Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 30 "I Am My Enemy"

"Brother, I have an idea." Aiden and Isaac both sat looking over Ally's case file. Within the council is a member from the witch community, they're appearances are rare as they are very secretive with their identity. Witches were like shadows, not even they're community was outlined, they did have territory, but it was hidden from the like of vampires and wolves.

Isaac had taken Aiden's lead and decided to put his anger into finding ways to get her back, it was more productive than self-destruction. Isaac looked up at him in interest. Aiden flipped around a document revealing the name of a powerful mage, or a male witch.

"Shadow?" he asked questionably.

"It's his nickname, he's rarely seen. His involvement is only required if a witch takes trial, he's ancient. Some say he's over seven hundred years old. Personally, we've never met as witch trial are rare." Isaac began evaluating, if he only sat witch trials then why would he be present at Ally's trial?

"It's interesting isn't it, why would he sit upon a vampire trial?" Aiden had also questioned the same thing.

"What's your idea? Should we really be consorting with witches, we don't exactly have a favourable relationship with them." Isaac asked concerned. Aiden rubbed his neck nervously, he didn't like the idea either, but he didn't have any other option at this point.

"If Shadow sat Ally's trial, it means he's either interested in her or an acquaintance of the purebloods. Either way he could be valuable in finding her." Isaac began warming up to the idea.

"How do we contact him?"

"We don't, I've been keeping in contact with Vermont. He wants to free her just as much as us, he doesn't like someone that powerful being under the pure-bloods power. I'm waiting to hear if Shadow will consort with us." Isaac felt a weight lift from his shoulders, it wasn't set in stone, yet it was hope in the simplest of terms.

"Nice work, so it's just a waiting game then." Aiden nodded, it was frustrating but after spending three days working towards this point, but now at least they had hope that Ally wouldn't have to suffer in that house for much longer.

-----------------------------James Castle----------------------------

Damien had slept in the chair near Ally's bed, so he could watch over her. Ally didn't object she trusted him to keep an eye out for his siblings while she rested. It was exhausting being on guard all the time, she needed her strength. Today it was decided that she wold begin researching the treaty laws which settled peace between the races. If a war was upcoming then it would mean the treaty would become void, Ally wanted to reinforce the further with the help of Damien, so they could extend their time.

Damien woke up first, he picked up his book and began reading as Ally slept. His eyes would peak over every time she stirred, he noticed she didn't sleep very well. Ally began moving vigorously, Damien stood up and saw she had sweat through her covers. Slowly, she raised her head up looking dazed, her whole body felt a thousand pounds.

"What's wrong?" Damien asked in concern as her eyes scanned the room frantically.

"Lucy…" she said worriedly. Lucy? Damien had no idea what she was talking about.

"Ally, who's Lucy?" Ally looked ta him like an alien, the truth was she didn't know herself. It was as if her instincts had kicked in. In her sleep she had pictured a young girl with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. The name confused her more than Damien.

"F-Forget it." She slowed her breathing, what was going on with her? Damien reached into the bathroom and fetched her a towel to wipe away the sweat from her face.

"I've been reviewing the first treaty agreement. It states Vampires cannot enter a wolfs turf without permission from the Alpha and vice versa. How could we counteract that, it seems harmless?" Ally gathered her thoughts. That wasn't true, in her time at the Moonstone pack they had numerous trespassers, her father had killed many vampires.

"It's a law used to tempt the other species, it's hostile in nature. Those looking for a challenge will break the law purposely. Law four of the vampire treaty is once engaged in a pack territory they have permission to defend themselves. Some take advantage of this and kill even those who aren't attacking. It's happened in my pack before, we lost two innocent wolves to a vampire when he crossed our patch." Ally remembered the situation like it was yesterday, that day scarred her. It was one of her childhoods friends who had sadly been wounded by a vampire. Her name was Jane and she was an upstanding member, she shared a lot of interest with Ally from being young. Damien could read the despair on her face as she recollected.

