Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 48 "We're Home."

"She's sleeping…" Ally had her head rested against Isaacs shoulder as she peacefully drifted away. Helen and Blake also looked back at her with a cheerful smile. They had won, although se wasn't complete that didn't matter as long as she was with them. They could bring her back to life, make her smile. Give her something to fight for. Damien also looked back and remembered the moment they left that forest and what Ally did to his father.

Walking over to Luther's sleeping body she rolled him onto his back and sat beside him slowly moving the strands of hair from his face. And her words, those soft words that echoed inside of his head as she kissed his forehead.

"You taught me many things Luther James, I'd like to thank you for that. I know soon you will come to find me again or maybe you won't. Who knows anymore? When you hugged me I was safe and when you kissed me I felt love. You gave me purpose and reminded me that I'm not alone. Thankyou." She stared at him kindly for a long time until she forced herself to pull away walking off into the distance with her family. Ally glanced back countless times fighting the urge to stay with him. This was the first time she'd ever broken her word, but this was for the best. Luther needed to learn that he could live a life without her too.

Everyone sat silently in the car ride home, occasionally looking back at the girl who had brought them together once and for all. They had all built relationships and proven that they could co-exist efficiently when moving towards a mutual goal. After all those fighting for the same thing truly were a force to be reckoned with. Ally slept the whole way there, which was understandable after everything that had happened. It took them a long time to get home almost two days so when they pulled onto the pack territory everyone was tired. Isaac nudged Ally awake.

"Hey, are you going to sleep for the rest of your life? Were home." Ally felt her mouth twitch as she tried not to smirk. Home…The place she grew up huh? This place held a lot of bad memories but also held good ones too. As she looked at the large house, she directed her eyes to the training field in the distance. The grass was overgrown with weeds and the sun didn't shed any light there. It was desolate, she hoped to change that. Damien looked around nervously and Blake noticed so he patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, my pack are really friendly. You won't be harmed in any way." He said excitedly as he jumped out of the car. Aiden and Isaac also exited and waited for Ally to join them, but she stayed put staring out of the window. For some reason her body wouldn't move an inch no matter how hard she pushed herself.

"Ally, are you alright?" Helen opened her car door and outstretched her hand. Ally looked at it for a while before holding it gently and pulling herself up.

"Forgive me, I'm really weak today for some reason." She chuckled lightly. Isaac put her arm around his shoulder and began walking her towards the house.

"Everyone will be ecstatic to see you sis, they've never stopped asking about you." Blake walked causally alongside them, talking happily but Ally couldn't hear his words at all. There was a whistle in the wind blocking out her hearing. When she started to feel her legs getting weaker a small voice called out to her.

"Ally!" she jumped and looked up seeing a little pup run towards her with his arm wide open. Isaac chuckled and let go of her so the little boy could embrace her properly. Jake little hands wrapped around her waist as he began weeping into her stomach. Ally was at a standstill but instinctively held him back. Stroking his fluffy brown hair, she knelt down so she could hold him close. This was such a nostalgic feeling she didn't know what to do with herself. Should she laugh? Cry? Act all tough to set a good example?

"Jake why are you crying?" she said placing her head on top of his.

"Because I thought you went away for good!" Damien watched from behind, this was his first time seeing such a young child and he clung to Ally like a mother. It was very touching. Ally squeezed him tightly until another weak voice called out her name. Upon lifting her head Quinn was standing at the front steps leaning against the porch for support. Ally picked Jake up keeping him close and staggered over to Quinn. Quinn was also weeping silently blushing with embarrassment.

"I shouldn't be crying in front of you." He said angrily his hands shaking In frustration. Ally ignored him and pulled his close with Jake. These two boys were people she hadn't relayed she missed.

"Look at you both. I'm so happy your both still here to greet me." She chuckled as a tear trickled down her cheek. Everyone joined her as she consoled herself before letting the young boys go. Damien was waiting with his eyes closed for the two little wolves to start panicking when seeing the vampires but what happened next shocked him beyond belief.

"Aiden, it's good to see you again." Quinn had a smile on his face?

"You too kid, your looking really well." They were talking like good friends, there wasn't any fear whatsoever. Helen watched Damien's shocked expression.

"We don't separate ourselves with race. Ally taught us that." Blake stood beside him also.

"True. We all breath the same air and walk the same roads. This is what it should be like." He said patting Damien's shoulder.

"Ally! I can fight now, Alpha taught me how to punch properly!" Jake bounced in excitement demonstrating his moves. Ally covered her mouth trying not to laugh.

