Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 37 "Special Squad"

Thanks for this, I appreciate it." Ally walked into their new place showing Luther and Damien inside.

"Don't mention it, you're already showing your talent. I'll pick you up first thing so gets some rest we're training tomorrow and then scouting on the afternoon. It's tough training but I don't think you'll have any trouble with it." Ally nodded and waved him out before investigating the apartment. To her surprise it was huge, practically luxury.

"This place is nice." Damien was pretty excited, and it made her smile, Luther had the same ideals as her, so they began taking the place neatly apart.

"I found a wire I'll rip it up so don't worry go and get unpacked." Luther nodded and started unpacking their things. Ally searched the whole place from top to bottom finding only two wires. It was to be expected, they had every right to think they might be plotting against them. Ally sat down with Damien on the couch after he'd unpacked.

"They even got you both some blood bags for the time being. How are you settling in?" Damien looked at her awkwardly.

"I like it here, it's not bad at all. Are we only allowed to stay here?" Ally chuckled at him lightly.

"No, you're not on house arrest, you can come and go as you please. It's me they're watching not you." Damien looked at her alarmed.

"Why are they watching you?" Luther came in and curled up next to Ally.

"Because she's the one inside of the base learning their secrets, it was a bold move inviting us so close. It's just for security, if an armed task force started staying at the mansion wouldn't you want to keep a close eye on them?" Damien nodded in understanding and looked away sadly.

"Hey, stop worrying I can look after myself it's you two I'm worried about. Here." Ally gave them both a cell phone, it was gift from Mika.

"My number is in both phones, if you can't talk me and Blake used to have a signalling system for each other, you mouth click twice so I'm not mistaken, and I'll sprint back as soon as I can." Damien looked at her in awe, she had really though all of this out.

"Y-Your smarter than I thought." He said innocently looking at the phone in delight.

"What do you mean than you thought, Idiot." She flicked his head playfully. Luther gripped her waist tightly to get her attention.

"Damien why don't you get some rest you haven't slept yet." Luther's tone was kind but Ally could tell why he wanted him out of the way she was expecting this. Damien smiled and went into his room.

"Come here." Luther gripped her hand and dragged her into the bedroom pinning her down.

"Luther, what the hell!" he covered her mouth and began kissing her neck. Ally tried to push him off but he was strong today. His hands unbuttoned her jeans and swiped them off her. Ally voice muffled from underneath his hand, when he didn't listen, she bit down her to let her go.

"That's enough, would it kill you to just talk huh!" Luther covered his mouth when he realised, he'd done it again. Ally wrapped the bedsheet around herself and panted heavily.

"I can smell his lust all over you, the same goes for that S.E.S leader." Ally decided to get her own back and pinned him down on the bed.

"You're talking sh*t, I warned you if you kept this up this wouldn't work. You would really force yourself on me to make a point." Luther gained the upper hand and pushed her off of him.

"What did he do to you this morning. Damien, I mean, I could smell his scent on you" Ally tried not to give it away in order to protect Damien, but her face said it all.

"Damn it!" he shouted and went to storm out of the room, but Ally sprinted into the doorway blocking him.

"Sit down and I'll tell you. You lay a finger on him and I walk!" Luther's eyes widened, this was the first time she'd threatened to leave. Huffing he sat back down, and Ally locked the door. Sitting down she took a deep breath.

"Damien doesn't know the difference between motherly affection and romantic affection so when I tried to console him, he took it the wrong way and tried it on with me, that's why I was so angry at you. You are supposed to teach him about that sort of thing, I managed to help him understand so it wouldn't be awkward between us. You're lucky I managed too. That thing you're talking about with Mika is just generally sex orientation, human men admit it naturally you're just being too paranoid. If you simply sat down and talked with me about these things people wouldn't get hurt, you idiot." Luther stroked the back of his neck, he really did feel guilty now.

"I'm sorry when it's with you I can't help but be possessive. I'll talk to Damien about it." Ally nodded and went to leave but Luther wrapped himself around her waist.

"Stay with me for a while." Ally laughed and shook her head.

"I'm pissed at you there's no way, tend to it yourself." Luther sighed in frustration.

"I don't want to, please Ally." Ally sighed and sat in his lap moving his blonde hair from his face. His deep red eyes looked at her in memorization. Ally's mismatched eyes always glowed effortlessly in the darkness and it made his feel content.

"For a seven-year-old man you sure are childish. Also, what are you going to do about Eli and Camilla?" the thought had been on her mind for a while, she may have hostile feeling towards them, but they were still his children.

"I asked one of my close friends to watch over them, you'll meet him eventually. You and he were really close when you were alive before."