"What happened?" Ally sighed, he needed to know that people close to you will die. This was the price they payed for wanting peace.

"I had a really good friend who was attacked while a vampire invaded out territory. He was of high ranking and took several of us to put him down but not before he tore my friends throat out mercilessly. She was protecting the pups and didn't even engage but he did it anyway. I held her head in my lap for five minutes slowly watching the life leave her eyes. I remember calling her name begging her to stay awake, but the blood loss was too great, and she died." Damien watched her look at her lap as if her friend was still there.

"That's awful, I never knew my kind would be capable of that." He said naively. Strangely, Damien seemed sheltered from the turmoil outside of those walls, if only he knew how brutal the world could be. Ally was jealous in every way.

"That's one rule we can counteract, you should feed I can tell your in pain." Damien gripped his throat, it amazed him how she knew. Ally was on her way to the bathroom and stopped. Damien watched her think for a moment.

"Do you know how to feed correctly?" she spun around giving him a complicated look. Damien looked away, no-one was around to teach him how to control his bloodlust so when he fed it was often, he would lose control.

"I'll take that as a no. Fine, I'll teach you. If your going to stand with me, you need to learn self-control. How old are you?" Damien began rounding up his age.

"Twenty-three." Ally was genuinely surprised, compared to his siblings he was incredibly young.

"It's rude to ask someone's age you know." He pouted, being the baby of the family didn't suit him.

"You'll get over it. I'm nineteen, there were even. I'm even younger than you. Now suck it up." Ally glanced at her watched and began walking up to the door. Before Cole could even knock Ally swung the door open startling him.

"Morning Cole, could I ask a huge favour of you?" Cole peered behind her seeing Damien. His startled smile soon turned into lip quivering fear.

"S-Sure." He said reluctantly walking in staying close to her. Ally stood him in the centre facing him. His big blue eyes looked back unsurely.

"Cole, this is a lot to ask of you. Would it be possible for Damien to feed from you, I promise I'll keep watch the whole time?" Damien looked at Ally alarmed, what was she thinking? Ally turned around giving a warning glance.

"The trick to feeding is clearing your head. Don't think of it as just simply drinking blood, think of it as survival. If you let your instincts take control, then it can be dangerous." Damien watched as she stood behind Cole gently pulling down his shirt exposing his bare skin.

"Cole, do you trust me?" she whispered quietly. Cole nodded, if Ally was there, he knew no harm could come to him. Ally gestured Damien over. Damien approached and knelt to his level looking at his sea blue eyes look away in fear.

"Gently, take the first bite." She emphasised the first word, this was for Damien's own benefit. Damien nodded and sunk his teeth into Cole's neck. Cole winced in pain and Ally rubbed his back in comfort.

"Don't gulp, take small sips. Remember you are in control, I have faith in you." Ally pressed her hand on Damien head to soothe him. Cole felt the pain slowly disappear, Ally's teaching was working.

"Look at me." Ally lifted his head up while he fed looking into his deep red eyes glowing radiantly. She gave him a proud smile.

"Gently retract." Damien strained to pull away but managed to bypass the bloodlust. Ally quickly bit her arms applying it to Cole's neck. Cole breathed in relief as Ally spun him around. Her hand slip onto his face with adoration.

"Thank-you Cole." Cole blushed and then awkwardly smile back. Damien also felt a sense of pride, that was the first time he'd ever given in to his urges.

"I'm proud of you." She said genuinely. Ally gave Cole one last gratifying nod before he exited the room.

"How did you do that?" Damien was surprised how soothing her voice was as it called out to him, it was as if the rest of the world had fallen silent leaving only that.

"It's simple, I acted as a grounding of your bloodlust. It's much easier to keep control when someone is there to support you. I learned it the minute my bloodlust kicked in, except I grasped how to ground myself because I knew I wouldn't have my family there much longer." Ally wandered speaking nonchalantly as if her words didn't matter. Damien sat on the bed filled with sadness, it must be awful knowing you have your family within distance and unable to reach them.

