Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 16 "Hurt"

"Excuse me are you the family of Ally King?"

After three hours of waiting a doctor finally addressed the family. Everyone jumped to their feet in worry and nodded.

"Ally suffered significant blood loss due to an internal bleed. From her treatment she suffered four broken ribs which punctured her spleen causing the bleed. We've also corrected her nose which was also broken. Ally is extremely weak and amnesic but is recovering in the ICU until further notice. You're welcome to see her but try not to strain her, she's not out of the woods yet." The doctor was seriously formal, but everyone sighed in relief.

"Thank-you doctor, where should I pay the admission fee?" Helen asked rumbling around in her purse.

"There will be no need it has already been payed." Helen looked stunned and looked around, but they seemed as stunned as her.

"By whom?"

"Jackson King, her father I presume. He already payed all expenses." Helen nodded reluctantly, and the doctor walked away.

Blake, "Why would he do that? Does he think he can buy our forgiveness?" Blake scoffed unnerved his father would go to this length. The fees were expensive but that wasn't the point, there was no sentimental value in buying someone over.

"Not the best start but it's saved me a few pennies I suppose." Helen chuckled. Isaac was basically squirming on the spot wanting to see her but contained himself. It was only right they all see her together he couldn't be selfish. All of them walked together to her private room.

----------------------------Hospital room-------------------------

Nurses were dabbing Ally's head as they all entered. They looked surprised to see such a group but put away their tools in respect.

"She will be asleep for a while, she'd still under the anaesthesia but we'd be happy for you to wait here. I'll grab some more chairs." Blake thanked them and made his way over to her bed. His heart broke to see his sister whiter than a sheet but sleeping so peacefully. Ally had a light blanket on her to not overheat, she had a fever, but it was gradually going down. Ally's ribs were bandaged along with her head, she looked like the typical patient except from her silver hair which shone fluorescently under the bright hospital lights. The nurse arrived with the chairs and everyone sat round her. Isaac sat by her side stroking the bandage on her head. Even unconscious she was beautiful.

"What was it like? The fight." Aiden asked out of curiosity. It must have been an awful scene looking at Ally closely, her skin was black and blue. Blake and Helen both bowed their heads.

"It was a miracle she could even fight, they used foul play by using wolfsbane to weaken her." Blake said sadly. Aiden clenched his fists; how could they be so cowardly.

"He'll suffer for that don't worry. Ally fought with everything she had, it was like watching a kung-Fu master." Helen chuckled. Everyone smiled and looked at Ally.

"Aiden and I will take care of him Helen, don't worry. His pride suffered a lot being beaten by a 5"8 firecracker but it's not enough. Leave it to us." Aiden nodded at Dash with a determined look. Joseph also gave his approval after seeing this beautiful specimen motionless. He saw he as a daughter more and more every day. Isaac stroked her hand in circles hoping to get a reaction, but the effects of the anaesthesia had numbed her.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He whispered. Ally began stirring in her sleep and her machine began to beep. Nurses entered calmly and checked her temperature, it was starting to rise again.

"It's just a night terror she has them a lot." Blake informed them.

"I understand, I'll fetch her an ice-pack just try to soothe her." The nurse quickly exited. Aiden looked at her sorrowfully, it was like watching her in his room all over again. The nurse placed an ice pack on her head and Isaac held it in place.

"I never knew she had night terrors, how long for?" Isaac said sadly. Helen looked at him hopelessly.

"Since, that night. She tries to hide them, but Blake and I always hear her." Helen said coldly. Isaac suddenly felt guilty and bowed his head. Ally stopped stirring and slowly relaxed as the ice pack took effect.

"Aiden hold this for me, I need to get a towel." Aiden happily took over while Isaac searched in the nearby draws for a towel. Blake could see how delicate they were with her and it made him smile. His trust was growing, it didn't matter if they were vampires or not. So long as they protected his sister, he would accept them.

Isaac dried the droplets from her neck and face, when he looked closer a tear trickled from her cheek. Ally had secretly been awake for a while but kept her eyes closed listening to the conversation around her. Isaac stoked the tear from her cheek. Ally didn't want to open her eyes in fear it wasn't real what she was feeling. The last time she woke up in the hospital she was alone, consumed with grief after hearing she'd lost the love of her life. Ally's chest began to stutter as she fought back her tears but eventually breathed a weak cry. Aiden stroked her head seeing her visibly upset in her slumber.

