Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 38 "Case 1"

Ally walked round to the front of the building and picked up her cell phone, she called Luther to make sure he was alright.

"Hey, it's me, is everything okay?"

"We're fine what about you how was training." Ally paused for a second, if she told his about the shooting then he would get too overprotective so kept it to herself.

"It was tough, but I expected nothing less. Is Damien settling in okay?" Luther also paused for a second.

"You haven't talked to him, yet have you?" Luther sighed down the phone, Ally sat down and rested her head against the wall.

"Look I know it's a tough subject and you have a short fuse but just be patient with him okay? I'll be home later, and we'll watch something together as a family. Sound good?" Luther chuckled at her down the phone.

"You sound more of a mom every day, that reminds me…what did you mean we should be careful last night?" Ally face went bright red she was so happy he wasn't here to see her.

"Nothing." Luther smirked at her on the other end, so she was embarrassed after all.

"Doesn't matter, anyway I'll see you tonight be careful."

"I will. Bye." Ally hung up and slapped her cheeks, that would be a tough conversation to have eventually. Amy had been eavesdropping around the corner and it took Ally a while to sense her.

"What do you want?" Amy walked around and sat next to her.

"To say thanks I guess, you saved us. I'm sorry for being ignorant, I could sure use someone watching my back." Ally looked at her sympathetically. From further inspection the girl had self-harm marks on her wrists and bullet wounds in her shoulders.

"Don't mention it, we have to look out for each other. It's tough going in this world, I get it." Amy placed her hand over each wrist trying to hide them, but Ally had already seen.

"You have a boyfriend?" Ally stiffened up, she had already blown her cover. She felt like hitting her head off the brick wall, she was careless.

"It's okay I have one too, he's um…human." Ally smiled at her.

"Do you two get along well?" Amy suddenly had a warm aura it was clear she loved him a lot.

"Really well considering…" Ally looked at her confused.

"Considering what? I don't think it matters if your other half is human, vampire, werewolf or anything else. Love is love at the end of the day you should never feel ashamed of it." Amy looked at her surprised, for such a closed book she sure had a kind heart.

"What about your boyfriend is he human?" Ally shook her head.

"I'm saying even if he was it wouldn't matter. Mines a vampire, we've been together a long time." Ally was blending in, there was no relationship in the world as complicated as hers.

"I see. So were both fighting for someone then." She chuckled, they had found common ground which was a good start.

"Um…do you have kids?" Ally felt her face flush again.

"Not mine, he has a son I'm helping him take care of." Amy felt slightly bad for asking, they sure had a complicated relationship.

"So, if you're a hybrid then you were a wolf, first right?" Ally nodded.

"I see. I've never had a vendetta against the wolves which is why I hunt vampires. I had a friend who was a wolf." Ally was suddenly interested.

"I know we both came from different species but ever since I was turned, I don't have a problem with either. Wolves have flaws and positives like any other creatures even humans. I think we should try to co-exist instead of sectioning off from one another it just leads to unnecessary conflict." Amy sat back in realization, she was right in every way.

"You figured out the motives for the murders really quickly, Cleo Geo and I hadn't even thought of it that way and we were vampires. You understand us pretty well huh, how long ago were you turned?" Ally thought for a while.

"Three months yesterday." Amy stood up in utter shock.

"I was expecting at least ten years, three months! How did you adapt so well?" Ally didn't think of it as a big deal, was that not the usual time for adjustment.

"I don't know I just did?" Ally was just as shocked this time frame wasn't normal.

"It took me three years just to control my blood lust, I'm jealous." Amy sat back down sitting opposite to her.

"Thanks. I never even knew the time-frame for this sort of stuff. I had really good friends to support me through my transition, I guess that's what got me through it. I'm sorry if you didn't have that." Amy sighed at her.

"Why do you have to be so nice? Here I am trying to find something wrong with you and I can't find a damn thing. If anything, we get along really well its very frustrating." Ally covered her mouth before bursting into laughter.

