Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 14 "Desperation"

Contently, a man sat looking no older than twenty-five in an office large enough to be ballroom, it's long strength of lonely space surrounded an office desk. He sat typing away with his glasses tilted to study the screen in more depth. On the screen he admired images of this outstanding heroine that had swept the community. The man was deadly, good-looking his jawline sharp and decorated with his sunken cheekbones. His hair was blonder than the sun and his eyes were deeper than blood itself. As he looked biting his knuckle at the images, his mouth couldn't help but smirk. Artwork scattered the internet page, with a talented art and realistic detail it was like looking at a photograph. It was his hobby to hi-jack the King's personal security and looked at what peaked his interest. Ally's mismatched eyes and silver hair layered the page, hundreds of painting of her archived within the computer was like a stalker fantasy. The man chuckled to himself. As he delved deeper into the secret files, he was interrupted by a knock at the large office doors.

"Enter." His voice was strangely likeable, cold but warm at the same time. An older man dressed in a suit and servant jacket scurried in keeping his head bowed. Standing fearful at the desk with terror painting his face he waited for the man to speak before moving a single muscle.

"Looks like my brothers' hobby has reached a new level. It was struggle bypassing his malware, but I managed. You have something important to tell me by interrupting my hobby correct?" there was an evil undertone in his voice which caused the servant to shiver.

"Master Eli, it's regarding your brother." He said with a weak shaky voice.

"What as that perverted little delinquent done now? Raped yet another girl? Massacred a whole village perhaps?" he said his perverse ideals so casually, these thought really had no affect on him. The servant shook his head and waited in trepidation. Eli squinted his eyes at him for a second surprised he had guessed incorrectly.

"Spit it out."

"Master Eli. The King is dead." The servant said painfully. Silence fell the room for a few seconds before Eli burst into deep laughter, tears steamed from his face in amusement.

"You shouldn't get my hopes up like that. It really was quite a statement. I wish someone would murder that inconsiderate brat." He laughed his words, but the servant grew more and more unnerved gulping in fear.

"Forgive me Master Eli but it was not a light-hearted statement. The King truly is dead."

"How interesting? Judging by your expression you're not lying to me, are you? "he said happily. The servant shook his head. Eli raised from his chair and scratched his head. Lucian wasn't one to die easily, he was like a cockroach. No matter how many time Eli had tried to squash him he'd return with a vengeance.

"Tell me the details, what could be possible be ruthless enough to kill him. Was it hunters?" this excited attitude made the servant increasingly afraid. How could he be so overjoyed to hear his brother was dead?

"A-according to my resources he was murdered in cold blood Master Eli. Lucian went astray from his bodyguards and began pursuing his own project." Eli's eyes widened in delight. Could his perverted, ill mind be the cause of his own undoing?

"What was this project?" he asked intruigingly.

"It was a female Master. It seemed he had infatuated himself with a girl in the wolf region." The servant relayed the information he'd received from the bodyguards who ahd been watching him while he carelessly sought after this mysterious girl.

"This just gets better. Was he torn apart by wolves for trespassing? Did an Alpha tear his throat out?" Master Eli was like a child in a candy shop, looking at endless possibilities for a sweet taste.

"No, Master from my information. His heart was ripped from his chest by the very same female he perused." Eli's body language suddenly changed, and he walked over grabbing the servant by the throat squeezing with all his might. The servant squirmed in agony as his windpipe began to crackle.

"Your telling me a woman singled handed ripped my brothers' heart out with her own hands. I believe your bluffing, no girl could posses that sort of strength."

"I-It's true she'd the one our c-community has been riled over Master." He choked his words as Eli stared into his eyes looking for truth. A smile suddenly spread across his face and he let go causing the servant to crash to the floor gasping for breath.

"What information do you have of this female? Fighting my brother must have caused her some injuries I suppose. I'm intrigued, perhaps my brother had some sense pursuing her, I like breaking strong women." Eli smiled devilishly with lust in his eyes. The servant stood up weakly and adjusted his collar.

"Apparently, the female was unharmed Master Eli, currently she resides under the Lang territory which is where the battle commenced. It would be difficult to mistake her; her appearance is quite unique." Elis face darkened at the Lang name. His hatred for that family sometimes even outweighed the hatred for his brother.

