Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 17 "Kiss..."

"Stand center." Joseph stood in the grand ballroom with 15 young men and one woman surrounding him. All of them were Aiden's age and varied in hair color and height but their glowing red eyes were identical. Joseph had requested them all to join him, after what happened to Ally, he couldn't be to careful. It was also unfair to keep his clan in the dark, they needed to be prepared if Eli made a move.

"I'm going to be straight with you all. You have all heard of the King's recent death and therefore Eli has taken over the throne." Vampire shifted in discomfort at his name and some suddenly had a fearful expression on their face. They had all trained with Eli alongside Aiden when they were newly turned and knew his evil ways all too well.

"Is it true it was a girl who killed him." One of them bravely asked. Everyone had doubts, Lucian was a hard man to kill so majority didn't believe the rumour.

"That is correct, she is a dear friend of mine which is the reason I've called you all here today." Everyone looked stunned to hear the words come from his mouth, Joseph wasn't a liar.

"Damn, she must be one bad-ass chick." One of them chuckled. Joseph nodded in agreement but kept his face stone-cold. This wasn't a joking matter.

"Eli has made a move against her and she's currently being guarded by Aiden and Dash. I wanted to make you all aware of this, you can reject if you please. I'm asking you to protect her while she's under this roof and keep an eye out for suspicious activity." Everyone looked at each other amused.

"Why would the King slayer need our help? She seems to be able to handle herself." One male said smugly.

"That's not the point. I understand I'm asking a lot of you but please trust me. I refuse to let that girl be in any danger." The clan could clearly see Joseph cared about this girl.

"Can we meet her?" the female asked intrigued. Joseph looked at her precariously.

"She's injured, so not yet. Do I have your support?" they all paused for a moment. Joseph had improved their lives considerable, so they all felt obligated to help him out of respect. They all nodded.

"Thank-you." Joseph dismissed them all, but the female stayed behind.

"Yes Jade?" Jade was a slim girl with strong facial features and she had red dyed hair. Dressed in leather and heeled boots she looked strangely dangerous, Jade had a cold expression stained onto her face and kept her guard up high.

"Tell me is it true she'd a hybrid?" Joseph looked shocked she knew of this secret, but Jade was quite observant and knew a normal vampire wouldn't have the power to kill a pure-blood.

"That's correct. I'd appreciate you keep that to yourself." Jade nodded and walked away rolling her eyes. Joseph had a gut feeling Jade wasn't very accepting, it was also known to him that she was in love with Dash ever since he'd been turned. Love was a dangerous emotion and she would only grow more attached when she found out Dash was in love with Ally.

Jade and Dash had previously slept together which was one of Dash's biggest regrets. Ever since she wouldn't leave him alone but noticed he'd been preoccupied the last few days. Joseph sighed and left the ballroom with a heavy heart, Ally still playing on his mind. That poor girl had been through so much…

-----------------------------Ally's manor suite-------------------------

"Ugh why do you have to be stubborn?" Aiden said as Isaac snatched Ally's clothes from his hand. The brothers were on edge and began getting aggravated at each other. They were cooped up in the bathroom while Helen was changing Ally's clothes which had sweat through due to her fever.

"I don't want you to start getting any ideas. "Isaac placed the clothes in the hamper, in truth he was being too overprotective. It made him angry seeing Aiden touching her clothes, it was a personal pet peeve. Isaac never like other people touching her clothes that had been worn by her. It was strange, but he couldn't help it.

"You're suffocating you know that?" Aiden said exhaustively.

"I'll suffocate you if you don't shut-up." They bickered like children waiting impatiently to see Ally again. After they had returned, they had placed her on the bed and began securing the room. Dash had secretly sneaked into Jade's room and stolen some clothes without considering it. Being the only female, it was his only option. Aiden heard word from his father that the clan had agreed to protect her, so he felt slightly more at ease.

"We'll take shifts." Aiden said with his eyes closed. His thirst was beginning to become a hindrance to his focus, so he tried to collect himself.

"You're not taking shift until you feed. I'm not saying I don't trust you I know you wouldn't hurt her. Do it for my peace of mind." Isaac's words were a demand not a request.

"What about you? Don't preach what you can't sow idiot. You haven't fed for days either." Isaac frowned, looks like he'd been found out.

