Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 33 "Shadow"

"Get dressed, we've got a meeting." Aiden barged into Isaac's room guns blazing. Opening his curtains, he grabbed some clothes from his draw and flung it off Isaac's head. Aiden was dressed in smart attire and had files in his hand. He had really worked all night to get a meeting with shadow?

"Jesus Aiden could you give me five minutes." Isaac threw his covers to the side and sluggishly got dressed, His sleep pattern was all over the place, he was practically nocturnal and just nodded off before Aiden burst through. Aiden turned away while he got dressed, he was practically buzzing with excitement they were one step closer to getting Ally back. Aiden couldn't think about anything else, her not being there was agonizing for him. Maybe it was because he loved her or because Ally was his spire either way their parting was painful.

"You got a meeting? I'm impressed brother." Isaac yawned and followed Aiden outside. Both sat silently in the car, Isaac was too tired to talk his eyes kept drooping. Aiden clipped his head.

"I need you focused, Shadow isn't a guy you want to be disrespectful too. He'll eat us alive." Isaac was suddenly awake upon hearing this. Eat them alive?

"Give me the details. Where are we meeting?" Aiden glanced down at his file.

"Private estate outside of the community. Vermont set it up, so I doubt it'll be an ambush. Keep on guard just in case." Isaac nodded, the two brothers were tactical and careful. Often, they would join when hunting or feeding, in truth they were a great team when fighting too.

"I got it. Seven hundred years old you say." Isaac whistled, that sure was a long time to be alive, how sad he thought. Still with age came wisdom, hopefully he would have some way to get Ally back.

"No-one knows how old he really is. Still, don't underestimate him." Isaac nodded, Aiden was sharp today meaning Shadows was a threat. It was suspicious he had permitted a meeting with him being so secretive and all.

After about two hours of driving they arrived at a gated community, it was run by humans, but it was clear by their markings on their hands they were familiars. Servants of witches, this Shadows didn't mess around. Aiden sweet talked his way in, so they drove through a deserted strength of land before coming to a single building. It looked like a production warehouse, but Isaac got the chills immediately. There was a strange aura emanating from it, Aiden also felt clearing his throat.

"I've got the outlay ready just don't piss him off brother. I mean it." Isaac tutted, he didn't have a lot of faith in him. Wearily they exited the car and made their way towards the building. Isaac stopped at the door feeling a strange presence behind it, this was a truly powerful man. Aiden gave him a warning glare as to say don't let it bother you. It was as if Shadow was staking them out. Upon opening the door, they were a little taken back. Inside the huge warehouse was a single table and three chairs. A young man no more than sixteen sat spinning a coin carelessly on his fingers. Aiden and Isaac looked at each other. This couldn't be right.

"Where's your master?" Aiden spoke up. The young boy smirked and looked up at them both. Isaac was slightly shocked. He had magenta pink eyes and white blonde hair, his appearance was completely different to what he was expecting.

"That's a little rude wouldn't you say? I don't have a Master, you called a meeting with me." Aiden stiffened up, this was him? How could a man beaming with light be nicknamed Shadow?

"Your Shadow…" Isaac stuttered not meaning to say his words out loud, this was practically a kid. Seven hundred years old?

"Sit." His attitude was light and playful, yet Isaac could see the knowledge in his eyes. Slowly, they looked around and sat down at the table seeing his features closer. His skin was like a child's, fluorescent and porcelain. As for his hair, it was whiter than snow.

"Don't ask pointless questions Isaac I'm on the clock. Start talking." Isaac loosened his collar, he had read his mind. This was getting dangerous by the second. Aiden leaned bac studying him, he really didn't play around so he got to the point.

"We're here about Ally King, you sat her trial." Shadow gently leaned forward in interest giving him a playful look. Shadow began flicking his coin in the air thinking deeply for a while.

"Oh, you mean Luna. Sure, I know her what about it?" Aiden and Isaac looked at each other. Luna?

