Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 22 "Precognition"

"Father, she's been in there for two days. She won't even let Blake inside, I bet her thirst is unbearable." Aiden and Isaac paced back and forth in Joseph's office. It had been two days since Ally had confronted them both and hadn't left her room since. They knew she was in there because her scent was still strong. Joseph ignored them and continued filling out his paperwork, he didn't have time to listen to their petty desires, Ally's trial was tomorrow.

"Do you know what else is unbearable? You two moping around like children waiting for her forgiveness, here's a word of advice. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen, this is what you both get for being so dishonest. I warned you both." Joseph was annoyed for Ally. That girl had enough on her plate without his sons pressuring her.

"The trials tomorrow, if she's going to keep it together, she needs to feed there will be humans on the council too." Isaac said sternly but Joseph rolled his eyes.

"I'm well aware, if she doesn't come out to feed, I'll get her a blood bag. You'd do best not to agitate her I need her at the top of her game tomorrow. A lack of resolve will result in scrutiny giving her little chance at getting off with a self-defense charge." Joseph went back to writing and both boys huffed and exited the office. They still hadn't spoken to each other since the incident, Isaac warned him if he used the spire bond on her he wouldn't forgive him. Both brothers entered the private lounge and poured themselves some whiskey.

"So, what's the plan if this goes south. Eli, won't miss the chance of seeing her." Isaac scowled at his brother still furious.

"The plan is I'll rip his throat out while you do what you do best and stand idly by. You're no use against him anyway he'll just compel you." Aiden wanted to throw the whiskey glass of his black-haired head but gripped it tightly.

"In front of the council? Good luck with that." He muttered sarcastically.

"Aiden, you're on thin ice with me right now. Count yourself lucky I haven't beat your ass after what you did to her." Aiden couldn't really argue back and ignored him.

"What is she does leave?" Aiden asked sadly swirling his whiskey around in his glass, it had been bothering him.

Isaac, "Well we can't stop her, she'll kill us if we hold her here."

Aiden, "So, were just going to let her leave?"

"What do you want me to say Aiden? You know what she's like once Ally makes up her mind there's no changing it." Isaac had enough of thinking about her leaving and stormed out of the room. Aiden sighed and leaned his head back. The regret he felt was unmeasurable, if he hadn't influenced her would she have accepted him freely?

-----------------------------Ally's Lang suite-----------------------

Ally lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling in complete conflict, after reading Lucian's file over and over for two days she couldn't figure out why she was chosen. Wolves were forbidden to turn, Isaac being an exception for some unknown reason. Except he hadn't kept his wolf gene, it was replaced with the vampire affliction. It didn't make any sense why she was a hybrid, there was nothing genetically significant about her, if there was then Blake carried it too. Ally dragged herself out of bed as her throat began painfully contracting causing her to hiss. Her thirst had gotten more and more painful each hour and she couldn't take it anymore.

Giving in she exited her room and walked down to the basement, her heart pounding out of her chest. She hated this part of herself but if she didn't embrace it, it would surely kill her. Ally knocked on James's door and his sweet voice called out weakly. Ally walked in clutching her throat as the pain increased smelling his scent.

"Morning James, are you alright?" Ally walked in and was stopped in her tracks. James had black bags under his eyes and his neck was black and blue covered in bite marks. James smiled painfully and covered his neck hiding his wounds.

"James, who did that to you?" she said angrily, she couldn't explain it but she really liked this young boy who offered his blood in order to aspire his dreams. It was something she admired greatly but seeing him looking so sick made her body fill with rage. James was reluctant to answer so Ally pulled his hand away and bit her arms applying her blood to his wounds. James breathed a sigh of relief feeling the pain subside and smiled at her gratefully.

"They shouldn't be feeding so vigorously, it looks painful. How do they treat you?" James was shocked at how much she concerned herself with him, the rest saw him as a meal while she spoke to him like an equal.

"T-there fine most of the time but one of them is really rough. I don't like her." Ally didn't need a description to know who that was. Jade was on her last warning and this was it. James shook it off and pulled his collar down.

"No, I'm not feeding from you. You need rest you look exhausted, Here." Ally pulled back a blanket and James was dumbfounded, no one had every showed his hospitality like this. It was reviving seeing how kind she was.

"Don't you need to feed?"

"Don't worry about me. Lay down I'll stay with you until you fall asleep and warn anyone off who wants to feed from you. I won't stand for mistreatment." James lay down and she tucked him in. As she went to sit in the chair James grabbed her hand and looked at her with pleading eyes to stay where she was.

