Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 23 "Camilla"

Ally walked a long road on the outskirts of the Lang territory playing her dream over and over trying to look for clues as to where and when Camilla was going to make a move. Ally could feel the contraction in her throat along with a sharp burning pain and knew her thirst was becoming unbearable, it had been three days since she had fed. Startled she recalled feeling this thirst not long before she went to see James, if Ally could find her before she entered the territory then she could lure her away. Dusk was setting, and the pink sky appeared overhead, forests wildered either side of her. Pricking up her ears she could hear the tiny pitter patter of animal feet as well as birds. It was soothing, there was a chance that Camilla would be unwilling to negotiate. Ally had already decided if that happened, she would fight her to the death. Ally closed her eyes and continued walking tuned into her surroundings when she could hear larger footsteps in the distance and the faint squeak of leather. Ally immediately switched her vision back to the road, over the horizon with the sun behind her was the silhouette of a woman. Ally focused her eyes and could see her yellow hair fluttering in the wind. Camilla stopped seeing a girl up ahead.

"I guess a meal wouldn't hurt right?" she whispered seductively. The wind carried her words to Ally's ears. Ally chuckled, and Camilla looked at her peculiarly, was this girl mocking her. As Camilla got closer, she could make out the girl's silver hair. Ally also approached keeping her head held high refusing to show any weakness. As they stood less than ten meters apart Camilla could finally see her eyes peaking from her long curly moonlight hair.

"Looking for me Camilla?" Camilla stood in shock with her teeth gritted. There was no possible way this girl could know she was coming.

"As a matter of fact, I am. You've got guts coming here to face me like this." Strangely she felt a slight admiration for this girl.

"I didn't come here just to face you. I want to make a deal." Camilla soon burst into laughter, how dare this girl think she would bargain with her.

"What could you possibly have to offer me? I don't make deals." She said sternly flashing her fangs.

"I'll offer you whatever you wish, my mind, my soul, my life. You and your brother can do what you please." Camilla felt slightly unnerved hearing her give up so easily, did she have ulterior motives?

"Why would you hand yourself over with such ease don't you have any strength? I was looking forward to breaking you." She spat her words viciously, but Ally smiled back.

"I knew your intentions for today, so I estranged from my family, they no longer have anything to do with me. As you can see, I don't really blend in with either race, I don't have a place. But that doesn't mean I'm free, I'm merely a prisoner to my own fate." Camilla was a little taken back by her words, freedom was something Camilla despised people for and initially why she joined her brother quest to own her. Now hearing she was also a prisoner changed her perception of this hybrid. Ally was manipulating every word, she remembered in her dream after Camilla killed Blake, she said that no-one was free in this world. Ally could see her words were effective even though they weren't true.

"Ha, I see. Maybe I could make some use of you." Camilla sprinted forward, and Ally dodged effortlessly, Camilla threw a punch quicker than light and Ally caught it holding her palm strong. Camilla began almost singing with amusement.

"Extraordinary, your fast and strong. If you can match me then you could be very valuable." Ally was surprised how excited Camilla was about this, she didn't hold a dark prescience like Eli. Ally didn't say anything and locked eyes with her.

"I'm willing to pledge my service to your family on one condition." Camilla smiled seeing the sincerity in her eyes. This girl truly was something different, she held an aura like she'd never felt before and eyes that could kill.

"Name it."

"My family remains unharmed." Camilla tapped her chin in thought and shot her eyes up.

"Deal." Ally nodded sternly. Camilla didn't even hesitate, but didn't every insecure child get overly excited about a new toy.

"I have my trial hearing tomorrow for killing your brother, I'll officially pledge my service then for penance. Then, I can't betray you." Camilla gave her an enthusiastic scowl.

"That's right you killed Lucian." Ally smirked also remembering what Camilla said in the dream.

Ally, "I saved you the job, didn't I?" Camilla eyes lit up hearing this, it was like this girl could read her mind.

"This will be fun I can tell, maybe I'll get you to kill Eli next. That boy is a pain in my ass." Ally nodded, Camilla was talking to her like an acquaintance not an enemy. Ally couldn't have played her cards better this was perfect.