"Do you miss them?" Ally stopped in her tracks looking at the floor. She missed them more than anything…

"Of course, I think about them all of the time. However, it's a waste of energy worrying about those I can't help, they are better off without me anyway. It's a lot safer." Damien could see she was putting up a solid front, he was leaning quickly that Ally wouldn't admit her true feeling unless force was applied.

"You would let them go that easily? I don't believe you." Ally gave him a warning glare, he was talking like a brat and she didn't appreciate it.

"I don't care. I'm taking a bath." Ally began pacing towards the bathroom before Damien caught her arms spinning her around.

"Hold on a second!" he shouted. Ally grinned his shirt and pinned him up against the wall.

"Let's get one thing clear. You have no right to be concerned about me!." Ally's eyes glowed in rage. Imagine spending endless ours building yourself a wall, putting your blood, sweat and years into each brick only for it to be knocked down by mere words. Damien placed both of his hands on hers as she gripped his shirt tightly.

"It's not my fault your biggest enemy is yourself, now let go of me." He said quietly. Ally felt her mind go blank…her biggest enemy was herself? Was that really true?

"Ally, why do you do it?" he asked sincerely.

"Do what!"

"Match kindness with hostility, cover love with hate. I see you show this huge bout of compassion and then distinguish it with carelessness. Why?" Ally darted her eyes back and forth, she had underestimated his perception immensely. In such a short time he had worked her out.

"I don't know any different that why! What's the point in kindness when others take it for weakness? What is the point in love with a world filled with hate? W-What's the point of anything anymore." Ally slowly released her grip accompanied by this harsh pain in her chest. Damien watched her stare off into space like her brain was in shut down mode. Damien had no words of comfort to offer her, this was her own battle.

"Please Damien, just leave me alone." Ally walked aimlessly to the bathroom slamming the door. Placing both of hands in the sink she stared at the letter opener, this could kill a pure blood…All she had to do was give it her all and she could kill every one of them. Luther wouldn't see her coming, she could go back to her family and live in peace. Peace… the word stuck in her head like a bullet.

Could she really settle the struggles between both kinds, was she strong enough? Ally shook her head too caught up in her thoughts and began running the water. Ally stripped and sat in the water curling her legs up towards her. She was vulnerable, she was breaking with every minute. Since her rash decision all she considered was if her family was strong enough to let her go. It was so selfish of her to think she could live without them. Her grandmother told her something very important when she was younger, but she never really understood until now. If you are strong enough to let someone in, then you are string enough to let them go. Ally couldn't…how could she let go of the people who had been saving her. People she loved with everything she had.

Tears streamed down her face, if it wasn't for Damien reminding her, she couldn't feel this way. Yet, he was only a child, born into a world of hatred and rivalry. It struck her that he didn't not know to ask such things because he had never felt that sort of pain. It wasn't his fault, she shouldn't have reacted that way. Ally finished her bath and changed into some casual clothes Cole had brought her. It was plain black jeans and a burgundy turtleneck jumper, tying her hair back she exited the bathroom.

Damien was sleeping in the chair looking so innocent. Ally sat on the bed opposed studying him. If she couldn't find peace, then she would make it. For his sake, for her family's sake. Damien yawned and opened his eyes seeing Ally watching him. Awkwardly he shot up acting like nothing had happened.

"Damien…" she said looking away, she wasn't good with this sort of thing. Damien watched her hands shake as she tried to find the words.

"I'm sorry for saying you have no right to care about me. I-I want you to be concerned, you have every right to be. I always say the worst thing I possibly can to drive people away, it's been that way for a long time. I-I'd like that to change." Ally leaned her head on her hand taking a deep breath.

"It's okay, I get it. You can shout at me all day of it makes you feel better, but I won't go away. You're the first person who's given me purpose. I don't want that to go away." Ally smiled top herself, this boy sure was naïve. Still, he made Ally feel a lot better. A little reassurance went a long way.