"Ally, why are you so nice to me?" Ally settled herself and thought for a while.

"I admire you. Not many people would go to these lengths to accomplish their dreams, but you have. Your young and intelligent and I know by observation you will do great things." James grinned widely hearing her praise and she chuckled resting her head against the wall.

"What's it like being a vampire? Isn't it exciting having such elite abilities?" Ally could hear his naivety but couldn't blame him. In the eyes of a teenage boy of course what he saw looked inviting, but this wasn't something to be so caul about.

"Not really, sometimes we pay a big price for such little gain. I may be strong and fast but only if I give in to my urges which is a hard thing to do. Taking something so valuable from someone else is really selfish in my eyes."

"Ally, I don't want that woman to feed from me again. She scares me." Ally felt her blood boil hearing his innocent tone. Jade was really going to pay for this.

"Don't worry by the time I'm finished with her that red headed bitch will never feed from anyone ever again." James sat up in alarm.

"She didn't have red hair, it was blonde." Ally looked at him confused there was no woman here fitting that description.

"James, when was the last time she was here?" James could see the sudden fear in her eyes.

"About an hour ago. I thought she was a new member." Ally knew Joseph would recruit a new member with everything going on he didn't have the time, something wasn't right about this.

"James, stay here and lock the door behind me." Ally shot up and sprinted out leaving James stunned.

Sprinting through the halls she noticed that no-one was around, and it worried her. Suddenly, a mysterious woman appears, and everyone is no-where to be seen.

"Blake!" she called out desperately her heart pounding, anxiety was drowning her right now. Slowly, beginning to panic she began kicking down doors only to find them empty. She needed to find her brother.

"Blake! Answer me right now!" Ally began shouting throughout the whole mansion. Ally ran outside only to be met with a pink hue glow from the dusk, it was so silent the wind whistled in her ears. Something was wrong she could feel it. As she was about to run inside, she could hear a muffling sound in the rose garden. Peeling away the thorns from her skin she pushed through and stopped dead in her tracks. Bodies…countless corpses lay waste in a messy pile with a blonde woman standing above them all on the water fountain. Blake's neck tightly in her grasp, Ally knelt to the floor in despair clutching her head. Aiden and Isaac's empty eyes glaring at her.

"How's it going hybrid, do I have your attention?" Ally felt like the world had gone dark the pain in her chest made her feel like she was dying right there. Blake shuffled in her arms causing Ally to shoot up and lunge forwards.

"Ah ah ah, you wouldn't want your precious brother to die because of your action, would you? He's all you have left after all." Her voice was taunting, Ally shook in shock on the spot her eyes streaming.

"W-who are you?" she stuttered not recognizing this woman.

"Names Camilla, you were quite close with my brother. I'm a little jealous you beat me to it. You really captured his heart." Ally sniffed up her eyes filled with resentment.

"Blake, look at me. It's okay, it's going to be okay." Ally smiled painfully at her brother who was pale white with barely any life left in him.

"Don't lie to him of course he isn't he's going to die. I'm in a surprisingly good mood today so if you join me and my brother, I'll spare him." Ally couldn't think anymore and clutched her head in agony.

"I'll do it just let him go please." Ally was begging her. Camilla smiled sadistically.

"Poor thing. Unfortunately, I can't have anyone coming to save you it's too troublesome. So—" without saying another word Camilla squeezed his neck until he went completely limp… Ally could hear his heart stop.

"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed looking at Blake dead body in her arms.

"If there's one thing people like you need to learn is no-one is free."

"Ally!" Ally looked around dazed hearing her brothers voice calling out to her. As she knelt there the whole area seemed to ripple.

"Ally!" standing up she looked around to see the time standing still as the sky turned blood red. Whispers echoed throughout the atmosphere in every direction so loud she had to cover her ears.

"W-what is this?" she whispered.

---------------------------------Ally's bedroom-------------------------

"Why won't she wake up!" Blake stood over Ally shaking her with all his might. He had heard her screaming his name and could tell she was having a nigh terror. Isaac and Aiden stood beside her not knowing what to do, she was inconsolable thrashing around in her sleep. Without warning Ally shot up out of bed covered in sweat, dazed as to what had happened.

"Whoa, look at me take it easy." She was in a fighting stance and Aiden slowly approached her.