"Really, what's his name?" Ally was slightly intrigued that someone would still be alive after all of this time who knew her past self.

"Shadow, he's a mage. A really good one at that, he's the one who helped Lucy put your soul into the King family." Ally felt a sadness come over her.

"Was I a good mother for the time I spent with her?" Luther felt his whole-body startle and looked at her with adoration.

"Of course, you were, you were the same as now. If she ever needed advice or nurture or love you were there completely. Your really kind to Damien too, I never thanked you for that." Ally kissed him.

"You never needed too, I see a lot of myself in that kid. I want to help him in every way that I can." Luther began kissing her neck.

"You can feed if you want too, I'll be gone all day tomorrow so get it while you can." Luther pulled down his collar.

"You'll need it too, hunting our kind isn't easy you need your energy." Ally nodded and bit down on his, he smirked and bit her back. Luther was right in saying this was an intimate thing, almost just like having sex. Now Ally had a better understanding of why he was so upset when Damien fed from her. Ally pulled the excess from his lip and sucked it from her thumb.

"We should probably be more careful." She said seriously coming to a sudden realization. Luther looked at her confused.

"Doesn't matter." Ally shook off her thoughts and kissed him again. They embraced all night log until her alarm woke her up at 5Am. Ally groaned and sluggishly rolled out of bed. She got dressed and kissed Luther's sleeping head before she left. Ally quickly checked on Damien too and he was also sound asleep, leaving a map of the surrounding area on the table she met Mika outside.

--------------------S.E.S Base------------------------------

Ally was like a nostalgic child pulling up to the base, it housed hundreds of troops as well as tanks and planes. It was like nothing she had ever seen before; the smell of the humans was a struggle but having fed the night before she felt fine.

"How's your thirst by the way, something we should be wary of?" Ally gave him a glare.

"I have perfect control it won't affect my ability. Do your troops have any vendettas against me I should know about, any blood bags going to be thrown in my face or people trying to kill me?" Mika furrowed his brows at her.

"They've been giving warnings and your pretty up to date on our tactics. Did you research or something?" Ally smirked at him.

"It was just a guess but I'm glad to know what's coming my way. Some people will never see the bigger picture, and most will have had traumatizing things happening to them, so I understand if they don't like me. I'm used to it anyway?" Mika surprising felt kind of sorry for her, her kind wasn't accepted very well in their community either.

"You'll be supervised by my superioris on the training field so be careful, they will want to brief you afterwards. Apart from that have fun." Mika lead her over to a circuit. It was rough, there was a ten-mile sprint before you were submerged into freezing waters for a mile swim. If you could get that far then you had to hit ten targets with a sniper rifle before coming to the final bout which was a barb wired wall forty metres high.

"Humans do this?" she said in disbelief, this was enough to push the supernatural to their limits. Mika chuckled at her.

"There's no way, this is for our advanced members." Ally looked at him wearily before three people sprinted by his side. Two males and one female. Ally looked at them warningly, they were vampires for sure.

"You sure kept her quiet team leader." The male said darkly.

"Luna, this is the first supernatural operative Cleo, he will be responsible for wolf captures." Ally scanned Cleo up and down, he had the signature red eyes and blonde shaven head, looking closely he was identical to the second male.

"Next up is Geo, as you can see, he is Cleo's younger twin and also responsible for Wolf capture." Both of them nodded at her scanning up and down.

"Finally, this is Amy, responsible for vampire capture. You have as much time as you need to complete the task, we will be waiting for you all at the end." Mika left them too it and Ally looked at them all wearily, they had a lot of bloodlust which worried her, almost too much. Amy holding the most, she had short black boy cut hair and large red eyes.

"Luna huh? You're the hybrid." Amy approached her sticking out her hand, Ally could see she was just as suspicious.

"If you want to fight me then you could just ask." Ally could see straight through her already. Amy chuckled and looked at her in surprise.

"You're calculated I'll give you that. Fine, I'll just beat your ass on the field. Good luck." Her tone was taunting. Cleo and Geo also have ger a warning nod, Ally knew they were testing her. This was the battle of the strong and they were underestimating her already. All of them took their marks. Amy turned her head trying to distract Ally but only ended up distracting herself. Ally had glowing eyes and her head was set in front ignoring all other things around her. This was a chance to prove herself and show her skill set, she didn't have that chance in the clan or in the pack, so she was ready.

