Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 46 "Who are you?"

When two people fight for the same thing it's a very hard force to counterattack, every soldier on the front line received the red warning which meant a dangerous captive had escaped. It also meant… kill on site…

Ally was conveniently revitalized and fought together with Isaac in order to reach the front gates. Isaac noticed Ally kept sprinted backwards as if waiting for something. Isaac could see she still wasn't herself at all but when Ally fought, she gave it her all no matter what mentality she held.

"You're on edge?" he said whacking the butt of the gun against soldier's head. Ally knocked one out and they safely reached the gate both unharmed, it was a miracle really?

"It's too easy…I don't like this at all. Luther didn't even come after me…" Ally wasn't speaking very clearly but Isaac also began to realize she had a point. Frantically she began scanning her body up and down looking for a microchip or tracing device. They wouldn't let her leave this easily something was off. Regardless she found no traces of a tracking device which confused her and suddenly her feet were panted to the ground unable to predict their next move. Isaac stood in-front of her trying to distract her as she became unresponsive.

"Ally, we have to go there's no point standing here waiting to be caught. Let's go." He gripped her arm and dragged her down the back alleys where they both caught their breath. Ally looked at her arm which had miraculously grew back, that small amount of blood from Isaac had done wonders.

"Isaac, where is everyone else?" Isaac took out his phone and began ringing Aiden immediately. He waited a while until the dial tone went off…he wasn't answering.

"Damn it. Why isn't he answering we can't afford to run bare foot they'll track us." He said frustrated calling over and over while Ally looked at him hopelessly. They really were idiots when it came to her and it pissed her off beyond belief.

"You went to far this time. You're such an idiot I could kill you. Do you know who Shadow is?" Isaac stopped still hearing the resentment in her voice while her eyes trembled fiercely, he'd never seen her this pissed at him.

"Shadow, was you're friend." He said naively, Ally walked over to the wall and hit her head in anger.

"No, he was Luther's friend. I don't know how you found me or what you want but you've been played Isaac. Luther would never let Shadow do something he didn't want him too…which means he wanted you all here. Looks like I'm not the only target. You idiot why couldn't you just leave it alone." Isaac clenched his fists and violently spun Ally around.

"Leave it alone! When you made such an impression on all of us you expect us to leave you to fight alone simply because you wish for it? You're selfish Ally, really selfish." His words were strained. Ally spun him around taking the dominance right from under his feet.

"I'm tired Isaac. I'm really really tired. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally tired and I've lost all control of everything I have including who I am. At this point I don't trust myself, I'm too unstable so I need you to keep an eye on me. When I get you all to safety I'm going to leave and this time I won't come back. Am I understood?" Isaac tried to look into her eyes for some form of guilt or lie but they were the most serious eyes he had ever seen. Suffering beyond his measure…he couldn't ask her to live when she was this broken. It would be like asking a dog with two legs to walk on four. It was cruel and it took him for this moment to realize just how far gone she was, this wasn't Ally anymore…

"Okay…" he said softly before gently removing her arm, it dropped by her side as she stood like a hollow minded doll for around two minutes trying to find the motivation to rescue her family. After careful recollection, Ally discovered that Shadow was supposed to be looking after Camilla and Eli. Meaning he had left them behind which was highly unlikely, or he's brought them with him. That's where Ally felt a shiver flow down her spine. They would want revenge for her breaking free and taking their brother and father with her.

"My guts going crazy, if he's not picking up then we'll scout for them. Knowing Aiden, it would be somewhere on the outskirts so fleeing would be easier. There is a mountain on the far side, wolves go for cover at night right to protect themselves from enemies when outside of the pack?" Isaac have a conformational nod. Ally got her head back in the game, if this was her last bout then she would fight until the death without a slither of fear.

Swiftly, they began sprinting towards the forest line, dodging military grade vehicles and soldiers on the way. All it took was one red alarm and everything would fall apart, Ally knew when backed into a corner people became desperate no matter who they were. The same applied to Camilla, Eli and Shadow, if they were found most likely they would use her family as leverage.

"Isaac, if Luther engages leave him to me. He has a vendetta against you, he won't show mercy." Isaac stopped running slightly hearing the cold tone in her voice.

"Why would he have a vendetta against me? Isn't he the one who attacked us Ally? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Ally gritted her teeth, he needed to comply, or he would get hurt.

"He thinks you'll steal me away and considered you a rival. Believe me when I say he doesn't like competition he means it so I'm asking you to please stay safe. If I lose any of you, it's game over." Her words lingered in his head. Game over? That meant she would give in to her dark desires, did that mean her dark side would come out? Or did it mean she would die after experiencing such loss? He didn't like any of those options, so he submitted and mentally forced himself to leave Luther to Ally.