"That's good little pup but don't bounce around too much you'll lose your footing." She said gently correcting his leg. In the commotion, Carrie had exited the pack house and stood at the front door in awe when she saw Ally's silver hair peeking behind some new faces.

"Ally King, is that you?" Ally spun around hearing a familiar voice and her eyes suddenly filled with tears. Carrie had her hand over her rounded stomach. Ally walked over in shock and stood inches away closing her eyes listening to the heartbeat inside of her stomach.

"Oh, I'm four months now. I didn't find out until after you left." She laughed. Ally smiled back, peering at the glow she now held. Her aura was different, the colour had lightened considerably.

"Congratulations." She said softly wrapping her arms around Carrie, initially she froze up. Ally didn't embrace anyone, she was always the girl with a two-metre distance between everyone but now she seemed more open.

"Were going to have a meeting. Ally, would you mind leading?" Blake said awkwardly not wanting to overwhelm her.

"Actually, I was going to ask you to explain it for me. Right now, I'm not sure if I can keep it together. I'm fragile minded right now and I don't want to push myself too far. Please brother." Ally bowed her head politely while Blake stood in awe.

That was the first time she'd admitted she couldn't do something. Blake felt overwhelmingly happy that she had the courage to confide in them about such a thing.

"Of course, you should rest sis. I'll handle it." Ally lifted her head and smiled. Isaac was also shocked and met eyes with Blake, they smiled at the same time realizing they were having the same thoughts. Jake and Quinn took her hands and guided her in skipping in their steps.

"Looks like the Queen is home." Carrie laughed hugging Helen tightly.

"I know. Ally's going to make a difference in this community so your child can live in peace." Carrie giggled and stroked her belly. Aiden, Isaac and Damien stood awkwardly.

"What are you waiting for? Go in, I'm making Ally's favourite tonight. I'm hoping to get her weight back up." Helen said proudly practically pushing them inside. Ally had opened the door to her bedroom which was still untouched from the last time she had been here. The familiar noisy, rowdy wolves around her gave her a sudden nostalgic feeling. That's right, they don't cower in silence anymore. They aren't afraid.

"We'll call you when dinners ready and we can catch up." Quinn waved picking Jake up and playfully running back to their rooms. Ally walked over to her window and briskly opened her curtains to shed some light on the longing gloom. This once was her hideout, somewhere she could hate herself all alone without intrusion. A place where she could sleep off her constant hangovers until her hearts content.

"This brings back memories." Isaac stood in the doorway admiring her sun lit face as she pondered out of the window. Isaac walked in and closed the door, waiting for her to scold him or say something but she didn't. Ally turned around and gave him the most cheerful smile he had ever seen.

"I never thought you would set foot in my room ever again. I'm glad." Although she smiled tears fell from her face. Isaac quickly walked over and embraced her swaying unsteadily side to side.

"We're home." He chuckled lightly, this was still unbelievable to him. Ally had carved this path by ridding of Alpha King and his brutality. This was a place to feel safe not afraid and that made him complete.

"Listen, I might not be the girl everyone remembers but I'm going to try from now on. To be better and to stop pushing you all away. I need you all, there is no me without all of you. Thank you for making me realize that." Isaac didn't say anything instead he kissed the top of her head ensuring Ally knew he understood.

"What did Grandma used to say when we were children?" Isaac tried to remember and was slightly disheartened he'd forgotten. However, Ally knew exactly what he was trying to remember.

"Families are like branches….we grow in different directions but we never forget our roots remain as one." Isaac chuckled, Ally's grandmother had the same amount of wisdom.

"Ally, now that your back I want to clear something up. I don't want this to be troublesome for you or add any unnecessary pressure so me and Aiden agreed to put of feelings to one side. You've had it rough the last few months the last thing you need is to be in a vicious love triangle." Ally pulled away from him wanting to see his expression, she could tell when he was lying however his face was dead serious.

"Thankyou." She patted his cheek, Isaac left to help Helen with dinner while Ally got changed. As she was sorting through her draws, she found something very precious to her she had almost forgotten about. It was a memory book her grandmother had made. It was woven silk, with golden pages containing the life span of Ally and Blake. It also had her grandmother words written neatly beside each photo commenting on their personalities.

Damien knocked at the door and panicked seeing her sitting on the ground thinking she had passed out, but she was so lost in thought Ally didn't hear him rush beside her. Damien paused when seeing she was wide awake and reading something. Quietly, he sat down beside her trying not to pry but Ally moved the book along so he could also read it. The first image was Ally and Blake in a Moses basket side by side the day they returned to the pack house. They really were identical at one point, you couldn't tell them apart except from her grandmother writing detailing their names above. In her note she wrote mostly about Ally.

