Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 39 "Slow unravel"

"We'll put him in solitary for the time being, you've had a hard day. You're free to leave." Mika was trying to be kind, but Ally wasn't done yet, she wasn't the only one who had a hard day.

"I need to speak to the superior. I'm not leaving without." Mika was troubled by the angry tearful expression on her face right now, he had never seen her show this type of emotion.

"Wait here I'll get them for you." Ally nodded and sat outside of the offices looking at the wound on her arm, since healing Jax it hadn't healed and was throbbing painfully, when the wound was self-inflicted it always seemed to heal a lot slower. The same went for mental scars if self-inflicted, when done by others it was easy to pass blame but how could you pass your own hatred onto others. Ally made two promises she wasn't even sure she could keep one of them broken already. Mika rushed back and nodded that they accepted. Ally shook off her thoughts and prepared to be met with the leaders.

It was a large office with three board members sitting at the top. One of them sat in the middle catching her eyes first. He was a middle-aged man around forty years of age followed by two younger male members, there were no female members in sight at all.

"I'm chairman George Finnigan, these are my associates. You requested to see us, would this happen to concern today's events." Ally ignored his question and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.

"I want full custody of Jax's care plan, concerning today's events I don't trust anyone to take care of him but me. I can supply him with training and be his support for any mental complications he may have. If you have seen what I can do, then you know I won't betray you or try to break him out." George looked at her complicated why would she go this far?

"Having nostalgic reasoning behind suc—"

"Its not nostalgic is any sense its deduction, that man is a target. My feeling is void anyway I have no connection to him apart from being his kind, from deduction I've come to the conclusion that your men are too nostalgic for the wrong reasons and will come to harm him if left in your custody. Take the plea or I will walk right now." Mika stiffened up, she really wasn't playing around.

"I understand your reasoning miss King, I would be happy to transfer his care over to you I was going to say having such nostalgic reasoning is something we are after, we happen to value your opinions as well as talent. After observing your skills today, we are more than happy to offer you a permanent residency until you feel you have fulfilled your purpose." Ally should have been ecstatic but couldn't shake the pain in her chest right now and only nodded lightly. Mika could see the blood dripping from her arm onto the floor and gave George a worried glance. Understanding he quickly sighed, Ally snatched the paper and fled from the room. Mika ran and caught up with her.

"Luna, you need to go get some help, you're bleeding." Ally stopped dead and spun around pinning him up against the office entrance wall.

"When I told you to get your people in line I f*cking meant it. If I hadn't of been there that man would have died, stop picking both sides if you lack resolve so does your team and so does your unit." Ally pushed him away and ran out so he couldn't follow.

Following the base directions, she made her way to the holding cells, it was locked down securely except from one metal gate used for visitors. Ally showed the receptionist the case file with all right transferred to her and he looked at her disgusted before buzzing her through. Ally found his cell and walked inside, they had blindfolded him and straps his arms and legs to the table. Ally felt the anger bubble in her chest again.

Ally looked at the cameras and sure enough they followed her every move. Ally bravely took off his blindfold and pulled a chair up next to him.

"Luna?" Ally smiled at his and directed her eyes upwards gesturing to the camera.

"I took custody of your care, they can't touch you without my jurisdiction." Jax breathed a sigh of relief and turned his face towards her.

"Are you an advocate for my kind or something?" Ally began laughing.

"No, I'm an advocate for every kind I just don't appreciate cocky bastards who take other lives for null. It's a pet peeve of mine." Jax smirked at her, all he could think was this chick was eminently cool, someone he could get along with, but she was also naïve.

"You want to make a difference that badly?" Ally looked away, she did but it wasn't a simple task.

"I'm careful when it comes to humans, sometimes there killing intent is that much more intense than ours. They are just more discrete about it, you've killed five women but some of these men have killed hundreds of our kind and they have no intention of stopping. Its sad really." Jax glared at her, so she really was aware after all.

"I didn't want to kill those women, like you said it was an outlet. I've been waiting a long time for the King to get back to me about turning Lilly. It was her decision, I was just following the rules." Ally froze up with wide eyes, Luther needed to sanction it, then why hadn't he?

"It's a tough call to make. Signing your life away like that, always being a target and never having children. If I had the choice to go back and stop myself from being turned, I would have. At least she has a choice it's more than I ever had." Jax was speechless.

"W-Wait, you didn't want to be turned? How did they get away with it?" Ally stiffened up, she couldn't let Jax know the King was less than five miles away it would break his heart knowing he could be free right now if Luther had just agreed.

"It doesn't matter It's done. Try to get some rest, I'll talk to you again tomorrow." Ally got up swiftly and began walking home. Mika pulled up in a Jeep and opened the car door, Ally reluctantly accepted and slid into the seat beside him.

"You were right I messed up. Anyway, you sure impressed the big guys George is never that polite to anyone." Ally yawned and ignored him. Mika gripped her arm and pulled it towards him. Ally was startled and snatched it away.

"Relax, I was just seeing if you had healed yet. Look like you haven't." Ally cradled her arm underneath her good arm.

"I can heal if I want, I just don't want to yet." Mika looked at her confused.

"Why?" Ally didn't want to let it slip if a wound was self-inflicted it took a lot longer to heal.

"I just don't, thanks for the ride home. See you tomorrow." Ally hopped out before the car stopped and ran up to her apartment, she was late. Luther and Damien must have been worried sick by now. Ally unlocked the door to find Luther and Damien drinking and laughing together. From the minute she heard it all of her worries disappeared.

"Hey." Luther jumped up clearly half cut and kissed her passionately. Ally had to fight him off her for breath, it was pungent with liquor.

