Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 28 "Origin"

"You win. I can't fight a man who knows everything. It interests me how did you co-exist as their sibling for all this time? "Luther smiled, it was simple for him.

"My children have only met me on two occasions, once when they were born and the second when they had reached their peak conditions. I posed as their brother, so I could keep a close eye on them, they didn't question my appearance once. Simply because they expected the eldest siblings to hold the most resemblance to me. It easy to deceive people when you know what will happen if that deceit fails. I ensured my children stayed clear of me, therefore creating a dangerous persona, I was very careful with my appearance, attitude and various other factors. It was easy, they aren't very perceptive especially when the truth was in plain sight." Ally listened intently, it was easy to hide in plain sight. Given his brief encounter as a father it was simple to pose as their brother.

"You orchestrated all of this, you knew who I was all along didn't you. Your investigation of me stretches must further to a mere seven months. You knew I would be born in that pack, the same as you knew I carried the Luna gene." Ally was working it out, she always speculated this was much bigger than it seemed. Unfortunately, she had underestimated just how big.

"Your children were part of your scheme to lure me here, their interest in me spawned from your obsession. Given your abilities being the elite among your kind means I underestimated your regenerative abilities." Luther nodded impressed she was catching on this quick.

"It would have taken a lot more than tearing out my heart to kill me Ally." Ally bit her nails nervously as she began putting the pieces together.

"So, you've been watching me since I was born. If I'm the so sought-after Luna that must make you—" Ally stopped in her tracks. Her mothers story began playing in her head about the moon goddess. Luther began pacing around with his signature smile on his face.

"Wrong. That story is incorrect in so many ways, I know because I was the one who fabricated it. It your community knew the truth then they would have killed every girl born to your bloodline. I couldn't have that could I?" Ally looked at him wearily, the story was always so brief she could never formulate a solid reason behind it. It was one thing she had never been sure of.

"Are you familiar with Shezmu?" Ally shook her head, it was name she had never heard.

"He is the Egyptian god of blood, birthed a millennium before Luna god of the moon. Vampires were created from him; our kind has been thriving long before your ancestor blessed the earth with the wolves." This was new information she had never even heard about, god of blood, it was certainly fitting.

"What does that have to do with the Luna gene?" she said questionably.

"In the tale you were told from being a young child, it was depicted that Luna fled to earth in refuge from her father, correct?" Ally nodded, it was all the information she had to go on.

"That was fabricated. Centuries upon centuries ago Shezmu stumbled upon the moon goddess in limbo, Luna was lost in her despair after losing her spirit to her father. In an act of defiance, she attempted to flee to earth in order to co-exist with the humans. Sadly, she was apprehended before that, a god can not enter this realm without a soul. It would be catastrophic to the natural order, therefore she searched for it, so she could be free. Shezmu was captivated by her beauty and offered his help as long as Luna gave her word to stay with him on earth." Ally's eyes widened in disbelief, this was far more complicated than she had initially realized.

"Luna with the help of Shezmu managed to find her soul, they both fled to earth and began living peacefully with one another. Until, Luna discovered that Shezmu was creating beings who moved faster than light and drained blood of the humans she had become to love. As an act of desperation Luna created the first line of wolves, ones who could match the vampires. After some time Shezmu and Luna began a war on earth. Vampires and wolves fought to the death until Luna could take no more. In this time, she had discovered she was pregnant with his child and used her to create a peace treaty. This child possessed the strengths of both genes and none of their weaknesses. Zeus, Luna's father caught wind of the war killing thousands and decided to put an end to it. Luna sacrificed herself so me and our daughter could live, Luna placed her soul into our child, so she could one day be reborn. That day was nineteen years ago. She would only return in time of great distress between races, that time is now." Ally fell to the floor in shock, everything her father had said was true. She recalled his words the night she had taken Blake's beatings. He said he never expected her to carry the most sought-after gene. Alpha King knew who she was this whole time.

"You're a descendant of Shezmu, have you come to wage war Luther is that what this whole thing is all about?" she said hatefully. Luther shook his head.

"No, I'm here to restore the balance. I want us to co-exist like we did all those years ago. We had just found peace before your father ripped it away from us. You are the child of Luna, I am a child of Shezmu. We were meant to be together, it was fate." Ally stiffened up, what was he talking about?

" If only I had known this sooner, you've orchestrated my whole life, haven't you? So, I would end up here listening to your words as if they mean anything to me." Luther walked over and knelt down beside her.

"You were stubborn back then too, I had to fight you on everything. I know you don't remember it, but I do. I was gifted with precognition but also retro-cognition. I can investigate the past through my ancestors. We had a troublesome life, but peace wouldn't have been reached if not for the child we created." Ally stood up clutching her head, this was far too much information for her.

"Explain to me why the hybrids before me were wiped out, if the child who settled peace bred then shouldn't every creature since then be a hybrid?" Luther thought for a while.

"Hybrids are always a possibility, usually birthed from a vampire and wolf. Some genes have that compatibility, and some do not. You're different, you weren't born from both species. You were transitioned, the Luna gene was present in you but required activation for you to reach it. I turned you, in order to activate the gene. Our child was created from us both but did not pro-create. Instead, she passed her soul into the species created by her mother Luna. That gene has followed the King family for generations. I've watched your family this whole time waiting for you, there have been few females but none of them carried the gene. In the tale there was a true detail, the woman Luna possessed had black hair and blue eyes. From the minute you were born, I knew it was you. Your eyes were unmistakable."

"I see, why did the gene choose me of all of my generation. It had multiple opportunities to present itself, yet it waited for me. Why?" Ally was having trouble understanding why out of all her family was it her who cursed it.