"Luna?" Shadow sighed and looked at them hopelessly.

"You two really are in the dark. Fine, I'll let you in on a little secret. Ally King doesn't exist, she's just a conduit for a greater power. You know about the Luna gene Isaac help me out here." They were both in shock, Shadow obviously knew a lot more than them. Luna gene was only a myth? Shadow tutted.

"Ugh, this will take a while. Luna was a real spirit who fled to earth, fell in love, killed by her father blah blah blah. What they didn't tell you was who she fell in love with and her daughter." Aiden and Isaac were very interested, so…this wasn't a myth after all.

"What do you mean? That stories not a myth? "Aiden asked for reassurance, even Ally thought ut was just a myth. Shadow yawned, they were boring him. At least have a little input he didn't like being the main speaker.

"Do you know of a Luther James?" Aiden stiffened up, Luther? The father of the James clan, what could he possible have to do with this?

"Of course, he was the previous King." Shadow began laughing humorously, they were so stupid he couldn't cope.

"Not the previous King, the only King. You really fell for it huh? Damn, you guys are dumb." Isaac clenched his fists, they weren't as knowledgeable as him nor were they fools.

"Spit it out kid I don't have all day." He said bitterly gritting his teeth. Aiden kicked him under the table, they couldn't afford to piss him off.

"Luther sure is smart and sly at that. Did Lucian not strike you as strange?" Aiden began thinking deeply, not in particular. Lucian was Luther's son that's all he knew, truth be told he'd never seen Luther. No-one had he was inconspicuous and private.

"I'm bored so I'll put you out of your misery. Lucian James is Luther James, was it really not obvious. Oh and he's alive by the way. I'm sure he's delighted to have his precious Luna back after all this time. They're probably all lovey dovey by now, it's kinda romantic don't you think him waiting all of this time to be re-united with her again. How nostalgic." Shadow was babbling on with love hearts in his eyes whereas Aiden and Isaac were still trying to fathom his words. Isaac sprung forward and grabbed Shadows by his collar.

"Hey Hey come on now there's no need for violence." He was acting as if this was no big deal, yet Isaac felt like he could kill someone right now. They had been decided on a molecular level, how could this be possible.

"Your lying. Number one no-one is that sly we would have noticed. Number two, Ally is not Luna. Number three, she would rather die than fall in love with that asshole. Start telling the truth." Aiden had nothing to add and didn't even have the strength to apprehend his brother. Shadow didn't lie, if anything he was known for being painfully truthful.

"Aw, you must be hurt. You guys love her, too right? Luna is a tough girl though, maybe she can resist her urges but it's fate. Trust me if I was going to lie, I'd come up with something a little more creative."

"He's not lying brother." Aiden said quietly. Isaac loosened his grip shaking in anger. There was no way in hell he could believe this. Ally would never fall in love with him…would she?

"You two should just but out, you won't like what you find if you try to save her. In fact, she doesn't even want to be saved. It would be better if you just left them to it. I've been watching them for a while now, they've gotten really close. Sorry to break it to you." Isaac gripped his head in annoyance, it was impossible that she would fall in love with Luther after everything he did.

"What the f*ck are you talking about! How do you know they're close?" Shadow stood up and started doing tricks with his coin, he had the attention span of a five-year-old. His presence was agitating.

"I've been fond of that story since I was a young. I was even there when they were lovers in a past life, Luna was a good friend of mine. We used to talk all of the time, I was even there when her daughter was born. She was cute. I've been waiting for her to be re-born ever since. Call it a personal endeavor of mine." He started dawdling and laughing.

"It was true then…she had a child with him?" Aiden's heart was breaking by the second.

"Yeah, she was the spitting double of Ally. That kid had real talent, it's such a shame she was burdened with her abilities. Luther took it pretty hard." Isaac face immediately dropped.

"You're saying she died…" For the first time Shadow showed empathy on his face.