"What do you think she'd dreaming about." Blake asked in concern. Isaac furrowed his brows and stroked her hand. Why are you crying? Does it hurt that badly? Ally gripped Aiden and Isaacs hand tightly and slowly moved them away. She sat up disorientated focusing her eyes to see happy expressions on everyone face but she wasn't smiling. Instead, tears feel from her eyes and she clutched her chest.

"Ally?" Blake said sadly. Ally tried to shake away her tears but was enclosed in her emotions.

"Forgive me. I-it's strange waking up with you all around me. I don't know how to take it." She stuttered through her cries. It was a happy cry because she finally had people she didn't want to push away. People who nurtured her and wasn't afraid of her.

"It's okay Ally, we understand." Joseph said with an easing voice. Ally wiped away her tears and chuckled to herself.

"Does it hurt?" Aiden said looking at her like glass. Ally chuckled and leaned back wincing in pain.

"You should see the other guy." She joked but it was true she was in a lot of pain.

Isaac, "I can request a higher morphine dosage."

"It's fine I don't mind it. What I do mind is you all looking at me like a broken vase. I'm a girl not an object." Ally was annoyed but her tone was innocent.

Isaac rolled his eyes and pushed her head down playfully.

"Let us take care of you. Stop fighting." He said tiresomely. Everyone giggled, it was a truly light-hearted scene.

"Your on-house arrest, no straining yourself. If you push yourself, I'll punish you." Isaac's tone was warning but Ally flicked his forehead and frowned at him.

"Have you forgotten who your talking too?" she said irritated. Helen walked over and pressed her hand on Ally's head.

"I agree. You still have a fever, why don't you rest." Ally moved her hand away and pouted like a young child.

"I'm fine I've been through worse. "Helen sighed at her daughter's consistency.

"T-thank-you." Ally said it reluctantly, but her eyes were genuine scanning the whole room making eye-contact with every member.

"I really appreciate you all being here." Blake stood up and walked closer.

"Are you going soft on us?" Blake said childishly. Ally clutched her head in annoyance.

"Would you rather I kick you all out and escape?" Ally said seriously. Blake clammed up in defeat, she was still ruthless even in her vulnerable state.

"I thought so." She said playfully. Isaac was still rubbing his head from her flick.

"Let's give her some space." Isaac went to stand but Ally dragged him back down.

"Could you give a second." Ally said kindly. Everyone agreed without questioning it. Aiden was slightly jealous but knew they needed to settle some things, he rubbed her head gently and smiled before leaving. It was left just the two of them and Isaac felt honoured.

"You have me all to yourself, what will you do?" he said flirtatiously. Ally looked at him with kind eyes then flicked him again.

"You kept your promise, I wanted to thank-you." Isaac smiled rubbing his head once more.

"There's no need but I wanted to ask you… Why did you cry when you woke up?" Ally's expression soon saddened, and she dropped her head. It was time she stopped keeping what she felt to herself, it was tiresome. Only she suffered, there was a deeper reason she'd cried when she woke up.

"Ten months ago, I woke up in a similar position, but my room was empty. I told everyone to leave me alone or I'd hurt them. I figured you'd be by my side, or at least resting somewhere else but you weren't. I guess I'm not used to you being here after you'd been gone for so long." Ally's words came from no-where but originated from her heart. Isaac teared up but cleared them away.

"You never have to wake up alone again. Even if you hate me and push me away, I will never leave you again. I promise you." Isaac placed his head in her lap, Ally stiffened up but eventually relaxed.

"I don't hate you, how could I? I know your trying, but I can't forgive you yet. I'm sorry." Ally strained her words and stroked his head in sympathy.

"You have every right to hate me, I was so selfish. Just strangle me already will you." He said it seriously, but Ally just laughed.

"And put you out of your misery so soon? I don't think so." Isaac chuckled and looked into her eyes. They had that light he remembered, her bright shining soul hiding behind pained eyes. Isaac moved his face close to hers and Ally tried to pull away, but he kissed her forehead gently. Ally began to blush and pushed him away.

"Didn't I say look with your eyes and not your hands?"

"It was my lips not my hands, if you want me to do something with my hands just ask. I'll happily oblige." He had a deep raspy tone to his voice and Ally knew what he was implying.

