Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 26 "Replacement"

Ally looked in awe to see a boy about her age standing in the doorway glaring at Eli across the table. This boy was stunning, he had deep red eyes and ebony black hair, Ally thought it was Aiden when initially seeing him. As she looked at his figure, he was a younger version of Lucian, they were practically identical. Camilla was also a little alarmed to see him, he was like the elephant in the room. He was wearing a casual black t-shirt and skinny jeans, which matched his age. Gradually, he made his way to the seat at the top of the table not even glancing at Ally once. Carelessly, he placed his feet on the table and leaned back like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Damien, I don't remember inviting you." Camilla said bitterly, he glared at her warningly. Ally could feel the bloodlust in the room like a black cloud wavering over her, the atmosphere was thick enough to cut with a knife. Damien? Ally thought for a while, she had heard that name before. After trying to recollect she remembered reading Lucian's file. It mentioned the pure-blood siblings, Damien was the youngest of the bunch. Damien's thick raven hair was slicked back, he didn't fit into the traditional appearance of his siblings. Ally began wondering who the black sheep of this family was really. Eli didn't break contact with Damien even for a second, it was like a show down. Ally couldn't help but feel amused at their dysfunctional opposition, it looked like someone hated these two more than her. Albert walked in with everyone's dishes and placed them ahead, he gently placed Eli and Damien food down trying not to interrupt whatever they were getting into.

"Forgive my brother Thana, he's still young. Dinner manners is somethings he's lacked his whole life." Camilla was apologizing for Damien and Ally couldn't help but look at her confused. Damien averted his eyes and glared at Camilla.

"Who the hell is Thana?" he said harshly. Camilla nodded her head towards Ally as she ate. Damien switched his eyes to her, Ally watched as they widened in disbelief.

"Quite something isn't she brother." Eli said intrudingly from across the table. Ally glared at him straight back, his eyes were very intimidating, but she was stronger than that. If she was going to survive in this place, she needed it to be known she wasn't weak. Damien glared into her mismatched eyes and scoffed.

"You're telling me she killed our brother, is this some sick joke?" he leaned back crossing his arms like a child, Ally smirked slightly.

"Would you like to test that?" Eli said darkly, Damien and Camilla were a little taken aback by this sudden spark of conversation. Ally looked at him wearily, why was he defending her. Damien began flipping his dinner knife around in his hands.

"Why would we invite her here if she hadn't brother, I thought you were smarter than that?" Camilla said daringly. Ally felt her anger boil up yet again, Camilla said invite as if she had an option to object.

"Inviting would be something I could object too Camilla, I think you meant to say threaten." Ally said coldly. Damien smirked at her defiant attitude, he was expecting her to be scared for her life.

"Are you still angry Thana?" Eli asked. Ally shot him a deadly glare.

"You will never have to force something that's truly meant to be. Would you care to tell me why I'm here dining with you?" Eli and Camilla glanced at each other and shook their heads. Damien rolled his eyes seeing what was going on.

"We merely being polite, is it so hard to believe we enjoy your presence?" Eli said sweetly, Ally thought for a while. This wasn't a game, they were genuinely treating her with respect despite everything that had happened.

"Do you enjoy my presence, or do you need my presence?" Ally teased hatefully. Eli gradually stiffened up, Camilla also shifted in her seat. Something else was going on here and Ally wanted to know what. There was only one way to determine if they needed her and that was to threaten her life, if she was lucky, they would let her do it and she wouldn't have to live in this hell. Damien began watching her in interest as her personality changed like the flip of a coin. Ally slowly stood up with a smile on her face. Camilla looked at her alarmed.

"Fine, have it your way." Ally said emotionless before taking her dinner knife and stabbing herself in the chest. Eli and Camilla immediately shot up out of their seats in shock, they would never have anticipated this. Damien eyes widened in excitement, this girl had a lot of guts.

"All I have to do is push it in an inch further and I won't have to listen to your bullsh*t ever again. Now then from your reaction, you need me. The question is what for?" Ally said it weakly trying the bypass the excruciating pain pulsating throughout her body. The knife in her hand vibrated from the pressure her heart created beating against it.