Mika was standing watching the cameras, they had also set up a speed recorder at the centre and end of the course to see who slowed down the fastest. In three seconds, the gun went off and Ally ran with everything she had, covering the ten miles in two minutes flat. Mika was watching the events unfold and was totally wrapped up in the race. By the time Ally reached the second hurdle Amy and the twins were only halfway done through the sprint. Ally took a deep breath and began swimming, it wasn't her best talent, but she wasn't bad at it. In another two minutes she was done the swim and ran up to the gun range, freezing cold water dripping from her body. It was hard to feel the trigger as well as hold the gun steady due to shivering, but she managed to get the shot in line. Ally had never held a gun before in her life and had to learn as quickly as she could not show any faults.

Holding it steady she lined up the shot and focused her eyes ensuring each one found the target perfectly, she was better at shooting than she had expected. After she had finished Amy and the twins were half way through the swim. Ally ran up to the final hurdle, it was the forty-metre barb walled climb, this took tolerance and wit. Taking off her military jacket she tied both sleeves around her hands and began climbing, Without the material the wire would slice through her hand easily, although they still bled it didn't hurt as much. Ally got to the top and began scanning the open space having a daunting feeling flush over her. Sure enough they had set up two snipers in the far left corner to try to shoot her down without noticing. Ally spotted the dots easily and darted through them before coming to the finish line. Ally could see the dots but knew the vampires wouldn't so instead after running through the finish line and completing it, Ally ran back and hid underneath the wall for cover until the rest approached. Amy sprinted up first Ally waited until she was half way up and called out to her.

"Listen they have snipers on the other side, I'll guide you when you get over." Amy gritted her teeth, if Ally hadn't of told her she would have been shot for sure.

"Why the f*ck are you helping me!" she shouted angrily.

"I'll leave you to get shot if you want?" Ally whistled away unphased. Amy got to the top and thought for a while, being shot would hurt like a bitch.

"Fine!" Ally smirked at her victory.

"When I shout jump, grab onto my back, I can't guide you in such short time. You can't see them either so just trust me." Amy gripped the beam hesitantly. Ally dodged the first two shots.

"I don't have all day!" she yelled barely dodging the third. Amy jumped reluctantly, Ally caught her and threw her to the goal line ensuring she didn't get hit. After a while the twins also arrived. Ally did the same for them Cleo got over safely, Ally sprinted back for Geo.

"On the count of three, lets go!" Geo jumped over the last hurdle but this time the snipers got smart and was waiting for him in mid air , Ally could hear the guns from the far side fire and leaped up covering her body with his. Ally fell to the ground pushing him forward, she pressed her stomach and heard the guns cock again. They weren't stopping? Another shot hit her leg, she clenched her teeth together trying not to show pain. Ally quickly scrambling to her feet and rolled over the safe line.

"Jesus Christ hybrid are you trying to get yourself killed!" Amy yelled at her as she painfully pulled herself up.

"That's enough Amy, we would have been toast without her. Would a thankyou kill?" Geo and Cleo rushed over supporting her on each arm.

"Thank, you saved my ass back there." Geo smiled kindly at her all hostility gone.

"You've got our trust we'll have your back in the field." Ally nodded back gratefully. Mika rushed over with bloodshot eyes.

"Luna, are you good?" Ally bit her lip as she pressed the wound in her stomach.

"I'm fine just give me a minute. You wanted to monitor my healing, right? Get going." Ally already guessed they would want to investigate it sooner or later, so she lifted up her shirt while a team member came over with a stop watch. Ally took a deep breath, in less than ten seconds the bullet pushed out and her wound was completely gone.

"Damn you heal fast." Cleo said in awe, patting her shoulder.

"Can you walk?" Ally nodded and pulled herself up. Mika and she walked away from the rest to a secure path outside of the training area.

"You completed it in five minutes flat, including the healing. I've never seen anything like it." He looked at her wearily, all he could think about was if they became her enemy. Would the facility have a chance against anyone like her at all?

"You were sly, but I guess you need to be with people like us." Ally was also impressed; the rest of the participants would have been done for if that was an assassination.

"You have good eyes." Ally laughed.

"I'll let you in on a secret. Wolves have infrared sight that's how I could see it. We also have sensitive ears and sense danger; your squad could be a mile out and we would sense you coming if you have murderous intent. You guys have a lot to learn." Ally took a second and got her breathing back to normal.

"We are having a briefing after lunch; would you mind telling my squad the same then?" Ally nodded.

"By the way, your guys were using silver bullets. If that would have hit the others, then they would have died if done right. Looks like you need to keep your guys together too." Mika was slightly stunned.