"After Luna gave up her life for her daughter and Luther, Lucy didn't feel like she was worthy enough to carry on her soul, so she gave it to the King family. As for her talent, from a single touch Lucy could see and feel peoples pain and take it away. It's a cursed ability I'd say, slowly it drove her insane until she couldn't take it anymore. Luther asked me to help her, but I couldn't get rid of her ability, Luna's soul was too powerful. So, she perished. "Shadow sat back down and sighed.

"What a tragic world we live in, but I've still got hope. Luna and Luther are going to make a change just wait and see. This community will be cleaned up with a bit of time. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I know you came here so I could help you get her back but I'm afraid that's not possible. As retribute for my information I'm going to have to ask you both to stand down. Let her live her life." Aiden and Isaac were stunned, that wasn't part of the agreement. Why would Shadow be routing for them anyway?

" Stand down? You can't be serious, Ally need us." Aiden said naively, Shadow gave him a dark glare.

"Luna…doesn't need anyone. I've known her a lot longer than you Lang brothers. This is a lot bigger than you both so just stay out of it. It's not a request." His attitude changed on a dime and his eyes glowed as a warning.

"You think I'd listen to a brat like you? Tsk…what a croc of sh*t!" Isaac squared up to him, this time Aiden intervened seeing the situation was getting dangerous.

"Brother that's enough." Shadow started chuckling to himself.

"If you know what's good for you then leave Luna alone. You haven't seen her dark side yet." Aiden and Isaac furrowed their brows. Dark side?

"Wait, you think I'm fond of her because she's sweet and kind. Nah not really my thing, I like her dark side more than anything, she's fun." Shadow was unnerving, he had the attitude of a child but the brains of a old man.

"Wait…that's what your waiting for? For her to crack!" Isaac raised his voice in rage, he was even more sadistic than he expected.

"Calm down, I just said I liked that side to her. Luna's brutal when it comes to the crunch. Wait and see." He giggled and yawned again.

"I'm tired can you go now. Here's my number if you have any more inquiries. Oh, and please don't try to find her you'll only complicate things, she's on a good path right now." Shadow already knew about the S.E.S, in fact he knew everything. About Ally and Luther sleeping together everything…

"What do you mean they're making a change?" Shadow began scratting his head in annoyance, his temper was wearing thin.

"Our community is in shambles, you haven't noticed. We're killing each other without a cause, it's mayhem. Luna will change that though, I've got faith." Aiden took a deep breath, it was true everything he was saying. The sudden up rise of interspecies killing was worrying. Still, he didn't like the idea of Ally battling on her own whether Luther was there or not.

"We can support her." Shadow waved his hand.

"No need. Do you really think two people who are in love with her intervening will lead to anything other than tragedy? I said I like Luna's dark side not that I wanted it to come out and play. Trust me, if that happened were all doomed. She'll kill us all." Aiden and Isaac backed away hearing such harsh words. Allu surely wasn't capable of that, sure she had a dark past but turning dark completely?

"This was fun we should do it again sometime." Shadow winked at them before clicking his fingers. In an instance he was gone into thin air. Isaac sat back down in utter shock, there was so many thoughts rushing around in his head he couldn't cope.

"This is bullsh*t Aiden she would never fall for him, I know her better than anyone." Aiden stood silent for a while.

"Maybe you don't brother, I don't think we know her at all. Think about it she would change her personality on a dime, love us one minute then hate us the next. If she really is Luna, then the kids right we can't help her. Only he can." Isaac shot up and lifted Aiden up by the collar.

"Your giving up on her. You're a f*cking coward Aiden!"

"No, your just to f*cking stubborn to understand. You don't listen to what you don't want to hear. Everything he just told us makes perfect sense. That story had been briefed and lacked detail for a long time, he just filled in the blanks." Aiden pushed him aside and stormed out leaving Isaac frozen still. Have you really gone away for good? Do you really love him?