Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 34 "Join me."

Luther lay beside her carefully moving her raven hair from her face. Ally had been out for a whole day, her fever was subsiding, but Luther was worried sick about her. This brought back painful memories for him as Lucy would have attacks like this often when she pushed herself too hard. Luther felt helpless, ever since Ally had entered the building his premonitions had ceased meaning he had no idea what was happening or going to happen. Everything that he valued was right in-front of him, if anything she had given him a gift by blocking it out. It was tiresome knowing everything and everything.

Ally began stirring and moved closer to him pressing her head against her chest, he wrapped his arms around her. Luther pulled out the card again from her back pocket and studied it. What could they possibly want with her? He had an uneasy feeling in his stomach, surely, they weren't hunting her. Ally gradually woke up and looked up at him, he had a worried expression on his face. Luther jumped when her hand touched his face.

"What's got you so worried?" she said softly, Luther tried to smile back but averted his eyes. Ally sat up facing him with her legs crossed. Luther took a deep breath preparing to face her. Ally's head was pulsating, and her heart felt heavy suddenly.

"Luther?" Ally was getting impatient, something was off here.

"This isn't fair…I can't protect you if your near me, but I can't live with you far away either. What a cruel joke." He chuckled but his words were filled with sorrow. Ally knew what he was thinking. Moving over to him she placed both of her hands on his face forcing him to look at her.

"You're right it is cruel, but do you know what's crueller?" Luther looked at her sadly.

"You are punishing yourself for something that is out of our control. Listen to me, you being here with me is protection enough, I never asked you to fight for me. I asked, you to help me and you have." Luther pressed his hands against her and tried his best to smile at her but couldn't.

"Do you have a bounty?" Ally immediately stiffened up, she frantically reached into her back pocket. Luther flipped the card up in his hands. She glared at it for a while before standing up and pacing around. She never wanted him to find out about it, they had enough problems.

"Ally, you need to let me know, are they after you?" Ally stopped and bowed her head.

"Why…Why is it every time I stick my mind to resolve on issue a dozen others arise. No, they aren't hunting me. T-They want me to hunt with them." Luther's eyes widened, they wanted her to join them.

"Why would they ask that of you?" Luther was having trouble understanding their intentions, S.E.S hunted their kind. Alliances weren't unheard of but rarely had a happy ending.

"Because they're desperate…our kind have been causing problems for the humans. Murders, mass killings, they came all this way to ask me to join them in order to eradicate the issues. They said that I have a neutral perception, I won't be biased against the targets." Luther nodded, it made sense, but he couldn't trust them.

"That's true you have but you can't trust them Ally." Ally shot him a dark look, here she was yet again stuck in the middle of two opposing forces. These decisions were taking a toll on her.

"You don't think I know that? If I did consort with them, I'll set up a treaty deal, then they can't touch me." Luther stood up and walked over to her.

"Why are you talking as if you've already decided?" Ally looked away illicitly.

"What difference does it make? I'm not making any progress here at all, I'm too busy fighting off your children to take even a single step forward." Ally took a deep breath feeling herself losing it again.

"Ally, do you really want to go?" Ally slammed her fist on the table.

"No! I want to stay here with you, but people are dying Luther. If I can make even the slightest difference it will help us. It's the right thing to do." Luther wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her from behind.

"You always worry about everyone else but hearing you want to stay with me makes me happy. If you can't let this go then I'll support, you with everything I can." Ally felt her heart begin beating faster hearing his kind words. She expected to fight him until the end on this one but strangely he understood what was going on in her head. Ally spun around taking the initiative pressing her lips against his. Luther was stunned initially by this sudden affection, gradually his mouth stretched into a smile.

"Then, come with me. I'll set us up outside of the base, I'll include you in the treaty. Please Luther, I'll feel better with you there." She was pleading him squeezing him tight. Luther glanced out of the window, he hadn't stayed anywhere else apart from this castle in centuries, the idea was daunting. Feeling her warm hands gripping him tightly gave him some reassurance.

"Okay…" Ally looked up in delight, he would really do that for her? Luther laughed at the excitement on her face and he stroked it with adoration.

"I only have one condition though." Ally's face frowned slightly. Luther pinched her cheek playfully.

"This." With that he picked her up swiftly and carried her over to the bed. Ally couldn't help but laugh as his hot breath tickled her ribs. Ally looked at him for a while, this feeling inside of her wasn't going away anytime soon. She was infatuated with him. Luther raised him eyebrow seeing tears in her eyes.