"Unique how?"

Servant, "Well, she has one blue eye and one red. Her hair is hair is also—"

"Silver…" Eli interrupted the servant and spun the monitor around to see her face scattered among the screen. The servant staggered back at her penetrating eyes fearful of the myth that one look from her could kill. Eli looked at him amused.

"Prepare the car I'm heading out. Bodyguards won't be necessary, I want her all to myself." The servant nodded and scurried away. Eli glared at the screen like a maniac and chuckled to himself.

"I'll see you soon King Slayer, were going to have a really good time together."

------------------------------------------Lang Mansion Private Lounge-----------------

Dash and Aiden watched Ally take notes as Joseph relayed information about the upcoming hearing. Crossing her legs seductively, occasionally she would switch legs slowly while they both watched enthralled in desire. This was more enjoyable than she'd expected.

Joseph, "Since, were pleading a self-defence case it will be difficult to convince the jury you fought valiantly without any physical evidence. Your healing may have been a curse in this scenario." Joseph was thrown off by the consideration. Aiden and Dash also started thinking about resolve when Ally interrupted them both.

"Looks like I'm going to have to disturb my skin again then." She said boldly stroking her knuckles.

"What are you talking about?" Dash said concerned.

"I can still recall my injuries, I'll have to re-enact them." All three men looked at her like an alien. She was coherently considering breaking her hands again after the pain she endured.

"Your deluded are you sure you didn't hit your head when you killed the King?" Aiden joked but Ally kept a serious expression. Dash interjected her stupidity.

"If you say such naive things again maybe I'll break them for you." His tone was playful and daring but Ally kept her expression neutral not giving him any reaction.

"That would be a help, I'm not sure my brain would let me inflict such damage upon myself. Your face looks strong enough to do so." Aiden chuckled, and Dash glanced at him with annoyance. Yet, again she'd shot him down like a wild goose.

"Vermont seemed to favour you in the trials so I'm sure you will have a supporter even if the rest take a disliking to you. I'll be sitting the trial also, I'll be there if you need me." Aiden smiled, and Ally nodded gratefully back.

Dash, "What will be your statement?"

"Simple, the King became obsessed with capturing me and so perused me until no end. When I took refuge here, he provoked and attack which I had no choice but to retaliate. After he'd repeatedly strangled me to almost the brink of death, I acted instinctively without killing intent. It was purely self-defense." Dash looked a little impressed by her knowledge of courtroom justice.

Joseph, "Of course we will all testify in your honor, but I want you to be aware, there will be a lot of officials and Lucian's family members present so act accordingly and stay close to us at all times. Sadly, there's a price on your head which I have no control over." Ally felt somewhat happy to see Joseph's worried expression, he was a good man. Aiden and Dash were lucky to have such an admirable figure in their lives.

"Thank-you Joseph. I'm very grateful for your help."

Joseph, "You're an outstanding young girl, I hate to see wasted potential. You can rely on us if you need anything."

Ally nodded and exited with a smile on her face. Dash looked at Aiden with a complicated expression and followed her. Aiden could read his face and chuckled to himself. This would be fun.

Ally exited the mansion and walked up to her car before she could open it Dash placed his hand on the handle holding it closed. Ally rolled her eyes and looked at him.

"Can I help you?" she said tiredly.

"Come for a drink with me. If you don't, I might pay you visit tonight." He said seductively.

"Such a feeble attempt to black mail me. You must really be desperate. Luckily, my room is fortified to keep me in and idiots out so good luck with that." She pulled the handle, but Dash stood in-front of the door reluctant to give in.

"How about you catch me up with the pack activities. I've intrigued to hear about your stand against your father." He asked carefully trying not to spark her anger. She was in a delicate mood today, much more cheerful than previously.

"So, you now have a sudden interest in the pack. Strange I imagined you couldn't care less about such a thing considering you abandoned them as well as everything else." Ally's tone was quickly cold. Dash sighed and looked into her flaming eyes.

"Please Ally. I was born there it will always have a place in my heart." His words were soft and caused Ally to consider it for a second.

