Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 43 "Never give up"

"Well isn't this a surprise, you're her family, right? It's a pleasure." Blake and Helen had joined the rescue party. Shadow marched over and stuck out his hand with a straight face. Aiden and Isaac were dumbfounded, for some reason his playful attitude dissipated the minute he saw Ally's blood relatives. Helen and Blake cautiously shook it mesmerized by his appearance. It was peculiar a man consumed in light had a name associated with darkness. It was contradictory but clever at the same time.

"I have a lot of respect for you both. You successfully survived nineteen years with the most dangerous person on earth. I'm sure this is shock to you both and you have my condolences." Helen and Blake had overheard the discussion and were still unsure what exactly Shadow was trying to imply.

"Forbidden Alpha?" Blake had heard the name once before, but it was just an old frightening tale used to deter people from the role.

"Isn't that the title for an Alpha who becomes too unstable?" Helen shook her head and met eyes with Shadow, he gave her an assuring nod. Helen had heard of this when she was a child.

"No, not unstable. It happens when an Alpha becomes too strong and the pack no longer holds individuality. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses but when an Alpha becomes too strong it's as he said…like a beehive. All members will follow their orders no matter what and if they have, the strength to impose then the other members will kill them. It's vicious but extremely rare. He's saying Ally is like those but more dangerous because she can influence both races. "Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, Helen was usually passive and kind but right now she was ruthless. Now she had a dangerous aura surrounding her, Aiden and Isaac where unaware she had such knowledge on wolf folk law.

"Very good. If anyone can control her it's Luther but if she's learns the truth about all of this then I may have to play my trump card." Shadow directed his eyes at Blake along with everyone else. Blake clenched his fists and looked down. The pressure on him was growing more and more, he hated people being so reliant on him. At times like this Ally would usually take the burden.

"Ally never listens to me, you have far too much faith in me." Aiden's eyes lit up like a lightbulb and he walked over to Blake placing both hands on his shoulders.

"What is the one thing Ally will never do?" Blake thought for a moment, initially it had hurt him, but she would probably do that because she had the right as his sister but when other people attempted to hurt him she was unstoppable and would do anything in order to protect him.

"I get it. You want to use me as leverage, right? If others attempt to harm me it will draw her out." Shadow clapped his hands impressed with Aiden's plan, Helen pricked up her ears. Everyone stopped when a gunshot echoed in the distance followed by a large struggle. Isaac sprinted around the wall and stared at the entrance, he could hear Ally inside and it sounded like she was fighting.

"I wonder if they're hunting." Shadow slowly walked ahead but something was off, he was like a ghost. There was no substance to his actions at all it was complete misdirection.

"This isn't good." He said quietly. Everyone looked at each other in confusion, it was as if Shadow had no idea what was happening. In his abilities he could also see future events but failed to see this. Ally was currently in a psychotic state and it was taking everything in the S.E.S power to save her.

"This is our current situation. Luna has discovered the truth of her origin and past, this has caused her to have a breakdown and is in a suicidal state. I did predict this but not for a while meaning something has drastically changed." Everyone stood in silence watching him pace backwards and forwards like a maniac. It was a complete brain malfunction the minute suicidal state was mentioned.

"W-What do you mean Ally would never kill herself." Shadow took a dramatic inhale and began watching as the S.E.S carried out a very wounded Ally. She was covered in blood from head to toe and her right hand was missing…

"A-ALLY!" Blake began stumbling forwards seeing his pale sisters face, she looked completely different since the last time he saw her.

"N-No way—What did they do to her?" Aiden also began waling forward trying to maintain a visual, he imagined seeing her again would be difficult, but this was something else entirely. The once strong and quick-witted girl he grew to love was nothing more than a breathing corpse.

"I see. That was a desperate attempt and giving her deduction skills I would say she's given up already. What a shame I imagined she would be stronger." Isaac reacted quickly and pinned Shadow up against the wall.

"You can say anything else but do not tell me Ally is not strong! She's just struggling, and she needs our support. Don't ever f*cking call her weak." Isaac was filled with rage and couldn't take it anymore. Fair enough Ally had a very brutal ancestor, one she couldn't change but that was the reason he felt such sympathy towards her. Imagine having your whole life dictated from the minute you were born, it would make anyone go insane. So many people have different ways and means of achieving results but depending on the seriousness of that means will determine the strength of the result. Jackson wanted to kill Ally before she discovered her true potential while also keeping her away from Luther. Ally's family wanted to save her but also put her in an awful position because they were so valuable to her, she couldn't let her guard down and being in-between the brother love triangle was exhausting. Then came Luther and the S.E.S, both wanted to use her abilities to the fullest potential but finding such news was soul destroying and she no longer had composure or trust for anyone including herself.