"You speak your mind that's not a bad personality trait, I could learn a few things from you." She said playfully back, they both laughed with each other for a while.

"You don't eat with the rest of the squad?" Ally asked noticing the only people she had seen outside were vampires, did that mean they were sectioned off? Amy pulled out a flask.

"Are you alright with blood?" she asked worriedly, Ally smiled and nodded at least she was considerate of her.

"I take a little from my boyfriend every week, It puts me over and helps me learn control. What about you?" Ally blushed slightly.

"I feed from my boyfriend regularly, he does the same from me. I used to be a wolf so my blood isn't as toxic as other vampires meaning he can drink it." Amy looked at her with furrowed brows.

"You can feed from other vampires without getting sick?" Ally didn't know that was strange.

"Yeah, I've fed from humans before, but it doesn't taste as nice from them." Amy began biting her nails in thought.

"Maybe it's a hybrid thing…I tried to drink from another vampire before and it nearly killed me. You must have rare blood." Ally felt her skin crawl suddenly, was that really true? Ally knew vampires could only drink so much blood from others before getting sick, but Luther was always fine. Or was he lying by pretending to fine? Mika snapped her out of her daze.

"Here, it has silver bullets so be careful." He held out a gun. Ally stood up and pushed it aside.

"I don't need it I can resolve conflict with my words just fine. Please Mika, let me try to talk with them first." Amy looked at Mika not sure what was going on.

"Look, I'll try to give you some time, but these guys don't f*ck around when it comes to killing. When the windows over they will be assassinated I'm sorry that's as much as I can help right now." Ally nodded and headed towards the van. Amy sat beside her along with the twins as they reviewed the case over and over. Ally already had a game plan but after hearing that was reluctant to share. Still, if she went off on her own then it would be like going against them. Ally gestured Mika over to the huddle.

"Listen, target is a male, late twenties. Motive for the murder is a female around the same age working at a bar in the center. I'll need to scout but I'm pretty sure it's this one. If I identify I'm giving myself a twenty seconds window head start before informing anyone else, this will give me enough lee-way to talk to him while also giving you time to hunt. Are we clear?" everyone looked at her with wide eyes. Ally was playing both sides of the field which is why Mika wanted her in the first place, she was smart and well adaptable. They all nodded and returned to positions. Ally recognised the weariness between the supernatural team and the human team would join in her favour meaning none would follow her on patrol.

"You should probably wear this." Mika threw her a beanie hat. Ally pulled her hair forward and sure enough it was glowing as the night got darker. Ally was frustrated, that would blow her cover immediately.

"Here, tie it into a bun then put the hat over the top." Amy handed her a hair tie, Ally quickly put it up and got ready for patrol, she didn't want to be tempted by a weapon so refused once again when Mika held one out. Mika was more worried about his team than her, this vampire was a serial killer and he was good at it.

"Amy, I'm checking out this club could you hold the back for me please?" Amy nodded, only her Mika and the twins knew the plan leaving the rest wandering around aimlessly waiting for something to happen. The strip was full of drunks and there were lights flashing all up and down the strip if Ally did run into trouble then she would need to draw the target somewhere quieter, she spotted an area in the back alley where she could draw him out.

Ally payed the entry fee and walked in, within seconds she could smell a vampire, luckily Ally didn't have a distinct scent he would recognize so it bought her time. It was the usual strip club full of guys, one couple caught her eye. It Was clear the female was a stripper but seemed different from the rest, this was just her way of making a living and Ally didn't judge one bit. The man hugging her was definitely a vampire and the main suspect, the smell of blood-lust on his was overbearing being so close to her. Ally cautiously watched his from the side not attracting any attention to herself.

"This is Luna, I've infiltrated the strip club. The suspect is not here. Scout the remaining area." Mika replied giving her time, she had twenty seconds to draw him out. Ally decided to act quickly and picked a standard move.

