Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 29 "Change"

Damien was knelt glaring up at Luther, he couldn't believe his eyes. Luther smiled kindly at him, this couldn't be his brother it was impossible.

"You probably have a lot of questions, this must be a shock." Damien could even formulate a single syllable, he felt like the world had swallowed him. Luther outstretched his hand to help him up, Damien wanted to test if he wasn't hallucinating so her gripped it tightly and sure enough it was real.

"H-How are you alive?" he said dusting himself off. Luther looked at his sympathetically, out of all of his children Damien was always his favorite, that boy had a pure heart unlike his siblings which is why he decided to entrust him with his origin.

"Damien what I'm going to tell you isn't to be taken lightly." Damien braced himself.

"You never had a brother named Lucian, it was me the whole time. I wanted to make sure my children weren't up to no good." He smiled but Damien was still in shock.

"Y-you're my father?" Luther nodded conceptually. He gestured him to sit and began explaining who he was. Being a descendant of Shezmu, Damien soon realized where his pure-blood line originated from. Luther went on to explain that Ally was a descendant of Luna and what his intentions were with her. Damien froze hearing he was in love with her, he couldn't believe he had waited all this time for her return. Damien glanced over at Ally sleeping peacefully, she was the child of Luna. He wasn't familiar with wolf folk law, but he remembered learning about the Luna gene briefly.

"Ally is your wife?" he asked innocently.

"In a past life, she doesn't remember me. In time she will now her abilities are coming to light." Damien could see the sadness in Luther's face, it was clear she meant a great deal to him. He could only imagine looking at the woman you loved more than anything and she stare back at you like a stranger.

"Father, why are you confiding in me?" Luther looked at him pleadingly.

"It's too dangerous for me to be around her right now. Your brother and sister will kill me if they found out I've deceived them. My abilities are fading, as Ally gets stronger, I grow weaker." He didn't seem discouraged and even seemed willing to give her his power.

"Damien, I need you to protect her until she reaches security in her abilities. The future of both of our races depend on her. I've foreseen this far but I can't see much more, something is blocking me. I have a feeling it has something to do with Ally but I'm unsure. Can I trust you to keep this a secret as well as her identity?" Luther prayed he could confide in his son, he was a fail-safe in protecting her.

"You can trust me I'll keep her safe. I want peace in the world too, its tiresome fighting this endless battle." Damien admired Ally a great deal and would happily take good care of her while his father formulated a plan as to how Ally could resolve this war.

"I knew I could trust you."

"Are you even orchestrating my future now?" Ally had been listening in catching the men off guard as she approached them both with hatred on her face.

"Ally, I'm sorry I was so informal with you at the beginning I had no idea who you were." Damien apologized but Ally couldn't help but frown at him.

"You'd pledge yourself to me without any solid evidence, are you really that gullible?" Ally was furious after evaluating what Luther had told her, she didn't trust him one bit. After going to these lengths to obtain her he was a very dangerous man, one she couldn't fight.

"Ally, I can't protect you. If they find out who we are we will be hunted. You have to trust me."

"Trust you! I don't even know you, how can I trust you after everything you have done. You believe because you've admitted the truth, I'd trust you in a heartbeat. Grow up!" Ally raise her voice in fury. Luther nodded in understanding, he expected her to react this way she was always stubborn.

"Look, this is a lot to take in, you should take it easy for now." Ally scoffed at him.

"Where was your concern when your son assaulted me, or your daughter threatened to kill my family. If you know what's good for you Luther, you'd stay away from me. If peace is residing on me then I'll achieve it alone." Ally turned on her heels and exited the room. Luther sighed as she left.

"She'll come around eventually, don't worry. It would be best to leave her for now." Damien nodded in agreement.

"What will you do with her father, it's clear she's unaccepting to her role." Lucian smiled.

"It won't be long I'll stay patient until she's ready it's only a matter of time." Luther had seen what would occur and he was excited to see her become what she was always expected to be. Damien stayed for a while taking in all of the information, without facts it would be a struggle to protect her. He was mesmerized by his father's wisdom and hearing that his brother was a fake persona in order to co-exist with his children impressed him. His father was a very intelligent, powerful man.

"Father, you've been very careful. Is there any reasoning for this?" Damien had noticed his father hid in plain sight but also mentioned that if word got out who him and Ally really were, they would be hunted.

"I've had to be, there are other species who would jump at the chance to kill us both after we started that war all of those centuries ago."


"Yes, Luna and I began the war between our races. We realized our mistake, but it was too late, the rivalry between them had already been established." Luther held a regretful tone and Damien began understanding where this lethal rivalry had stemmed from.

Damien, "I see. Does this mean there is another war in future times?" Luther looked away despairingly. What he had foreseen was apocalyptic, even the humans would perish.

"Sadly, there will be but I'm hoping Ally can avoid that. I didn't expect her to hold both genes, but this is a blessing, now she can give perspective from both sides." Damien and Luther chatted for while until Damien fully understood. Ally was unaware this war was closer than she believed.