They're moment was interrupted by a small knock at the door. Ally opened it to see little Cole with a beaming smile on his face. He handed Ally a note.

"Thank-you." She scuffed his head before waving him off. Damien watched her curiously read it seeing her eyes widen.

"What is it?" he asked concerned. Ally sighed in annoyance, this was the last thing she needed.

"Your father is sick, he's asking me to see him."

"Sick?" Ally rolled her eyes, of course he would be sick the minute she told him to stay away from her.

"Don't worry I'll tell him to get his servants to attend to him. I never knew he could be this desperate." Ally crumpled the note and fetched the letter opener from her sink.

"I'll be back soon. You should rest you look tired." Damien watched her leave and felt slightly uneasy about Ally seeing his father alone. The last time that happened she passed out. Damien sat on the bed and huffed.

"You better not make me wait up." He whispered childishly.

---Luther's domain---

Ally stormed through the endless corridor sliding her hand across the wooden border as she went clutching the letter opener in her hand. This was the wrong day to be messing around with her. His humble assistant practically dragged her to the study, her once emotionless face, asked with worry. This was just a trick to get here to talk to him wasn't it?

Ally walked in hearing a loud commotion around his bed, to her surprise Cole was standing with a bunch of the other children. What were they doing up here, did they know who he was? Cole's face lit up and he ran over tugging her sleeve to come.

"Master keeps calling your name! Can you wake him up?" Ally was shell shocked. What the hell was going on? Slowly, as she approached the bed, she was stunned to see Luther shirtless and sweating profusely unable to wake up. When Ally had her first premonition, she experienced something similar. It was easy to see what was happening, but didn't he get these all the time. Why would he need her help?

"Clear the way little ones, you'll overheat him." She said softly guiding them to the side. Ally immediately grabbed two of the pillows and placed them under his feet. If the blood flow was directed to his head perhaps, he would come around. Ally placed her hand on his head, he had a fever. Ally was trying not to be biased and help his like she would anyone else, but it was difficult for her. Especially when the letter opener was so tempting…all she had to do was pick it up and jab it into his heart.

"Children, could you give me some time with him." All of them nodded obediently and scurried away, trusting her after she'd helped them. Luther was pale and clammy; this premonition was taking a lot out of him.

"Luna…" he whispered in distress causing Ally to freeze on the spot. Perhaps this was a future vision, could he be seeing the past? Ally wanted to leave, her feet were practically vibrating to leave but her heart was weighed down like an anchor. What sort of person would she be to allow him to suffer, it would make her just as much a monster? Ally took a deep breath and reluctantly placed her hands on both of his cheeks.

"Luther, you have to come back." His movements settled slightly, her voice was reaching him.

"Why are you digging in the past? Why are you torturing yourself?" she said angrily. Luther stopped moving altogether. Gradually, his hand reached up pressing Ally's to his face. Ally went to pull away but stopped seeing a single tear stream down his face.

"What are you trying to do Luther?" she whispered sincerely. Luther opened his eyes and looked at her.

"I'm trying to feel even just a little bit what it was like for you to love me." Ally's eyes widened, he would torture himself just for that?

"You're an idiot, you know that." Ally turned away but Luther grabbed her shirt and held her back.

"Tell me the truth. Do you hate me?" Ally bit her lip.

"More than most people but your son made me realize something." She spun around sitting on the bed addressing him directly.

"I am my biggest enemy, not you. Not your children, not anyone. My turmoil is myself." Luther looked at her in surprise, that was a very hard thing to admit. She had courage for that.

"I'm willing to be civil with you. We both have a mutual goal, one I can only achieve with your help. Will you help me?" Luther smiled at her.

"If I can stand by you then yes." Ally nodded and sat in the chair by his bed.

"Sleep until your fever goes away. Then we'll get down to business…"