Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 24 "Trial..."

Today was the day…the day Ally King would be judged for her crime of killing Lucian James. Vampires, wolves and various other creatures all flocked to courtroom looking to get a glimpse of the culprit. No information had been leaked to the community about Ally, it was all empty rumors. It was only her family, the Lang clan and the pure-bloods who knew her identity. Vermont couldn't believe what Eli had told him unless there was solid evidence. Truthfully, deep down he hoped Ally would walk through those doors.

Eli and Camilla were already in the family viewing area with a smile on their faces as every gawked at them whispering about the dangerous royals, they were sapping up the publicity as their appearances were rare. The whole court room was packed, rows of people surrounded the oval circle where the suspect would be trailed. The council hadn't stopped blabbering since they arrived, but Vermont was silent his eyes fixated on the door.

Aiden had driven everyone and was also stunned to see the turnout, it was like a football stadium. Blake joined his pack which were standing in the left wing along with Helen. Both biting their nails in trepidation. No-one had slept since Ally had left, they were too worried. Jake Lamont sat near them along with his parents, they were also interested to see the person who killed their sons' friend. A court marshal walked up to the council and whispered that the suspect had arrived and was waiting to enter. Vermont raised his hand and the whole room fell silent.

It was the trial of the century and the atmosphere in the room was vibrating with angst and excitement. Aiden, Isaac and Joseph sat in the clan stand with fear in their hearts. Isaac glanced over at the pure-bloods whose eyes were fixated on him. As if they sensed his blood-lust, Isaac eyes never broke and even glowed as a warning causing Camilla to snicker under hand.

Vermont, "If anyone objects or speaks out of turn then they will be reprimanded and punished inevitably. This is case 209, trial as a result of the murder of Lucian James. Could the suspect step forward?" Everyone stood up in their seats watching the large door slowly open. Ally waltzed in without a care in the world and took her stance in the center glaring at each council member with dangerous eyes. Almost everyone in the courtroom gasped causing Vermont to raise his hand once more, Vermont didn't recognize the girl before him. Ally looked like a completely different breed, she didn't fall into any category. Confused, Vermont glared at her questionably.

"State your name, age and affliction before the court." His words bellowed echoing throughout the whole room. Ally nodded looking around seeing many familiar faces, finally her secret was going to come out. All these people she had grown up with, shared memories with and fought beside didn't recognize her at all.

"Ally King, age 19, affliction…hybrid." She spoke clearly and strongly ensuring everyone could hear. Suddenly, the court exploded into conversation and Vermont felt his heart drop, it really was her…

"Order!" Vermont had a voice that could stop someone's heart, so everyone jumped when he ordered. Ally scanned the audience above her and met eyes with Eli and Camilla causing a shiver to go down her spine, but she couldn't show any weakness. Ally wouldn't be useful to them if she showed fear at a time like this. Vermont felt a sudden surge of sympathy for this girl, looking at how she'd changed worried him. Hybrids were considered extinct, the last one killed century ago by the vampires for being to great a threat. Aiden and Isaac could hear everyone whispering talking about her appearance and it angered them greatly.

"Impossible, Ally King perished in this very room after completing the Luna trials." One of the council members spoke out of turn not believing it was her.

"As part of my defense, while I was taken to the morgue after perishing in the Luna trials Lucian James turned me against my will." Ally made sure she enunciate every word, she needed to prolong this trial as log as possible. Ally wanted to savor seeing her family for the last time, she would argue nonsense if needed be just if she could see them.

"What is your evidence of this?" Vermont asked genuinely, Ally smiled and showed them her fangs and glowing red eyes.

"When I undertook the Luna trials, I did not obtain this affliction. Lucian was the only vampire of that ranking who could have turned me, any other would have been sentenced to death. Turning a wolf is forbidden in vampire law." The council began scowling, that was something they could not argue against.

"Is it true you took justice into your own hands? Was it you who killed Lucian James?" another council member shouted but Vermont gave him a daring look, he was the one to ask the questions.

"Yes, I killed Lucian James in self-defense." Ally was fearless, her eyes never broke from them.

Vermont, "I see, could you explain to the council how Lucian James's death occurred, and we will determine if your claim if feasible." Ally nodded and yet again everyone sat forward jumping to hear how this fragile young girl killed the famous King.

