Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 27 "Familiar"

"Alpha, is Ally really gone?" Jake Lamont had been following Blake around like a lost puppy since the trial. Blake was barely functioning, it had only been one day since Ally had left but every time, he tried to carry out his duties he was overcome with grief. Thinking how appreciative he would be for her guidance right now, Helen was trying her best but giving the new combat requiem she wasn't too confident. Ally had written a list for Blake of the new schedule; her underlined note was teaching the young wolves how to defend themselves given a rise on vampire attacks recently. Blake recalled the basics from when he was a young pup when his father had trained him, but no-one could fight like Ally.

"Yes. Don't place your thumb under your fingers when you hit, it could break it." He said correcting Jake's hand as he punched a sandbag in the training grounds. Jake laughed gratefully and hit it as hard as he could.

"Don't hit from your shoulder you might strain it, if you want to give an effective blow the power must come from your core." Blake prodded Jake's stomach to show him where he meant. Jake took his advice and gave a surprisingly good hit to the bag.

"Good job." Blake nuzzled his head proudly, Jake was perceptive like his older brother and could tell that the Alpha was sad, it was embedded into his eyes.

"Alpha, don't worry Ally is really strong I'm sure she'll be back soon. Those people are mean, they hurt my brother." Blake couldn't help but hear the resentment in his innocent little voice. He smiled at his optimism at least someone had hope for his poor sister.

"I hope so little pup. I hope she shows every one of them who's boss." He said sternly shaking his little brown head. The bell for lunch ran and Jake scurried off starved from training. Blake had been asked to train him privately as his parents were very weary after what happened to Quinn, they couldn't have their little boy experience the same tragedy.

"Blake, here." Helen came into the training gym with a coffee for Blake, she was also struggling not having Ally around. It was a off environment not having her there, it was like the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

Blake sat on the edge of the boxing ring with her collecting his thoughts. All he could think about was what were those retched pure-bloods doing to his beloved sister. Helen could see the struggle on his face and soothed him by stroking his arm.

"There no point in speculating what they are doing to her son. You never know maybe she's giving them a run for there money right now." Helen said light-heartedly, her daughter wouldn't submit easily at all. It was in her blood to never give up no matter what. Now they weren't collateral or distracting Ally would have to fight for herself something she'd done her whole life, so Helen wasn't as worried as Blake.

"I hope mom. I hope she kills every last one of them." He said hatefully.

------------------------------Lang Clan----------------------------

Isaac was also training, he was dripping with sweat fighting with another clan member. Naturally, he won every round leaving the other man exhausted flat on the grass. Joseph and Aiden watched from the side in concern. He was taking this really hard, his face hadn't shown any emotion at all since watching Ally leave with them. Aiden was equally lost but put his despair into his work on the council to try and get a appeal for Ally.

"Get up." Isaac said dangerously, he wasn't done with the other member yet.

"Son, he's had enough." Joseph said sadly. Isaac scoffed and wiped himself off with a towel. Isaac walked over and picked the member up by his hair.

"Is that true?" the clan member nodded fearfully, Isaac threw his aside and stormed off.

"This isn't good, he's beaten the life out of every member in the clan. What will happen when there's no where else for him to direct himself." Joseph said worriedly. He'd seen darkness in his son before but never like this, he was acting dangerously. Aiden was too busy looking over his work and didn't pay any attention.

"Aiden." Frustrated he glared at his father.

"I'm not blind that's his way of dealing with what he's feeling. Now, he'll probably drink himself into oblivion until he falls asleep. Just leave him." Aiden took his notes at stormed back into the clan to his room. Glasses and pates smashing echoed throughout the place, Isaac was in meltdown mode and no-one dared go near him. Aiden was trying to keep himself together but the noises grinded on him. Aiden slammed his work on the desk and sprinted to the kitchen. Sure, enough his brother was smashing the place up.

"Isaac!" he bellowed at him. Isaac ignored him and continued throwing things around. Aiden had enough and sprinted over pinning him against the wall with his collar. Isaac grabbed his throat.

"That's enough, what good will any of this do huh!" both of their eyes were glowing bright red in rage. They had opposite personalities, but both had one thing in common and that was they had lost the girl they loved.

"What else am I supposed to do?" he said glaringly. Aiden slowly let him go and bowed his head. What else could he do?

"Ally gave herself up, so we could live, stop wasting her sacrifice and get a grip." He said harshly before leaving, it was a waste of time trying to get through to him. Isaac pressed his back against the wall and slip to the floor surrounded by broken glass. Aiden was right, if Ally was here watching this unfold, she would have beaten him to a pulp. All this pain he felt was misguided, he should be fighting the vampire who took her not the people he cared about. Joseph stood in the doorway watching him pitifully.

"Are you quite finished?" he said calmly. Isaac nodded and scraped himself up from the floor.