"Are you sure?" Ally nodded. Mika clenched his fists and walked away talking in his radio, Ally didn't even want to repeat the profanity coming out of his mouth. To be honest she was on edge after feeling the bullets hit her skin, they were ineffective, but sure hurt like hell. If she was surrounded and got hit hard, anyone could have snuck up on her and killed her with ease. Amy ran around the corner and collared her.

"You didn't have to save my ass back there." Ally smirked, she was really that proud.

"You're lucky I did, or you would be dead by now. They were rouges using real silver, your welcome. Oh, and it's Luna by the way not hybrid. I'll save your ass later." Ally saluted her and followed Mika. Amy stood there with her fists clenched shocked that she really could have died. The new girl must be testing the humans which is why they lashed out.

Ally caught up with Mika around the back of the base. He was really giving it to two squad members. Ally assumed they were the snipers.

"Are you f*cking stupid you could have killed them!" Mika had both of their cuffs in his hands.

"You have something against me gentleman?" Ally walked up and confronted them both. They both looked at her in shock and gasped.

"H-How are you alive?" Ally smiled at them both and released Mika's grasp taking over.

"It will take a lot more than that to harm me, you guys really do know nothing. As for my squad members count yourself lucky that I took the bullets, or I'd be tearing your heads off right about now. Mika make sure to keep your guys under tight wraps. Or I won't forgive them."

"Why because they're your kind you re—" Ally picked them both up by their throats.

"No, I would have done the same if they were human, you really are narrow minded. If you have such a problem, then change task force." Ally threw them both down and walked into the building. Mika was more impressed by the minute with her. In an instant she could have lost it but kept a cool head even after they had shot her.

"Your both on disciplinary, you'll sit out the next mission." Mika waved them away and followed Ally into the building.

"Hey, wait, thanks for that. You could have roughed them up a bit more, but you didn't." Ally yawned and sat down at an indoor chair.

"No wonder there's so much animosity, you don't work as a team. If there's conflict inside the building why do you expect that to go away on missions. It's problematic." Mika sat down opposed listening intently.

"How do you do that? Solve everything so quickly, you have everything thought out before the problems even arise it's not just deduction surely." Ally sat forwards.

"I can deduct until my hearts content I've always done it since being a young child. As for everything else you have to keep your senses on point. Look for sensory eliminations, hearing, touch all of it will save someone's life in the end. Your body language, speaking manner everything should be taken into consideration. It's tiring at first but becomes second nature before you know it. In a world where it's eat or be eaten you learn things like that." Mika wondered what sort of childhood she had to possess such talent as well as pain.

"You said you learned that from being a child, that seems a lot of responsibility for a child." Ally looked away trying not to let anything personal about her slip, them knowing about Luther and Damien was enough.

"It was. Anyway, let me know when your ready to fall out. I don't need to eat so I'll take a look over the case until then." Ally went back outside leaving Mika thinking. Ally sure was a closed book for sure, he wanted to know her better. There was plenty of time for that, but it always intrigued him what being brought up in the supernatural world brought for them. Was it a lot different than the human world he wondered?

Ally stood in the dusk out of the way of the sun while she thought for a while, her childhood was a sore subject for her more than anyone knew. The past was a painful one for her, especially with her father as well as her uncle. Ally remembered her uncle well, since being young she was always uncomfortable around him, he was her fathers Beta for a long time until one incident got him kicked out. It was an incident she would never forget and another reason why Eli's sexual assault in the hospital drove her over the edge. Blake was always sheltered by her so Ally had a lot of invisible bullet holes no-one knew about. Not even Luther.

"Hey." Cleo and Geo approached her handing her a bottle of water.

"You sure had us beat, so hybrids are better than us?" They were like two children and made Ally roll her eyes seeing they were disheartened coming in last.

"I might have an advantage, but you guys have a special bond. If you worked together instead of battling between you, I bet any money you could take me down." She joked.

"Thanks, how do you know we have a special bond anyway?" Ally smiled softly.

"I have a twin brother too, I can tell by someone's aura if they have a strong bond. If the colours are exactly the same, it means they have a twin bond. That however doesn't matter, it's all about the strength of the colour. You both have orange and it's really strong, but it could be more potent if you worked together more." The twins looked at each other in surprise.

"That's a neat talent, what's your and your brothers?" Ally looked away sadly. They no longer shared the same colour and even when they used too Ally would always keep the strength weak. She attracted bad omens and pain, so she didn't want to put Blake through that. Hence keeping him at a good enough distant.

"We don't have ours anymore. When I was turned, we lost it, you should cherish yours." Ally cut the conversation short and walked off. This day was proving harder than she realized, it was the mental strength she lacked not the physical. Every corner there was a painful reminder of what she had lost over time.