"We take my car, I'm driving. Look with your eyes and not with your hands. This is a formality because you're my witness nothing more. Understood." Ally's tone was emotionless but put a grin on Dash's flawless face.

"Agreed. You're driving is a little frightening though. Let me put 911 on speed dial just in-case." Dash typed the number in his phone ready and smiled cunningly at her. Aiden watched out of the window as they both drove away. Was she considering forgiving him so easily? It gave Aiden an uneasy bout of jealousy, but he reminded himself that Ally was smart and this wasn't a romantic gesture. Probably a mere formality because his brother was aggravatingly persistent.

-------------------------------Ally's car---------------------------

Purposely Ally kept her foot on the gas-pedal to no prevail trying to unease Dash.

"Are you really trying to kill us?" Dash said wit a shaky voice.

"Maybe, I heal quick, you on the other hand might be bothersome. I'd take out your phone just in-case." Ally was taunting him enjoying this fear pheromone emanating from his body. The car barely touched the floor as it drove over the hills, but Ally knew she wouldn't crash. Her heightened sense of awareness made her driving skills such like a professional racer. Of course, she didn't tell Dash that.

"Have you been dating Lewis Hamilton in my place?" he joked. Lewis Hamilton Is a famous Formula 1 driver in Britain, known for his numerous victories and tactically driving skills.

"I don't really date. The occasional one-night stand sure but I've never been one for commitment." Ally was joking but said it so seriously Dash gave her a deathly glare of disgust. Ally could feel is icy eyes on the side of her face and began regretting what she said. She's made a promise not to be so cold because it hurt those around her.

"It was a joke you don't have to curse me with your eyes Isaac." Dash's expression quickly softened to hear her say his real name for the first time. Ally said it natural but soon realized the name she'd said. Ally gripped her steering wheel in discomfort.

"It doesn't really bother me. I don't have any contenders in that area." Dash said slyly back.

"Is that so?"

Dash, "Yep, no one can please you like I can." Ally blushed in embarrassment and shot him a drying look at to which he smirked. Ally shook her head and contained driving. He was still the deviant boy she fell for at heart.

----------------------------- Pack house------------------------------

Blake was filling out his duties with his beloved mother supporting from the side-line. After shadowing her husband for some time she'd grown accustomed to his area of expertise.

"We have a treaty meeting with the Hollow Pack in a few days, so we need to get the regulations in order. The pack has always been a problem for us but so far, we've kept them at bay. You need to be stern and strong hearten my boy or they will mistake your role for weakness." Blake nodded and thought back to his previous encounters with their leader who was a year older than him. He was rather bold and full of himself. So, bold as to ask for his sister in exchange for peace. He'd always been obsessed with mating Ally, he'd even go so far to follow her around constantly at one time. Luckily, Isaac was dating Ally, so the leader would keep his distance. Isaac was a strong contender in the wolf community for his fighting skills and strength. Isaac was also very protective over Ally while they dated, if a wolf so much as looked at her lustfully which was common because of her beauty he'd warn then off.

"I'm guessing Hunter will be there, this should be interesting." Blake said sarcastically. Helen frowned knowledgeable of the frivolous boy and his lewd desires to seduce her daughter. Ally had always brushed him off but in the past, it had just made him more consistent.

"Maybe we should invite Ally to the meeting, she has a way with words." Helen said hopeful. Watching her intelligent daughter diminish a dominant male was a secret pleasure of hers.

"I think Ally had enough on plate mother. I want to prove to her that her appointment of me wasn't in vain. Ally could have easily taken the Alpha role, she was the one who defeated him after all. Instead she handed it to me and I didn't life a finger." Blake looked a little disheartened, so Helen rubbed his shoulder.

"Don't be so hard on yourself my boy. Your sister has a knack for identifying the strong, she wouldn't have given you the role if you weren't capable." Blake patted her hand kindly and agreed.

Blake shot up in alarm when he could hear a array of heavy boots stomping their way up to the pack door. He sniffed up and stiffened in disbelief, the saying way of you spoke of the devil he would appear in due time. The overpowering smell of oak and sweat made his eyes water.