"It doesn't matter who she's with or what you do, the only person who can save Ally is Ally." Aiden patted Isaac shoulders until he released, Shadow jumped back down. Something was interesting him more than the situation. It was the fact Ally didn't try to fight at all, it was as if she already knew the outcome making any attempt to survive futile. There was an anomaly somewhere, something only Ally knew.

"I have an idea…" Helen had snapped out of her traumatic state seeing Ally's pale face sweep past her. Nothing pained a mother more than seeing your child in such agony.

"I would like to speak with them. If we can make this a joint effort, then maybe we can save her. No…we need to save her. That's my daughter, I can't see her like this a second longer. Ally needs us and it's time to stop relying on her. That girl literally has the world on her shoulders and were just standing here watching?" Blake hasn't said a word since seeing his twin sisters battered body, the light to his dark glowing so dim it was barely visible. Everyone watched in awe as Blake ignored them all and began walking towards her, not even acknowledging the S.E.S members around him.

"Excuse me. We need you to step back." Blake gave him a dark look. Aiden and Isaac had never seen him like this, it was true that Blake loved Ally more than anything. However, he was enraged she would give up so easily, that she would leave him behind.

"I'm sorry." Blake said hopelessly. Like lighting he swiped his hand upwards smacking the gun from his hand before dragging him back into the alley. It was a quick move and no other members noticed being so caught up the current situation.

"B-Blake your being reckless." Aiden was a little stunned he was successful, weren't these members supposed to be dangerous, yet Blake took him down with ease and his fighting sense wasn't formidable at all.

"No, he's just desperate isn't that right?" Shadow was vibrating with excitement seeing the situation getting interesting. Isaac helped Blake undress the soldier and discovered that this was just a kid, they were employing people this young. Impossible…

"Okay then, I think we should save Blake as a trump card I agree with your theory. That leaves Aiden and I" Blake gripped his collar.

"I'm getting my sister back, f*ck your trump card. I refuse to let her suffer anymore. I'm guilty for always letting her take my misfortune, she's weak because of me! I'm getting her back." Shadow sighed and walked over, with one simple tap to the head Blake fell to the floor in a deep sleep. Helen gasped and rushed over grabbing his head before it hit the ground.

"If anyone else would like to lose their composure tell me now. I don't like dark horses, it's too troublesome. Isaac, you have a better chance at this considering Luther can't control you." Isaac nodded and got dressed, he blended in perfectly, even when he approached the squad no-one batted an eyelid. They even greeted him like one of the members. Helen, Aiden and Shadow watched biting their nails as he blended in.

"Will he be alright?" Aiden smiled and stroked Helen's arm.

"If it's for Ally he'll do anything. I have faith in him."

---------------------Ride back to base-------------------

Isaac had joined the main squad in the cart carrying Ally, he was at the back and couldn't see clearly but his ears were ideal for these sorts of situations. Luther had his head in his hand and the other he used to cradle Ally's face. Isaac felt his whole-body tense up seeing the way he looked at her. It was the same look he used to give whenever Ally was in trouble.

"I never thought she would go this far. What have I done?" Mika was writing a file report for the superiors but occasionally stopped to check her vitals, as expected they were weak but there. All of the other squad members were gossiping about what had happened. One of them addressed Isaac.

"You didn't see, much did you? I never knew Luna was so unhinged." Isaac cleared his throat and decided to enquire, any information was valuable at this point.

"No, what did you see?" they all looked at each other sadly and sighed.

"It was awful, the sniper took her hand clean off, but she didn't even react to it. Then when she slit her own throat—" they all stopped reliving the memory, it was surely traumatizing seeing someone self-mutilate themselves like that. Isaac was frozen and looked at Ally.

"In a million years he would never expect her to do such a thing, yet it only proved how desperate she was to be free of this burden. Isaac grew up with her…they played together, fought together and died together…. His ears pricked up when he saw Mika talking to Luther.

"I've arranged full restraints when she's stable to stop her from hurting herself. You told her the truth too early and almost blew it. What the hell were you thinking!" Luther snapped forward grabbing his throat.

"No, what were you thinking leaving a brief report so easy to get. If she hadn't of gotten that report then it wouldn't have come to this. She was going to kill herself regardless of whether I told her the truth or not I know her better than all of you." Isaac gritted his teeth trying not to engage with him. How dare he say he knew Ally better than him. He knew Luna not Ally. Mika and Luther stopped when they saw Ally stir slightly, this wasn't good the drugs were supposed to last a lot longer.