"What will you do? If you can't fight…" Isaac had a dark inner thought that was bothering him, and he was finding it hard to breath as Ally's proposition haunted him. I won't come back…she didn't need to detail what she meant.

"As long as I have a reason to fight I will. However, I decide my reasoning. Not you, not Blake not anyone so please save your breath when that time comes. Trust me, it's better for all of you. Not just my family but everything else also." They arrived at the forest tree line and Ally slowed down when she saw Isaac stop not far from her.

"W-What happened to you…" he said quietly clutching his chest, this was agony.

"W-Why have you gone away when I'm so close to getting you back? Why are you giving up? Why! Why! Why!" Isaac got gradually louder before punching the tree trunk with all his strength. Ally watched him struggle as his breathing increased until his body was at his limit.

"Because sometimes it's better to let it go. Do you remember what Grandma used to say to us both when we were little?" Isaac looked up and knew what she was going to say.

"If were strong enough to let it in, then we are strong enough to let it go. I let my pain in and now it's time for me to let it go. I wish we could have lived in that perfect little bubble we had too. That day we confessed to each other has been engraved in my heart since and I can't shake it. No matter what I could never let you go even when I thought you were gone. Your special to me Isaac but as long as I'm in pain then so are you. Let me take away your burden. I want you to be free." She placed both hand on his shoulders and pressed her forehead against his with a kind smile on her face.

"Aren't you the one who wants to be free?" he said bitterly gripping her hands. Ally staggered back and chuckled.

"I will never be free, and I realize that now. Look at me Isaac, I have chains that no-one can see and a collar with my name written all over it. You don't recognize me because it's not me anymore. I'm not Ally and I'm not Luna. Nor am I your mate or Aiden's sire. I'm a slave to myself and to fate. I've accepted that now. Well…if this is my last stand then I want to make it memorable so that even though I'm a monster…just this one last time I can be the hero." She said sadly as tears streamed down her face. Without turning back, she held her head high and took a deep breath before disappearing into the forest. Isaac felt her slipping away step by step and subconsciously reached out his hand in a last bout of desperation. How can I be free when your not beside me Ally? How can I live without your eyes watching my every move? Without your words touching my soul? Are you really gone already or where you gone the minute, I left you?

Ally approached the clearing following a scent she knew better than anyone's. A scent that had been beside her since her birth. Blake, Helen and Aiden were all knelt to the floor with their head hanging low looking defeated. Shadow was standing over them like a king.

"Huh?" he spun around meeting eyes with Ally, her aura was entirely different from what he was expecting. It was dark and shallow, like she was a ghost wandering the earth yearning for release. This wasn't what he was expecting.

"Luna?" he said almost curious as to who he spoke with. Everyone raised their heads frantically like they had been awakened. Ally smiled at them and wandered over dragging her feet against the fresh cut grass.

"Sorry to disappoint you." She said sincerely as Shadow back away slowly, what was this. His legs trembled and he couldn't breath as her overwhelming power consumed him like darkness. T-This was the Luna he never wanted to see again…

"Shadow is it? It's been a long time I'm guessing. Thankyou for bringing my family to me. I appreciate it. Stand up." She said softly lifting Blake's chin. Blake couldn't understand who was talking or who this person was. This wasn't his sister at all.

"Y-You're not angry?" Shadow stuttered as he shook violently in fear, Ally tilted her head to the side confused by his question.

"Not in the slightest. You planned to kill my family didn't you Shadow? But I'm not angry…I'm enraged." She said calmly before walking towards him. Her body language was so light yet her domineer was shrouded in agony and it scared him. It was like two different people co-existing with different desires.

"W-Wait a second…you're supposed to be Luna. Why are you acting this way?" he said frustrated. Ally smirked letting the tip of her fang rest precariously on her lip.

"Don't you like my dark side Shadow? Isn't this what you wanted to see?" Ally was inches away from him and her blood-lust was overpowering to the point where Shadow lost all courage and felt like submitting.

"Ally…" she stiffened up hearing the one voice she didn't want to off in the distance. Turning around she was met with a frightening sight. Blake was looking at her with fearful eyes as Luther had his arm positioned tightly around his neck, one wrong move and he'd snap it instantly.

"Luther, stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you anymore, you lost. You'll never get your precious Luna back as long as I breath. Let my brother go before you condemn yourself." Ally gave him a warning glare, this was something she hadn't predicted.

"I've already condemned myself the minute you were born. Why couldn't you just listen to me huh? Everything went to plan, you fell in love with me again. We were going to be happy, but you would rather throw your life away like trash than live with me?" Ally shook her head in annoyance.

"My world does not revolve around you Luther. It revolves around every member here. Targeting my brother won't change anything. I'm still going to leave you so just take my advice and listen to me. Let him go…" Luther closed his eyes almost preparing for something as he bit his lip.

"Forgive me Ally."