"It's the Hollow Pack, there trespassing meaning this isn't a dubious meeting. I'll alert the pack." Helen said panicked. Blake stopped her and thought frantically. His pack hadn't fought in years, when they surpassed puberty the training would stop. Alpha King didn't want any competitors so basically his pack was inexperienced if he asked them to fight it would be blood bath.

"Call Ally. This isn't going to end well." Blake cleared his throat and shook his head of fear. An Alpha had to be dominant and ruthless. The slightest scent of fear indicated weakness. Helen began dialing while Blake went to open the door. His face turned pale as he watched 13 well-built strong men standing at his door. Majority with their sorts off looking like feral creatures. As he scanned them with an expressionless face his eyes widened in terror at the sight of his father and sister standing at the back of the formation. They had plotted against them after Ally had removed their titles and sought the enemy for revenge.

Blake, "Isn't this a sight for sore eyes, how cowardly of you father." He said angrily. Hunter was a tall, muscular figure with light brown hair and handsome green eyes. He walked forward among the rest and looked Blake up and down.

"Where's that beautiful spectacle? You know the one attached at your hip?" he was implying about Ally which caught Blake off guard. Alpha King had obviously exposed her survival to the Hollow Pack. Blake looked at his coldly.

"None of your concern, state your business Hunter." Blake sounded sophisticated but couldn't help but let his voice shake under such pressure. They all looked at him with hungry eyes, praying he would give them and excuse to beat him to a pulp.

"I'm here on behalf of your father. From my knowledge you sister made him forfeit his role which isn't very fitting. Shameful, as I initially thought it appears your sister has a knack for challenging authority." Hunter played his words like a deck of card awaiting Blake's hand.

"I'm guessing you'd like to test that?" Blake scoffed. Hunter looked around Blake as if looking for something. Blake studied him closely, was he looking for Ally?

"So, she really isn't here huh? What a shame I was looking forward to the pleading look in her eyes as I beat you to a pulp. I challenge you Blake King for role of Alpha under the wolf accordance act." Blake couldn't believe what he was saying. Was this his father's scheme of revenge, to redeem his pride?

"Tempting as that maybe you need approval from the council before enacting such bold delusions. Come back when you have clearance." Hunter began to chuckle and gestured to Alpha King.

"Luckily, Alpha King recently joined the council, so I have his approval." Blake looked at his father frantically, this was a situation he couldn't talk his way out of but knew he stood no chance against him. Blake prayed for his sister to jump out and save him but knew she was busy trying to form her case. His father sitting on the council was out of the question, he was truly evil. It was true, Alpha King and Leah had run straight to the enemy out of spite eventually convincing Hunter that if he battled Blake, he could have Ally. So long as he embellished their titles. Alpha King and Leah stood smugly with an evil look in their eyes.

"Wait.!" Helen shouted out frantically. The pack sneered at her sudden interruption.

"Under the Wolf Accordance Act the Alpha's Beta must be present during to witness. Ally is Blake's Beta and therefore is needed." Helen spoke desperately and saw the Hollow packs faces drop at her name. Ally was well known despite her previous seclusion. She was the wolf every man wanted to break, and no man was every worthy of. Hunter began re-thinking his strategy, Ally would be here soon meaning the situation could get dyer very quickly. That girl showed no mercy when it concerned her brother.

"She's on her way just bide time." Helen whispered in Blake ear and Blake gulped.

"Come on sis I need you."

-------------------------------------Foxtrot nightclub-------------------------

Ally had yet again gone out her comfort zone and entered a popular bar with Dash by her side. The floor pulsed and the sweaty dancing bodies filled the space. Ally felt a little overwhelmed, but Dash placed his hand on her shoulder and guided her to a private lounge where the music was dimmed. Dash seemed familiar with the manager who gladly showed him to his usual area. Ally hadn't said much since Dash had embarrassed her in the car, so she just admired the flashing lights and cheerful, drunk atmosphere. Dash sat not far from her watching her expression lighten when watching the clubbers.

Their private booth was on the top floor looking down on the dance-floor, the air was quite warm, and the velvet seats were cool and gentle. Ally lay her head back and closed her eyes.

"I ordered you triple vodka straight, sound good?" Dash asked with a curious smile on his face. Was he trying to get her drunk?

