Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 32 "S.E.S"

Ally began ducking under the trees and branches as she ran. In the air was a scent she was familiar with and she braced herself as it got stronger. The pure bloods hadn't caught wind of the intruder just, yet which gave her time. However, she had to get them to leave quickly. If she was found consorting with a wolf Eli would surely kill them as punishment. Ally sprinted through the bush and came face to face with the culprit.

"What do you want?" she said bluntly circling him. Alpha Jackson King stood in the center of a clearing with wide eyes. He had been searching for Ally since her pledge, he knew all too well why she was called here.

"He found you I see?" Ally stopped glaring at him. So, he did know all of this time. Strangely, his demeanor was quite worrying. He looked like he hadn't slept a wink in three weeks, he had also lost a considerable amount of weight.

"It's no business of yours. Leave while you still can." It was a warning but also a plead, Ally hated her father but didn't want to see him die either. Their relationship was complicated.

"I'm not leaving without you. I can't let him have you." Ally was slightly unnerved, why had he spent off of this time trying to get rid of her? If he valued, her so much then why try to kill her?

"What are you babbling on about old man, I'm of no value to you. You knew who I was this whole time didn't you?" Alpha King bowed his head shamefully, from the minute she was born he knew. Which is why he was so attached to her yet hated her at the same time. Ally wasn't really his daughter and he knew Luther would come for her when the time came.

"Is that why you put me forth for the trials? To kill me before he could find me?" Ally already knew the answer but wanted to hear him say it.

"You belong to the wolves, not with him. He will use you Ally until your dying breath!" he began yelling and Ally felt a wave of angst creep over her. If Eli or Camilla heard it was game over. Swiftly, she pinned him against a tree with her hand over his mouth.

"You have no right to make my decisions, so far all that man has told me is the truth. More than anyone else ever did. Including you, I'm done talking." Ally let him go and started walking away. Jackson couldn't take it and grabbed her arm holding her back. As he did Ally's shirt tugged down showing her mark.

"How could you let him do that! I thought you were intelligent." He bellowed. Ally covered her mark and elbowed him off her.

"How many times do I have to say it. This is my decision, you have done your part Jackson. Unless, you want to be part of my collateral then leave. None of this concerns you." Jackson's face soon fell, Ally darted her eyes around her hearing the brush begins crunching from afar. Something was wrong, she couldn't smell nor sense them, what had her father done? One by one men in military gear and AK-47 rifles revealed themselves from the brush. This was an ambush, she was surrounded. A man looking superior to the rest advanced forward.

"What have you done…" Ally whispered to her father in shock. The superior presence chuckled at her seeing the terror on her face. He had deep green eyes and light brown short cut hair. His body was in peak physical condition and Ally could sense he was strong and quick witted.

"You must be the famous Luna. It's a pleasure." Ally's eyes looked for clues, scanning their uniforms she caught sight of a familiar tag. One she had only heard about in stories.

"You're the S.E.S." Ally had never felt so afraid in her life. S.E.S stood for Supernatural Elimination Squad. They had never stayed onto supernatural territory before, they dealt primarily with murders and assassinations outside of their realm in the human world. What were they doing here?

"Well spotted. Your father helped us find you. We would like to discuss something with you." Ally clenched her fists hearing the safety switch off the guns around her. This wasn't a request that was clear.

Ally, "What could you possibly want with me? Who are you?"

"Forgive me. My name is Mika Laurence. I'm the tactical leader of this force and high rank member of S.E.S." Ally began scanning around her looking for a way out, she didn't like where this was going.

"I wouldn't. If we wanted to kill you, we would have by now." He said sternly. Ally succumbed to defeat and crossed her arms.

"From file your nineteen years of age. Classification is hybrid. You also possess the Luna gene which we found interest in. Have you ever killed your own kind before?" he asked intrigued. Ally gave him a dangerous glare, he knew a lot about her. Meaning someone had been feeding information or she was being watched. It was clear they were skilled, Ally didn't detect them one bit. Ally stayed silent, she didn't want to tell them anything. Her father slowly left the circle standing behind the tactical force as if something was going to happen so Ally went on her guard. As expected, a member launched themselves forward knife in hand. Ally dodged and gripped his arm flipping him onto his back before straddling him with the knife to his throat. She couldn't see his eyes through the helmet but could smell the fear emanating from him.