"Sis, you were having a night terror." Blake said panicked seeing the stress on her face both of her eyes glowing irrefutably. Joseph and Helen ran in hearing the commotion. Joseph saw her glowing eyes and was stunned to see the power practically radiating from her.

"B-Blake." She stuttered seeing his colored face, it was so real. Everything she felt was real, the way the floor creaked under her steps to the thorns in her arms. It was real. Ally staggered over and grabbed her brother face, touching it like it was the first time she'd ever seen him. Blake placed his hand on hers, Ally had never felt such relief in her life and fell to the floor sobbing.

"I thought I lost you, I thought she took you away from me." Blake knelt and cradled her trying his best to comfort her. Isaac and Aiden looked at their father with great concern, this wasn't the usual night terror something was off.

Joseph, "Ally, who took him away?" Ally looked up.

"Camilla…her name was Camilla." Images of the blonde pure-blood flashed through her head causing her nose to bleed.

"All-all of you were dead." She said still in shock, she couldn't understand why it felt so real. Joseph stood still looking at her in awe. There was no way she could have known about Camilla, it was forbidden to speak about her. He knew Isaac and Aiden were smart enough not to breathe a word.

"A-ally how do you know her name? I-it's impossible." Isaac stuttered looking at her tear-filled eyes.

"Precognition…" Joseph muttered under his breath. Everyone spun around in panic.

"That's impossible." Aiden said sternly, it was an ability only pure-bloods possessed which is why they were superior.

"Precognition? As in future sight?" Ally said in shock, Joseph nodded.

"I think we've underestimated what you are Ally. Only Luther James the previous King and Lucian's father possessed that ability. He could see when people were going to betray, kill and wage war which is what made him so powerful." Ally didn't know what to think anymore but, in a way, she didn't care, everyone was safe. It was just a vision. Ally breathed heavily trying to calm herself.

"So, what does this mean?" Aiden asked concerned.

"I'm not sure, I've never seen this happen. There're not many things in our community I'm oblivious too but this is an exception. Ally do you have a time frame? Was there anything to hint when this will take place?" Ally thought intently for a while.

"It was soon, in the dream my thirst was unbearable, so I went to see James. Camilla fed from him which is what alerted me. Then—" Ally stopped she didn't want to relive it again, so she closed her eyes.

Isaac, "Well surely we have the upper hand if we know she's coming."

Ally, "It doesn't matter, if she's coming then I won't be able to do much against her. She took down this whole clan without a scratch also she's consorting with Eli. I can't fight two pure-bloods I'm not strong enough."

Joseph, "What did she say to you in the dream? I want to understand her reasoning." he was trying to find her intentions.

Ally, "She asked me to join them, her and Eli."

Aiden, "Sounds like they want you to be their pet, I expect nothing less from them." He said bitterly.

Joseph, "Camilla was the foundation of the family. It was her job to keep Eli and Lucian in line as well as Damien the youngest brother. Camilla is strong, but she became independent from the family when Lucian took over kingship, she couldn't control him anymore, so she left. If she's returned, then there must be something bigger going on. Eli hated Camilla for killing their mother in cold blood when she dismissed Camilla to be queen. If he's joining forces with her then they really want, you."

Helen, "What a lovely family."

Ally, "That woman is evil, even when I offered to join them, she killed you all anyway. If I run now, I can't guarantee that she won't try to hurt you all out of spite." Ally stood up and put on her jacket.

"If she's coming here, I can meet her half-way and come to an agreement. I won't allow her to come here. If she wants to hurt, you she'll have to go through me first. Don't--" Ally stopped Isaac in his tracks predicting what he was going to say.

"If you come with me, you'll just be collateral and will distract me. Let me do this, this is my war." Ally didn't say much else and left. Blake caught up to her and stood in-front of her his arms blocking her path.

"Blake don't even try it. I've made up my mind." Blake stood his ground and Ally couldn't help bit feel conflicted, she didn't want to leave her brother but what choice did she have after her precognitive vision. Everything she did from this moment onward was correspondent to that.

"Blake, please just let me go. If I don't then you'll all die, and I can't live with that…I just can't." a tear streamed down Blake's face as he stepped aside realizing her couldn't change this, this was her choice. Ally nodded at him and exited the mansion. Everyone watched as she walked from the grounds into the tree line, not looking back once. Isaac wanted to run after her and force her to stay but he couldn't, Ally was right he didn't own her. No-one did.