Damien bid his father farewell and proceeded to find Ally, he always needed to be with her as his brother and sister had other intentions for her. Eli and Camilla were under the impression Ally was equal to them but that was a misconception. Ally was superior to them in every way. Ally was sitting in the living quarters sipping whiskey in complete shock still trying to comprehend what she had been told. Eli and Camilla were talking among themselves.

"Thana, you seem awfully quiet, did my father give you a hard time?" Eli asked discerningly, she wasn't much of a talker to begin with but her attitude was worrying to him.

"What did he look like? I've only seen him once, I struggle to remember." Camilla asked inquiringly. Ally glared at them both, if only they knew. She said nothing and began drinking from the bottle, gulping down anything she could.

"That bad huh?" Eli smirked.

"It would be breaching my agreement if I revealed anything, so I'd advise you to stop digging where it doesn't concern you." She said bitterly. Ally gripped her throat as a shooting pain engulfed her body. Eli began tutting at her.

"You can't fight us off if your weak dear Thana, should I call in your precious Cole to satisfy you?" Ally gave him a warning glare; how did he know Cole was precious to her?

"You've been watching me."

"Like a hawk, distrust goes both ways." Camilla joined in, it was two against one. Ally began chuckling.

"Don't flatter yourselves, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it by now. You can watch me until your eyes fall from your sockets, I have nothing to hide from you." She said lightly. Camilla and Eli both gave each other a daring look.

"Is that so? Thana, what about your precious little pin you carry with you?" Ally reached into her back pocket and sure enough the letter opener was no longer there. Ally readied herself, they weren't holding back today.

"What's wrong Thana? You shouldn't let your guard down so easily, you may be one of us, but we can still play with you a little." Eli and Camilla stood up smiles on their faces.

"Try it, I dare you." Ally stood up in a defensive position. Camilla engaged first pinning her against the chair so Ally rallied her legs up and kicked her to the far side of the room. Damien could hear glass shatter on the far side of the hall and began sprinting towards the area. Eli made a move next holding the letter opener in his hand. Ally grabbed his hand and swiped his legs from under his smashing him against the floor. When Eli attacked her the first time she was wounded and weak from blood loss but now she was a lot stronger. Camilla tackled her from behind throwing her against the wall.

"Not bad Thana, your stronger than I expected." She said impressed, Eli sprung himself up and rushed pinning Ally other arms against the wall. Ally began thrashing around as he pulled his arm up ready to stab her. Ally used her knee to weaken Camilla and managed to get her hand free catching the letter opened before it pierced her abdomen. Eli looked a little surprised as they wrested for control.

"Where did this come from, I thought you had nothing to fight for?" he teased. Camilla came back with a vengeance pressing her hand against Eli's. Ally could feel the tip enter her skin and winced in pain.

"Two against one isn't exactly fair now is it?" Ally could hear Damien's footsteps approaching and knew it was his job to protect her. Ally had a last attempt as she released her grip from their hands causing the letter opener to force itself through her stomach. Ally used both of her free hands and gripped them both by the throat her eyes glowing radiantly.

"You're messing with the wrong girl." She said smugly before throwing them both across the room. Damien burst through the doors and rushed by her side but was dumbfounded to see his siblings wiping the blood from their heads.

"That's enough, touch her again and I'll kill you." He said angrily flashing his fangs. Eli and Camilla looked at him confused.

"You would take sides with her? Come one brother, we don't exactly get along but have a little compassion. We were only testing her." Camilla said playfully. Ally moved Damien aside and went to engage once more but stopped as Damien gripped her arm.

"He needs them." He whispered so quietly only Ally could hear. Ally snatched her arm away and glared at him. Damien was looking at her pleadingly. All she could see was Aiden, he reminded her so much of him. The way his eyes begged her made her heart beat steadily.

"You're a waste of time, try a little harder next time." She warned them before storming away. Damien gave his siblings a frightening glare.

"Don't tell me you've fallen for her?" Eli said worriedly, his brother never stood for anyone he was a lone survivor. An observer not a fighter, he rarely engaged with his family and spend majority of his time reading alone.

"Don't be so worried brother, Damien's still young. It's puppy love, it will pass when he realizes her heart only beats for one person." Damien looked at her confused. Did she mean his father? Damien scoffed at them both and followed Ally.

-----------------------------Ally's room--------------------

Cole was changing her sheets as he heard someone coming up the corridor, initially he felt his heart could burst any second thinking it was one of the pure-bloods looking to feed from him. Thankfully, when her silver hair came through the door he panted in relief. Ally didn't even look at him and made her way to the bathroom clutching her stomach, the knife had embedded itself in her stomach deeply and was still there. With every step a wave of agonizing nausea overcame her. Cole stood in the doorway as her shaking hands tore it out throwing it into the sink. Ally bit a hand-cloth as she did it and pressed her hand against the wound.