"Amy clear the back door I'm coming out." Amy beeped her calling system twice to say she understood. Ally passed by them and quickly swiped the stripper's purse before running causally to the back making sure the suspect followed. Thankfully, he shouted after her and began pursuing. Ally knew the minute she got out of the back where no one was around he would be faster. Amy opened the backdoor ensuring Ally's exit was quick. Ally hoped over the back wall, Amy watched the suspect run after her speeding up the minute his feet touched the ground behind. Ally also sped up until they were a safe distance away.

Ally pretended she was out of breath as he approached her, he was whistling carelessly trying to intimidate her. This was just up his street a female and a vampire so he wouldn't feel as guilty killing her.

"Wow, I sure got lucky two in one I'd say." Ally let him grab her in order to fool him into a false sense of security.

"Your hot too, I can't drink all of you, but I can take a bit can't I. From your scent your newly turned meaning I'm stronger. You'll put up a fight for me won't you." The male pulled her face upwards and froze upon seeing her eyes.

"Maybe I'm the lucky one." Ally kicked his legs from under him pinning him against the floor, he called out in pain as she twisted his arm around his back.

"W-What the hell are you!" he called out in panic.

"Hybrid. I don't have much time, so I need you to listen carefully. If you don't want to die, then I need you to surrender. I understand why you raped and killed all those other women. You were directing your blood-lust weren't you so you wouldn't hurt your girlfriend." The man stopped struggling. Ally lifted him up pinning him against the wall.

"I want to help you. What's your name?" he looked at her angrily. Ally spun his around pressing his face against the wall.

"What's your name!" she said forcefully twisting his arm harder.

"Jax!" Ally breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to hurt him.

"My name is Luna, I'm a part of the S.E.S but I'm not here to kill you. I want to help you Jax. If you surrender now, you'll get to see her again I swear it." Ally spun him around looking into his eyes so he would know she wasn't lying. Tears were streaming down his face.

"I just didn't want to hurt her. I'd do anything to protect her even if that means killing others. I'm sorry." Ally mistook him, he was suffering badly.

"Your suffering and I get that trust me. I can help you control it of you give me time. Until then, please surrender or they will kill you." Ally also had tears in her eyes, when she touched him, she felt a flood of sorrow come over her and she couldn't understand what was happening. Jax watched a tear flow down her cheek and Ally wiped it on her shoulder.

"You really are trying to help me, aren't you?" Jax was a little taken back seeing another species cry for him.

"Okay." He said weakly trying to swallow his pride. Ally nodded at him gratefully.

"Team 1 I have the target apprehended and stable requesting pick up. No arms are needed just a sedative and that is all." Ally winced when team members began arguing down the phone, they were pissed they didn't get to kill him, but Ally didn't care. That wasn't what the unit should be about. Mika soon showed up and tranquilized him before carrying him down to the operative's van. Amy walked upstairs, Ally was sat against the wall looking down below to see the vampire's girlfriend watching them take him away in horror. Ally knew what she needed to do and jumped down from the building startling her.

"Please, I'm not here to hurt you. You want answers right, I'll be happy to give you them." The woman shook violently from shock, Ally could see she was struggling and ran over to a vending machine and got her a high sugar drink.

"Here it will help with nerves, do you want to take a walk with me?" the girl took the drink and nodded. Ally began walking down and empty street with the girl by her side.

"What's your name?"

"It's Lilly." Ally nodded.

"Lilly, you know what my team deals with don't you?" Lilly nodded as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Did you know he was a vampire?" Lilly nodded again, Ally could see her knees were shaky so sat her down on a nearby step and kneeled ahead of her.

"Jax said he could control it. Did he hurt someone?" Ally didn't want to go into any detail, so she nodded her head trying not to alarm the girl.

"Don't worry I'll make sure they don't hurt him. I'm a vampire too, I want to help him so he can see you again." Lilly looked up with a strange smile on her face.

"Sorry, I just heard bad things about your place that's all. I never expected there to be people like him there. Could you promise me you'll keep him safe, he's never been anything but kind to me? I love him a lot." Ally stroked her arm to console her and felt the rush of sorrow come over her again. It even made her dizzy.

