgusted and scoffed.

"Your evil you know that?" Ally grinned at him proudly. Blake got up from is chair and patted her head.

"Give them hell sis. Call me if you need anything." Blake walked out, and Ally sat staring at the number for a while. This with a shirt denim skirt would do the trick. Her plan was to use both the brother lust and jealousy against them. Like, looking at the thing they held dear but could never touch. Lust was a man's greatest weakness, something she'd take pleasure taking the advantage of.

Applying mascara to exonerate her long black lashes Ally got changed and began heading out. On the car journey there she drove slowly towards the mansion which wasn't that far from the pack house. A twenty-minute drive if that, she could probably run it quicker but saving her energy ad not running around after idiots eased her heart a lot. While peering at the auburn trees and fallen blossoms Ally should about the distance. Isaac was twenty minutes away from her this whole time, how could he say such caring thing to her but never took the initiative to see her. Even if it was just the one time, if she knew he was alright maybe her heartbreak would have been lenient. Ally looked in the rear-view mirror at herself, slowly she began to recognize her eyes so the shock of seeing them was growing less and less. Drifting back to her morning conversation with Jake, her condition was called Iridis, it was soothing to know what to call them. It filled her mind with joy and sadness at the thought of seeing Quinn again. It must have been traumatic for him witnessing that harrowing scene. Ally hoped she could offer support and her apologies, feeling guilty that if she'd just went somewhere different Lucian wouldn't have been drawn there.

Lucian was also a common factor in her mind despite trying to shake his petrified body. That man was a perverted freak obsessed with owning her, but she still felt guilty for taking his life. It was up to her to convince the council that it was self-defense but after Isaac's trial she pleaded the same offence for the murders of the vampire who attacked them. It worried her that these two incidents would be to coincidental and they would doubt her testimony. It was known after all that if they favored you, your crime could be forgotten, a clean slate. Remembering her last encounter with the greedy, sadistic bunch they didn't like her strong, stubborn domineer, the odds weren't really in her favor. Aiden was the only one who showed any interest or admiration for her action which drew her to him, the way he spoke to her in the courtroom was heartfelt and genuine. This sire bond he seemed so nervous about appeared to be a distraction for him, when they embraced in the bedroom after her night terror Ally felt a shift in her heart. It was still unclear what it meant but she couldn't deny the attachment she had to him.

Finally, after driving for what felt like hours, she arrived at the mansion. It was three stories and stretched wide decorated with stain glass windows and classic excitements from the 18th century. The view was stunning, and ivy wrapped around the stone cobble walls, it was like something out of a fairy-tale. As Ally looked up at it, Aiden opened the door hearing the car arrive. His face immediately lit up to see her outfit. It was the first time he'd seen her wear something so revealing, and he really enjoyed what he saw. Silver lace stands danced in the breeze and her long tanned slender legs outstretched from her mid-thigh skirt. She was positively stunning. Ally hadn't planned on enacting her plan so early but took advantage of the situation. Bending her arms back and pushing her chest forwards she leaned against the car allowing the sun to hit her face. Ally smiled seductively and stood silent for a while.

Aiden was completely staggered, this was a completely different girl. Ally was pretty enough to be a first page model and her height gave her a thinner physique. Aiden noticed the dark circles had disappeared and all scrapes and broken skin had healed. It was his own little fantasy. Ally snapped up and looked at him breaking his daze.

"You have a nasty habit of glaring at me when I'm not aware. It's a little creepy you know." Ally said her words rudely, but Aiden just chuckled.

"If your confronting me about it then it means you are aware." He argued strongly back, Ally decided not to provoke there would be plenty time for that. Instead, she smiled and looked back at the house.

"Anyway, I'm glad I caught you. Can we talk privately for a moment?" Aiden sounded slightly secretive and lowered his voice when requesting. Ally raised her eyebrow in wonder.

"I suppose, what does it entail?" Ally said curiously. Aiden looked slightly embarrassed, something was clearly eating away at him. It was brave to request such a thing, perhaps if she knew more about him then her plan could work more efficiently.

"Us." Aiden said abruptly, looking her up and down. Ally rolled her eyes subtly and shrugged in agreement. Both walked through exterior mansion admiring the various roses and Lilly's that decorated the border. They both stopped and looked at one another. Aiden scratched his head in discomfort, Ally wanted him to spit it out and was becoming impatient.

"I'm sorry Ally." Aiden blurted it out giving Ally limited time to react.


"For keeping Isaac, a secret from you, it wasn't my place to do so. I was jealous in truth, I didn't want him to take you away from me." Aiden had really lost his filter and left Ally blushing in embarrassment. Was he really that enthralled by her? Ally ensured she didn't laugh so shocked to hear such heartfelt things come out of his mouth.

"I'm not still pissed off if that's what your apologizing for, I'm sure you had your reasons. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not really into the possessive type, I enjoy my freedom quite handsomely." Ally said light-hearted ignoring his confessions. Aiden frowned at her.

"How can you say that? Dash is the most possessive person I've ever met when it comes to women." Aiden said it stupidly, Ally immediately scrunched her eyebrows and sneered at Aiden.

"Is that so?" Aiden hit his head in disappointment, he didn't mean to let that slip.