"A-Ally are you alright?" he watched in worry as she pressed her hands against the bench fighting back her tears. How could she be alright? Upstairs was the man who had taken everything from her and was now admitting he was her lover from millenniums ago. She lived in a house with two people hell bent on breaking her and her family was gone. How could she become the peacekeeper of the races when she couldn't even find peace within herself?

"I'm fine Cole, could you get me a new shirt?" Cole looked at the black one she was wearing tined with blood, it looked agonizing. Cole scurried and fetched her a new one from the draw. Ally smiled gratefully finding it hard to formulate a sentence.

"Did they do this to you?" he said sadly. Ally nodded and slid to the floor resting her head against the wall. Damien soon entered, and Cole jumped in fright.

"She'll be fine little one, I'll take care of her." Cole nodded fearfully and exited the room. Ally couldn't even look up at him she was afraid of what she may say. Damien slid to the floor and sat opposed to her watching her pant in distress.

"I can't heal." She said weakly. Damien glanced at the letter opener in the sink.

"It's enchanted to kill people like us, my father must have left it here, so you could protect yourself." He said hopelessly.

"You're too reckless Ally, you know how important you are to the future. Why would you do this?" he said annoyed. Ally began chuckling.

"Why? Don't come in here to preach to me about my importance, I'm well aware. If I known it was enchanted then I wouldn't have done it. Your father may need me but I don't need him." She gritted her teeth as she spoke. Damien reached over lifting her shirt to look at her wound. Ally batted his hand away.

"Leave me alone Damien, I don't need your help." Damien sighed at her defiance.

"You won't heal on your own, your bodies already gone into shock. Let me help Ally." Ally glared up at him standing innocently.

"I can heal you, you just have to trust me." Ally thought for a while, she needed to reach peak condition quickly otherwise his siblings would get the better of her. Reluctantly she decided his help would be needed after all.

"How?" she said quietly. Damien gently bit his arm and offered it to her. Ally could smell the sweet aroma fill the room. Was he insane?

"What the hell are you doing, I can't feed from you!" she said angrily, Damien rolled his eyes.

"Pure-bloods can heal other vampires, we have unique genes. If you feed, you'll heal in seconds I swear it." Ally looked at the serious expression on his face. This wasn't a lie, he had no reason to trick her. Ally looked at his arm with temptation, it was like nothing she'd ever smelled before, better than Cole's. Better than anyone's. Damien sat down with his arm outstretched.

"I-I can't take it from you." She said disheartened. If she did then her morals would escape her.

"You would feed from a fifteen-year-old boy but not me?" he said lightly. Ally's face darkened.

"I only feed when I need too, I don't like feeding from Cole." Damien understood, only if she was forced to feed would she comply.

"I understand. Fine, either you feed from me or I'll bring him back and tear out his throat." Ally looked at him alarmed. He would go that far to get her to feed?

"It was a nice proposition, but I know you would never do such a thing, you're hearts too pure." She said gently. Damien looked at her sympathetically, she could see straight through him. Damien couldn't be evil if he tried, he valued life too much. To his surprise Ally took his arm looking at him despairingly.

"Thank-you." She said before sinking her teeth into his skin. Damien didn't even wince at her, instead he moved in closer, so she could feed easier. Ally was in awe at how delicate the taste was and felt her body stop shaking. Damien lifted her shirt and sure enough her wound began healing almost immediately. Ally gently pulled away and stood up, she outstretched her hand pulling his up. Ally nicked her skin and applied the blood to his arm, pure-bloods could heal fast but not as fast as her so as penance she healed him. Damien watched the puncture holes disappear without a trace.

"Your different from the rest, you should value that. It takes a lot of strength to stray from tradition. Even tough you've been surrounded by death correspondent of your sibling you never lost sight of what it means to live. I admire you Damien." Her attitude completely changed, she spoke sweetly and more feminine. Damien looked into her mismatched eyes in utter shock, she was praising him?

"Why are you praising me, I thought you despised my kind?" he said naively, Ally smirked at him.

"If it's my destiny to restore peace in this world then I need people like you. It's not your gene I despise at all, it's what one does with it. Wolves and Vampire will never realize that we can co-exist until we show them. Damien, I don't want you to protect me or support me because you feel obligated. I want you look me in the eyes and tell me we have a mutual goal. Do you want peace?" she asked softly. Damien thought for a while, would it possible?


"If so then I want you to have faith in me. Don't serve me because I'm Luna, serve me because you trust I can make a change. What is a name without any meaning?" Damien nodded in understanding. From the determination in his eyes, he would happily lay his life. Ally needed people like him to show that even coming from a world of hatred, people may still be kind. Who you are is your decision, no-one can dictate your fate or your power but yourself.

"If I stand with you." Ally nodded at him sternly. It was only one allegiance but that was all she needed… for now.