"I'll pass." They both smiled as Ally lay back and curled up in her covers.

"You should probably go feed, you look tired." She said it so casually, but Isaac's eyes widened in terror. How did she know?

"What do you know about feeding?" he said in shock.

"It's nothing to be shameful of, there should be some blood bags nearby. I won't judge you for something that can't be helped. I'm anaemic so I can't satisfy you." Isaac suddenly had an angry expression on his face.

"You're saying if you weren't you would let me feed from you. Are you dumb?" Isaac was genuinely offended she would offer herself up so casually. Feeding was a very intimate thing, yet she talked like it was nothing.

"Why are you so angry? Does it not make you happy that I would let you do such a thing?" Ally sounded like a naïve child, but she understood what she spoke of. She hadn't anticipated this sort of response.

"Happy? I could kill you Ally. For your IQ I'd expected you to know better. If I fed from you, I wouldn't be able to stop. Don't be so accepting to such things." Isaac said angrily.

"How can you feed from other people then. Your friend said you had feeders over often, you have self-control with them, don't you?" Isaac felt embarrassed that she'd found out about such things. Who ever told her was a dead man.

"It's different I have no emotional attachment to them. It's easier to use people for their blood when you feel nothing for them. It would be different for you. You shouldn't listen to my household members they're animals."

Isaac, "While were on the subject, don't you need to feed? You carry our gene, right?" Isaac had forgotten Ally had the vampire gene being so used to seeing her as a wolf. Their blood coursing through her veins but she never showed any interest in blood. Surely, she didn't need it if her wolf side was dominant.

"I've never even thought about to be honest, I don't have any urges. Maybe I don't have bloodlust." Ally thought about it contently for a while when Isaac touched her head.

"No wonder your talking gibberish your burning up. Stay put I'll get you an ice-pack."

"Isaac, you don't have to stop feeding for my sake. I told you I won't judge." Ally interjected before he could leave.

"That's not the point, I don't enjoy doing it. I hate that part of me, Aiden does too but what can we do huh? I miss being a wolf I really do but I wouldn't be alive if I wasn't what I am. I'm grateful because you don't have to be alone." Isaac smiled at her painfully before leaving to fetch an Ice-pack. Ally focused on his lingering words or a second. It never dawned on her how he felt about himself, she was slightly inconsiderate of his feelings. Guilt filled her head and she sighed. From switching to another species, it must have been hard for him, especially dealing with the blood-lust. That was vampires biggest challenge, usually taking years. Isaac had conquered it in a very short time which Ally admired him for. Deep in thought she failed to hear Aiden enter the room. It was like shift work, which brother could spend the most time with her.

"Are you alright?" Aiden said clearly breaking her away from her thoughts.

"I'm fine. Thank-you for being here, you look a little tired too. Have you slept?" Aiden also looked a little pale, he hadn't fed in three days and it was starting to bother him.

"Don't worry about me I can happily survive on coffee. Can we talk?" Ally nodded, and Aiden sat down next to her bed.

"I'm not trying to caudle or belittle you, but can you promise me you'll stop being so reckless. You're killing me you know." He sounded so calm, but his words were forward. Ally looked a little guilty, she didn't want to worry everyone.

"I can't make a promise I can't keep but I'll try. I've always fought my own battles to I'm sort of accustom to be reckless, now that I have people who care about me, I don't want to be in danger anymore." Ally had let down her walls and Aiden smiled at her sudden modesty.

"I can live with that, there was something else I wanted to tell you." Aiden looked a little disheartened, so Ally patted his hand and looked at him reassuringly. This truly was a different girl to the one he'd first met. There was this loving aura about her and the pain in her eyes was weaker. It made his heart fill with joy to see her so open.

"I want to let you know I don't mean to pressure you with this spire bond. You have a lot going on but I'm not giving up. I won't use it to my advantage but only if you promise me to try staying out of trouble." Ally looed a little uneasy at his words. Just how influential was this bond? Could he control her?

"I'm not pressured but what do you mean use it to your advantage?"

Aiden, "Spires have the power to influence the other emotions, so if I wanted you to love me, I could just make you. Don't worry I'm not that cruel, I'll let you figure that out on your own." Ally was completely stunned. She took it lightly but realised it was a powerful tool. Aiden seemed like a respectable man but the fact he had such influence over her made her feel helpless. Ally looked a little frightened, so Aiden kissed her hand before leaving.