"How do we get her back?"

"I don't know yet, but I'll find a way." Joseph had been reading all night on how to free someone of a pledge. Since, it was accepted by both parties the odds weren't looking too good.

"I understand your hurting, but this is the wrong way to go about it." Joseph said sternly. Isaac nodded and left, he already knew that. Isaac lay on his bed and thought back to something Ally said when she lost her grandma at age thirteen. To lose some you love will alter your life forever, eventually the pain stops, and you meet new people, but the gap never closes. The whole in one's heart is a shape of the one you lost. No-one could ever fill it. Using her own wisdom, she had left that very whole inside of him, meaning in order to truly be happy he needed her with him. Love drives people to dangerous lengths, but loss drove people to insanity. Isaac thought about it for a while, he'd die before letting her go. People like Ally were limited addition, there was only maybe one born every few centuries. He couldn't believe how much he'd squandered her presence. Even if they had all died at least she would be alive he thought. What were they doing to her?

----------------------------James Castle---------------------

Ally hadn't slept a single wink that night, she had cuddled into her pillow clutching the letter opener. Even if they had admitted they couldn't harm her, trusting the would be the last thing she'd ever do on this earth. A small knock on the door brought her back to reality, sniffing up she could smell Cole's scent beneath the door. Ally opened the door and peered either side of the corridor to make sure she wasn't being watched. Cole could see the dark circles beneath her eyes, it was clear she hadn't slept. Ally hushed Cole into the room wearily.

"Are you alright Ally?" he said sweetly, Ally finally breathed and sat on the bed.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Ally tilted his head to the side and sure enough the vicious bruising had returned. She tutted and bit her arm.

"N-no you don't have to do that?" he said politely, she ignored him and applied the blood to his neck. Cole felt the aching subside.

"Thank-you." Cole handed Ally some clothes. It wasn't her style at all, her shirt was very tight fit just by feeling it. The black jeans she was given were casual and fit perfectly but the top she was really unsure of, it was low-cut showing off her bust. Ally watched out of the bathroom and Cole looked away embarrassed.

"Ugh so it's really that bad huh?" she said disheartened. It was obvious Eli picked them out.

"Cole how old are you?" Cole awkwardly shuffled on the spot.

"I'm thirteen." Ally was surprised, he looked much younger.

"I see, could I ask why you're here?" Being so young she didn't expect him to be here freely, what frightening things he must have witnessed at such a young age she thought.

"My parents are payed by the family, so they can feed from me." He said casually like it was natural, Ally looked away in disgust, selling their own son to be cattle was vile.

"I'm sorry to hear that." She said sympathetically. Ally thought for a while, this young boy was basically a captive like herself. What if she could free him from this place? He was innocent, the least he deserved was a chance.

"Cole, I'm going to get you out of here one day. You have my word." She took both of his soft hands and looked him directly in his bright blue eyes. Ally's word was her bond.

"Why would you do that?" he said confused.

"Because you're a smart young boy with an amazing future ahead of you. I don't like to see a waste in potential, you don't deserve to be in such a place. If I gave you an opening to flee would you take it?" Cole thought strongly, he had become so accustomed to this place the outside world seemed daunting to him.

"Yes." He varied, and Ally gave a reassuring nod.

"I'll need some time to find a way, but my word is my bond. I'll never break that." Cole smiled, she was like and angel to be even thinking of ways to set him free instead of herself. Cole left to the servants' quarters with this sudden hope in his heart, freedom was something he believed he would never have. Yet, here was this girl willing to sacrifice herself for him.

Ally built up the bravery to begin exploring the castle while the pure-bloods were preoccupied. It's size and long corridors were disorientating, she could live here a hundred years and still not be familiar with its outlay. As she followed the large pane windows, she came to a conservatory which stretched out to look upon the garden. Its flowers created a rainbow effect upon the grounds, it was like nothing she'd ever seen. The life and beauty surrounding her made her feel hopeful, at least something was alive in this hell of hers. There were long velvet seats surrounding the conserve, enjoying the view she sat down and began daydreaming. She wondered what Blake and her mother were up too right now. From the suns position it was around noon meaning her pack would be eating together right now. Aiden and Isaac would be training, and Joseph would be observing, she knew their routines well after spending her last remaining days with them. Lost in thought she failed to hear someone sit silently beside her. Ally felt the hair on her neck stand up, instantly she spun around and pinned them against the chair.

"You have good instincts, it's hard detecting someone like me." Thankfully it was only Damien. Ally let go and returned to the window, yet again she felt nothing bad or good emanating from his aura. It was just plain curiosity. Damien looked her up and down noticing her top, he rolled his eyes seeing how uncomfortable she was. His brother was a pervert, she shouldn't have to wear what he gave her. Damien took off his shirt and placed it in front of her. Ally turned around alarmed as he sat back showing his naked chest.

