Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 42 "Why should I live?"

"You lay a finger on either of them and I pull the trigger. You know me well Luther, am I bluffing?" Luther shook his head, Mika didn't know what to do Ally had control over the whole situation. It baffled him how she was so sneaky in the first place, the brief was highly protected meaning she would have to get up close in order to obtain it. Better yet, why was she protecting both vampires so earnestly. Olivia tugged at Ally's arm.

"Luna, you can't die we need you." Ally didn't take her eyes off the squad and used her other hand to stroke Olivas raven hair.

"It's alright, little one. You and your daddy need to go with my friend he'll protect you. Won't you Mika?" Mika was a little shell shocked, she knew his duty fairly well considering it hadn't been outlined. Yet again, she impressed him with her deduction. Safely, he guided them both out leaving the remaining scouts and Luther at a standoff. Ally wouldn't take her eyes off him, Luther had this heart wrenching look in his eyes which made her question if he really did love her. Over time, that doubt had weighed on her mind. Still, she could never forgive him for what he did to Isaac or herself. Luther could love her until his dying breath, and she would never forgive or forget. Mika returned and sat down glaring at her.

"You really know how to regain the advantage don't you?" Ally smirked.

"I wouldn't call it an advantage at all. I'm testing a theory of mine, what would be worth more than my life? Actually, why is anything worth more than my life. Your superiors said a lot of interesting things to me about why I would waste my life so carelessly while I would give a murderer the time of day. Would you like to know the answer?" Mika looked at her wearily, something was different about her. There was no anger, pain or happiness on her face. She was hollow like a shell; whatever tactic she was using he was unfamiliar with whereas Luther knew exactly what she was doing.

"I don't care if I live or die because it doesn't matter what I fight for you will always try to control me. I'm not fighting for my own hopes, I'm fighting for something unbeknownst to me. You really f*cked up Luther, next time you have a conversation with Damien. Ensure I'm fully unconscious first." Luther mouth parted slightly before he gritted his teeth, she had been tactical and managed to obtain valuable information. Ally was awake from the moment Mika caught her in that room, what better way to hear the truth then to play dead.

"Negotiations are underway and any attempt to stop me is futile so save your breath for something more useful. I've been working this out bit by bit, Mika you watch me intensely all of the time. You can even measure my bloodlust from the sad expression on your face. Luther, you knew me in the past and are exceptional at fabricating tales, but I don't trust you one bit. So, lets have it then. Why should I live?" Luther and Mika looked at one another with stunned faces, they were a step behind her the whole time.


"Another thing, you've never called me Ally since I returned to you. Did you really think calling me by her name wold awake something in me? Or was it the opposite, here I was believing that I was helping our kind. I was your target all along, wasn't I? Your testing me by evaluating my morals, Jax wasn't even a murderer, was he? I know because the vampires I just made contact with knew my name without knowing me at all. Yet, Jax didn't even flinch when I told him my name. Clever boys." Ally tapped the but of the gun against her head and laughed, she had completely lost her mind. This just proved that she should ever doubt her gut and it had been churning since the day of the Luna trials.

"Very good Luna. Looks like you worked it out." Luther clapped his hands condescendingly while Mika looked away in guilt.

"Not quite. There is still a lot I don't know, but I'm sure you do Luther. I didn't lie when I said I couldn't win against a man who knew everything." Luther stopped clapping and walked closer, Ally backed up and placed her finger on the trigger.

"You want to know the truth that desperately? Well if your threatening your life then I guess I have no choice, do I? Everyone, lower your guns and leave the room." Everyone nodded obediently and fled leaving Mika, Luther and Ally alone.

"Were trying to eradicate you before you kill us all again, it's as simple as that. You always knew you were different Ally. You showed no emotion, no pain, you lived a life of trauma and yet you still push on. Anyone else would have given up by now but it's not that easy for you is it? The truth is I was your lover all of those years ago and we did have a child. However, you didn't die because your father killed you or because you wanted to save us. That was what you wanted to hear. You died because you were out of control and you killed everyone. My kind, your kind, humans, children anything you could think of. You're a monster Luna but I still loved you and I still do. You weren't always that way, you were like now. Smart, beautiful, you held wisdom and dedicate others could only dream of and then you threw it all away." Ally sat down on the floor, looking at the gun in her hands.

"You can control them, the races. But if you don't listen to us then that power inside of you will consume you and we will have to kill you. I'm sorry but it's the truth." Mika joined in the explanation. They were risking everything by telling her the truth, but Ally wasn't listening anymore, the high pitched whining in her ears blocked everything out. It was like a barrier was put up in her brain and she could no longer cope. Luther walked up and lifted her chin before slapping her face bringing her back to reality.

"Don't try to run away. I was trying to save you this burden, but you couldn't leave it alone. You have to hear it Ally."