"I won't forget what happened in that bedroom and I don't want you too either. I'm not letting you go Ally King." He smiled seductively before exiting. Ally was dumfounded and frozen with a stunned face. How could she fight her own feelings? Ally felt admiration and a pull towards Aiden, but she also still had lingering love for Isaac, but he had broken her heart. This was a vicious love triangle and Ally didn't know how to cope it. Ally clutched her head or shoved her head into her pillow. She didn't look up when she heard the door open assuming it was Isaac with her ice-pack.

"Took you long enough." She said carelessly.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Ally felt all the hair on her body stand on end at this unfamiliar voice. With shaking hands, she pulled the pillow from her face and almost fainted. A man with similar features to Lucian stood at the end of her bed with a sadistic smile. Ally thought to call out for Aiden, but she stopped herself, if he got hurt because of her she wouldn't handle it well. Ally's face darkened, and she switched to survival mode, her body wasn't strong enough to support her, so she began organizing her words.

"My brothers' drawings really don't do you justice, you really are lovely." He said stroking the sheets by her feet.

"You must be grieving, have you come for revenge perhaps." Ally tone was threatening but Eli just smiled modestly.

"On the contrary I came to thank you. My hands are squeaky clean, and I don't have to look at that man ever again. You've done me a kindness." Eli wouldn't stop staring at her, he didn't even blink. Ally was feeling discomfort but stood her ground. Her mind was filled with worry, Isaac would be back soon, what if this man used him as a pawn to punish her.

"State your name and your business, I'm not here to be thanked." Ally spoke in a formal tone but realized how vulnerable she looked bandaged up and hooked to an IV. If he did make a move, she didn't have a very good advantage.

"Forgive me my name is Eli. Lucian was my older brother. "

Ally, "How unfortunate for you growing up with such sadistic kin, I feel pity for you." Her words were bitter, but Eli was enjoying this defiant attitude. Usually, girls would beg at his feet for mercy, but she was different.

"You're quite something aren't you? I see why my brother was infatuated by you, it's refreshing seeing a girl with such a strong will."

"My will is what pulled your brothers heart from his chest, have you come to be buried beside him? No, you seem slightly more collected or maybe I'm being deceived. Either way it doesn't interest me. I'll ask you again what your business is." Ally's eyes began to glow as a warning and Eli looked a little taken back by her evaluation. Could she see through his front in this short time? Eli chuckled to himself before giving her a cold glance.

"I've been listening for a while, unless my evaluation is wrong both of the Lang brothers have taken a liking to you. Not that I don't understand you really are something special. I'm here to give you a choice." Eli trailed off and began walking closer to her. Ally clenched her fists ready to engage but was slightly relieved to see him sit down beside her.

"Yes?" Ally said sternly. Whatever he had in mind it included Isaac and Aiden, this would be a difficult choice for her.

"You submit to me and pledge your obedience, or I'll rip the Lang's brother head off and lay them at your feet." He said it so casually, but Ally's face turned white. It had escalated dramatically, and Ally felt like the world had swallowed her. Yet again she'd put her life on the line and had to deal with the consequences. Ally sighed then looked at Eli like a common roach.

"Your brother gave me a similar ultimatum and look where he ended up. I will say this once so listen carefully." Ally pushed her face closer to his and Eli looked slightly surprised to see this flame in her soul.

"You can break my hands, my neck anything you please but I will claw my way back up and face you again. I kneel before no-one so threaten my life until your blue in the face for all I care, your words mean nothing. My family are a different matter, if you so much as touch a hair on their head I will hunt you to the ends of the earth and burn your empire down to the ground. What I did to Lucian was pathetic compared to what I will do to you, choose your actions wisely Eli." Ally returned to her original position and leaned back causally. Eli couldn't understand how she could be so relaxed after relaying such a brutal threat. His eyes were wider than orbs and he began biting his lip.

"There's that fire, are you trying to turn me on?" he said seductively. Ally stiffened up, he hadn't even given her words a second thought and instead was excited by her. Ally began to move away but Eli swiftly grabbed her hand and pinned her legs against the bed. Ally without thinking bit into his neck and tore out a chunk of flesh. It was a sadistic play, but Ally was desperate, she would rather die than be defiled by him. However, Eli didn't budge and instead smiled, he wasn't phased by the pain at all. Ally spat the flesh from her mouth and started squirming violently.