"Fine, I'll ask father to watch her while we both feed." Aiden compromised and although they both didn't want to leave her if they were weak from blood-lust, they wouldn't be able to help her.

Helen opened the door and let them both back in. Ally was still sleeping soundly. They both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did she stir?" Aiden asked. Helen shook her head and both brothers noticed she was also looking quite pale.

"No, she's still out cold. It's her body and minds way of healing I suppose." Helen looked really disheartened.

"Helen were all at fault here. Don't carry the weight all by yourself." Isaac said patting her shoulder.

"If your all going to play the blame game then you can just leave." They all spun around to see Ally sitting up in bed with a dark expression on her face.

"Ally?" Aiden moved closer to her, and noticed her lip was bleeding again. Ally bit herself in agony hearing the voices around her. It killed her they were all blaming themselves for her own karma.

Ally stood up and faced them, her legs unsteady beneath her. She stumbled forward but Aiden caught her before she fell. Ally gripped his shirt for support as he guided her back to the bed clutching her side.

"This is what I get for acting out of anger, please don't blame yourselves. It's my consequence and I'll deal with it on my own. You can't watch me all of the time, I refuse to be a prisoner to my own fate." Ally spoke weakly with a raspy voice and looked completely incoherent.

"I promised you I wouldn't leave you and I did. That's on me Ally. Forgive me." Isaac said painfully. Ally stood up again and brushed herself off, trying to put on a brave face.

"I forgive you. Aiden, I appreciate you asking the clan to protect me, it makes me feel better. Mom, you're not at fault here so please don't blame yourself. I'm sorry. I'm not just saying that I mean it. You're all trying so hard to get me back on my feet and in return I tried to push you all away. Forgive me." Tears streamed from Ally's face and everyone's hearts fluttered at her words. Ally had drifted in and out of consciousness and every time she came too, one of them was looking after her. The love she felt for every member around her couldn't be contained so she expressed her feelings to show her appreciation instead of bottling them up.

Aiden approached her and pressed her head against his chest, Isaac and Helen also embraced her. Ally felt so calm and despite being traumatized from her experience she felt safe for the first time in her life. Her father was no longer the enemy, and neither was herself. Eli was now her enemy and she fought off the fear of seeing his face again.

"Looks like I'm going to make this King Slayer deal my new hobby." Ally joked. Helen giggled and patted her head. Blake had been making phone calls to pack members explaining the situation, so they would take over his duties for the day. While he was on the phone, he'd noticed a clan member watching him in disgust. After a heated conversation, the clan member had struck Blake's face leaving a weld under his eye, Blake showed restraint and didn't hit back. This had all happened while Ally was asleep, and he'd tried applying ice to it to reduce the swelling. If Ally saw it injuries or not, she'd hunt them down.

Blake entered the bedroom to see everyone hugging his sister who looked surprisingly better, she had a bit of color to her face and her eyes were slightly brighter. Ally spotted him over Aiden's shoulder and walked over to him hugging him with all her might. Blake squeezed back and nuzzled her hair breathing a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to kill him Ally---" Ally quickly pressed her finger on his lips with a serious expression on her face.

"Blake King if anyone going to kill that asshole it's me." She smirked. Blake nodded, there was the sister he knew. Ally looked at him curiously then held his face like a baby. Blake knew what she had seen, if a single skin molecule was out of place Ally would see it. Ally gave an evil scoff before walking away into the hallway, her face filled with rage. Blake snacked his head.

"Wait, what is it?" Helen said worried.

"I had an altercation with a clan member and he hit me, I didn't retaliate don't worry. If you have an army on hand to stop my sister that would be great." Blake spoke sarcastically, he knew if any one touched him Ally was like an attack dog. There was no stopping her.

"God help us all." Isaac said running after her.

-----------------------------Lounge area---------------------

Vampires had been gossiping about the meeting for a while, Ally being the main subject. Among them was the idiot who suggested Ally was a feeder, luckily Joseph warned him off before she could violently correct him.

"Don't you think you're on thin-ice Harvey, punching that wolf, what if it's her friend?" one of then said concerned. Everyone else laughed while drinking their whiskey without a care in the world. All of them had fed and were quite content with themselves.

"So, what if it is, it's one thing accepting a damn outsider. Now I must accept a wolf too? F*ck that." He was putting a cool front under the peer pressure. The only reason he'd struck Blake was to increase his status among his peers.