"You, bring the back up needle over!" Mika shouted to the back-singling Isaac out, he didn't understand what he meant and fumbled in his pockets for whatever he was asking for. Eventually he found a needle with red fluid in and rushed over. It was unreal, he was inches away from her, as he was ready to inject it a hand grabbed him from nowhere. Ally snapped her eyes open and glared at him, Isaac felt his heart stop. This wasn't the girl he knew, she was different. In her eyes was nothing but emptiness…

"Why don't you just---" Ally stopped her eyes trembling like a wild flame when she recognised who she was seeing. Why was he here? If Luther found out he would kill him, what should she do!

Ally quickly snatched the needle out of his hand and backed up to the end of the van, everyone gasped and stopped still as she shook harder than she ever had before holding the needle away from her eye. Isaac desperate expression was the most painful one she had ever seen, he came all of this way and risked his life for her.

"Luna, please stop. I'm begging you." Luther stood up and approached her gently, but her eyes wouldn't leave Isaac's, he was mouthing something to her, but she couldn't quite make it out.

"Were still here Ally, we still need you, I need you." His whisper only reached her ears and, in an instance, she lowered the needle and injected herself. Even she was surprised his voice was controlling her actions as if she injected herself unconsciously. Luther was stunned, why had she taken the initiative to live all of a sudden. Ally slumped back down but moved away from everyone who attempted to touch her. Isaac stood up and walked to the back of the van ensuring to make eye contact with her one last time before she closed her eyes and passed out. Luther caught her exhausted body and lay her back down.

-------------------S.E.S base----------------------------

Immediately she was brought to the medical unit and treated for excessive blood lost and shock, they gave her a blood transfusion and then a drip injected with sugar to counteract the effects. Everyone seemed to be in a panic, Isaac was strangely calm and waited with the rest to hear the news. Mika the unit leader exited the room and ensured them all she was fine but needed a lot of rest. Amy, Geo and Cleo had also joined, being exempt from the last minute was just for reassurance in-case Ally used her ability to control them. They were worried sick when hearing the news after building a good relationship with her. Mika talked for a while and then allowed them to rest also. Amy had smelled something new in the room but couldn't quite pinpoint it, everyone was wearing the same uniforms.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" A man approached her and tilted his head to somewhere secluded where the they wouldn't be overheard. Amy couldn't understand what this presence was just yet so out of curiosity conceited and followed him outside. Isaac sat down on the wall keeping his head lowered.

"Can I trust you?" he asked quietly, Amy looked around wearily and nodded. Who exactly was this person and why had he summoned her? Isaac raised his head and showed off his blood red eyes so she would understand they were from the same race. Amy gasped and immediately went on the defence.

"Relax, I'm not here to harm you. I want to know about Ally." Amy stepped back and wondered for a while, she wasn't familiar with the name. Isaac cleared his throat, it was clear she didn't know her real name.

"It's Luna's real name. I'm a friend of hers." Amy nodded and sat down beside him finally grasping the situation.

"What's your name?" Isaac used his cover name because it was more recognizable in the vampire community.

"Dash Lang, have you heard of me?" Amy froze up, she wasn't familiar with him but his family name was unformidable and very well respected in the vampire community.

"I do. Your friends with Luna, what relationship do you have with her?"

"Does it matter? I understand your trusted in your team and I was hoping you could give me an opening to speak with her alone. It's very important." Amy thought for a while, he could evaluate pretty well but even now vampires weren't trusted inside the base. They were merely tools; however, Amy didn't detect him at all. It was like he blended in perfectly.

"I could provide cover, but the rest is up to you. If your found out they'll kill you for sure especially if your consorting with her. To be honest when they told me who she was and that it was my duty to become close with her I didn't think she would have this type of effect on me. I don't think she's a monster…if anything she's an amazing person. One who would save anyone, I can't believe she would do this to herself." Isaac for once actually could understand Ally, after all what she had been through was enough to send anyone insane, but she held on for dear life. Hope was always something she valued which is perhaps why she decided to stop when seeing Isaac.

"You have no idea…"


"Has she said anything after coming around?" Luther was watching from a monitor. Ally was placed in a white room bound by every restraint they could think of. Since coming around she hadn't said a word or made even the slightest sound even though she was clearly in agony from her wounds. When they offered pain relief, she fought them tooth and nail refusing.

"No, maybe this is self-punishment." Ally was sweating from head to toe and she was running a high fever, she wouldn't even take antibiotics to help. Luther couldn't figure out what was going on inside of her head. In a last attempt the superiors had been asked to speak with her to see if she had sustained any irreputable damage to her mentality. George entered alone and pulled up a chair opposite studying her. Keeping her head bowed she stared at the floor.

"You really dislike your responsibilities that much. Well, I have to say we did push you to far and for that I apologize. May I ask a favour?" Ally said nothing and didn't react to his voice at all which worried him. Usually, she was very in tune with her surrounding so much, so it was frightening. It was as if she had given up on not just her life but the world. Isaac's eyes kept flashing through her mind but even them didn't move her. If only she could do something to end this pain.

