Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 37 "Deduction"

"What are you thinking about?" Luther had been watching Ally for a while. It was rainy season, today it was heavier than usual, Ally had sat by the window with her legs curled up most of the night seeming to be in deep thought. Ally pulled her body closer and furrowed her brows.

"Whenever there were days like this, I used to love it. My grandmother and I used to talk about all kinds of things. That woman could help me with any problem big or small. Ever since I was little, we had an amazing bond, she was from my mother's side. When she was alive my father was afraid of her, so he never punished me when she was around. It was kind of like my own personal safeguard, I wonder what she would say to me if she could see me right now." Ally's smile was kind but lonely.

"Whenever I used to watch you, you never played with the other kids like Blake. You and she were always together, she seemed like a very accomplished woman but also secretive. I couldn't make out her conversations most of the time but when I did, she was always telling you about her life and what she'd learned from it. Even I took some wisdom from her at one point." Luther chuckled, Ally looked at the reflection in the window seeing Luther in the background.

"How long were you watching me? Was it not tiresome?" Luther shook his head smiled.

"It was like watching a rare flower slowly blooming, I was there the day your parents brought you home and that's when I knew. It was rewarding watching you grow even though you were always indifferent from everyone else." Ally turned around and gave him a complicated glare.

"Indifferent how, I don't remember it that way?" Luther averted his eyes, it was a painful memory, but he remembered it like yesterday.

"For example, one day Blake was being bullied by some other wolves and you stepped in to help him. You lost yourself and shifted against your will, when your father used his Alpha call to turn you back, he beat you really badly. So bad, your mother spent a whole week nursing you back to health. What struck me was you never once regretted your actions, nor did you cry as he beat you or after. It was like pain didn't affect you at all, as long as you were doing the right thing." Ally tutted at him finding it hard to believe, she had no memory of that whatsoever, it just went to show how merciless her father could really be.

"It was the same when we fought on that battlefield, I really hurt you. Yet, you only cried when you found out Isaac was still alive." Ally felt flushed as a wave of anger shoot through her.

"You never did explain that to me. I understand why you fought me, it was so your siblings would find me and bring me here what I don't understand is why you would tell me about Isaac before you died. I could have done anything at that point, it could have ruined your plans. Was it pity?" Luther smirked.

"Yes, I thought if I didn't piss you off enough you would let me live. That would have meant I couldn't have carried out my plan or faked my death so I hit you where I knew it would hurt. I'm sorry." Ally picked up the window pillow and threw it angrily off his head.

"How could you be so cruel! I don't need your pity Luther, if you would have just explained yourself to me instead of perusing me like a lunatic then I would have been spared all of that. You're an asshole!" Luther looked at the rage in her eyes.

"You would never have believed me, I foresaw a lot of option and that was the most effective one. I would never want to hurt you trust me." Ally chuckled at him.

"Then, what was that in the bathroom. A momentary lapse of jealousy huh? You meant to hurt me because you couldn't control what I did. I healed your own son when you wouldn't, and you punished me for it. Don't talk to me about trust as of it means anything. I'm checking on Damien." Ally stood up and stormed out. Luther was sat in silence, she was right he had hurt her accidentally because his emotions got the better of him. He was hoping she would brush it off but that wouldn't be Ally if she did.

-------------------Damien's room--------------------------------

"Hey Kid, you packed and ready to g—" Ally cut herself off. Damien was sitting on the end of his bed with a picture in his hand, his eyes were a deep red. He was completely lost in the image. Ally cautiously entered. Damien was stiff as a board, Ally gently sat down next to him and peeked at the photograph. Her entire face went white upon seeing it.

"That bastard, I swear to god I'll kill him." Ally went to stand up, but Damien gripped her wrist and sat her back down still enthralled by the image.

"She has the exact same features as you, the hair and eyes I mean. I never realized he missed you that much." Ally looked at the picture. It was of a young woman with a baby in her arms. From the pitch-black hair, it was definitely Damien.

"You were really cute, what happened?" she joked, and Damien chuckled.

"I asked my father if you would be a good mom figure since I didn't have one but---" Damien put the picture down and clenched his hands together tightly. Ally sighed and stroked his head.

"I'm not sure I would be any good at that." She said quietly. Damien gripped her hand on his head.

"It's not that…" Ally gasped as Damien pinned her arms down on the bed and stared directly into her eyes.

"I can't think of you like that. I like you a lot." Ally eyes widened, he had a strange look in his eyes. Almost hungry. Damien began kissing her neck and moving his hand under her shirt.

"Damien don't!" Ally pushed herself up and rushed from the bed. Damien sprinted up and stuck her to the wall forcefully kissing her.

"I want you! My father doesn't deserve you!" Ally pushed him back holding her hand over her mouth.

"That's enough…what's gotten into you…" Ally could barely speak, she never expected this at all. Damien was more like a son to her than anything else so why was he having these sexual desires towards her.