"Alright, we'll tell you just don't do it!" Camilla said desperately. Ally chuckled and pulled the knife from her chest, blood spluttered on the white table cloth and Ally sat back down exhausted. Damien was in shock, he was mesmerized by her pride and will. Eli sighed in relief.

"I always knew you were different." Eli said wiping the sweat from his brow. Damien sat up straight placing his hand under his chin admiring Ally.

"Enough, unless you want her to kill herself, I'd start talking." Damien could see the look in her eyes. He'd seen that look a million times within himself. It was the eyes of someone who would be accepting to death but is also striving for life which is why she wanted to know why she was of use. Maybe being of use to someone could save her. Ally leaned back unphased waiting to hear it. Camilla sighed and quickly drank a whole glass of wine in one go.

"Looks like the funs over, fine brother would you care to start?" Eli nodded and was also looking disheartened.

"As much as I love seeing the weariness in your eyes, I guess your giving me no choice." Ally rolled her eyes, they were clearly stalling.

"You're a replacement." Damien was getting sick of them stalling and decided to interject.

"Damien, mind your tongue." Eli warned him. Damien huffed and returned his gaze back to Ally.

"As purebloods we follow very traditional rules. We will only breed if our bloodline is on the verge of extinction. Turning of humans must be granted by us, we remain superior until proven otherwise." Eli began listing the pureblood laws but none of them were answering Ally's question. Camilla butted in.

"One rule which we have earnestly protected for centuries is that if one of us are killed by an outsider, that person must take their place in this household. The reason we don't openly discuss this rule is, so we aren't hunted by every vampire, wolf and witch under the sun. You killed our brother and must therefore take his place." Ally looked at her is disbelief, so she was equal…

"No-one has killed a pureblood in over three centuries, this situation is rare. As much as we would like to kill you, we can't. Not that we would want you dead anyway, me and my sister are quite fond of you. "Eli said sadistically. Ally couldn't comprehend the information she was receiving. Everything was falling into place, this wasn't revenge or punishment. It was simply rules, rules that would cost her family's life if broken. Ally began laughing hysterically causing all three purebloods to look at one another in alarm.

"You put me through all of that for a rule? If you wanted me to join you so badly you could have just asked. Don't worry the funs not over, now I know you can't harm me I'm going to enjoy this." Ally chuckled her words, she was truly unnerving. Damien was captivated by her, he'd never met anyone like her before. There was no fear within her at all, Camilla and Eli were at her mercy not the other way around.

"Come on Thana don't be so bitter we were only playing around. We want to make an alliance with you. As the new member you'll have to know our duties as purebloods." Eli said insecurely but Ally wasn't paying much attention.

"How lucky of me to have killed your brother, how lucky to have been welcomed into this dysfunctional family. What a foreboding rule I happened to break. If that's the case, then I suggest you keep each other close. I'll kill every one of you before the weeks out, then we'll see how much you value your precious rules." Ally had lost her mind and was talking like a maniac. Eli and Camilla looked completely unnerved, they had created a monster.

"You wouldn't kill us Thana, we're your family now. If you want your other family to stay safe, then you'd do well to adapt to your role." Eli said worriedly.

"My family is the only thing keeping your heart in your chest right now. Feel free to harm them if you want your empire will be burned to the ground. Your brother made the mistake of underestimating me and he's currently six feet underground. Surprisingly, he begged for his life before I killed him, I guess even purebloods are afraid to die in the end." Eli soon shut his mouth, Camilla also clenched her jaw. They had made a vital mistake, while they both sat in silence Damien couldn't take his eyes off her. He'd been waiting for someone like her to disrupt the balance, someone strong enough to put an end to his siblings. Damien and Ally were very alike in a lot of ways, he could tell by looking at her eyes which glowed profusely. Ally gave one last chuckle and got up, as she headed for the door, she met eyes with Damien and was shocked to see him give an approving nod. It looked like he appreciated her words. Ally stood frim in the doorway and smiled at Eli and Camilla.

"I appreciate the welcome, I'll be sure to make myself at home." Ally swiftly left leaving Eli and Camilla in awe.

"Perhaps, we pushed our luck brother." Camilla said worriedly. Damien tutted at them both.

"You can't cage a wild animal, you'd better watch your backs." He said seriously before also leaving the table.