"I have the tolerance of an Irishman so do your worse." She bantered back her eyes still closed.

"Waiter I'll have five bottles please, put in on my tab." Dash's voice was cool and calm. What sort of game was he playing, trying to challenge her with alcohol? There drink arrived quickly, and Ally swilled it down her neck before Dash could even pick up his glass.

"I told you." She said proudly. Dash also gulped down the bitter shot and shook his head in disgust causing Ally to giggle softly.

"Don't play a hand you can't bluff with." She said lightly. Dash smiled and reminded himself why he was here. It was really to spend some time alone with her but did want to know what pack life had been like in his absence.

"Tell me about you show-down with Alpha King, it's been playing on my mind for a while. He's been fighting you for so long why did he give up?" Dash asked in interest and Ally stroked her arm in thought.

"When I came too, I walked back to the pack house to see my mom and Blake lighting lanterns with the pack for my honor. As you know it's a pack formality to show respect to the deceased. My father decided to crash the party, but Blake was so caught up in grief he plucked up the courage to stand against him as well as my mother. Blake hit him with such anger it woke me up from my daze like a bucket of ice-cold water. My father is a very strong man, so the punch was staggering but didn't do the trick of rendering him. He knocked Blake out cold with one hit as well as my mother." Ally stared off into the distance recalling the daunting event. Dash looked at her with sympathy, he felt helpless she had to watch such things alone.

"That was the first time I used my speed, I manged to knock him away before he struck them again and carried them to my mothers' room for refuge. I'd just woken up from death, so my mind and body were struggling to cope, I was weak, but I tried everything to keep him out." Ally fell quiet for a good minute, but Dash understood this was hard for her so persevered.

"Eventually he broke through with Leah by his side, they tried to get to them, but I forbid it. They didn't recognize me right away, so I used it to my advantage and bided my time carefully. I requested a private meeting and brought up the council law, therefore he had no choice but to hear me out."

"We entered the office and they started interrogating asking about my connections with Blake and my mother. I eased them into my new affliction and finished him off with three simple sentences." Ally said determinedly. Dash smiled and chuckled, he knew her phrase all too well.

"Do not bow for me for I am equal. Have faith in the day that no person will have to bow before anyone. We breath the same air and we walk the same roads. There is no such thing in superior." Dash relayed his words without thinking and Ally looked up in surprise. He hadn't forgotten them after all this time. Ally huffed In disbelief.

"You remembered."

Dash, "I'll never forget the wisdom filled words of Ally King." He said softly.

"That's all it took, he fell to his knees in submission which is ironic considering my theory. I immediately removed his title and made him state Blake as Alpha. That pack had needed a caring heart to take over for a long time and who better to lead them." Ally said proudly.

"You gave up the role for Blake?" Dash asked worried. Ally had leader tattooed all over her attitude but she gave up such an opportunity for her brother.

"What value would my theory have if I became a superior myself. Plus, Blake has a good head on his shoulders and he's been wanting to make a difference since he was born." Ally smiled at the thought of her beloved brother.

"You never change. If you could bundle up the world and gift it to him, you would." Dash said sarcastically. Ally laughed in his truth, Dash also laughed, and they locked eyes for a second. Both of their heart fluttering in their chest. Ally pulled away and drank another shot subsiding her feelings. It would take a lot more than a friendly reminiscing for her to forgive him. Dash also drank another shot and sighed.

"I need to tell you the truth." He said reluctantly, Ally didn't look at him and continued drinking. This was going to be painful and she'd survived productively all day. Dash was about to speak again but Ally placed her finger delicately on his lips.

"I'm not ready yet. I know it's selfish of me to hold your guilt in, but I can't Isaac. Please, just hold out a little longer." Ally looked at him wish glistening eyes and he pulled her hand from his lips and kissed it gently.

"I understand." He smiled and let her hand go, both drank another shot. As they began to relax Ally felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Dash watched her answer casually seeing Blake's name on the caller ID.

"Yes, Alpha how may I be of service." Her cheeky grin soon vanished when her mother panicked voice ringed in her ears. Ally felt the hair stand up all over her body prickling her skin.

