Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 41 "Break"

"T-There's no way…" Aiden and Isaac felt their whole-body crawl in disbelief as they drove into Breakaway which was the nickname of the human town where the S.E.S was based. Helen and Blake weren't familiar with the name or the place but seeing the brother's reaction, this was no place for them.

"W-Why would she be here…you don't think—"

"No, there's no way they could catch her, she's stronger than a both breeds combined and it takes a whole unit just to take one of us down. Have a little more faith in her." Isaac cut Aiden off and began biting his knuckle nervously.

"Who are you talking about?" Helen was increasingly worried evaluating their body language, none of them would sit still meaning they were on edge.

"Supernatural Elimination Squad, we don't encounter them because our district is forbidden to them. They deal with human attacks and they're lethal, were worried because her presence is strongest around the base. I don't know what to do anymore." Aiden hit the steering wheel in frustration, they had been driving for a whole week. In total it had been almost a month since they had last seen Ally. Just the mere thought of Luther around her made the brothers want to kill.

"I'm sure if she is in there, it would be of free will. Ally doesn't do anything she doesn't want too." Blake knew is sister, there was no commitment she would tie too without careful consideration. Whatever Ally was doing there it was necessary for something.

"Maybe your right but I don't like her anywhere near them, they're all blood thirsty killers. They've killed hundred of both kinds, I bet a hybrid would be a trophy for them assholes." Isaac had once encountered the S.E.S when a member of the clan had ventured onto human territory and killed a bar girl. Apparently, they strung him up like a scarecrow after filling him with enough silver to kill an entire colony. It was a method to scare the supernatural community while also demonstrating how brutal they could really be.

"I want her out of there and away from that asshole too. I don't give a shit if he was her lover in a past life, that life's over now." Helen clamped her hands together looking at the floor filled with doubt.

"It's probably too late to be saying such things but what if she doesn't want to leave him? What if she'd happy and were just disturbing the peace huh?" Helen was chuckling but crying at the same time, it was a thought that had been plaguing her since the day she was told. Helen always told Ally that love was unexpected, and you should always enjoy every bit of it you could. In a way she deeply regretted that advice, now how could they possibly get her back if she was in love with Luther.

"Mom don't talk that way. It could be the opposite, she could be his captive. This is the father of Eli remember, what if he's some sadistic maniac?" Helen looked at Blake hopelessly.

"For someone who has watched over her since birth sure knows what he's doing, maybe he's manipulating her. Either way the way Ally feels had nothing to do with us, we'll ask her when we find her." Aiden interjected with gritted teeth, there was no point speculating. They needed to hear it from Ally no-one else…


"Luther, I'm giving you three seconds to let me go or I will seriously hurt you. I'm not f*cking around!" Ally was trying to move Luther out of the way, he was blocking the front door. Ally had opened the gates of hell the minute she woke up, she had no idea what had happened but knew it had something to do with the superiors. Damien was also trying to convince her to stay.

"You're on rest, stop being ignorant." Luther pinned her back on the couch, Ally tried with everything she had but had virtually no strength at all. It was a weakness she had ever experiences, almost human…What the hell had happened to her? Luther could see the worry and struggle on her face.

"Hey, It's okay, your just weak after the past few days. Mental tolls attack the body too." Ally scowled at him.

"Don't you dare pity me and your theory is bullsh*t too. If that was the case, I'd be weak all of the time now let me go." Luther pressed his head against her chest keeping her pinned.

"Ally, maybe you should stay home." Damien's sweet voice called out to her, causing her to relax.

"I can't kid. How about you do me a favor and hold your father off for five seconds?" Ally was deadly serious, but Damien took one look at Luther and retreated. Ally moaned rolled over, without hr strength she was immobile. What was the point?

"How the hell did I get here?" Luther tightened his grip around her waist remembering Mika holding her. Ally flicked his head and winced when her finger nail dislodged. What the hell was going on, usually nothing happened? Why was her body failing her all of a sudden? Luther could smell the blood and sat up looking at her finger peculiarly. Ally was in a state of shock, this had never happened before in her life.