"I'm going to ask you something very important and I hope you can give me a solid answer even it means looking me in the eyes. How would you feel about your family coming to see you." Ally didn't react at all, George was hoping this would act as a trigger, but it was ineffective.

"What about if I sent my team to get them right now? Would that make you happy?" Ally stayed silent…

"What about if I sent my team to kill them on the spot and give you something to be really upset about?" Yet again she said nothing, although those words broke her heart if they truly wanted to do such a thing they would have already. This was just a psychological test to see if she was stable.

"I see. I'll give the order then, you don't need them anymore. You don't need anything, anymore do you? You're a broken young girl. I pity you." George stood up to leave but stopped hearing a faint sound coming from Ally's mouth. After relistening he discovered it was soft laughter. He sat back down and watched her stomach move heavily as she breathed before she began getting louder and louder. Luther and Mika were watching in terror as she began laughing hysterically.

"I pity you. I'll kill your family. You're a broken girl. Why don't you think of something else? How about we'll kill Luther or Damien, better yet why don't you kill the whole of the supernatural community. Go ahead, do it! Why don't you put each member in-front of me and torture them while I watch, go on then. I'd love to see the look on your faces. All of this for me? How thoughtful." She wasn't speaking any sense at all, it was true she really had lost it but this was all part of her elaborate scheme. If they deemed her unsafe then they couldn't use her, and she was still in control.

"Good to see your talking. Now then, how do you feel about your newfound ancestry. Are you in pain?" Ally grinned at him widely.

"Agony." George unsettled in his chair, her domineer was terrifying.

"I see. Would you like to live?" Ally playfully hummed to herself and shook her head.

"I'm a monster. I'm not worthy. I'm something you will never be able to control so would you kindly kill me. It's for the best." George didn't know what to do, her honesty was unnerving. It didn't matter what he threatened Ally was too far gone to even care. George nodded and exited the room, he returned to Mika and Luther in distress.

"I'm afraid she's completely unhinged, I've evaluated her body language, and this isn't an act either." Mika received a call saying the medic would like to examine her injuries and attempt to give her more antibiotics. Distracted by his conversation about the next step he carelessly allowed it. Isaac walked in and began acting naturally scanning her body for injuries. Ally didn't recognize him at first but when his scent found her nostrils, she dropped the insanity act immediately.

"I'm happy your alive although I could f*cking kill you right now for that act. We were worried sick." Ally didn't respond and stared at him in disbelief.

"I-Isaac you don't get it I'm---"

"Ally! You're Ally and don't give me that sh*t I already know everything. If your going to be defeated by something so little, then you really aren't the girl I grew up with. You fought for everyone, took my beatings more times than I can count and your giving up now!" Ally bit her lip as tears streamed down her face.

"That girl dies a long time ago…you should know that by now. Please stop trying to save me and save yourselves for once in your f*cking life. You must look out for Blake and my mom. Aiden and Joseph too—"

"That's not my responsibility. You're their family and right now they need you. Don't say they're fine without you because you know nothing. Blake lost his spark the minute you left us there in the courtroom. You really are cruel telling me you love me before leaving. How did you expect me not to find you huh? Why would you tell me that?" Ally could no longer breath, every word filled her heart with sadness she couldn't bear. Isaac was also fighting back tears as he applied antiseptic spray to her hand.

"W-Wait, how do you know everything?" Ally suddenly stopped in her tracks of despair…there was no way he could know everything.

"We have a connection. His names Shadow." Ally tensed up…she knew that name…

"Isaac, I'm sorry about this." Before he could question anything Ally reared her head up and headbutted him biting his lip faster than life and sucking the blood from it. Isaac jumped back in pain clutching his head in confusion. Ally liked the blood from her lips and smiled.

"Thankyou." With that he suddenly understood, she had been deprived of blood to keep her weak but that little bit might just be enough to get her free, everything was riding on him now.

"Medic, are you alright?" Isaac held up his hand to say he was fine. Ally had a different look on her face now, it was focus like he had never seen.

"You really are smart Ally King." He chuckled quietly exhilarated her fight had returned however Shadow appeared to be the trigger which worried him.

"Are you ready?" he whispered, Ally nodded, and Luther began watching the screen intensely, something was different about her.

"Hey Luther, won't you humour me for a bit?" she said devilishly…with that she snapped from her restraints and Isaac scanned the key card quickly allowing them both to flee the room, they were far to fast to even see and Ally had ripped through the leather restraints all around her. They made a fatal mistake by involving her family, when they were in danger. Nothing could hold her down.