"Don't ever do that again! Why Damien?" she said frustrated panting heavily. Damien clutched his shirt and looked at her.

"You always stuck up for me and you gave me purpose. When you fed from me that time, I've been thinking about you like crazy. I can't take it anymore." Ally leaned against the wall with her head low.

"Damien, I'm not familiar with vampires or feeding, I've made a lot of mistakes. I'm sorry but I don't think of you that way. Your father and I are together you need to accept that." Ally couldn't look him in the eyes she felt guilty for rejecting him.

"I-I'm an idiot, I'm sorry Ally. I went to far." Ally looked up hearing the remorse in his words.

"Your father is far from perfect but sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall together. I'm sorry if I did anything to lead you on but this can't be a reoccurring thing, if your father finds out we're both in deep sh*t. Do you understand?" Damien listened to her wisdom and nodded. Ally could tell he was disheartened.

"Stand up, no funny business I mean it." Damien was confused at slowly rose from the bed. Ally walked up and wrapped her arms around him. Damien stiffened up, he'd never been hugged before in his life.

"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone suffer the way they do…What I'm saying is you don't have to be alone. I will be there to support to you, scold you, lend an ear. You can trust me with anything I swear it on my life." Damien slowly wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck intimately which made Ally's chest drop but she didn't move. It was clear to her Damien didn't know how to handle nurture or anyone standing up for him. He had been alone for a long time.

"I won't tell your father about this but I'm going to have a serious conversation with him. You stay here." Ally pulled away and stormed out of the bedroom door. Damien watched where she left, he couldn't believe he had made a move on her. What the hell was wrong with him?

-------------------------------Luther's room----------

"I can't take it anymore stand up." Ally stormed into the room and stood directly ahead of him in a defensive position. Luther sighed and stood up unphased.

"Why have three children you don't even father! No wonder there so lost, you were never there for them once Luther. Hiding away in the shadows is not parenting. Your son has no idea how to cope with affection and he takes it completely the wrong way." Luther sat back down not saying a word.

"I've been trying to protect them, if people knew I was alive and well it would draw attention, so I stay away. I'm still---"

"Bullshit! They needed guidance, I can still help Damien, but Eli and Camilla are a lost cause. What were you thinking!"

"I was lonely okay! I wanted something to give me purpose while I waited for you to come back." Ally chuckled darkly at him.

"How selfish could you be? I'll help Damien all I can, you should stop obsessing over the past and grow the f*ck up. Your son needs guidance, a father. Not a ghost." Ally went to walk out but Luther gripped her arm and pulled her back close.

"I messed up okay, I have no excuses for what I did but please don't hate me." Ally felt her heart ache.

"I never said I hated you, I said you were selfish. I've experienced that first hand. Little by little I'm discovering how desperate you really are for the past the become the present. I have only one thing to say to you…You better get it together or this isn't going to work out. If you know me at all then you know I don't like being controlled, in fact I hate it." Ally pulled away from him and got her things together.

"There coming, me and Damien will run out of the back, you take the window and stay behind me. If they try anything at all before the contract is signed, I'll kill every one of them. That's a promise." Luther was flustered, Ally didn't seem like herself at all. Her eyes were large burning flames and her hair was glowing.

"Ally, why are you so agitated all of a sudden?" Ally spun around glaring at him, this time she couldn't even laugh.

"I'm not this is what I'm usually like plus I could give you a million reasons, but I don't have the energy. Work it out for yourself." Ally heard the rustle pf the bushes below and ran up to the window to see Damien was already out. Ally threw her body out and landed safely below. Damien looked at her stunned.

"Um…why is your hair glowing?" Ally smirked at him.

"I'm pissed off that's why, let's go." Luther jumped down and joined them, Ally stayed ahead with her ears pricked up waiting to hear guns cocking, she healed faster than Luther and Damien so it only made sense. The black van was ominous and each time a breeze would blow her hair every strand of it would stand on end. It was hard to say if it was just paranoia or just instinct but either way she wasn't taking any chances. To her relief Mika stepped out of the van and met them halfway.

"Is it only nigh time when your hair does that?" he asked out of curiosity seeing her silver hair glowing the dusk.

"Oh, you must be the Vampire King and---" Damien and Luther stayed behind Ally and scowled at him.

"His son Damien can't have anyone being left behind. Shall we do this then?" Ally wasn't phased anymore and pulled the van door open scanning the members and exteriors. There was no bombs or guns on them but there was a sniper in the far distance, they didn't think she could see the infra-red dot, yet she could. Luther and Damien hopped in first, scanning the eyes around them, Mika and Ally hopped into the back and the Van pulled away quickly.

"Squad team 1 this is Luna, we will be consorting with her until further notice. Jordan hand me the contract over." A young man with dyed blue hair and pricing blue eyes handed it over. Ally read through making sure not to misread a single word.