"I hate this! Why am I human Luther? What the hell did they do to me." Her voice was shaking fearfully and her eyes trembled, nothing scared her more than being powerless. It was her worst nightmare, there were too many risks to being weak. If anyone was going to hurt, her they could do it with ease. Without her abilities Ally was just a fragile nineteen-year-old girl.

"I don't know. They'll come back don't worry. You've pushed yourself too hard I told you it would happen." Ally clenched her fist, she couldn't tell if he felt sorry for her or he was lecturing her. Either way he was especially annoying today. Slowly, she lowered her guard and began evaluating her conversation with the superiors. They hadn't just pissed her off, they had unhinged her completely. To the point where she would happily of killed them without a second thought…if it wasn't for Mika Ally could only speculate that she would have lost herself. When she blacked out briefly for only three seconds Mika was the one who caught her arm before it plunged into George's chest.

"Somethings not right…your trying to keep me here. Why can't I work it out? What aren't you telling me?" Damien felt his body go numb because Ally wasn't addressing Luther, her eyes fixated on him. From the minute she woke up it was clear Damien was different, he would step more than a meter in distance towards Luther meaning he was being threatened.

"W-Why are you asking me?" Ally looked at him pleadingly, Luther grabbed her face and looked her in the eyes.

"Please stop. I'm asking you to please let it go." He was begging her…there was too many questions spinning around in her head. Luther was either with or against her and although she loved him…she didn't trust him after all.

"No. Kill me then I'll stop. Why do I feel like everyone knows something about me but me huh? Your afraid of me I know that for a fact but why!" Ally stood up and gripped his collar tears in her eyes. One thing she couldn't stand for was lack of control, without control came abnormalities which were unpredictable. Ally knew she was powerful and unique but without control that reverted to lethal and unstoppable.

"Tell me!" Luther bowed his head gritting his teeth, the truth was always on the tip of his tongue since the second he saw her. Luther wanted to tel her everything but it would surely kill her if he did.

"I can't and you know I can't…it's pointless interrogating me for answers. If you want to see the superiors then knock yourself out, they won't say anything either." Ally backed away gripping her hair tightly.

"You are in consorts after all, here I was thinking I was finally in control of my own life. F*ck this I'm going on shift, stay away from me. Your both useless." Ally threw over her coat and barged out leaving the air thicker than blood. Damien watched Luther hold his head in his hands.

"You want to tell her, don't you? Somethings stopping you, is it because if you do it could change her?" Luther nodded his head, he couldn't even speak he hated hurting Ally like this. To be in the dark about your own self was frustrating and problematic. Ally always needed something to fight for meaning she would obsess over finding the truth until she found it or would die trying. Luther couldn't win anymore.

---------------Observation report--------------------

S.E.S Elite team have been briefed on a level 3 investigation involving three child murders at a local day care center. Suspect is unknown and all children are under witness protection until the culprit is found. Luna had been exempted from this mission on medical leave meaning we have no other choice but to kill the culprit on site.

"No other choice?" Ally had been loitering around the base in hiding for some while and managed to steal a brief report from a lazy unit member, Ally was still weak and was struggling to even walk but she needed a distraction. What alarmed her was the act they implied without her there was no other choice but to kill the culprit. Why did she have to be there in order for them to be spared. Although it was a small snippet of information in made her rethink everything.

Ally decided that she was going to scout the day care center before anyone else did, it would give her an advantage while also giving the offender a chance to explain his actions. Ally could understand motives quite clearly, but murdering children had no motive they were too underdeveloped to insight blood-lust never mind cold blooded murder. Ally decided to walk, taking a car would be too risky, plus she had no idea if Luther had informed them, she'd left the apartment. Containment was too far, they even used the excuse that she was incapable and on medical leave.

Ally began walking towards the main city area dragging her feet along with her hand inside her pockets. Gradually, her speed decreased and she felt helpless but it made her realize something. This is why people were afraid of her…right now she was practically human, is she were to be attacked what chance did she have at all? Now she understood what it meant to be helpless in the weakest of terms, it was frustrating for her. Ally got closer and closer and had been walking for about an hour until she saw the bright letters peaking from behind another building.