------------------------------Guest room----------------------------------

Ally stumbled through her door applying pressure to her chest which was bleeding profusely, if she didn't heal soon it was game over. Ally didn't desire death although she was open to it, her dress had stuck to her skin from the bleeding, so she had to peel it off painfully. Ally looked at it closely and it was deep, even her tissue was peeking through. What she had to do in order to know the truth. Ally thought back to Joseph's advice. Ally could only heal if she truly wanted too, thinking deeply she tried forcing it but it was no use. If she was going to hold her own against these monsters, then she couldn't be weak not even a little bit. As she focused on that the pain in her chest began to subside, interestingly her tissue began to bind together. Soon enough her wounds were non-existent, and Ally felt relieved, her healing was faster than anticipated.

In her closet was a pair of silk pyjamas, it made her feel vulnerable not wearing any clothes especially with Eli prowling around. Ally began searching through the draws by her bed and found a sharp letter opener, at first, she didn't trust they would leave something like that in her room. Regardless, it was a weapon which if used correctly could inflict some damage. Ally sat on the edge of the bed staring at the bedroom door, she was exhausted but too fearful to sleep. It was around two hours later, and she hadn't moved a muscle. As she expected there was a knock at her door, holding the letter opener tightly she approached, the scent was unclear to her meaning it could be anyone. In a way she prayed little Cole would be standing outside with his big blue eyes. Instead, she was quite surprised. Ally pulled him inside her room and pinned him forcefully against the wall the letter opener pressed against his neck.

"You really don't play, around do you?" Damien chuckled at the dark look in her eyes. Ally sighed and released her grip. She was slightly disappointed, she would have liked it to be Eli so she could cut off his head.

"What do you want Damien?" Damien smirked at her.

"First name basis already, you really don't play around." Ally rolled her eyes.

"I could call you asshole instead, is that better?" As she studied him, Damien held a different aura to his siblings. It was interesting to her, she didn't feel endangered or calm when she was alone with him. His presence was balanced which meant he was unpredictable.

"Here." Damien held out some rubbing alcohol and a gauze for her wound. Ally looked at his suspiciously, why would he help her?

"I don't need it." She pulled down her shirt showing her chest had completely healed. Damien looked in fascination.

"You inherited my brothers' abilities, impressive." Ally sat back down on the bed facing him with her arms crossed.

"You don't seem as hostile towards me." He asked out of interest, he was trying to work her out she was very difficult for her to read.

"I have no reason to be you've done nothing to me, don't feel so content though." She warned him. Damien nodded in understanding, it was clear he was on thin ice. But it was better than being in the water like his siblings.

"Is that all Damien?" she said yawning. Damien surprised her by sitting on the dresser chair, he was obviously reluctant to leave.

"I don't know much about you, what's your real name?" Ally glared at him, why did he care?

"Ally." She said bluntly.

"Don't call me that or your siblings will get upset." She said sarcastically laying her head back staring at him. Damien studied her, she was intriguing indeed, and he wanted to know more.

"Which were you first a vampire or a wolf?" Ally was getting increasingly agitated.

"Is this twenty questions?" Damien chuckled at her.

"Not really, I just want to know who I'm living with that's all." Ally sighed, he wasn't giving up.

"A wolf until your brother turned me, now I'm both." Ally rolled over and faced away from him, he could feel the disgust she felt for herself.

"It's not a curse you know, I've always wondered what it would be like to have the strength of both and the weaknesses of none." Ally stood up enraged.

"Does this look inviting to you? Take a good look Damien do I look blessed?" Damien's eyes widened at the fire in her eyes.

"You're interesting. I like you." He said casually. Ally scoffed.

"I'm tired could you go?" Damien huffed and stood up, Ally couldn't help but think of him as a child. His clothes, manner everything bout him was so young. Damien was just about to leave when Ally stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey Damien…thankyou for fetching those things for me." Damien looked at her in disbelief, her tone was so innocent he couldn't believe those words came from the same person.

"Don't mention it." He smiled and exited the room. Ally curled up on her bed hugging her pillow like a vulnerable child. Strangely, this gesture didn't seem to have any ill intent and it eased her mind to think perhaps he wasn't like the others.