"I wonder what she looks like?" one of them asked.

"I've heard she's a bomb shell, I'd show her a good time."

"Not with Aiden and Dash by her side, they're her protectors remember?"

Jade didn't really engage with the clan being the only female but raised her head when she heard Dash's name.

Harvey, "Oh did we hit a nerve Jade? Your lover boys got a new plaything it seems."

Jade launched her whiskey glass at his head, he ducked at the last second and blew her a kiss.

"F*ck off Harvey." She flashed her fangs in anger. It was like a youth club in here. Harvey had totally forgotten about Ally after their encounter, he was too drunk at the time to remember. They all continued drinking when they all stopped silent, the door slammed open.

A silver haired girl in leather jeans and white tank top stood in the doorway her hair covering her face.

"Damn who ordered the feeder?" one of them joked looking lustfully at her, Harvey immediately clammed up seeing the girl he'd forgotten. Jade looked at her angrily seeing she was wearing clothes.

"Oh shit…" Harvey said quietly. Ally recognized his voice and before anyone could say anything faster than light she sprinted across the room and pinned Harvey up against the wall a meter in the air. They all shot up in a fighting stance.

"What the hell?" one of them ran forwards but was caught by his collar. Isaac was standing in the center glaring at them all to stay put. Jade imperially smiled seeing his handsome face. He had caught up to her quickly but couldn't find it to stop her. Harvey deserved it after all.

Ally's face was inches away from his and Harvey began regretting his actions.

"From the look on your face I don't need to remind you of what you've done. No-one touches my brother and gets away with it." Ally said dangerously. All the clan members studied her for a moment. Ally was stronger than all of them combined and her arms didn't even shake holding a man twice the size of her off the floor.

"Holy shit." A few members muttered. Isaac decided not to intervene, he wanted them all to see what his girl was capable of. With a devilish smile, he watched Ally do what she did best.

"I-I'm sorry, I meant no offence." Harvey stuttered, Ally scoffed at his pathetic apology.

"You didn't offend me, you enraged me. Before you get any more pathetic let gets one thing clear, this goes for everyone else in this room." She looked back at everyone to see Isaac standing looking at her with a proud grin. Jade also noticed how lovingly Dash looked at her and it sparked her jealousy.

"I'm not one for mercy nor am I one for sympathy. Anyone who dares even think about hurting my family clearly doesn't have an interest in living. You've all heard about my encounter with your King and how it ended. If you don't want to suffer the same fate, I suggest you listen." Ally hissed her words making sure everyone knew this wasn't a warning, it was a promise. Ally lost her grip slightly and looked into Harvey's eyes, she knew what men like him did to survive. They prayed on the weak to become the strong, people like her made her sick.

"Since you're the main protagonist I won't let you off so easily." Ally raised her fist causing Harvey to flinch, but her hand hit just next to his head with such force the walls shook. Everyone was in total awe.

"Men like you are the reason this world is filled with insolence. You pray on the weak to elevate your own social status and use people's personal insecurities against them. Now your weak under the strong how does it feel? I bet you feel humiliated right now. Take this insight into your own morals and grow up. If not, then what use are you?" with that Ally pushed him away with his collar. This accurate evaluation of him shocked everyone in the room. Isaac smiled at her proudly, this was Ally's specialty. In a short time, she couldn't evaluate someone weakness and then use it against them. Her words were truly scarring and stuck with victim for a long time, that's what happened when you mess with her family. Actions are nothing compared to words used correctly.

"So, you're the famous King killer?" Jade strutted towards her and Isaac knew straight away that Jade was jealous. Their one night together was something he always regretted, and he didn't want Ally to find out, he'd never live it down.

"You're not deaf so that's a good start." Ally talked bitterly back, Ally noticed this girl had been glued to Isaac since he'd entered. Clearly, this girl liked him, and Ally hated herself for feeling it, but she was jealous. Of course, she wouldn't let Isaac know that.

"You talk a good game I'll give you that, but you're like a tooth pick. Your so thin it makes me want to vomit, how could a girl as small as you kill a King. I think your full of sh*t." Isaac went to intervene, but Ally put her hand up to stop him. She smirked at the girl.

"If you want his attention you don't have to be so shallow. Don't underestimate my size, after all the bigger they are the harder they fall. I don't fall easily." Jade eyes were wide with anger. Ally knew this was her attempt to get Isaac's attention.