It looked so innocent…ladybird figures scattered the bright AstroTurf grass and the child's play-set looked so lonely as the swings swayed in the breeze. To think three innocent children lost their lives right here, what was disturbing is the blood splattered glass to the outdoor play area and the yellow police line wrapped carelessly around the perimeter. Ally couldn't help but think of the parents and what agony they must be in right now. Should she even give this person a chance to explain or should she just kill him and do the world a favor. No, that would be too contradictory after her speech with Jax. Who knew she lacked such resolve?

Ally's head was brimming with questions, like a platoon. This was a battle she had no idea was there, yet she couldn't even think straight for a single moment. This was a crime scene, one amerced in blood and despair but Ally had no senses. Everything was entirely numb; the breeze didn't even touch her skin it was like titanium.

"Have you seen my friends?" Ally stiffened up hearing a chilling little voice call out from the darkness, her eyes widened in terror as a young girl with long black hair and deep red eyes emerged from the black with her arms outstretched. Ally felt the whole world stop as the young girl opened her jaw wide ready to feed from her. Ally instinctively grabbed the girl and restrained her. As expected she was strong but even in a weak state Ally could handle her.

"It's okay. I don't want to hurt you." Ally tried to calm her down but the young girl clawed at her wrists trying to break free, she was practically feral yet she could still speak. This wasn't right.

"Let go of me! I'm hungry!" Ally flung her upwards and placed both of her hands tightly on her face before staring her directly in the eyes.

"Weren't your friends enough? I think your being greedy little one." The young girl stopped still with her deep red eyes glistening in fear, Ally had showed her the danger in her eyes and she submitted without a single fight.

"What's your name?" the little girl sat down opposed to her and straightened out her school uniform, such innocence Ally thought to herself. Why had this girl been turned, who in the right mind would give a child such a curse.

"Olivia." Ally nodded and put her hand over her mouth thinking. If she hadn't of showed up first then they would have killed her, they would say horrific things all of the time regarding their kills. Even if it was a child, pregnant mother, elderly if they killed then it was the end of the line.

"Olivia, why did you do this?" the young girl shied away and glanced at the blood on the glass, Ally could see the trauma written all over her quivering body. As the moonlight shone through the window it cast a red shadow over every surface including them both.

"I didn't want to do it, my daddy said if I don't learn to feed myself then he'll leave me behind." The girl pouted with tears running down her face. Ally felt her blood run cold, so her father had done this. He was insane, how could he do this!

"Can I talk to your daddy Olivia, I'd like to tell him you did a good job." Olivia's face lit up which made Ally want to scream, the excitement from killing her friends, the joy of being praised was too painful to watch.

"You're like me aren't you. Maybe we can be friends." Ally covered her mouth trying not to cry, the girl had a broken mind beyond resolve. Ally wanted to help her, to save her before she killed anyone else. This wasn't her fault, she never asked to be turned. Maybe if she could convince the S.E.S to give her custody Olivia could live a normal life while her father was punished.

"Olivia, let me see your hands." Ally held her arms open with a kind smile on her face. Olivia laughed and ran over playfully holding up her hands. Ally could see they were soaked in blood, so decided to eradicate the problem right here.

"I'm very disappointed in you Olivia, I think your father was very naïve in turning you, but you were the one who chose to kill your own friends. You need to be disciplined for that, I may be like you, but I would never kill my friends." Olivia's lip shook as Ally scolded her like any other child bypassing the blood-stained room around them and the lingering smell of death.

"What if I could help you huh? What if you came with me and I can show you properly how to feed?" Olivia looked at Ally's tear-filled eyes and for the first time felt remorse. This was only a child, she could only know what she was taught. Whoever her father was would be getting beaten to a pulp before he even had the chance to explain why he had killed his own child.

"You can be my friend and then I won't have to hurt anyone else right? But what about daddy?" Ally tried to keep her calm, even now Olivia had no idea just how sadistic and cowardly her father truly was and didn't want to turn her against him. That was a choice she needed to make alone.

"Olivia, did you find you—" A man stepped through the shattered glass, Ally could feel the crunching in the wooden floor and looked at the far right corner, if her abilities were back to normal she would have smelled him a mile off. Ally tucked Olivia safely behind her back and stood up in a defensive position.