"You looked uncountable in that, wear it I have hundreds of them." His shirt was black and over-sized exactly her style.

"What about you?" she said shying her face away throwing over his shirt in relief.

"Aw, are you worried I'll catch cold." He said playfully with his eyes closed. Ally was surprised how comfortable he was with her. His body was thin but toned, his muscled peaked through his porcelain white skin.

"I couldn't care less." She said casually. Footsteps began approaching them but neither stirred and instead sat like they were untouchable. Eli soon waltzed in with envy on his face seeing Ally wearing his brother's shirt. Damien didn't even open his eyes and smirked feeling his brother eyes burning into his skull. Ally was staring out of the window also paying him no attention. Eli stood blocking her view.

"Thana, my father had requested to see you." Damien soon shot his eyes open.

"No." he said bluntly standing facing off with Eli.

"Fine." Ally stood up unphased only to see Damien looking at her with worry. The concern he had made her heart skip a beat.

"If you'd like to persuade him otherwise then go-ahead brother." Eli said slyly.

"If she's so important to you then why would you let her anywhere near him." Damien spat his words angrily, Ally wasn't sure what they were so worried about. True, it was another pure-blood she would have to contend with but that was it. Damien shouldn't be so worried about her, she could handle herself.

"What choice do I have?" Eli seemed equally apprehensive to let her see him which began concerning her. If Eli was fearful for this man, then what type of person was he to install fear into a monster.

"Enough, your father's name is Luther correct?" Ally stood up. Eli and Damien nodded.

"Hmm, spare me the concern. Your father has precognition meaning he already knows what I'm about to do or say. It would be pointless to object, I'm interested in what he could possibly require me for considering he practically knows all. Thanks for the shirt Damien, I'll try not to ruin it." Ally had a frightening look in her eyes. Damien and Eli were dumbfounded she already knew of their father's ability, it was a family secret. Ally exited and began walking towards the main hall, Damien and Eli soon caught up.

"How do you know that?" Damien exclaimed. Ally spun around and smirked.

"Perhaps your father isn't the only one who knows all." She said ominously before walking up the staircase. Since arriving she'd noticed that not even the servants went upstairs, Eli and Camilla were to afraid to glace at it. Who else could install such fear? Damien and Eli watched in angst as she made her way up, she was strong, but their father was unbeatable. A man who knows all had the advantage in every way.

Ally was met with a maid at the top floor, she was a lower-class vampire and had eyes like tainted glass. It was clear she had one purpose and that was to serve.

"This way." Her voice was almost robotic this girl was like a hollow shell but who better to manipulate she thought. Ally arrived at an old oak door increased with golden memorabilia, for a man this age she expected nothing less. The maid opened the door for her, stepping in the room was dark and eerie. Luckily, her wolf gene allowed her too to see in the dark. Her glowing eyes scanned the room, seeing a throne at the center she could guess what game he was playing. This was strategic, making her use her other gene meant he could find her weakness. Ally felt her hair stand on end as she sensed a presence from above. Sprinting to avoid it she stumbled straight into his trap. Ally groaned in pain as she stepped into a bear-trap. He had done well but she expected nothing less from someone with future sight.

"Impressive." A voice called out to her in the darkness, she watched a shadow drop from the roof where she detected a presence. The lights switched back on as he clapped his hands. Ally looked up in awe, this man wasn't ancient at all. His skin was youthful, and his hair was white blonde, surely this man couldn't be the father of the pure-bloods. Adjusting his collar on his black and red suit he waltzed over and lifted her chin. Ally smirked at him, he was impressive that was for sure. Ally didn't say a word, he would know what she was going to say anyway.

"Don't worry I've only seen up until this point, I wouldn't want to ruin the fun." He said almost reading her thoughts. Ally scoffed.

"I understand, how boring it must be to know everything." Luther smiled at her attitude, he expected nothing else. Ally collected herself and peeled the trap from her leg, she hissed in agony feeling the metal claws tears away her flesh. Luther stood back and watched her struggle.

"I see where your children get their eyes, sadism appears to have weakened in your genes. I've seen terrifying eyes many times before but none like yours Luther." She said smugly healing herself. Luther watch in fascination, she really did live up to her expectations.

"Is that a compliment?" Ally chuckled to herself.

"Perhaps." Ally began circling him wearily, she knew her plan.

"You look very familiar to me Luther may I ask why?" Luther also began laughing, this girl was clever.

"I don't need to explain that to you, you know already Ally." It was true Ally had known from the minute she saw him.

"You knew I would offer myself as penance, seems my intellect has truly met it's match." It was unmistakable, his body to his eyes to his smile. Ally had been played to her grave. She couldn't help but laugh as she sat in his throne.

"You didn't suit the black hair I must say. Okay then let's get down to business…Lucian."