"Ally, please we need you. Hollow Pack have come to challenge Blake for his title. This is your fathers doing. I can only hold them off for so long, but Hunter has been requesting you." Helen spoke fast so Ally struggled to keep up but got the gist.

"Hold them off I'll be there as quick as I can tell him not to engage, if they so much as touch a hair on his head I'll kill them all." Ally hung up the phone her face darkened in rage. Dash could feel something was wrong and ran after her as she sprinted to the car. Dash got in the passenger seat and Ally sped away without even buckling her belt. Ally's hands and knees shook in anger and her face was filled with worry.

"Ally talk to me." Dash said calmly.

"Blake's being challenged for his title by Hollow Pack, my fathers behind this I can sense it. If they touch him, I swear to God I'll be trailed for massacre." Ally wasn't thinking clearly, and her voice tremor-ed from the adrenaline gushing through her veins. Dash stiffened up at the Hollow pack mention. When him and Ally were dating their Alpha took a odd liking to her and Isaac tried with everything he had to warn him off but that man was relentless. Once they almost came to blows but Ally calmed the situation before it got out of hand. This however was different, whenever Blake's well-being was on the line Ally's tunnel vision focused on her brother blocking everything else out. Dash had only ever seen her like this once when she'd shifted through rage. It was forbidden for wolves to shift without certain reasoning and the punishment was death. It was a rash rule but very respected.

"Your letting your emotions control you and not your brain. Take a deep breath, you can't help him if you have no control." Dash said the words soothingly to calm her, but Ally had surpassed that point. Dash could see she wasn't listening to him, so he placed his hand on hers and squeezed. It was a simple gesture, but Ally snapped away from her vision and looked at him. Dash breathed in and out, Ally with shaking breath did the same.

"I can't let them hurt him Isaac." She said painstakingly.

"Plan it out, he can't touch him without his Beta there. So, without you there it's against the order to engage. When you get there stay calm and don't act provokingly. This doesn't have to be a fight." He said it so calmly despite his sadness seeing her so worked up. It was her damned father yet again destroying her life.

"What if it is? You can't step in Isaac, it would be war. I'm begging you don't fight for me." Dash thought for a second about whether he could make that promise. The thought if Hunter even going near her made him want to rip out his throat but he needed to earn her trust.

"I promise you, but you have to promise me something too." Ally looked up with anxiety.

"Don't engage, I can't keep my promise if you fight." Dash was begging her at this point and Ally nodded lightly. It was a promise she wasn't sure she could keep either.

---------------------------------------Pack House grounds-------------------------

The Hollow pack had spread out surgically among-st the ground blocking every possible exit in-case they were attacked by surprise or someone bravely decided to run for it. Blake waited painfully for his sister never breaking eye contact with Hunter who was printed with self-righteousness. Hunter really thought of himself as something special and female wolves would throw themselves at his feet. Every girl but the one he wanted. Alpha King and Leah began whispering among themselves as Helen's eyes never left them. More than anything she wanted to beat that man within an inch of his life for everything he had done. The man that broke her spirit and forced her to turn a blind eye to her daughters suffering. Eyes glued to the lone Alpha and his mother the air was so humid Blake could hardly breath.

Just as everyone's patience had reached its peak, a black Volvo sped onto the field skidding dirt all over the pack member who clenched their faces in disgust. Blake's face lit up with delight to see his sister looking at him softly through the windshield. Dash grabbed her wrist before she exited the car.

"Please Ally." It was a last plead but Ally looked away shamefully before exiting the car. It was like an action sequel watching her confidently strut toward her brother, her eyes didn't even acknowledge the intimidating pack formation around her. Everyone's eyes followed her some even taking in a sharp breath by her drastic change in appearance. Blake's fear could be smelt across the field and Ally felt this deep sympathy for her brother, he was always against conflict, so this situation was overwhelming for him. Ally stood equal to Blake with her arms crossed disapprovingly but she didn't utter a word and instead glared at Hunter with every ounce of hatred she had.

"The girl of the hours finally arrived and what a delightful sight. You get more mature every time I see you." The sexual undertones in Hunters voice made Helen squirm but Ally stood still without breaking ignoring his sexual provocation.