"Sorry did I hurt you?" he asked wiping the tear from her face. Ally shook her head and smiled.

"No, I just realized something…" Luther tilted his head like a lost puppy.

"I don't know if it's because we were together before all of this, but I can't fight it anymore. You always make me smile, keep me safe, cradle me when I'm sick or tired. I never knew I could feel this happy." Tears streamed down her face, Luther pulled her up, so she was sitting in his lap and stroked her head. Ally took a deep breath.

"I love you Luther James." Luther froze up, did he really hear that right? Ally pulled back and kissed him deeply. Luther had never felt so alive in his life. Taking both of her hands he pinned her to the bed and began kissing her neck. Ally unbuttoned his shirt and began kissing his chest scraping her fangs against his skin. Luther couldn't help but breath heavily she'd found his weakness.

"Do it." She said seductively gesturing top her neck. Luther kissed her passionately before tracing his lips down to her neck. Ally wrapped her arms around his head as he bit down, wanting to also make him feel good she did the same. Luther couldn't believe how adaptable she was to this, he'd never felt pleasure like it.

"Since when did you start seducing me?" he asked humorously. Ally smirked before kissing him. Luther took off her shirt, but this time Ally didn't blush, she wasn't afraid to show her affection anymore. Luther made her feel safe, like no matter what she didn't have to be afraid anymore. They began making love and this time it didn't hurt one bit. Luther gripped her waist tightly, Ally curled her arms around his head. Yet again they moved perfectly in sync. Ally could feel the pleasure building and couldn't hold her voice in any longer. Luther looked at her with such adoration Ally felt like her heart was going to burst.

"Together." He said quietly, Ally nodded until both began shaking clutching one another. Ally breathed heavily along with him. Luther rolled over as Ally rested her head on his chest.

"So, looks like were loving in together." He said still unsure. Ally hit his shoulder.

"Stop worrying before you start. Am I that horrible to live with?" she joked. Luther smiled.

"No, I've wanted to live with you again for centuries. Will they be sending you on missions all of the time?" Ally had already thought this through, she was quick like that.

"Okay, listen up here is the plan. I'll catch the culprits if you're my inside man. You use your abilities to predict when a murder will take place then I catch them before it comes to that. Don't worry they can't keep me on a leash, I'm doing them a favour anyway." Luther looked at her surprised, she'd already thought this through.

"You really have it all planned out, don't you?"

"Not really it was just an idea, I never expected you to come with me so easily. This is your home…and you have your family here. W-What about Damien?" Ally suddenly felt an overwhelming guilt come over her. She knew what it was like to have someone important taken away from her. Luther thought intensely for a while.

"Damien's not like the rest, he's got a good heart I don't think he'd survive well without the both of us. Camilla and Eli won't be a problem, they've become accustomed to living alone." Ally thought for a while, Damien could be of use to the faculty if she persuaded Mika. Ally liked him a lot, he reminded her of Aiden.

"I'll include him in the treaty deal, he'll be my advisor. That kids smart, he knows all about our laws as well as biology." Luther sat up and smiled at her.

"You're fond of him, aren't you? It's not a bad idea, I'll get to spend some time with him too. He's my son after all." Ally smiled back, Luther seemed excited about this new ordeal and it made her feel content.

"Then I'll start negotiations first thing tomorrow. We have to be careful about this, if I give them too much information, they may use it against us but if I give them too little, I won't have their trust. They will watch us like a hawk." Luther agreed.

"Should we ask Damien?" Ally nodded and began getting dressed.

"I'll go get him you wait here." Ally kissed him before leaving to get Damien. It was strange she'd hadn't seen him very much, well she couldn't really complain Ally had been with Lucian majority of the time. Ally walked down the large staircase and could smell something familiar to her. It was a sweet aroma, one she had tasted before. Slowly. She made her way into the lounge and stopped dead. Eli and Camilla had pinned Damien to the wall with knives and were throwing darts at him.

"Oh Thana, nice to see you again. Want to play?" Camilla held out a dart. Ally sprinted over and quickly removed the knives from Damien shoulders, he was barely conscious.

"Damien! Hey, it's Ally I'm here it's okay!" Ally was in a panic, why had they targeted him. Just on time Cole walked through the door. Ally looked at him pleadingly.

"Cole could you and your friends take him upstairs please. Seal this room off also no-one goes in or out." Cole nodded and ran off to get the other servants.