"I promise. Can you walk I'll take you back?" Lilly nodded gratefully and let Ally guide her home.

Ally dropped her off and began walking back when her phone rang from the squad.

"I'm coming back---"

"I don't think that's a good idea…" Amy voice was shaky and weak. Ally felt her heart drop. Without answering she sprinted back to the van. Ally stopped in her tracks to blood everywhere, one of the team members were being restrained while one member was performing CPR on Jax, he had a gunshot wound directly to the chest. Ally felt the whole world stop, after she had promised his girlfriend, she would keep him safe…

"Move!" Ally pushed away the doctors and used an army knife to cut her arm. She clenched and released it a few times ensuring the bloodshed was heavy before applying it all over his chest. Ally cut it over and over again.

"Luna, what the hell are you---" Mika jumped into the back of the van and grabbed her arm, Ally pushed him away.

"Back away from me now." Ally was shaking profusely, cutting her arm over and over breathing in desperation, she just needed to prove she could save one just one and that meant she could save anyone. Mika put his hands up and backed off. Amy watched in horror as Ally kept hacking at her won flesh silently praying, he would survive. After a while, his wounds began to close. Ally undid the straps and rolled him onto his side until he coughed up all of the excess blood in the windpipe. Ally pressed her hand on his chest and felt an overwhelming agony writhe through her but refused to let go and bit her own arm to stop herself from screaming.

Mika had no idea what the hell was going on anymore, Ally was clearly in pain but more than she should be. Ally endured tears streaming down her face until the pain subsided and was bearable. Ally moved away and Jax was staring at her in shock.

"Y-You brought me back…" he said weakly.

"I-I promised her I would keep you safe. I meant it." Ally got up weakly and stumbled outside trying to catch her breath, he lungs were on fire. Amy caught her as she fell to the floor in a daze.

"I'm glad I killed that son of a bitch. What the f*ck is she saving it for anyway?" Ally overheard the shooter mouthing off over at the other car. Mika watched her nails elongate and her eyes start glowing, she gave a faint chuckle before lunging up and sprinting over pinning the culprit to the floor.

"You're not as competent as you think asshole! He's alive but if you touch him again you won't be!" Ally grabbed his throat and pinned him hard to the ground.

"All of you are so caught up in your differences it's sickening. If that was a human, they would at least be tried before being sentenced to death what makes a supernatural creature any different. You should all be ashamed of yourselves." Ally kicked the man aside and began walking off into the distance away from anyone. Ally felt tears stream from her eyes as she tried to bypass the lingering agony imprinted from healing him. She had healed plenty of people in the past and never once had it hurt. This time it wasn't just healing him, touching both a vampire and human caused her to feel pain or perhaps she was being to perceptive.

"Ally!" Amy caught up to her and Ally made sure to face away, nothing pissed her off more than pity.

"Jax, is really thankful you saved him. Mika and the rest are taking him back now. You should probably stay close to him and make sure no-one tries to kill him before he's taken in." Ally didn't say anything and returned to the van, asking everyone else to stay away from her. So, Mika rode in the front leaving her and Jax in the back.

"Did you tell her what I did?" Ally looked at his empty brown eyes staring up at the van lights above. Ally leaned her head back.

"No, she assumed you hurt someone being arrested and I just agreed. I didn't tell her what you did." Jax breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't want her to hate me." Ally tutted at him.

"No-one ever wants anyone to hate them. Still, people always end up that way. I'm sorry I wasn't here when my colleague killed you, I wouldn't have let him do it." Jax looked at her finally and smiled.

"I'd rather you were with her anyway, I'm happy you caught me and were able to give her a peace of mind. If it had been any of the others, they would have just poisoned her against me. I've done some really bad things but I'm happy she's safe. Plus, I heard your speech out there, it was admirable. Almost gives me hope for our kind." Ally smirked and stared back up at the ceiling.

Almost huh?