"Lucian James was in pursuit of me for a while, following my every move even before I was turned living in my community. After turning me that pursuit grew stronger until he followed me to the Lang clan which is where I took refuge from him. Lucian wished to own me as his mate, but I refused his advances causing him to take extreme measures. Lucian cornered me within the clan grounds forcing me to fight for my freedom. At this point Lucian James had already threatened my pack and entered my territory without consent, if I had not fought then I believe my pack would have perished that night." Vermont analysed her words and it was very feasible, if her pack was endangered it was her duty to remove that threat.

"Tell me what occurred in this fight, how did you render him?" Vermont asked in interest, she must have some power able to kill a pure-blood. Eli and Camilla also sat forward in interest with smiles on their faces, Ally could feel their eyes on her.

"Lucian threatened my companion within the clan, so I advanced first. We exchanged blows for quite some time, initially giving myself the upper hand. Lucian had confined his strength until I was too weak to match him, and he gripped both of my hands and crushed them. The damage to my bones and tendons meant I could no longer use them, after sweeping his feet with my legs I headbutted him with all my strength leaving him dazed. In a last effort Lucian grabbed me by my throat and squeezed until I lost consciousness. Upon waking up he attempted to deliver the final blow, I managed to dodge and proceeded to plunge my hand into his chest before ripping out his heart." Aiden and Isaac looked on in confusion, why hadn't she mentioned their involvement? Joseph began feeling uneasy seeing she had trailed off from the original plan. Vermont took down her statement and looked at her pleadingly.

Vermont, "Did you feel your life was in danger?"


"This is absurd, Lucian isn't here to give his testimony. We can't believe a word this girl says." The same council member kept challenging her each time and Ally was growing impatient.

"Tell me, what did you think I would gain by killing the King of the vampire community. Did you think I did it for pride or power? If that were the case, then I would be of higher ranking than you right now. If I was truly guilty of murder wouldn't I have fabricated a story about being the victim? No, I fought for my life common sense would tell you in battles like that there are only one victor. So, before you challenge me again bide your words carefully." Eli and Camilla looked on amused, this girl had no fear not even of the ruthless council. Vermont also felt enlightened hearing the girl he remembered.

"Ally, do you have any witnesses to validate your claim."

"No." Joseph was alarmed as well as Isaac and Aiden, all three of them looked at each other panicked. What was she thinking?

"Very well, we will deliberate your sentence your dismissed." Ally didn't move and bit her lip, she was waiting for this moment. Ally looked at Aiden, Joseph and Isaac with tear filled eyes, her heart breaking. All of them looked at her in confusion, they couldn't understand what her plan was. This was a completely different plan to the one her and Joseph had spent so much time on. Truthfully, Ally ensured she would be found guilty and instead of letting them determine her punishment, she would give them one they couldn't refuse. If she was fund guilty Eli and Camilla would request she spend her punishment in their castle anyway, she knew of their tactics.

"That won't be necessary, I already know your verdict." Everyone stopped silent and she stood firm looking Vermont in his eyes. Whispered began breaking out again as she defied the dismissal and challenged them all.

"We haven't deliberated yet, you have no knowledge of our decision."

"Regardless of that I would like to offer my own punishment with the consent of the James family." Everyone shot their heads towards Eli and Camilla which were smiling victorious. Isaac and Aiden felt their hearts drop, Blake and Helen also gasped. What had they done to her? Vermont also looked at the pure-bloods.

"As penance for forcible removing their King and brother from the throne I hereby pledge my service to the James family until the day I die." Blake, Isaac and Aiden all shot up out of their seats in disbelief.

"Ally, what are you doing!" Isaac shouted over the crowd, Ally bowed he head refusing to face him.

"Sis, please don't do this." Blake was pleading her.

"Enough!" Ally spun around and screamed at them both tears streaming down her face breathing heavily, it was too painful for her. Ally spun back around to the pure-bloods locking eyes with them both.

"Do you accept?" Vermont asked them both with a lonely tone. Eli stood up and winked at Ally.