"You have talent, I'm impressed." Mika gave her a round of applause which agitated her. Why were they testing her?

"State your business." She stood up and kicked the man towards his teammates. Mika took a few steps forward until he was in reaching distance.

"Interesting, you could easily take me down from this proximity. I see, you wait until the other opponent advances before attacking. Unique style of combat for your kind I must may." Ally scowled at him. Why was he praising her?

"I don't have all day, you realize where you are. If they catch his scent, they'll kill you all. I don't know what you want with me and quite frankly I don't care. Take this as a warning." Mika smirked at her, suddenly his fist struck forward just say managing to clip the side of her face. Ally jumped back, what was he playing at? Mika began circling her with an interesting curiosity on his face. Attempting to swipe her feet Ally jump slightly to avoid it falling straight into his grasp as his hand gripped her throat. This had happened too many times to her, so she knew what to do. Lifting her body up through core strength she wrapped her legs around his throat catching him by surprise. It was a game of who passed out first. Mika felt his knees go weak as she squeezed tightly looking him in the eyes the whole time.

"Squad Leader!" a force member ran forward but Mika gave him a look to stop. Ally was confused about his intentions but refused to give up, if he wanted a fight he sure as hell would give her one. Using her thigh muscle, she applied pressure to his neck which was vital to allow airflow. Mika began gasping for breath and as a last effort tried to hit her against the floor, but Ally leaned backwards pulling him down, so he no longer had the advantage. Admitting defeat Mika let her go and tapped out. Everyone began gasping in awe, no-one had ever beaten the squad leader before this was a first. Ally coughed violently as she backed away. Mika did the same, he glanced his head up looking at her with awe as she re positioned herself in case he advanced again. This girl had a lot of guts as well as talent. She'd executed the perfect flying triangle choke which was an assassin's elite move with ease.

"Where did you learn to fight?" he asked out of interest.

"I taught myself. Why are you testing me!" she yelled. Mika raised his hand causing the guns to lower.

"We've been consorting with your kind for a while looking to make an allegiance but so far we can't find anyone who wasn't biased against their targets. Then, we heard about you. Possessing both genes means you act as a neutral balance. We need someone to aid us, there had been a recent up rise in murders committed by their kinds. We need someone with your skill to find the source." Ally saw how serious his expression changed. So, It wasn't just inter-species murders, humans were being targeted too.

"It's not my area of expertise, I have my own community to save. Saying that you must be rather desperate asking the enemy for help. Is it that serious?" Mika looked away and nodded, it was clear people were dying and they were struggling.

"I wouldn't ask this of you if we weren't desperate. If your community doesn't stop interfering with ours then we will declare war." Ally's whole body tensed up. War… the humans would be fighting against them while the supernatural fought among-st themselves. Ally couldn't even imagine the bloodshed.

"Ally, you can save us if you work with them. Please, accept." Jackson finally spoke up seeing the conflict on her face.

"We can give you some time to think about it, take my card. If you want to be free of this place, we can get you out as long as you work with us. "Mika handed her a business card with a number etched into the material. Ally nodded. Her ears pricked up hearing footsteps in the distance.

"They're coming, Go, I'll hold them off." Mika looked at the panic in his comrades, pure-bloods were on a whole other level, this task force wasn't near enough.

"Fall out." Everyone began scrambling towards the exit including Jackson, he also knew not to mess with the pure-bloods. Mika was well thought and placed a camera inside of a nearby tree to ensure Ally came to no harm. He clearly underestimated her, it was he pure-bloods who needed to watch themselves. They managed to escape and make it to their military class van. Mika immediately sat up against the camera monitor and listened intently. If she could fight them off, then her companionship would be vital.

"Everyone quiet." They all shushed and gathered around the monitor.

Ally stood center and soon enough Eli and Camilla appeared from the tree line.

"Hmm what are you doing outside of castle grounds Thana?" Camilla asked in annoyance, she had slipped by them.