When we were little, you were always there to support me. We made a promise to stay by each others side until the day we die. You weren't just my twin, you were my friend, my brother, my guardian. My air, my ground, my heart. You were my brother…

Ally watched as a smile flushed over her brother's face, a smile that was kind and gentle. That touched her heart and her soul, it was a smile she wanted to give him at the end of that battle. You're a thief she thought hatefully. How dare you smile at me like that brother? I'm your protector, I'm your sister!

"Wait!" Luther stopped in his tracks just as Blake's neck was about to snap. Shadow walked ahead standing in-front of Ally with a happy grin.

"I just wanted to see your face…" he said darkly. Ally sprinted forward…

That snap…like a tree branch. Like a dog crunching a bone…like the most painful sound you could ever hear. Like an infection pulsating through your whole body. Your downfall, your heart tendons snapping as their ripped apart.

Isaac stood behind Luther with his arm around his neck…Blake was breathing heavily with his eyes closed waiting for the final blow but…it never came…Instead Luther's grip loosened as his arms fell by his side before, he fell to the floor.

I was so focused on losing my brother…not once did I believe it would be you laying at my feet. The man who caused it all, the one who ruled my life until the last detail. Tell me Luther, did you see this coming. Are you going to bounce back to life while I think I'm safe? Shadow gasped and looked at Isaac standing proudly over his body.

"You're going to regret that…" Shadow raised his hand, but Ally gripped it and twisted ti around his back before slamming him into the ground.

"No-one raised a hand to my family. Understood?" he panted heavily trying to release her grip, but she was stronger than he ever imagined. This had taken every dramatic turn, they were supposed to kill Blake and get her to crumble but she taken the upper hand yet again.

"This is your job! You're supposed to be Luna! You're supposed to be broken!" he screamed out like a little child throwing an embarrassing. What no-one knew was Shadows abilities didn't work on Ally, even in the past his efforts never touched her. Because she was also a Shadow, even though she radiated light, her position was in the dark.

"Your wrong old friend. I am broken but you don't get to control my life anymore. No-one owns me, I've said it since the beginning of time. I am my own person, not Luna, not Ally. We're the same you and I. I'm a shadow, meaning I can only thrive when there is light." It was metaphorical, light meant hope. Hope is one thing Ally clung too but now she had nothing more to fight for. Ally lifted him up and pushed him away. No more death there had been more than enough.

While in her own little world her family had joined as one in a huddle around her watching as the girl, they all knew began slipping away from them. Blake took a deep breath and walked over to her as she stood looking up at the sky, the starts were duller than usual.

"Sis, let's go home." He tugged at her arm trying to move her, but her feet were glued.

"No Blake, I don't want to go back to the way things used to be. Look at you." She said playfully squeezing his face.

"I can already tell you've become an amazing Alpha. I can see that light in your eyes again. I'm proud of you brother." Blake slapped her hand away and gripped her face.

"You're lights still there too you know. I know I'm not connected to you anymore, but I know you Ally."

"No, you don't. Nobody knows me, you may think it's enough to watch my family standing ahead waiting for me, but I can't go back, and I can't go forwards either." Ally smiled to herself, it was time. This was her last mission.

"Bullshit! You don't get to be selfish that's my job. Even if I have to drag you home myself your coming back with us!" Aiden had finally broken his silence. Isaac patted his shoulder and walked ahead of them all. He knew it was time and Ally wouldn't change her mind no matter what. Ally was stubborn like that.

"It's futile but since you have already decided we don't need you how about I list a few people who do need you Ally." She seemed unphased but had a dark uprooted feeling in her heart. Who else needed her? What were they talking about? Blake smiled and stood beside him.

"That's right. You remember Quinn and Jake Lamont, don't you?" Ally thought back, that was a name she'd forgotten all about. That naïve young smile and puppy-like eyes that would greet her whenever she entered the pack house. Quinn's clever remarks and enlightening tone whenever she would enter her signature bar. How could she forget them?

"Quinn was discharged from hospital and I appointed him as my advisor once he's settled back in. He asked me when you were coming back so he could thank you for saving his life. Jake won't stop asking about you either, I learned what you taught me. I've trained him how to fight and he's a really fast learner, but I can't seem to get the others together. They said they wouldn't fight without you there."

"Joseph keeps calling every day to see if your coming home yet and even Jade wanted to see you to apologize for what she did to you. There are a lot of people at the clan who would like to learn from you too." Helen stepped forward also finally speaking up since she had been reunited with her daughter.

"Your father asked me to tell you he was sorry since he didn't think he would ever see you again. He's always been such a hard shell he never really told you why he resented you. I'm sure he would like to explain himself in person." Ally listened to the calmness in their voices, this wasn't a desperate attempt at all, and it confused her. Ally had expected them to be begging on their knees for her to stay what was this?