"If you do this Aiden and Dash will tear you apart, stop now if you have any sense!" Ally began shouting but her words were soon muffled by his lips pressing forcefully against hers. Blood trickled from her mouth as he bit her lip hard. Ally squealed in pain, but she couldn't fight him, he was beyond strong and pain didn't affect him. Ally couldn't use her words either, there was no escape. Eli began moving his hand upwards towards her inner thigh causing her to kick with everything she had tears streaming from her face. Eli broke away for breath but covered her mouth to stop her screaming.

"We don't have much time, so this is as far as we go. This was fun we should do it again sometime Ally. As for your family, if you keep me entertained, I won't touch them. You're no value to me if your dead. Get well soon." Ally flinched as he moved his face towards her before forcefully kissing her once more sucking the blood from her mouth. Ally was crying in shock and when he moved his mouth away and left without turning back, Ally couldn't scream or shout. Breathing was even a struggle for her at this point, he had dragged her back to the darkness and she felt empty. Not only had be assaulted her body but her pride.

Everyone had come back from lunch and were in cheerful spirits chatting casually among themselves until they walked in to see Ally completely motionless tears falling onto the sheets. Blood stained her mouth and she looked frozen in fear.

"Sis…" Blake said rushing to her side. He went to console her, but she pulled away from him. Isaac and Aiden both moved forward in confusion, looking at the gash in her lip. Joseph gripped Helen's shoulders who was stunned to see her daughter so vulnerable.

"Ally, where did you get that?" Aiden said painfully.

"W-where were you." She said weakly refusing to look up. Both brothers looked at each other in awe, they were only gone for ten minutes… Her neat covers were clearly disturbed, and Aiden stiffened up to see a chunk of flesh lay not far from her bed. Isaac walked over and lifted her chin, the pain in her eyes made his heart break.

"Who did this to you?" he said shaking in rage.

"Eli…" She answered crying uncontrollably and the atmosphere in the room quickly darkened. Joseph gasped and clutched his head in anger. How could he not have sensed him? Isaac crawled onto the bed and began cradling her from behind while she sobbed onto her hands.

"Who the f*ck is Eli!" Blake shouted in rage and devastation. Joseph lowered his head shamefully. The one boy he could never train because he lacked human emotion, he knew how truly sadistic he was even more than Lucian. Eli was the black sheep of the vampire community and no person was a match for him, not even Ally.

"Eli is Lucian's brother…" Aiden said faintly, his heart was broken. He wasn't here when she needed him and now, she was destroyed. It took ten minutes for him to break her.

"I'm going to kill him! Get the clan together right f*cking now this is war!" Isaac began shouting at his brother and father with the coldest, most dangerous look he'd ever given. Aiden and Joseph nodded determinedly and turned around to leave.

"Don't! Don't you dare leave me Aiden! He will do anything to break me, he'll kill you. I'm begging you please don't go!" Ally screamed in desperation, so Isaac gripped her tighter to console her. This was too much for her after everything she'd been through.

"Shh it's okay we've got you, I will never let him touch you ever again. Breathe with me." Isaac took in a deep breath and Ally did the same, barely breathing in panic. Blake rubbed her shoulder and began to weep also. Helen could tell from the way Ally flinched initially that she'd been sexually assaulted, Helen knew the pain all too well and began to cry. Ally turned around and buried her head in Isaac's chest while he rocked her back and forth, tears fell to her head and he also began to weep seeing her so broken. This was a rage he'd never experienced, and he wanted to run around the world checking under every stone until he found him. But Ally needed him right now, he never wanted to leave her side again. This was his fault for acting so carelessly thinking she would be untouchable under his protection.

"She goes no-where alone from now on, we will take turns on watch and I will inform the clan. Father I want you to postpone the trial until further notice and set up a bed at the clan house she's moving in with us."

Joseph, "Son..."

"No! I've had enough, I don't care about following the rules anymore. That f*cking prick can break them whenever he please so why can't I? Set up a bed." Aiden was out of control and his demeaner frightened his father. He'd never seen him so angry in his life. Ally didn't remove her head from Isaac's chest, he wasn't even listening to the eruption around him he was listening to her heart. It was racing uncontrollably.