"Better yet where's that brave wolf who decided to trespass, don't tell me they got away." Ally redid herself as they circled her. Yet again she was in shark waters.

"I chased them out there's no need for conflict. It was a mistake." Mika was surprised she was standing up to them as well as protecting her father. This was interesting.

"Who are you to decide who gets away huh?" Eli walked over and lifted her chin giving her a seductive glare. His seductive smile soon changed upon seeing the mark beneath her shirt. Ally knew what he was seeing and pulled away from him.

"It's too late, next time be quicker if you want to kill them." She said smugly before walking past them both.

"Who gave that to you!" he screamed stunning Camilla, her brother had completely lost his composure. Ally was taken by surprise as he pinned her up against the tree, his strength was unreal. Was he really that upset she had been marked?

"None of your business really? Is that all Eli?" Mika watched her face, she showed no fear whatsoever. Whatever mindset she had it was impressive, in combat she would be ideal. Eli raised his fist, Ally ducked under his arm pinning it behind his back until she felt his arm break. Camilla was enraged and rushed up behind her. Ally yet again dodged leaving them both scrambling to their feet.

"Damn she can hold her own against two pure-bloods." His squad members were also in awe. No one had ever been a match for them yet here she was. No wonder the S.E.S wanted her so badly.

"Are you done?" Ally said nonchalantly. Eli yelled and ran forward attempting to strike her, Ally was quick and slip between his legs delivering her signature move as she kicked the side of his knee shattering the bone. Eli moaned in agony before falling to the floor.

"You're no fun Thana! Just let us hurt you once, I want to see that painful expression on your face!" Camilla screamed and pouted like a spoilt child. Ally would never give them that satisfaction, ever. Camilla sprinted forward determination in her eyes, Ally managed to duck her punch but didn't see Eli edging his way towards her feet. With a swift pull he swept her feet from underneath her. Using their teamwork Camilla pinned down her arms while Eli straddled her pinning down her legs. Ally wriggled but it was no use she'd exhausted herself.

Mika got ready to help her, but his leader stopped him in the act pointing at the screen. Ally felt a sudden wave of energy come over her. Eli looked at her uneasy seeing her eyes glow almost blinding him. Ally pushed all her strength into her core flipping Camilla over Eli's head. Ally got her legs free and kicked his face with all of her might. Wit both hands she pinned them against the floor.

"Good effort, you almost had me there." She chuckled before letting go and walking off into the tree line. Eli and Camilla lay there for a minute stunned.

"What the hell was that Eli! That wasn't a hybrids power." Camilla screeched furious they had lost yet again. Eli stood up and began pacing unaware Mika was watching them. Ally was unlike any creature he's ever seen, couldn't believe it.

"I always knew she was special. Haven't you noticed our father has taken a special interest in her lately. Maybe there's more to this." Eli began pondering for a while. What was she to be attended to by him? The man who loved in the shadows, Ally had seen him more than his own children.

"Don't fret dear sister, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough."

----------Luther's room------------

Ally practically ran in, for some reason she was exhausted after the fight. She had no idea where that strength came from, but it really took it out of her. Luther ran over seeing her leaning against the door looking unwell.

"Ally!" his words were muffled, and Ally's vision began blurring in and out.

"Ally!" Damien also ran over, he had gotten worried and came to see where she was. Ally wrapped her arms around Luther's neck for support as her legs buckled beneath her. Luther caught her and lifted her up into his arms. Damien was a little stunned seeing how close they were, didn't Ally say she wanted nothing to do with him?

"Damien clear the bed. Damn it Ally!" he said frustrated seeing she had worked herself too hard. Ally fought her consciousness until she succumbed passing out in his arms. Damien pulled back the cover allowing Luther to gently place her down. He touched her forehead and sure enough she was burning up.

"What the hell happened!" Damien was distressed, he never seen her like that. Ally was pale and breathing heavily.

"It happens if she uses too much of her power, could you get me an ice pack." Damien nodded and ran to downstairs. Luther snuggled up to her seeing she was warm when his skin touched something hard in her pocket. Curious, he pulled out a card. As he read the letters his face was filled with fear.