"You don't know anything you stupid b*tch I have no idea who your talking about." Jade tried to play dumb but knew the gig was up.

"Considering you've been gawking at him since he came in, I find that hard to believe. I think you should have a little more respect for yourself, you're a strong independent woman. Act like it." Ally had a playful tone which agitated Jade more.

"I'm guessing that's jealousy at it's peaks huh? True, we slept together. Hell, we even fed from each other at one point, he might like you now. Let's see how long that lasts." Ally looked at Isaac who looked away in shame. Ally remembered what Isaac said about feeding from each other, it was an intimate thing and it made Ally a little hurt.

"I wouldn't call it jealousy more like sympathy. Must be hard wanting a man who doesn't want you back. Word of advice if you want to make a girl envious then don't use past tense as an example it just makes you look desperate." With that Ally looked around the room once more with warning eyes. The men were completely captivated by her intelligence and Jade struggled to find words to fight back, Ally had really upset her because everything she said was true. Ally walked out of the room without giving Isaac a second glance. Isaac gripped his hair in anger, Jade had a foul mouth.

"Jade outside now!" Isaac shouted at her and Jade could see the resentment in his face. Jade bowed her head and followed Isaac outside while the men began laughing uncontrollably. Jade had been defeated without raising a fist.

Isaac closed the door to the lounge and pinned Jade against the wall by her arms.

"Did you think confessing your feelings like that would make me happy. God how could you be so stupid Jade." Isaac gritted his teeth in rage trying to hold himself back from slapping her.

"You think you can sleep with me and just push me aside for that girl! You really are an asshole!" Jade said tears streaming from her face. Isaac felt no sympathy for her after he'd hurt his mate, he saw the hint of hurt in Ally's eyes to hear of his actions and he was overcome with guilt.

"Damn it Jade I slept with you because I was bored and lonely. Because the only girl I ever wanted I couldn't have, now she's here you treat her like that and expect there to be no consequences. I feel nothing for you, get it through your skull." Isaac pulled away before he hurt her and stormed off after Ally.

------------------------------------Ally Lang suite------------------------

Aiden watched Ally storm back in the room and start clutching her side. Ally was still hurt and had pushed herself too far when holding Harvey up, but she couldn't show a shred of weakness. Blake and Helen and went for a meeting with Joseph to organize a treaty, that way the clan couldn't harm them. Aiden let Isaac go after Ally thinking he would be best to calm her down, but the situation juts made everything worse.

"Blake and your mother will be back soon; do you want to lay down you look hurt?" Aiden said worriedly.

"I don't want them to come back, I'm sick of them hounding me. I just want to be left alone." Ally said tiresomely. Aiden could see she was riled up and in distress, whatever she'd done had obviously put her in a delicate mood. It was to be expected after everything she'd been through.

"Okay, I'll give you some time." Aiden stood up to leave and Ally looked at him in disbelief.

"Aiden Lang, if you think your leaving me here alone you have another thing coming." Aiden looked at Ally's face who looked offended.

"What about Isaac? It's his shift." Aiden said innocently. Ally rolled her eyes, she didn't want to look at him right now. He had the red-haired maiden from hell to please him.

"If you don't want to be around me that much then I guess you could leave." Ally said with a lonely tone. Aiden thought about it for a second, did she really want him to stay with her? Ally watched him get up and started to feel flustered, it really did scare her the thought of being alone. Just as she was about to beg him to stay, she watched as Aiden closed the door and lock it. Ally breathed a sigh of relief.

Smiling in gratitude she took his hand and guided him to her bed. Ally walked over to the bed and lay down, wincing as her ribs touched the mattress. Aiden sat back down in the chair next to her and began admiring her.

Aiden, "What did he do?" Ally was surprised he'd caught on to her emotions that quick. Ally looked a little sad for a second but shook her head.

"It doesn't matter I don't want to see him right now. Can we talk about something else, it seems like he's the common factor in majority of our conversations?" Aiden agreed with her and began thinking. Ally was smart, but she didn't have a very solid education, Alpha King didn't prioritize studying and focused on training over anything else. Ally could see Aiden struggle, so she initiated the conversation.

"So, you said before you can influence my emotions. I'm not sure I like the sound of that." Ally said sternly. Aiden chuckled at her before locking eyes. It was clear she was making conversation to distract herself and their bond being a common factor was the only thing she could think of.