"Did they touch you?" Ally questioned Blake, but he shook his head and Ally let out a breath of relief. Soon enough her peripheral vision found her father and half-sister Leah looking quite pleased with themselves but when Ally directed her eyes towards them, they couldn't hold for even a second and looked away.

"How cowardly of you to request the enemy for help. I see even in defeat your still pathetic." Ally spat her words in spite and returned her glare to Hunter. Refusing to lend them her eyes for one more second it was a waste of life.

"I'm giving you the option to walk away but of course your far too proud. Let's see how proud you are when I rip that seductive grin from your face." Ally couldn't keep her composure after smelling Blake's fear. Her usual calculated responses were squirmed with violent thoughts. Dash had got out of the car to watch her praying she'd keep it together. Blake felt an uneasy feeling radiating from Ally and had never seen her so unreeled before.

"Ally, can you talk us out of this." Blake asked quietly. Ally closed her eyes t breathe and remembered what Dash asked of her, no good could come of fighting.

"In order to challenge an Alpha, you must have just reasoning behind your actions under the Wolf conformity act, state your reasoning. If it's valid then we will continue, if not them you will be asked to leave." Ally reached into her research on pack law and brought forth everything she could. Hunter smirked at her and bit his lip, glaring at her slender legs and low-cut top got him excited. This made his determination ever so more relentless.

"My evidence is in the air, I believe Blake to be a hindrance to the Alpha role. An Alpha must be fearless and determined not running to his sister for guidance. I consider him to be ill-fitted judging by the fear emanating from him." Ally evaluated his words looking for a flawed judgement but couldn't identify one. Even Dash was stumped by his response, a wolf had the right to challenge an Alpha if he didn't think his values were up to standard. Blake bowed his head in shame, but Ally gripped his arm.

"Keep your head held high don't you dare show weakness, I'm going to try everything I can to avoid conflict but if there is no prevail, I will fight in your place." Blake's expression was filled with worry and Dash couldn't hear what she was whispering but studying Blake's face it wasn't good.

"I can't ask that of you."

"You're not asking I'm volunteering. Trust me." This was Ally's plan all along, but Isaac pleading eyes left her at a halt. She had to choose between the love of her life and her brother.

"Well beautiful have I made my proposition clear. Let's set the stakes shall we. What do you request in the miracle of your triumph?" Hunter said it very sarcastically. Ally thought considerably about her answer.

"I request Jackson and Leah King be banished from all territories with no exceptions, their ignorance to this will be punishable by death. I also request you bow before my brother and pledge your allegiance to him. That is all." Alpha King and Leah's face turned white at the stakes, they didn't expect Ally to single them out and with her record Ally had a perfect score. Hunter nodded easily, he's expected something much harsher as a punishment for him.

"When I win, I want your whole pack to bow before me and kiss my feet, weaklings will be disposed of and removed from their title. My second condition is that you are to mate with me whether you wish to or not, I look forward to you pleading me for mercy tonight." Ally's nerves wavered at his request, he seemed very confident in himself, but Ally knew the minute she decided to fight I for Blake his ego would soon crumble. Dash wanted to beat him surpass the point of recognition speaking to her that way but kept his composure for Ally's sake.

"Harsh stakes but I accept, I Ally King hereby fight for my Alpha." Gasped and chuckled escaped everyone mouth and even Hunter looked momentarily stunned. This was an unexpected term of events and compared to Hunter Ally was held his size and looked very weak. Dash's face went cold and he began hitting his head in anger. He asked one thing of her, but her stubbornness had succeeded him yet again.

"Can't the Alpha fight for himself, I wouldn't want to blemish that silky-smooth skin of yours." Hunter said not really taking her words seriously. Ally smiled cunningly.

"Don't hold back, my mind is decided your opinion is void. If you would." The pack spread into a circle and Ally walked carelessly to the middle. Dash had a lot of faith in her and knew she could fight. They'd trained together for year, but he couldn't bare to see her get hurt anymore. Ally locked eyes with his across the field and he shook his head in disappointment. Ally shook her head brushing him off and stood ten meters apart from Hunter, her heart hurt seeing Isaac look at her like that, but she couldn't be distracted. This was a wild game of survival now. Blake and Helen began to hold hand and looked in in admiration.

"Come on sis. I believe in you."