"I understand he would be tempted by other women, I don't particularly care to hear such thing though. So, you're my spire then?" Ally tried to change the subject quickly. Averting it to something they both related too. Ally would be sick if she thought about Isaac being with another woman while she lay alone at night.

"Yes, we share a connection much like when you and my brother dated. In our community the possibility is quite rare, perhaps we met for a reason?" Aiden thought for a while stuck on his notion. What had Ally been entrusted to him for? He wasn't nearly as strong as Dash but still held on to her for dear life. It was a pleasant thought that they were brought together by fate but with his brother being such a strong contender the notion wasn't very hopeful.

"Fate is a strange thing, before I even knew what a spire was, we had that pull If you recall. I'm still upset about what you did but that doesn't overrule my gratitude for comforting and standing up for me in that courtroom." Ally dropped her act for a second and said these words very gently, so Aiden could accept her truth. Aiden smiled back, his eyes glinted with hope.

"Get used to it." He tried to sound cool in his speaking, but his vibes reminded Ally of a high-school boy falling in love with the popular girl. Looks like even the strongest of men can be passive at some time. The crunching leaves behind them interrupted their stroll. Ally around to see Dash walking casually towards them. Momentarily stunned to see her looking so seductive Dash didn't know what to do with himself. His control seemed to subside and instead was drowned with desire. Seeing her low-cut camisole and short skirt ignited a protective role within him. Seeing her alone with his brother aggravated his urges more.

"I've probably seen more clothes on the escorts I hire. You'll catch cold if you wear such things." Dash's words were bitter which delighted Ally slightly. So, without even opening her mouth she'd already aggravated him enough to spark jealousy.

"Don't be so cold Dash. I'm a young woman, wearing such things might even give me an advantage." Ally walked slowly over to him and whispered in his ear before leaving briskly.

"I might even get lucky." Dash gritted his teeth fighting back his cursing words. It really was a dangerous game she was playing; this level of brutality wasn't expected to be her first tactic. Aiden watched her walk away with her head held high as usual and looked pitifully at his brother.

"Don't get so worked up already brother, the games are just starting." Aiden said playfully. Dash scowled at him before returning to the house.

------------------------------Lang Mansion----------------------------

Ally walked in unannounced and notice a stair-case to the far left which was wide enough to fit a house. Its marble tiles shone like pearls and the ceiling was high enough to house a rocket. Captivated by the wealth and beauty of the place she was startled to feel a hand tap her shoulder. Instantiate she turned around in a fighting stance and faced off with a surprised stranger. The man was around Aiden's age and he had white blonde hair that reached his ears, his eyes were bright red which identified him as a vampire immediately. His smart attire and bag gestured his as a businessman but someone Ally didn't recognize. He was bizarrely attractive, from his lustful expression she could tell he was a proud entrepreneur. The man looked Ally up and down before shying away bashfully.

"What a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?" he asked curiously watching her eyes follow his movements.

"Who ordered you? You seem like Dash's taste I must say. How much do you cost?" he asked enticingly. Ally tried to understand what he was saying but failed to comprehend.

"You are a feeder, aren't you? "Ally's head glanced up in anger at this interpretation of her. A feeder was someone who took pleasure in being fed from, it was a lewd desire accepted primarily by women. It was very insulting to her and immediately Ally's anger flared up. Dash had been requesting feeder in her absence, did he really value his life?

"Why you think you can afford me? Don't make me laugh, I wouldn't let you touch me if I'd been sexually deprived for centuries. I'd get out of my sight while you still can you bloodsucking scum." The mans face grew red in rage hearing such audacious thing come from someone so fragile.

"Interesting. What about if I didn't pay? What about if I grabbed you and unbuttoned that revealing shirt you so casually flaunt without consequence while I suck you dry. It would save me money and time, how about it?" Ally's eyes began to flare. This man was mentally-ill to admit such thoughts. Did he have no morals or subconscious?

"I could say the same thing to you. Don't underestimate me, have some sense." Ally flashed her fangs at the man causing him to stagger back in fear.


"The famous King murderer your right." Joseph had been lurking in the shadows listening her defile the man's ego with a smile of his face. It was as if trouble tailed her like a police car. The man bowed in submission to Joseph who looked on at Ally with a prude grin on his face.

Joseph, "Unless you want her to rip your heart from your chest and leave you here to rot, I'd apologize and refrain from saying such perverted thing in near future."

"My apologies Miss I meant no harm. I'll be on my way." With that he practically ran from the manor.

Ally stood thinking intensely from a while, the fear in that man's face wasn't something she felt proud of.

"I never pictured vampires to be one for gossiping, I thought my pack was bad." Ally said conceitedly.

Joseph "I'm afraid events such as this are hard to keep contained, I wouldn't worry they won't bother you. Most of us are cowering in fear of the famous King murderer, the girl who can kill with a single look."

"I see your all very caught up in story telling too. I've never heard of a more ridiculous notion in my life. If your clan is going to tell such tales at least make them more interesting." Joseph chuckled at her tone. From the minute he saw her she seemed be a lot livelier and more beautiful. A rare sight, he could still sense her sadness but was excited to see this sudden bout of confidence.

"Okay, let's begin."