"I would never take advantage of you, like I said as long as you stayed away from trouble, I wouldn't punish you. However, trouble finds you, not you it. Does it bother you?" Ally had noticed on the surface Aiden was smart and well collected but when it came to her, he was quite lewd, and she didn't know if she liked it or not.

"I wouldn't say it's bothersome, more like a weakness. I feel like even if I wanted to get away from you, I couldn't." Ally was just speculating; her words weren't serious. Aiden also began thinking about it. He had shown a lot of restraint with her because he wasn't sure how she felt. Aiden thought back to his father words when his brother began fighting with him. It was no-use keeping their feelings in the dark, if they were unsure then asking her was the best thing to do.

"Ally, how do you feel about me?" Aiden buried his filter and came straight out with it. Ally looked like a rabbit on the road. She didn't know what to say… Her cheeks immediately blushed, this was the question she had been praying he wouldn't ask.

"Aiden, you've stood for me countless times even when the going was tough which is something, I will always be grateful for. Without a second thought you moved me into your home disregarding the law to protect me. I'm selfish and I know that, but I don't want to let you go because I need you. Whenever your around me I feel calm and safe, like you're secretly calling out to me. I can't tell you what I feel completely because I don't know yet. With everything going on I haven't had much time to deal with all these emotions I'd blocked out for so long." Ally looked down sadly, she had been ignoring how she felt but once confronted about it, Ally was confused. Her mind told her to keep her distance from everyone so there would be no collateral damage if things did go wrong. Yet, her heart was telling her too keep them as close as possible because she needed their support to survive. Aiden was a primary factor in that support because he was so easy to talk too. When she tried telling Isaac the truth, he would try his best to help her, but his advice was quite empty compared to Aiden's. Ally did have feeling towards Aiden, spire bond or not she always felt this pull between them.

Aiden lifted her chin looking her softly in the eyes. Aiden was truly touched by her words and whenever she implied, he was important to her his heart would beat faster.

"Would you hate me if I showed you how I felt rather than saying it?" Aiden said it with a seductive look in his eye. Ally wanted to pull away, but her body wouldn't move. Eventually, she stopped fighting her heart and let it happen. Aiden kissed her deeply and held her hand while they intertwined. He'd wanted to do this for a long time. Ally closed her eyes for a second trying to accept what was happening, his lips were soft and slowly his tongue met hers. They kissed passionately for a while until Aiden placed his hand on her cheek and pulled away. Ally could see he was shaking slightly, not because he wanted to stop, more than anything he wanted to keep going but after kissing her he had tasted the blood from her cut lip and he started losing control. Ally quickly understood and pressed her head against his.

"Y-you need to feed. It's okay Aiden." Aiden kissed her forehead and then quickly left before he did something he regretted, his bloodlust was too strong to stay a second longer. Ally sat on the bed stunned at what had just happened. She let him kiss her, the only man to ever do that exempt from Isaac. Ally slapped herself in the face as she could feel her cheeks burning. If he wasn't enthralled in blood-lust would she have let him continue? Ally lay flat out on the bed feeling sorry for Aiden, if must be difficult not being able to control his urges, he'd showed much restraint and hadn't fed for her sake. Ally thought for a while, what was she going to do. Initially, she wanted to play the brothers off against each other but now she selfishly wanted them both. Did she let Aiden kiss her for revenge because Isaac had slept around in her absence or did, she desire to kiss him. Ally stroked her fingers along her lips, when he had kissed her it was a strange calming feeling, like everything melted away.

"Damn it brain, I hate you." She pouted childishly hiding her face with her hands. Footsteps entered the room in a hurried fashion and sniffing up she knew it was Isaac. Ally couldn't let him know what had just happened Isaac was far to overprotective of her, Aiden would end up getting hurt. Ally didn't move her hand from her face and sighed.

"Don't even try and give me that 'she means nothing to me speech' Isaac, I'm not in the mood. What you do in your own time is your business, I have no right to judge." Ally said muffled under her hands. Isaac was angry she was talking so carelessly about it, lying to herself that it didn't bother her. Quickly, he straddled her on the bed and pulled her hands away from her face.