"We hereby drop the charges and accept." Ally felt her knees shake as she knelt to the floor her head bowed, she was truly broken. Ally bowed before no-one, not only had she lost her family but her pride. In times like these she took her own wisdom, right now all she could think was we reap what we sow, if her place was to serve them in order to keep her family safe then that's what she would do. Ally wasn't oblivious to the pain and suffering she was going to endure in their care, but she didn't mind it. Blake was going to live a for filling life being the greatest Alpha he could be. His mother would support him irrefutably, making sure he was taken care of. Aiden and Isaac could settle down in the clan and find ways of supporting those with blood-lust like they had her. All of these people didn't need her no matter how strongly they objected, Ally was just a bystander.

"Ally King, you are hereby pledged to the James family, we will give you ten minutes to say goodbye to your family. Once, you accept your pledge, they will presume ownership of you." Ally nodded in understanding but was reluctant to go into the private room in the back of the court. Everyone had already run from their seats waiting for her, the room was uncontrollable.

Everyone was shocked she had basically sold her soul to the James family. Vermont couldn't reject the claim because it was very feasible and even if he did, he could see the determination on the pure-bloods faces, Ally wouldn't stand a chance. Ally gave Joseph a faint smile before dragging her feet to the private room zoned out to the chaos around her.

Ally walked in her head held low in shame when two hands gripped her shoulders shaking her violently.

"What the f*ck were you thinking!" Isaac began yelling in her face bringing her back to reality. Ally gripped his arms and peeled them from his shoulders looking at him coldly. Joseph couldn't even look at her, even Blake was struggling to look her in the eyes. Helen was crying and then there was Aiden, all his eyes held was sympathy.

"Why did you do this? We could have fought them together Ally." Aiden said sadly. Ally scoffed at him.

"To what end? Until, were all dead Aiden? Don't cry to chastise me for, my decision this was my only option." Blake walked over and lifted her head looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Sis, please object I'm begging you." Ally placed her hand on his face and smiled painfully shaking her head.

"You're going to be an amazing Alpha brother, I'm just sorry I won't be beside you. I love you Blake." She pulled away from him and took Aiden's face catching him by surprise.

"I want to thank you for supporting me throughout all of this, I couldn't have done this without you. I forgive you Aiden, there's no bad blood between us. You'll always have a place in my heart." Aiden gripped her hands and looked away in despair. Ally directed her attention to Joseph.

"I understand why you did this, but I'll miss you, you're an amazing person Ally King. I'm sorry it's come to this." For the first time Ally saw tears in Josephs eyes as she gave him a gratifying nod. Then, was her mother whom was inconsolable. Ally wiped away her tears and hugged her tightly.

"Listen to me, you're an amazing mother and I took you for granted. I'm sorry I never saw your true potential until now." Helen couldn't speak her sorrow clouding her mind but still nodded in understanding. Ally had been strong up until that point but as she turned around seeing the devastation on all their faces, she couldn't help but shed a tear. Finally, was Isaac Ally taking both of his hands and forced him to look at her.

"We're losing each other all over again and I'm sorry I have to put you through this. You're strong Isaac, I know you can do this you've done it before. I will always love you, always." Isaac eyes widened in disbelief, she had waited until now to tell him that.

"I wouldn't have survived this long if it wasn't for all of you. I have so much love for every one of you so I'm asking please let me go." Ally knew they would attempt to help her, but it was no use, they were no match for the pure-bloods. No-one was not even her, she had gotten lucky with Lucian. Everyone huddled together and hugged her, realizing this must be just as painful for her. There was so much more she wanted to say to them but didn't have enough time or the strength. This was it, the last time she would ever see them. They stayed like that for a while silently crying until a knock at the door interrupted them. Ally pushed them gently aside and wiped away her tears smelling Eli's scent beyond the door. Eli walked in proudly and looked at her emotionless face.

"Shall we go Thana." Ally nodded, that was her name now, Ally King was someone she needed to forget. Trying not to prolong their suffering Ally stepped out guided by Camilla beyond the door. Eli glared at the family with resentment in his eyes.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of her. I know what she sacrificed here today I'm not blind. How upsetting it must be to watch the girl you all love be broken like this." Isaac stepped forward, but Joseph held him back, If he did anything now everything Ally had sacrificed would be for nothing. Eli chuckled at the hatred on his face.

"Maybe I'll let you visit now and again. I'd love to see the expression on your face after I change her." Aiden clenched his fists fighting his instinct to rip his curly blonde head off. Eli smirked and left the room. All of them stood lonely, not knowing what to do with themselves. They had lost her, being in their care she may as well be dead.