"What's your name hybrid?"

"Ally King, you can call me whatever you like. That name is dead to me." Camilla couldn't help but smile seeing the inner darkness on Ally's face, she liked this girl.

"How about Thana?" Ally knew what this name meant and wanted more than anything to object but had to be smart.

"Bringer of death." Ally said quietly, Camilla clapped her hands impressed.

"Correct, you'll be my own Thana. We're going to have a blast. I'll have to tell Eli the good news. See you at the trial." Camilla left swiftly, and Ally respired a sigh of relief. It killed her being so submissive, that wasn't who she was but for the sake of her family this is who she had to be now. Ally sniffed up to make sure she couldn't smell Camilla's scent anymore and thankfully it had gone. Ally looked at her phone seeing missed calls from Aiden and Blake. If she didn't tell them she was alright they'd go looking for her which put them at risk. Ally decided to call Blake, she was still sour about what Aiden did to her. Realization painfully set in as she understood she was going to pledge herself to the most sadistic family in the community. This would be hell for her, hearing Blake's panicked voice on the other end made her tear up.

Blake, "Ally! Are you alright? Where are you?"

Ally, "Blake put me on speaker I know everyone's there."

Everyone was gathered in the lounge room, Aiden and Isaac guarding the doors and windows while Joseph, Blake and Helen all sat around the table sipping whiskey. Blake had finally got through to his sister and everyone stood up in trepidation. Blake put the phone on the table so that everyone could hear.

"I managed to hold her off, she won't do anything until after the trial." Everyone could hear the emptiness in her voice, like it was a stranger.

Isaac, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, we didn't fight. I just wanted to let you know I'm safe and I'll see you at the trial tomorrow." Everyone looked at each other confused, something didn't seem right Camilla wasn't one for quiet resolution.

Ally stood in the lonely road fighting back her tears knowing that tomorrow in that court room would be the last time she would see them. It was too dangerous for them to be around her, after telling Camilla she'd become estranged if she returned to them it would be classed as treason. Camilla would kill them all Ally had seen it.

Helen, "Wait Ally, you're not coming home?" her mother asked sweetly.

"No mom, it's not safe. If I go back, they could follow. I'll see you tomorrow just wish me luck." Ally voice was suddenly weak trying to show her despair, after fighting off their affection and keeping her walls high, now she had to let them all go, Ally didn't want too. It was like losing Isaac all over again. Before anyone else could say a word, Ally hung up. Ally sat down on the empty road as the sun went down, darkness sweeping the trees around her. It was cold and lonely, was this what her life was going to be like from now on?

----------------------------------Grand Royal Hotel King suite----------------------

Camilla danced into the luxury room narrowing avoiding the trail of bodies left behind by her brother who was sitting in a lounge chair watching the sun set. His shirt was off and his whole body covered in blood including his white blonde hair. Camilla tutted at the mess.

"You couldn't have saved me one? How selfish." She said playfully kicking a corpse aside.

"Enough, tell me what she said." Eli yawned waiting for the answer he thought most plausible, Ally would rather die than be owned by them.

"She accepted." Eli shot his head up in ineptness his eyes suddenly beaming with exhilaration.

"How many did you have to kill in order for that to happen?" Camilla held a zero up with her hand and Eli immediately frowned. Camilla looked at his strangely seeing his face darken, he was quite disappointed.

"What did she say to you?"

"Not much, we made a deal. If I promised to leave her family alive then she would pledge herself to us and tend to our every need." Eli had a sadistic grin on his face, true it disappointed him she didn't fight back but there was plenty of time for that. Ally would soon be at his mercy.

"I'll look forwards to that. So, where is she?" Eli began pottering around kicking the countless bodes aside like dirt.

"I'm not sure, she estranged from her family. Looks like even the Lang brother aren't worthy enough to own her. Ah, she did mention she would pledge herself to us at the trial as penance for killing our brother. Then, she can't betray us." Eli was surprised how willing Ally was, but he knew she wasn't broken, not yet so the excitement was still there for him.