"You can admit when your jealous you know. I'm jealous my brother had this influence over you, but you already knew that didn't you. "Ally pushed him off her, being pinned unable to escape ignited memories of her encounter with Eli. Isaac could see her teary eyes and felt guilty even more.

"I'm sorry, I had no right to do that. It's just frustrating that I don't know what your thinking about anymore. I could read you like a book Ally and now I'm constantly fighting to know what's going on in your head." Isaac said painfully causing Ally to look away. Ally knew this conversation would come about and sadly it was here at a bad time, her head was a war-zone. Ally had hurtful words sitting on the tongue like venom. It was up to her whether she swallowed it or spat it out. It bothered Isaac that Ally was more mature and built up an independence without him. Being needed by her was what he lived for, but he felt like maybe she didn't need him.

"You're not the only one fighting Isaac. I've been fighting on my own for a long time, now there's people battling for me I don't know what to do. Explain to me how I'm supposed to let you in if all that's inside my mind is endless staircases leading to locked doors. We both made mistakes but hearing while I lay in my bed alone all that time you were sharing yours with another girl. I'm not jealous Isaac I'm hurt. I understand you grieved in your own way but that doesn't excuse the fact you left me." Ally's pain staked words made Isaac want the ground to swallow him up, the guilt was too much for his to bare.

"After we were attacked, and Joseph turned me I came to see you while you were in a coma. Did you know that?" Ally's eyes widened in despair. No-one ever mentioned he'd came to see her. Ally shook her head. Isaac didn't care if she wasn't ready yet, he needed to let her know he didn't leave her purposely, he had no choice and left for her own sake.

"You were so hurt that I couldn't stand it, so I asked your father if I could stay with you despite being who I was. In response, he picked up a scalpel and held it to your throat while you were unconscious. He told me that if I ever came near you again, it didn't matter where I hid you or where I ran to, he would kill you. You know too well that his words are his bond, the thought of you being gone for good wasn't an option. So, I made the decision to wait for the day I could see you again, the day your father would step down from his duty or die. I couldn't risk it Ally, not you. We have been through so much together and I love you more than anything. I lost you too Ally…" a single tear trickled down Isaac's face finally admitting the truth. Ally stood motionless, the overwhelming feeling of shock washing away her thoughts.

"I know what you say is true and I'm so sorry my father did that too you, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I smile, and I joke, pick myself up again and again. There's only so much that I can take Isaac. I don't think I can do this anymore, I'm so tired of everyone I love hurting me. I never got that childhood everyone else got so I don't know what it's like to be innocent and vulnerable, nor do I know what it feels like to live in a world where I can be at peace with who I am." Ally was crying into her sleeve. Isaac understood what she was saying, her emotional scars were beyond what a person could cope. Even Ally was surprised she'd made it this far in her life but what was left of her?

"It doesn't matter who you are it matters who you choose to be. I can't take it away all this pain inside of you but at least let me ease it Ally. You have a family who loves you and would do anything to protect you, please just let us help you." Isaac embraced Ally, and both slid to the floor. Isaac squeezed her tightly kissing her head as she sobbed onto his chest.

It felt like a darkness had lifted from them both as the truth was finally set free. Bottled up words and emotions protruded from their souls leaving them both exhausted. The conversation they both dreaded ended up being the one they really needed.

"I can't believe your holding me like you used too." Ally whispered. Isaac looked confused for a moment.

"I've held you a lot these past few days."

Ally, "No, not like this. We've both been in the dark so even when you held me before you wouldn't squeeze me tight in-case you hurt me."

Isaac understood what she meant, it was true he didn't want to hurt her because she was so fragile, but he didn't acre about that anymore. Ally was strong it would take more than a hug to truly hurt her.

They both stayed like that for a while until Isaac broke away and lifted her chin. Ally could tell by the looking his eyes what he was about to do but she couldn't pull away from him. Wrapping his arm around her waist and placing the other on her chin, delicately he pulled her in. Butterflies filled her stomach and he kissed her gently, he wasn't as forceful as Aiden's much as he wanted to be. Isaac respected Ally at lot, so he would never go further than this without her consent. They're hearts began beating quicker until Ally felt like it was going to give out. Slowly he let her go biting his lip to restrain himself.

"Ally, why are your cheeks burning." He said playfully. Ally smacked his arm and stood up.

"Shut-up." Isaac started rolling with laughter to see her so flustered, she really was the same girl he'd fell in love with.