"Daddy, I made a new friend." Olivia said cheerfully from behind her. The man was around thirty years of age with mud brown hair and worn red eyes, Ally could tell he was just a simple vampire but his crime was unforgivable. His voice was throaty and hoarse as if he smoked sixty cigarettes a day. His eye scanned Ally up and down and sniffed up.

"Sorry about my daughter she's a bit of a handful we'll be on our way. Come one Olivia." Olivia didn't move an inch and instead held not Ally's coat and looked up at her fearfully. Ally had her eyes fixated on his chest, she wondered how it would feel to tear out his heart.

"But daddy, I want to stay with my friend." His face darkened when he saw Olivia clinging to Ally. It didn't take her long to assess the situation, he was clearly possessive over her. Maybe she had a terminal illness or she was going to be taken away from him. Is that why he turned her? Ally raised her eyes and made them glow glaringly.

"I'll give you one chance to explain to me why you turned her, or I'll kill you on the spot." His legs began trembling and he fell to the floor in shock. Her mismatched eyes were something he had only heard rumors about, everyone was spouting about the great return of Luna. Was he standing right in front of her?

"I-I had too she was dying, I didn't want to lose her." Ally scoffed and looked around the room.

"Look around you, I'm sure if they're parents could have done the same, they would have. You made a big mistake and your going to pay for it. To give your own child such a burden is the most pathetic low-life cowardly effort I have ever seen. How could you live with yourself?" Ally went to walk forward but Olivia gripped her hand tightly.

"Please don't, he's my daddy. Don't take him away from me." Ally felt her throat close and she swallowed her despair, the man looked at Olivia with adoration and anguish. It was clear he just wanted her to survive…

"I'm not talking about turning her, I would have done the same for my child in your shoes. I' talking about control, an unbelievable amount of discipline is needed in even the oldest of our kind and yet you would let a five-year-old attend a day-care without considering the consequences. Did you even establish what had happened to her or did you keep her in the dark and tell her she was special?" his face shot up, her words were accurate.

"I'm sorry Luna, please forgive me." Ally stiffened up, there was no way…no way he could know who she was.

"Wow, your Luna. I'm friend with Luna, I'm so lucky." Ally watched Olivia smile widely as she danced around her. It was like a nightmare.

"H-How do you know who I am?" the man looked at her confused.

"I don't understand, is that a trick question my grace. We all felt you wake up, we've been waiting for your orders." Ally blinked a few times wondering if she had heard that right.

"Huh…My orders w-what t-the hell are you talking about?" Olivia ran up to her dad and started at Ally like a shooting star, the blood hue of the room shone through the window behind her.

"All you need to do is say the word and we'll commence." Ally rushed up and grabbed his shirt with shaking eyes, they darted back and forth unable to comprehend what the hell was going on.

"What word? Explain what you mean right now!" as he was about to open his mouth, the glass shattered all around them. Ally grabbed Olivia protecting her from the blast while also watching the glitter like shards explode around her. They were like teardrops, bloodied teardrops…

Ally watched the place be swarmed by S.E.S officers, she was held at gunpoint but so overwhelmed by the situation she fought to protect Olivia. Wrapping her arms around the barrel she ducked under and kicked the knees beneath the soldier causing him to crash into the ground. Ally snatched the gun and put it to her temple, this was the ultimate test. She couldn't take it anymore, there was no other. Everyone gasped and backed off seeing the seriousness in her hate filled eyes. Olivia whimpered and held Ally for dear life while her father cowered behind her.

Mika ran into the room and stopped dead seeing the blood-lust emanating from Ally's body, it was enough to kill them all, but she had directed it to herself, her hands didn't even shake holding the barrel. Ally took in a sharp breath when Luther walked in behind him with worry all over his face.

"Ally, please don't do this." Luther approached her and she cocked the gun, it was clear their bond wasn't enough anymore. Ally was serious, if she didn't get answers right now there wouldn't be anything to fight for anymore.

"I don't want to blow my brains out in front of the child could you get her out of here please?" her words were empty, she had nothing to lose anymore…