"You see, people do still need you. Even if it's not me or Blake or anyone else for that matter. You said as long as you have a reason to fight you will, right? Well, you can decide for yourself. Wouldn't you like to leave a legacy behind? Be the girl everyone admired one more time or is this it? Are you too tired?" Aiden stepped forward also with a kind smile on his face.

"We came all this way because we had something to fight for Ally King. That something was you. You may think we won't accept you for who you are now and truthfully maybe your right. I'm asking you to let us be the judge ourselves and stop making judgements on your own. We knew you would be struggling which is why we came together so we can support you. Did you hear that? Support, not help, not pity. I want you to do this on your own and lean on us. Were your family, that's what family is for." Ally still wasn't saying anything, but her body was very weak, these were words she never could have imagined escaping her family's mouth. They were always so hell bent on saving her, they had matured so much and banded together bot races for her sake. Not to save her but to help her save herself.

"What about everyone else, if I come with you the S.E.S will hunt me down. Luther will do anything in his power to keep me by his side. I can't just leave everyone, there is one common factor in all of these incidents and that's me. My past, my personality."

"You don't have to worry about that." Ally froze when Damien walked through the trees and stood in line with her family.

"It's forbidden for the S.E.S to trespass on supernatural territory, so they can't touch you as long as they stay here. If they stray from that then we have no choice but to teach them a lesson. As for my father, don't worry about him. I can buy you some time." Ally was starstruck. This boy had matured so much in the little time she'd spent with him. Ally thought for a long time occasionally glancing at Luther's sleeping body. There would be time in the future to explain why his plan didn't work and why she couldn't stay with him. Even though he had caused her a great deal of pain, it just meant he really did love her more than anything.

"Sis, you want to be free right? Who are the people that have never hidden anything from you? People that will fight by your side until worlds end?" Ally felt her lips quivering trying not to tear up. Blake was right…they had never tied her down because they knew her too well. A dysfunctional family like no other.

"If I come with you. We play by my rules and if at any point I start to dissociate or lose my way you must promise me one thing." Isaac looked down sadly and took a deep breath. Only he knew what she meant.

"I'll do it. Even if you beg me not too, if you go dark. I will kill you." Everyone gasped and glared at Isaac yet the only persons expression he valued was Ally's as she smiled at him softly. Ally stretched her arms and yawned, this was truly exhausting. Physically she could destroy an army but after this mental battle she could barely stand.

"I have to congratulate you all. This is the first argument with me you've actually won." She chuckled arrogantly. Damien watched them all smile and look at Ally with adoration. So, this is what family entailed?

"Damien." He jumped as Ally called out his name. She had studied him closely and could see what he desired. Happily, she would give him that opportunity.

"Your one of the only people who have kept my head above water throughout this entire experience and I consider you family. If you want you can come with me, I still have a lot to teach you. Plus, we didn't get to finish our project together. Co-existing sounds really good right about now." Damien felt his heart flutter and looked at the row of people before him. He could have a real family?

"What about my father?" he said worriedly, he sympathized with him. He didn't want him to be alone.

"Unfortunately, he deprived something very precious to you. Something I can't promise to give back, but I want to try. You'll get to be you, I have a good friend who can train you. As for fighting leave it to me. Luther has his own fate, a fate I no longer want to be apart of. You don't have to be a part of that either so I'm asking you to join me." Damien felt so conflicted it made his head hurt when a hand placed itself gently on his shoulder.

"My daughter doesn't take a shine to people very easily so count this as a very big compliment. We will welcome you if you choose to take it but no pressure." Damien looked into this small woman's nurturing eyes and felt a sudden ease in his soul. She reminded him a lot of his mother.

"What are you planning to do? You were so ready to give up, why have you changed your mind so suddenly?" Damien wanted solid answer, Ally was stubborn and once she made up her mind changing it was impossible. What had changed? Who was she?

"Can you breathe? Can you fight? Does your heart still beat? Are you completely broken? These are questions I've asked myself over and over since I was able to recurrent them. I can still breathe, and I can still fight. My heart still beats, and I may be broken but I still have value. A vase can crack but still provide flowers with water. A mirror can break yet you can still see your reflection it's just scattered. I am alive for a reason is what I've come to realise. My family reminded me of this, I still have things I need to do. I can change and so can you. I am selfish and I will hurt people because that is my nature however who I hurt and who I am selfish too is my choice. So, tell me…what do you choose Damien?" Everyone was dumbstruck with her words, this wasn't wisdom at all this was truth. Ally admitting her flaws and letting them into her complicated mind.

"I choose to fight." Ally nodded approvingly.

"Let's go home." She huddles together with them and embraced them all equally leaving Isaac for last.

"Who are you?" he whispered in her ear as he embraced her tightly.

"I'm Ally King."