Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 35 "Band"

"So, were going to live near the S.E.S? Isn't that sort of like tempting fate?" Luther was bandaging Damien's wounds while he filled him in on Ally's plan. Damien was a little nervous but happy he had been included, he would like to live with Ally and get to know his father better. Damien hadn't really fit in with anyone throughout his whole life. His mother died when he was ten, so he had to raise himself alongside his monstrous siblings. Luther had a lot of admiration for his son not succumbing to darkness.

"Don't worry I'm sure Ally will put efforts in place to keep us safe. What do you think about her?" Luther was still lingered with jealousy after seeing Ally let him feed, he was worried in-case Damien started to develop feelings for her. It would make the situation complicated. It was also true that Damien was around her age and had a lot more in common than Luther initially thought.

"I think she's got some personality faults but apart from that she has a good heart. She taught me a lot of things in such a short time, I'd say she admirable. Especially when it comes to being hurt, she's really strong." Luther smiled, at least he didn't say he loved her.

"Personality faults huh? You could say that." Luther chuckled and agreed. Damien stretched and felt a lot better, Ally's blood had helped him heal a lot faster.

"Father are you and Ally together again?" he asked innocently. Luther thought for a while, they were certainly on the right track, but he needed to learn that Ally wasn't very tolerable when it came to jealousy or acting on her behalf. In short, she was a control freak, but he didn't mind. Luther couldn't help but think about the bathroom incident and how he lost his cool.

"Yeah, she still doesn't remember me, but I'll be patient. I've waited a long time for her to come back, I guess I don't mind waiting a bit longer." Damien smiled and began reading. Ally had been in the shower for a long time and Luther was starting to worry again.

"Does that mean she's my adoptive mother?" Damien joked. Luther was a little taken back, he'd never thought about it that way. Maybe this was a misunderstanding. Ally was trying to nurture him not engage in any romance, he'd been so stupid.

"Do you want her to be?" Damien strangely had a complex expression on his face while he thought deeper. A mother…could he really have one?

"It wouldn't hurt, I don't remember much of my real mother, but she was kind. Just like Ally. It's a bit strange considering I'm older than her but she's got some wisdom. Wisdom I'd like to learn." Luther nodded.

"That's her speciality, she always has an answer for everything. When we were married it didn't matter what trouble came our way or who tried to break us apart, she would destroy it with words not her fists. I guess that's why Ally and Luna are slightly different." Luther thought back to their past lives with adoration, that was before she found out about him making vampires. It was so peaceful. Ally didn't remember their fighting or about the war, but Luther recalled it all. It was chaotic yet Luna did everything she could to try and fix it. Until, her dying breath she fought for her family and he would never forget that.

Ally got dressed and took out her phone, she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, her relationship with the Camilla and Eli was getting too troublesome, she also didn't want Damien to get hurt. The quicker negotiations began the quicker she could ensure his safety. Ally looked at the number on the card and took a deep breath. Slowly, punching in the buttons she waited as the dial tone rang through her ears.

"This is a private line, state your name." A familiar voice came though, it was Mika she could tell by the obnoxious tone.

"Don't tell me you've forgot me already Mika?" Ally was blunt, she wasn't in the mood for formalities.

"Luna, I'm surprised you called. Are you in then?" he sounded like a nostalgic child.

"I have two conditions." Mika was ready, of course he couldn't expect her to join so easily.

"Number one, I want a private apartment outside of the base big enough for three people. I have two associates coming which may be useful." Mika began tapping his pen behind the phone.

"I can guess the first one, Luther, right? But what about the second?"

"Damien, he's a smart kid. I want him as an advisor. If you can't accommodate them then the deals off." Mika chuckled at her she wasn't playing around today.

"I can do that. When should we collect you?" Ally was speechless, he agreed without a hitch? Then, they really were desperate after all.

"Why are you so keen to get me to work with you? It's suspicious to think you would let two of the most powerful vampires in the world near the S.E.S base, what are you plotting?" Ally had a bad feeling all of a sudden, her trust was wavering before she'd even agreed.