"I named her would you like to hear it?" Eli shot her a resenting look, his sister seemed to think she had a claim over Ally and he didn't appreciate it. Eli didn't like sharing.

"Thana." Eli scoffed at her.

"Bringer of death, how fitting." Eli didn't give her another glance and left to the shower. Camilla stood there grinning, nothing made her happier than seeing her brother not getting his way. There was a deep hatred between them and Camilla also didn't like sharing. If they were both contending it would tear Ally in two, one either arms. This was a dangerous game indeed.

---------------------------Lang mansion-----------------------

"You realize somethings not right about this. I met with Camilla countless times, she doesn't' just give in at someone's request, she's relentless." Aiden paced around trying to work out what had happened while Joseph and Isaac sat silent.

"Aiden, your making me dizzy. It doesn't matter how Ally convinced her at least she okay." Aiden scowled at him, he didn't seem phased by this.

"Aiden, I have faith in her. Ally has a way with words and it's not as if she just gave up. Camilla's just biding her time until after the trial. She's smart enough to know she'll be punished by interfering with a suspect. Vermont won't accept that." Joseph was tired of speculating only Ally knew what they discussed.

Isaac, "Blake's taking this pretty hard not being around her, he won't even eat. I know Ally's doing this for his protection but he's an Alpha, he can't run a pack if he's not functioning." Joseph sighed and stood up.

"I'll talk to him, get some rest we have a rough day tomorrow." The brothers watched their father leave. If only it were that easy, without Ally here they felt lost.

------------------------------Ally's room-------------------

Joseph entered Ally's room seeing Blake sitting looking at his phone as if he was waiting for something. Joseph sat down opposed stretching his legs out mentally drained from the past week, being Ally's representative had really taken its toll.

"Joseph…somethings not right I can feel it." He frowned not understanding what he meant, strangely Aiden had been saying the same thing.

"Ally has precognitive abilities, right? So, seeing all of us die must have been difficult for her. Do you think she would do anything reckless?" Joseph still wasn't catching on and Blake sighed in annoyance.

"Ally always told me you kneel before no-one and you fight until you have no strength. Why do I feel like she's giving up? If she can see the future, then surely she would have seen what will become of her." Ever since they were born those two had been inseparable, they wouldn't even spend a whole day apart. Then, Isaac died and left her heartbroken leading her down the treacherous path she chose. Now, she was one of a kind fighting off two of the most powerful people on earth. Blake wasn't scared of losing Ally, he feared Ally was losing herself.

"Blake, your sister is a complicated girl but also a very extraordinary one. I've only known her for a short time, but I feel as if I've known her my whole life. Before Ally came into this clan Aiden and Isaac were lost, barely hanging on trying to find their way in life. It's been two weeks since her transition and already she's accomplished everything she ever wanted. Isaac is alive, your father is no longer in the picture and you are now the Alpha of the Moonstone Pack. Ally managed to make amends with your mother and find love in Aiden." Blake felt hopeful and admired his sister even more hearing all of this but sadly this wasn't the message Joseph was trying to emit.

"The only problem with that is she doesn't have anything more to achieve except to keep us safe. Blake…I'm not sure she will come back, from her voice on the phone it was filled with self-resentment. I hope I'm wrong because I don't want her to leave, I value her a lot. Sadly, I think the pure-bloods do too." Blake bowed his head defeated, everything Joseph was saying was right.

"Ally had a saying when we were kids and it always stuck with me. It's pretty relevant to this moment."

"Sometimes we must accept the fact that thing will never go back to the way it used to be, therefore finding peace instead of dwelling to the point of insanity trying to grasp why misfortunes happened, for the sake of your soul. Let it go." Blake smiled painfully reciting her words and Joseph also brightly grinned. The girl with the wisdom of a thousand lives.

"You sister always does have a way with words. I just hope she can use them to grant herself freedom at the hearing tomorrow, get some rest Blake." Joseph patted his shoulder before leaving. Blake stared at a picture of him and Ally from their young teenage years on the training field. Both won victor in the field and were holding their medal embraced in each other's' arms. When Ally was a cheerful, happy soul. Blake would give anything to see her smile that again.