"Hey, you little brat, you don't take orders from her." Camilla pouted like a little child. Ally could feel herself losing it again. She cradled Damien in her arms cleaning the blood from his face.

"Sshh it's okay I've got you." Ally felt obligated to protect him no matter what. This boy protected her when she was in a weak state. Eli began walking forward but this time he didn't have his signature smile on his face. It was stone cold, even Camilla looked a little uneasy.

"Have you forgotten your place Thana, coming in here like you run the place. Being marked by my father, mothering my brother. You really think your something don't you?" Ally began chuckling at him to taunt him further, she wanted him to engage. She wanted to fight, they had hurt her family for the last time.

"Maybe you've forgotten your place, you can't beat me Eli. You're just an insecure child with daddy issues, talk about pathetic. As for you Camilla being so bitter about favouritism that you would kill your own mother. I've never heard of something so weak." Eli and Camilla were frozen on the spot, Ally's eyes weren't glowing they were burning. Like two flames lingered in iris, it was daunting.

"You won't have to worry about me anymore, playtimes over. You never owned me to begin with, no-one owns me." Eli stepped forward wanting to advance but the way she was looking at them both made him…afraid.

"Sharp tongue Thana, I'd watch it." Ally smirked at them both.

"Do you know why you hate me? Because I'm not afraid to admit when I'm hurt. You aren't fighting me you're fighting yourselves because you see no other outlet to vent. Every time we've fought you get even more desperate which is why I always gain the upper hand in the end. You're both broken, it's that simple. You hate me because you relate to me, I just handled it much better in such a short time." A tear rolled down Camilla's cheek and she placed it on her finger like it was delicate, Eli also had tears in his eyes. Ally had cracked them both, they acted sadistic and brutal, but they were just broken children.

"Truth hurts doesn't it. Now instead of punishing others how about you both take a good look at yourselves. You keep following this path and it will lead to nothing but suffering, trust me." Ally picked Damien up and began carrying him out.

"H-How do you know that…H-How…" Eli was stunned, it was like something switched inside of him.

"Because I know your pain…" Ally bowed her head before leaving. Camilla walked over and tugged Eli's sleeve.

"She's right brother. Maybe we are fighting the wrong people." Eli turned around and looked at her in a daze.

"I'll kill that girl one day but she's right…"

---------------------Luther's room--------------------------

Ally burst through the door with Damien over her shoulder followed by Cole. Luther's face went white when he saw his son looking so pale. Ally rushed him over to the bed and put him down. Luther clenched his fists, it was his children yet again hurting the people he loved. Ally ripped off his shirt to see the severity of his wounds and they were deep.

"Damn it!" she cried out. Luther watched in rage as she bit her wrist and began feeding him her blood.

"What are you doing?" he said angrily, Ally had forgotten that feeding someone was supposed to be an intimate thing but it slipped her mind, she just wanted to help him. Cole ran and got a towel from the bathroom.

"I'm healing him what does it look like?" she said innocently back. Damien began coming too and gripped her arm sucking it fiercely, Ally winced in pain.

"Damien, look at me." She said softly. Damien's eyes opened and he jumped realizing what he was doing and backed away.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He said covering his mouth. Luther walked over and gripped Ally's wrist.

"Luther, what the hell is---" Ally stopped seeing the betrayal on his face. She realized what she had done and felt overwhelming guilt.

"Damien, you should rest. We need to talk to you about something later." Luther was emotionless and pulled Ally into the bathroom locking the door.

"I-I'm sorry, I forgot all about it." She said frantically. Without warning Luther bit into her arm where she had fed Damien. Ally felt her whole body go limp, he was taking too much.

"No-one feeds from you but me got it?" He pulled away, anger stained his face. Ally leaned back panting heavily. Luther's eyes suddenly widened, he'd lost it and hurt her.

"A-Ally…I'm sorry." He went to touch her face, but she batted his hand away.

"Don't touch me right now. I said I was sorry what more do you want from me. You almost drained me you bastard!" she said tears in her eyes. Luther backed off seeing her eyes glowing as a warning. He let the jealousy get the better of him, she was only trying to help his son.

"I need to take a shower, leave me alone. Go and tend to your children for once." Luther went to speak but seeing the sadness in her eyes he understood and left. Ally sat down with her head against the bathtub. The way he grabbed her reminded her about their first encounter, when they fought in that bar. Here she was thinking he had changed, maybe she was wrong…