"When you lost your way so did the vampires and wolves. They went on a killing spree under your orders and killed thousands, when you realized what you had done you killed yourself so you couldn't hurt anyone else. Don't you get it? You're the key to whether our communities survive or die. That all depends on what you believe in and whether you can handle this ability. So far, I don't think you can your too broken which is why I took your away from your family. If you became too reliant on them and they died then you would snap, everyone would die." Ally placed both hands on her knees and gripped them tightly until they bled.

"You really are an asshole Luther. Save me the burden, what a pathetic excuse you knew I would find out one way or the other. So…I'm a monster huh? I can't say I'm surprised, I always knew something was wrong with me. If I'm so dangerous then why don't you just kill me and do the world a favour? No, you wouldn't do that you love me too much, what a shame." Ally picked the gun back up and studied it playfully. Mika didn't like the look in her eyes right now and Luther already knew what she was thinking.

"You really have that little faith in yourself? You could change the world Ally, save us all. Would you really deprive all of us of that?" Ally stood up weakly and faced him with a smile on her face.

"It takes a lot to send me over the edge. Even all of this information should kill me off for sure but I'm still clinging to the hope that maybe your right? However, there is no possible way you can rely on me. In the past few days I've come to realize something very unfortunate." Luther watched tears fill her eyes before she looked at him cheerfully.

"I have our daughters curse, I'm already struggling with others pain. I'm sorry but you've wasted your time, I'm not strong enough to carry this burden. In fact, I'm probably the weakest person in the world to achieve such a naïve dream. You've been very kind to me and gave me a reason to fight which is all I could have asked for. Thankyou." Ally pressed the gun to her head and took a deep breath.

"I know! I know your suffering but please Ally! Please don't leave me again!" Luther fell to his knees with his head hanging low, Ally could see his whole body shaking. Did she really mean that much to him?

"What's the point Luther, this isn't the time to be selfish. I finally understand what my purpose is, I'm a monster and what better way to die then doing what's right. Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm strong enough and I'll happily put down this gun." Luther looked up and opened his mouth to speak but Mika cut him off.

"Sorry Ally." Swiftly he snapped his fingers and Ally felt her whole body be blown backwards as a bullet cut straight through her arm causing the gun to go off. Its bullet chipped the side of her head knocking her down and Luther hopped on top of her ensuring she couldn't reach it.

"How cruel…just let me die already you cowards!" Ally thrashed with all of her might and didn't even feel the agonizing pain radiating through her whole body. Slowly, feeling the sensation she pulled up her right arm and looked at it in disbelief. It was gone from the wrist up and she was bleeding out. Mika gasped when he saw her wound, whatever was used to shoot her was not sanctioned at all. It was supposed to be a dummy bullet harsh enough to release her grasp long enough for Luther to restrain her. Luther could see the blood dripping from above and covered his mouth when the overwhelming blood-lust consumed him. While Ally was in her human like state the smell was irresistible. Ally could see the struggle on his face.

"Go ahead Luther, drain me." Ally pushed the stump of her wrist into his face causing him to lose his grip while startled. Ally slipped her legs from under him and rushed over to the broken window. Picking up a shard of glass…she slit her throat before even thinking so Luther would have no time to react.

"No!" Mika screamed and rushed over holding his hand over the wound, Ally began feeling her body go limp as all of the blood rushed to her head, everything began fading out. Luther ran over and bit his wrist feeding her so she would heal but Ally spat the blood back out.

"L-Let m-me g-go." She tried to pry Mika's hand away but had no strength at all. Mika whistled his fingers and three members rushed inside applying pressure to her neck and began wrapping her arm to stop the blood flow. Ally began shaking violently as her body went into shock. Luther was panting heavily glaring at her with such hatred. Ally didn't focus on anything but his eyes, he looked at her like this was a betrayal but what other option did she have…

"Open her mouth!" one of the members took out his knife and pried open her jaw allowing Luther to feed her. He closed it and blocked her nose until she swallowed, it was a natural reflex and Ally couldn't stop the fluid from running down her throat.

"Sedate her." Mika held down her legs as she kicked desperately to get away, this was her last bout of strength and it was formidable. Without her abilities, she couldn't fight them off. One of the members took out the needle and injected her arm. Luther stroked her face as tears streamed from her empty eyes. This was the hollowest she had ever felt, she couldn't even die. They were insane to have such hope for her, still Mika and Luther were in shock she would go so far. To have the mental instability to slit your own throat took a serious amount of emotional strain. Ally was serious meaning they would have to restrain her until further notice otherwise she would destroy herself.

"I'm sorry Ally…" Ally had no expression on her face and closed her eyes as the drugs took effects….

------------------------Finding Ally-----------------------------------------

"What do you thinks going on? They all left in a pretty big hurry." Blake watched the intimidating members practically drive out of the base like their lives depended on it. It was clearly an emergency. Aiden was concerned, he had a bad feeling and looking at Isaac he had it too.