"Pass me your flashlight." Mika looked at her confused before itching his head and handing it over. Ally placed it underneath and smiled.

"Nice print, did you think I was that dumb?" Mika looked at her like a deer in headlights.

"Hah she's smart." Luther glanced over the contract and chuckled.

Ally, "Invisible ink, nice try. I'll sign for now, but this will be rendered when we get there. No-one is to harm my associates. If that happens then you better watch out." Ally smiled wearily giving Mika a dark a warning.

"You can call your sniper off now by the way, it's done."

"Sharp eyes, you really are going to turn the game around." A single female shuffled forward with a lollipop sticking out of her mouth scanning Ally up and down.

"What the hell is she anyway?" Mika cleared his throat and rolled her eyes.

"You don't read notes, can you read at all?" Mika started squabbling with her.

"Hybrid. I have the Luna gene too but that's not very important." The girl's eyes nodded almost impressed. Ally nodded back and them directed her eyes to Luther and Damien who were staring out of the window as the castle disappeared from sight.

"Nothings going to happen to you don't worry, I promise." Ally lowered her voice to a tone only all three of them could hear. Luther and Damien both looked at her and nodded.

"Hey Luna, what the hell was that about the other day?" the blue haired man spun around a monitor and began playing the video of her fighting Eli and Camilla. Luther and Damien's eyes both widened seeing how fast she was, faster than both of them combined.

"Not sure, It's survival mode. You can do anything." Mika nodded.

"Jordan is the blue haired dude, can hack into anything and is mean with a handgun so watch him." He carelessly saluted her before returning to position.

"Blonde girl is Lorraine, can throw knives quicker than light and is pretty fast." Lorraine held out her hand, Ally gently took it and shook it.

"As you all know Luther and Damien are the Vampire King and Prince so don't start any trouble of you value your lives not like you'll need too. Ally is our peacekeeper. You don't have to antagonize her or try to make friends with her if you don't want too, I doubt any will affect her either way." Ally rolled her eyes and closed them tilting her head back.

"Do you have a weapon of preference, we can get you?" Ally sprung her eyes open, they would give her one this early in the game. Come to think of it Ally had never even used a weapon in order to fight, she had always used her fists.

"Not really. If I see one, I'll let you know." Mika nodded and pulled out a file handing it over to her.

"A case?" Mika nodded, Ally took it and gave it a quick read over.

"Don't you think it's a little earlier to be throwing her into this?" Luther finally spoke up surprising them.

"I'll be fine Luther I'm just reading it over." Ally gave him a reassuring look.

"Are you two a couple?" Lorraine asked on interest.

"Yeah we are." Ally didn't beat around the bush or leave the question lying. It would keep Luther off her case after all.

"Is vampire sex better than usual sex then?" Jordan joined in on the fun. Ally gave them both a dark glance.

"Why don't you bone one and find out. Speaking of that majority of the victims were human as well as raped." Mika looked down sadly, the killings were going into the double digits easily.

"We can't find any other motive other than they're doing it for pleasure." Ally began reading in between the lines. That wasn't it at all.

"You're wrong, they are out letting their blood-lust by using other to satisfy themselves so the person they really love doesn't get hurt. It's not pleasures they're out letting its pain for not being able to be with the one they love the most. From file it seems visual contact is what sets it off, look at all the landmarks where the killings have taken place. All of them are in a fifty-mile radius, the love interest lies somewhere in the middle." All the squad stopped dead in their tracks and looked at her in awe even Luther and Damien.

"Y-Your deduction skills are---"

"Interesting…" Lorraine looked at her wearily, all of that from a single case sheet.

"We understand both kinds better than an exterior opposition, you should try to think more like them than focusing on your own blood lust. Forgive me if I'm wrong but people don't usually join units like these unless they've had first-hand experience with it. Whatever may have happened to each of you I don't want it clouding your judgement it just prolongs the inevitable." Mika was still in shock she had worked it out so easily.

"What do you mean?" A member from the front who hadn't engaged yet worked his way down and sat opposed from Ally. He had dark brown hair and green eyes, he was on the thinner side, but Ally could tell he was intelligent.

"What I mean is being hunted is a thrill for a lot of reasons. They may want to kill you in return meaning it's just a game of cat and mouse or the hunter becomes the hunted in case scenario. If you give them chase, they'll only thrive for more leading to more killing. We want them to want to be spared or their animal instincts will run wild until there is no other option but to kill them. I want to ask you all something." Everyone looked at her questionably.

"You don't owe me anything and probably don't trust me just yet but If I could get through to them and organize an arrest rather than an assassination would you all be willing. I'm not just saying that because they're my kind either I would do the same for a human." Mika looked at his friend sitting apposed to Ally.

"What do you think Jack?" Ally looked at Jack, he must be the advisory for the team.

"Prove that your capable of it and I'll allow it." He said bluntly before returning to his seat.