"It chooses only those who are worthy, Luna was a fighter. A god with a hard exterior and pure soul. She was intelligent, strong and fast. Not once in her time on earth did, she every force anyone to kneel before her. You have been gifted with unrequited wisdom your whole life. Did you never question where it stemmed from?" It was true, everyone would call her the girl who had lived a thousand lives.

"I killed the hybrids because they were never meant to be, it was an anomaly and forbidden against law. Vampires and wolves have always been enemies due to the war we started all of those millenniums ago, there was only ever supposed to be one hybrid in this world. That was you, the child prodigy." Ally could help but laugh, this was too much for her.

"You expect me to believe such nonsense, your saying you've waited a thousand years to see me again." Luther caught her off guard by taking her hand.

"We fought but when you gave birth to our child, we came together in peace. I'd like to recreate that; our races have lost their way Ally. I'm asking you to be with me for the sake of our creations." Ally snatched her hand away with tears streaming down her face.

"How could you ask something like that of me after you took everything from me. My family, my freedom and my soul, you took everything from me Luther!" Luther bowed his head shamefully. He would go to any lengths to have her by his side again.

"I did it for your own sake Ally, now you can't die. I can't lose you again do you understand me, I can't. What I did was unforgivable, but I was your family ages before that pack or that clan. I'm begging you to believe me." His tone was lonely and soft, this was a different person to the one she had fought on the battlefield.

"I-It was you wasn't it. You were the one who took Isaac away from me. Was it jealousy?" Luther looked at her pleadingly, she was starting to understand.

"Yes, I couldn't have you mating with someone else it would kill me. Ally, I swear to you I would never hurt you like that. What happened on that battlefield was history repeating itself. We fought like that often but neither of us would win, you could never deliver the final blow because you couldn't. We were in love."

"Were being the key word Luther. The past is the past, how can you expect me to be with you after all of this time?" Luther felt disheartened, all his efforts would be a failure if she rejected him. Ally felt her vision become blurred, being too overwhelmed had taken its toll on her.

"Forgive me this must be a lot to take in. You should rest." Ally shook her head.

"No, I want you to tell me what you want from me Luther. "she stood facing him with fire in her eyes.

"I want you to be by my side again, so we can restore the peace. When I finally saw you again in that bar, you were the spitting image of her. From your eyes to your personality, it was like she'd never left." Ally was having trouble understanding why he would go to such lengths to grasp whatever they had al of that time ago.

"Luther…I know you've waiting a long time for us to be together again, but you've lost your way. Murder…turning me against my will. Was all of this for me to love you or hate you." Luther was a little taken back by her words.

"I-I don't know." He said in disbelief.

"Do you know the outcome of our relationship, what did your future sight tell you my response would be?" Luther looked at her sadly.

"You fall in love with me again. Whether you choose to be with me is out of my control, because I'm not the only one you love. I hoped to take you away from that clan before your feelings became too much. But you've already fallen in love with the Lang brothers, haven't you?" That was the final straw and Ally had enough.

"You had every opportunity to take me away from my family so that wouldn't happen, why didn't you?"

"Because I wanted you to live a normal life until your Luna gene became present. It would be cruel of me to take you away from your brother as well as Isaac." Ally felt a lump in her throat formulate, he wasn't as sadistic as she had initially thought.

"I mistook you Luther, you really are evil." She said sadly. Ally felt her vision blur once more but this time her legs also weakened. Luther manged to catch her before her head hit the concrete floor and watched her breathing heavily, this was too much for her.

"I'm sorry Ally." He said lifting her gently into his arms. Luther carried her to his bed and lay her down. He'd waited a very long time to see her again, he already foreseen this. Of course, she wold struggle to apprehend the man she was behoved to millenniums ago was still alive and waiting for her.

--------------------James living quarters---------------------

"What does he look like?" Damien was drinking whiskey worriedly.

"I'm not sure I've only met him on one occasion, apparently our brother was the spitting image of him." Camilla was filing her nails. All of them had banded together, hearing their precious Thana had been requested by their father. Luther never left his room, he was like the puppet master of the family, he orchestrated everything to the finest detail but lay dormant behind the scenes.

"What do you think he wants from her, he never reveals himself to anyone not even his own children." Eli said spitefully, he was concerned for Ally giving his father unquestionable power.

"I doubt he'd harm her, what would be the point. We need her." Camilla was also evaluating the situation, it was peculiar indeed her father had taken interest in Ally.

"What if he does brother what will you do?" Damien was teasing Eli, he was especially protective over Ally because she was so unique, he like new things.

"Nothing. I can't kill a man who sees everything." He said bitterly, they had no control at all. Cole scurried in with his head bowed handing Damien a message. Damien looked at him wearily and slowly took the note.

"She's fine, Father is just evaluating her potential. Looks like she's officially part of the family." He smiled brightly hearing she was unharmed.

"What a relief." Camilla said wiping her brow. Eli wasn't as overjoyed, he didn't like her being alone with him. Ally was his and his alone.

"Don't worry brother I'd doubt he'd engage with her, she'd probably rip his arm off." Eli scowled at her, it didn't ease his mind at all. Damien left the room and made his way past the staircase where he had last seen her, he waited patiently at the bottom for her to come back but was worried when she didn't. To his surprise his father humble servant called his name from the top.

"Damien, your father would like to see you." Damien expression soon changed, he was afraid of his father more than anyone because he was a man he could never succeed against. Apprehensively, he made his way upstairs to his father door. Damien had never met him as is prime hadn't been reached yet, which was the only time his father would see his children. The door openly eerily and he claimed his wit and stepped inside. In the far corner he could see Ally laying peacefully on the bed fast asleep.

"It's a pleasure to see you Damien." A voice called out from behind him causing him to spin around in shock. His eyes widened in disbelief as he fell to the floor his mouth wide open.