"You have a knack for speaking your mind. We don't have an issue with them if they don't kill anyone, you'll keep them in check I'm sure. My troops need some serious training, we are an elite unit, but you put one of my best team members on their ass without a scratch not to mention me. I was impressed, we could use your skill set." Ally leaned against the sink looking at herself. It was true Ally had trained to fight since being a pup and she was good at it. Teaching others would be a challenge, but she was up for it.

"I can train them, so we have a deal then?"

"We do, I'll pick all three of you up tomorrow morning bright and early. By the way what clothes size are you?" Ally thought for a while, she'd always worn men's clothes mostly she didn't even know her own clothes size.

"Not sure, just pick something small I'll fit into it."

"Got it, see you tomorrow Luna." Ally hung up and took a deep breath. That went much smoother than she was expecting, Luther was suspicious of them already which didn't bode well. If she wanted to work with them then Luther needed to play nice. Ally was stressed, if her hair wasn't already silver she was sure it would be white.

"Ally, are you okay?" Damien's sweet voice called beyond the door. Telling him about all of this would be tiresome but it needed to be done. Ally opened the door and made her way to the table barely looking at either of them. Luther was also looking at her with worry and it pissed her off.

"I've finished negotiations, we fall out tomorrow so pack your things." Damien and Luther looked at each other frozen, she had already worked it out?

"Your rushing things." Luther said hopelessly. Ally scowled at him.

"What would be the point of postponing it? If we stay here any longer your children will get curious and come snooping around. I don't want it to come to that. You know what will happen if they try to hurt you or Damien don't you?" Luther bowed his head sorrowfully. Damien didn't know what she meant, Ally could see his confusion and decided to put him out of his misery.

"I've let it slide too many times Damien plus if they find out about Luther then they'll try to kill him indefinitely. If it comes to that I'll have to put them down, there's no other option. I'm sorry." Damien looked at her with sympathy, even after the countless times they'd hurt her Ally didn't want to kill them.

"I get it don't worry. So, we're getting an apartment?" Ally nodded, she was reviewing some treaty laws to pass time, her mind was fuzzy today and she couldn't understand why. When she wanted to fight Eli and Camilla it was like a mental block came up and instead, she used words. It was effective but it wasn't like her at all. Luther watched her squint her eyes and rub her temple, she was struggling with something.

"Damien, go and get packed son. I don't think your siblings will try anything." Damien was a little apprehensive but obeyed. Luther walked over to the table and sat opposed to Ally. Ally payed him no attention and began making notes. Luther reached over and touched her head.

"No fever I'm fine." Luther was a little confused, she said no fever, but her face was burning up. Ally didn't feel sick at all, she just felt confused and lost like the carpet had been ripped under her.

"Hey, look at me." Ally put down her papers aggressively and looked at him. Luther eyes widened slightly. In her eyes were small dancing flames, ones you couldn't identify without looking thoroughly. Ally furrowed her brows. What was so fascinating to him.

"She's waking up." He said happily. Ally felt a pain in her chest, he meant Luna…

"Let me ask you a serious question. If she wakes up does that mean I disappear." Luther was slightly shocked, she was misinformed completely.

"What are you talking about you're the same person, I meant to say your memories are coming back. Even if you remember completely your still Ally don't worry." He touched her face and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you really think you'd disappear?" Ally could feel herself getting worked up so stood up and walked over to the window.

"Of course, it's not every day you find out you're a conduit for someone else. I-If I disappeared then what was the point of doing everything I've done. Protecting my family, looking after Blake, opposing my father. All of it would have been for nothing and I can't accept that." Ally felt a tear run down her cheek, she couldn't fight off her feeling anymore. Luther strolled over and hugged her from behind.

"I know you miss them and I'm sorry for dragging you away. I wanted them to be safe too so you wouldn't be hurt anymore. I hate seeing you so sad, it kills me." Ally spun around and hugged him back.

"You're right, I know they're safer. But the look on their faces when I pledged myself behind their back was agonizing. Every time I close my eyes, I see them. I can't believe I did that to them." Luther squeezed her tightly, he'd never considered that.