"Jesus Christ I'm almost drunk from kissing you. I'm happy you guys are having a good time. I'm going to get changed and I'll join you." Damien poured her a whiskey ready for her return while Luther followed her into the bedroom.

"How was your day?" Ally was trying to hide her arm so got dressed in the dark so he couldn't see.

"It was fine, I'm just happy to be home." Luther could hear a slight shake in her voice, Ally could hear his reaching for the light switch, so she kissed him for a distraction. Luther felt something cold drip onto his wrist and pulled away flipping on the light.

"What the hell happened to you?" he was alarmed and sat her down on the bed before running to the bathroom for a first aid kit.

"I'm fine Luther really, I'll explain it later." Ally lay down hitting her head off the bedpost, she hated people making a fuss over her.

"No, tell me now did the humans do this?" Ally shook her head.

"I saved someone, it just took a lot of blood and it was self-inflicted so it's taking a longer to heal that's all." Luther pulled her up hopelessly and began wrapping her arm.

"You're too damn nice." Ally decided to ask him about the turning deal since it was not involved in her case and also part of the motive.

"Luther…do you ever allow vampires to turn humans." Luther paused for a second while he bandaged her arm.

"I do but only if there is no other choice. Such as a terminal illness or people want it enough. I don't like playing god with people's lives." Ally chuckled.

"Yet you would play it with mine, you broke your own rule." She said lightly.

"I'm not complaining by the way. If I wasn't alive then neither would that poor man I saved tonight, my family would be in a lot of pain right now too so I'm grateful." Luther was a little surprised, at least she wasn't cursing him.

"I would be really hurt too. You were dying I had no choice so technically I didn't break my own rule I just made a quick judgment. If I was around, you for too long then my powers would fade, and I couldn't see the future. When your father put you forward for the trials, I had no idea. I just got to you in time." Ally pulled away and stood up, how could she have been so stupid…

"If I had the Luna gene…then I would have survived anyway right?" Luther shook his head.

"The gene wasn't active yet, you would have died if I hadn't of saved you. Your transition was just starting, it was your fathers attempt to spite me by killing you before she could wake up." Ally nodded in understanding. That made a lot of sense, so he really did save her…

"Thank-you." She rushed over and wrapped her arms around him.

"No-one has ever stood up for me especially when it came to my father. I never thanked you for saving me." Luther hugged her back squeezing her tight nuzzling her head.

"I will never lose you again do you understand me. Ever…"

------------------------Aiden's car--------------------------

"So, um…where the hell are, we going?" Aiden had been driving for a whole day and showed no signs of stopping. Isaac was also unusually quiet. Helen had a feeling in her gut, so much so it almost hurt. There was something much bigger going on here. It was true Ally's grandmother always said she was special, but she also said a lot of other things.

"You know something don't you?" Aiden gripped the steering wheel tightly and pulled over.

"I have a bad feeling about something, I can't explain it but it's there. Isaac feels it too, everyday it gets stronger and I'm starting to think maybe were all connected to her in some way." Blake was the only one who didn't feel anything and that alarmed Aiden more than the rest.

"Blake are you telling me you don't feel it. That heavy oppressive pulse in your chest like your falling?" Blake looked at everyone confused, he didn't feel anything. Sure, it was lonely without his twin sister but nothing out of the ordinary.

"It's not right. Shouldn't he be feeling it more than the rest of us, he has a stronger bond than the rest?" Isaac began speculating and Blake was growing frustrated with them all.

"I can't take it anymore, what the hell are you all talking about?" Aiden sighed and clutched his chest.

"I've known something was off for a while now, I've had it since Ally transitioned but it was never severe enough to notice." They all exited the car on a nigh time vehicle lane, the cold snapped at their faces and finger tips like ice.

"Shadow said something that really struck me, I can't stop thinking about it." Blake began reciting the notes from memory wondering which part struck him, it was all insane to be honest.

"When she was a child Ally felt nothing right? No pain, no emotion she was numb is that correct?" Helen nodded sadly. Isaac and Aiden exchanged looks.

"Shadow said that Ally had a dark side, we don't know much else about it. He also mentioned her daughter an awful lot, more than necessary. Lucy could feel other people's pain so much, so it was unbearable for her." Blake was even more confused than the start, why were they focusing on those two points?

"Luther formulated a whole tale about the way Luna died, there was no need to do that either. There are three main points that don't make any sense in the story. Zeus…Lucy or Ally." Helen gasped when she slowly started to put it all together.

"I understand…Luna wasn't killed by her father. She killed herself…so Shezmu and Lucy could survive. It wasn't Lucy who could feel everyone else's pain…it was Luna." Aiden looked away sorrowfully.

"Ally never felt pain or emotion because the gene wasn't active yet…when Shadow mentioned Luna's dark side, he meant something else. Luna felt others pain and could no longer cope so she turned off her emotions. When she finally got them back well… we don't know what happened. Shadow told us that he liked that side of her but didn't want to see it. Vaguely he showed characteristics of fear."

"The question is why would the world oldest and most powerful mage have to fear. I don't even want to think about it…" Isaac and Aiden were speculating with everything they had but there was uncertainty. Blake was struggling to comprehend any of it. In his eyes Ally would never be capable of that.

"Bullsh*t Ally would never kill anyone. You two can argue about who she is all you want but I know my sister."


"No! I don't want to hear anymore." Aiden sighed and looked at Helen for support.

"We have to find her and fast. If we can get through to her then maybe, we can stop whatever's coming. Let's go." Everyone got back into the car and began driving again. Aiden was using his own gut feeling as a compass they didn't have a direct route. Both brothers knew the feeling grew stronger whenever they went in a certain direction. If they could save her then, maybe they would save everyone…