"Blake pass me that rag." Blake passed it over with shaking hands. Isaac held it for a second and took a deep breath.

"Ally, lift up your head, I need to clean your lip." Ally lifted her head reluctantly and let him dab the blood from her face. Her eyes were empty shells and completely dull.

"Your going to come stay with us until we find him okay?" he said painfully stroking her face. Ally pushed her head into his chest and nodded. She wasn't fighting this time, she was where she wanted to be. It was calming for her to be in his arms, she felt safe with everyone around her.

"Helen, Blake we can find a room for you both too, but you have to stay close to us. Wolves won't be easily accepted with it being a clan." Joseph said calmly. Blake and Helen both nodded without hesitation, their safety didn't matter right now. Isaac rocked her again until he felt her body relax, she had exhausted herself and fell asleep.

"Why were we so careless, look at what he's done to her." Helen sobbed. Joseph hugged her to console her.

"He'll pay for this I don't care what it takes, I'll murder him." Blake said naively.

"Get in line." Aiden said emotionless. Watching Ally sleeping peacefully in his brother's arm made him even more determined to protect her, he wouldn't leave her side again.

"I'm going to sign the release papers she's not safe here. Dash you're the most experienced driver here so I need you to get us back to the clan quickly. Father, make the arrangements." Aiden took one last look at her before leaving the room giving his brother a nod before he exited. Isaac nodded back silently telling his he would keep her safe while he was gone.

"She can't leave like that, I need to get her changed. Could you give us a second?" Helen said weakly. Isaac looked alarmed about leaving her but realised she was right. The hospital gown was light, she would catch cold if she left like that.

"Try not to wake her." Isaac said sternly. Helen nodded.

Isaac slowly moved away supporting her head and Ally didn't even stir, she was like dead weight. Blake kissed his sisters head before leaving, and Helen began arranging her outfit. Isaac held her hand until Helen shooed him out. Helen untied her daughters' gown and gently pulled it off her. Helen felt her heart jump and a sickening feeling washed over her to see a red hand print on Ally's inner thigh.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." She wept pulling a jumper over her head and putting on some loose-fit jeans. Helen slipped on her winter boots, and coat. Ally didn't even move a muscle, she was unresponsive which worried Helen more. Helen kissed her head before opening the door. Isaac and Blake quickly came back in, even the few minutes they were away the anxiety in their chest was unbearable. Ally had on a burgundy turtleneck jumper and navy jeans completes with some black biker boots and a blue overcoat. It looked like nothing had happened, she was still stunning even in her struggle. Aiden quickly returned with her papers and nodded to say it had been approved.

"Aiden if I'm driving, I need you to stay with her, keep her close." It hurt Isaac to say this because he didn't want to let her go. Isaac obliged and picked her up bridal style gently and carried her out of the room. They all had a tight formation around them and Aiden couldn't stop looking at her face. Streaks of dried tears decorated her face and Aiden felt his heart stutter. Nurses looked at them with concern, but Isaac held up her papers to prove this wasn't a kidnapping. They quickly nodded in consent and let them leave, unable to object.

"Are you alright to drive?" Joseph asked patting Blake on the shoulder who was in a complete daze.

"Yeah, we'll follow. Keep my sister safe." He said looking at Aiden who was holding her sleeping body close to his, so she wouldn't slip through his arms. Blake and Helen made their way over to their car and waited for the Lang family to put Ally in the car. Aiden slowly slid onto the seat and kept her head close to his chest to protect her head. Isaac and Joseph got in the front adjusting the mirror to make sure Ally was in their sights. Ally was breathing heavily in her exhausted state, Aiden felt her head, she was burning up again.

"We have to get her back fast she had a fever."

"How bad?" Isaac asked concerned.

"Pretty bad. Drive." Aiden had toned down his emotions because if he let them in, he would explode. Isaac noticed how blunt he was being, and it pissed him off, but he understood this was his way of coping so let it slip.

Blake followed close behind as the cars pulled away. Helen held his hand on the gear-stick and tried to console herself. It was her duty as a mother to protect her children from abuse, but she had failed for the final time. Helen wasn't one for violence, but her mind was shrouded with violent thoughts ever since she'd seen that hand-print. How dare he touch her daughter like that when she was so vulnerable.

"It's okay mom, I'm going to make that bastard pay." Blake said his teeth gritted.