"Follow them but keep a low visual. If were found they'll probably kill us for trying to help her. It's their law now after all, we were lucky just to get into this town without detection. Those assholes have eagle eyes and brutal means." Isaac inspected each member individually and one stood out amongst the rest. He was nothing out of the ordinary, but he held a strange presence, he had light bright hair and green eyes. Well-built and authorities around the same age as the brothers.

"Keep an eye on him." Aiden knew immediately who he meant and nodded. Helen wasn't watching the troops she was seeing something else in the distance which shook her to the core. Blake noticed his mothers silence and directed his sight to something unbelievable. Aiden and Isaac could also feel the tension and also looked. Around 100 metres away was none other than Luther…

"That f*cker!" Isaac opened the car door to engage but Aiden held him back.

"It's no use were no match for him. You may not be influenced by his compulsion, but I am, he'll use me against you. Plus, he's a lot stronger. The only reason you even got a chance on the field was because Ally wakened him. Leave it brother we'll have our chance." Isaac huffed in frustration and began evaluating him. His hair was now blonde, and his eyes were brighter than ever, he was like a different person.

"You spent some time training with him didn't you Aiden?" Helen was watching his panicked movements closely, something had innerved him at it looked like he was in distress. Aiden clutched his head in thought as the memories began flooding back to him. When he posed as their sibling, they were all brought there to learn control, of course having centuries of advantage Luther was always top of the class. Joseph took an unrequited shine to him but even with his knowledge had no idea it was the King. His strategy and overwhelming skill were no match for anyone including his father.

"I trained with him before Isaac was turned. As expected, he was unstoppable and won every fight. The only time I've ever seen him struggle was when he fought Ally but if he really does have her under his control then we don't stand a chance." Isaac spun around and met eyes with Blake. Blake could already tell what he was thinking.

"You're her brother. If anyone can bring her home, it's you. I don't want to do this, but this is all up to you Blake. Ally has never prioritized anyone over you. Do you remember when she saved you from your father?" Blake nodded and smiled at Helen recalling the bravery they witnessed that day.

"Ally could have run but she came back for you. The same goes for the Alpha fight, she fought in your place because she can't bare to see you get hurt. We all have our relationships with her but yours is the strongest. You can do this Blake." Blake had a sudden boost of endurance and nodded with determined eyes. Aiden began tailing the S.E.S cars through the back streets to avoid attention. It didn't take long until they found them all gathered like a bee's nest around a day-care centre.

"Why would they be here?" as they were trying to work it out members began smashing through the glass and shouting like maniacs. Everyone waited around three minutes until two people were brought out…it was a little girl and a man.

"They're vampires I can smell them from here." Aiden rolled down the window and began focusing his hearing on the inside of the building, but the radius was too long therefore all he could hear was muffled voices.

"Damn it. I can't get a clear visual from here. Isa-"Aiden was cut off by Isaac hand gripping his shirt. Aiden knew Isaac was skilled but not this skilled. Isaac could hear everything and was reacting to the very heated discussion between Ally and Luther.

"It's Ally…I-I can't believe it…" Blake looked at the tears in Isaacs eyes reflecting from the rear-view mirror, he looked so distraught it was unnerving.

"What are you hearing!" Helen raised her voice desperately. Isaac in shock got out of the car.

"Isa—Damn it!" Aiden rushed after him as Isaac began walking directly towards the S.E.S. Luckily, he dragged him down a nearby Alley before punching him snapping him out of it. Isaac stumbled back and supported himself against the wall panting heavily.

"That looked painful, didn't I tell you both to stand down?" Aiden froze up hearing a familiar voice call out from the shadows. Isaac looked around frantically unable to secure a visual. How could he be there?

"Listen, I'm fully aware of your intentions. You've also worked majority of the story out haven't you dear Isaac." Shadow appeared out of nowhere, his snow-white hair flowing brighter than the moon. As for his magenta eyes, they were filled with animosity. Aiden backed up seeing the frown on his face, that was certainly something they hadn't encountered before.

"Is it true? What she is?" Isaac couldn't even stand the news was far too great for his mind. Shadow sighed and kneeled down beside him.

"Every hive has the queen bee the same as every wolf pack has an Alpha. It's true, I may have undervalued the word dark side, more like complete annihilation. Do you know why your kinds are on the brink of extinction?" Aiden's eyes glowed as he saw shadow look up to the sky in deep thought.

"It's because of her. In other words, it's now a gamble for mankind. Will she find the resolve she needs, or will it be ripped away from her causing this world to fall into darkness? I had nickname for her back then would you like to hear it?" Shadow stood up facing both brothers with a defeated expression in his eyes.

"Forbidden Alpha…"