"After we're done with the S.E.S do you want to visit them?" Ally looked up in surprise.

"Really?" Luther didn't want her to be any more attached to them but if this was causing her pain then he wanted to help.

"You might feel better if you clear it up with them. If not, then at least you know they're okay." Ally leaned up and kissed him, smiling wider than he'd seen yet.


-------------------------Moonstone Pack--------------------------------

"Nice to see you both again." Blake sat in his office with Helen loyally by his side. Aiden and Isaac both had their feet up on the desk looking exhausted. Blake knew something terrible had happened by the expression on their face.

"We know what's going on, being her brother, I'd figured you would want to know." Isaac pulled out a file and slid it over to him. Blake glared and it suspiciously, he was feeling uneasy. Helen stood behind his and started reading also. Each word sent them into a whirlwind of confusion, Helen placed her hand over her mouth as he eyes scanned the words. Aiden had written up an itinerary of everything Shadow had told them.

"I can't believe it…" Helen sat down with her head in her hands shaking like a leaf. Blake wouldn't even look up from the paper and read it over and over.

"My mother, their grandmother always took a shine to Ally. She was the only one who Ally would open up to when she was a child, you remember her Isaac?" Isaac nodded and smiled, she was a firecracker just like Ally that was for sure.

"When she was on her death bed, she said something to her while I was preparing…My mother told her that she was very special and that one day she would change the world. But it would cost her something very precious. Ally was only thirteen, so she only had a small understanding of what she meant but I always thought she was talking gibberish being so far gone. My mother knew who she was the whole time…" Blake scrunched the paper in his hand.

"This was all him? I can't f*cking believe it. He's been watching her my whole life and I didn't notice. We have to get her back before---"

"Blake." Aiden cut him off and gave him a stern look.

"Read it properly. Ally and he were lovers in the past, if she wanted to come back, she would have. Shadow said that they were meant to be together, it's fate. You can't change fate." Aiden spat his words bitterly he didn't like admitting it.

"Bullshit, he's the one who tried to kill her!" Isaac glared at him for a while, he was right.

"Love and hate are similar emotions, Ally used to say that all of the time. I know why he fought her, it was to ignite her memories. In the past Luna and Shezmu fought against each other after he was found to be making our kind. It wasn't to kill her, I'm sure if he wanted too then he would have in the bar easily. Everything was orchestrated right under our radar. He's smart."

"Don't praise him asshole, he's still the enemy here." Helen looked at the paper again.

"There's an undernote about Ally. What's this about her dark side?" Blake also took another glance missing the small print. Aiden bit his bails nervously.

"We don't know, he mentions Luna having dark side. From his voice I'd say even he was afraid of that."

"She'll kill us all, is that a joke?" Blake chuckled but Aiden wasn't laughing.

"We thought about that more. Ally has moments when she loses control, but she never goes the extra mile of killing someone. Jade, a member of our clan pissed her off to the point of her snapping."

Helen, "The red-haired girl on the lawn." Aiden nodded.

"I wonder if we hadn't intervened, she really would have killed her. Maybe that was her dark side, or we've missed something. Shadow is the strongest mage on the western hemisphere, if he was afraid, I'm wondering If we should be too. "Blake scoffed, he would never believe that Ally would kill someone, his sister was too kind.

"There's no way Ally would ever hurt someone, I've known her my whole life." Isaac stood up in agitation.

"Have you Blake? Think about it, when we were growing up, she never cried, she never showed pain. The only emotion she ever showed was anger, remember she had the respect of the pack but that was purely out of fear. She has always been stronger than all of us, if she snaps then it's game over. I don't think we know her at all, I think she's been hiding something from us this whole time." Blake squared up to him.

"Talk about my sister like that again I dare you." Aiden stepped in-between them.

"That's enough. There's no point speculating about this we need to ask her. I don't give a f*ck what Shadow said, we're finding her. Get your stuff packed and put your pack in order we're going on a road trip."