"My grandchildren are perfect, they both look the same but already I can see their personalities are entirely opposite. The supposedly boisterous boy is quiet and gentle, he cries majority of the time but will be a kind soul when time grants him it. Then there's the girl who wants to live, the fighter that never gives up. Everyone is always worried because this little pup never makes a sound, perhaps she feels no need too. In those bright blue eyes, I see potential, wisdom and strength. This little pup will change the world." Ally read her words in her grandmother raspy voice as if she was sitting next to her. Damien smiled upon seeing the drastic change from childhood to adulthood, he kept glancing at the book then at Ally.

"Your grandmother was spot on." He joked, Ally was slightly shocked how accurate her grandmother described them considering they were only a few days old at the time.

"She always was, I think that's why I clung to her like a sloth to a tree. She understood me more than anyone else." Ally smirked and closed the book before offering her hand to Damien. Jake's little footstep ran down the hall skidding to a stop when arriving at her room.

"Ally, dinners ready!" he chanted excitedly, they both laughed and followed the little pup to the dining area.

"Hey Jake, how about after dinner I give you a private lesson?" Jake stopped and spun around in circles, the energy this boy had was unimaginable.

"Yes please!" Ally looked at Damien who was deep in thought and knew what he was thinking.

"Jake is it alright if Damien joins us?" Damien startled a little bit, she had read his mind. Jake was slightly pouty he didn't have Ally all to himself but nodded kindly.

"Don't worry I'm not going to fight you. Training is tough and takes a lot of skill work first. I'll start with the basics and who knows maybe one day you put m on my ass?" she joked, Jake covered his mouth when he walked into the kitchen. The smell was unbelievable and took on its own personality like it was tempting them.

"Woah, it's Ally!" Everyone was drinking whiskey and chatting like usual, before this room would be silent when Ally entered it. In a way it was overwhelmingly nostalgic to see them all smiling. Everyone started walking up to her while Blake and Helen stood on the side lines watching their flustered family member fight off the swarm. Aiden and Isaac stood not far from them also watching the cheerful events unfold.

"Hey Ally, kick any ass lately?" all of the male wolves were acting like school children looking up to their idol and it made them laugh. Ally put up her hands in surrender.

"Let's eat, I'll tell you all later." She said happily. Damien sat next to Ally listening to Jake and Quinn's journey in the past few months while everyone waited for Ally to tell them her stories but she didn't want to think about the last few months as it had been a painful rollercoaster. Aiden and Isaac sat to the side studying her as she tapped her fork on the table unable to eat.

"You don't like it?" Helen asked concerned, Ally jumped and shook her head.

"Sorry, I haven't had solid food in a while I'm just having trouble stomaching it." The wolves all fell quiet looking in her direction.

"That's right we forgot you were a hybrid. When you say you haven't eaten solid foods does that mean—"

"It means she'd bee feeding from animals, hunting's in our instinct after all." Isaac saved her and she breathed a sigh of relief. If she had to say what she'd been feeding on Ally would probably be sick at the table.

"Oh yeah I forgot sorry Ally. What about the purebloods, did you kick their ass!" Ally stiffened up, they sure were rowdy today but she had already predicted their questions.

"Sure did, they're not as strong as you think." Everyone toasted and cheered, Damien didn't mind them asking about his siblings. Blake had announced that they had made an allegiance with the vampires and they were Ally's friends so having vampires for dinner wasn't given a second thought. Damien wasn't well known either, so they didn't question him thinking he was just another member of the Lang clan.

"Carrie, have you thought of any names?" Helen and Carrie were sitting together discussing her unborn child and it piques Ally's interest, this was the first time she'd been old enough to understand a support a pregnant mother. Carrie was a year older making her 20 and her mate was someone Ally had never really conversed with but the way he held her hand at the dinner table made her feel content. Ally patted Damien shoulder and held up two fingers to say she wouldn't be long. Carrie smiled as Ally walked over and sat down.

"I can't think of any right now, what about you Ally? You were always good at picking names." Ally looked at Carrie and her mate. Usually she would base a name on personality, so she combined

Carrie's and her mate Oscar. Oscar was mostly shy, but he looked after the younger wolves like a after figure when Blake wasn't around. Carrie was caring and nurturing, but she was also very strong, Ally used to commemorate her during training a lot.

"Um, your both caring people and you have good hearts so if it was a girl maybe Freya, its after the Norse god of beauty and kindness. Then, you are both also strong in your own way. Carrie would never back down from a fight and Oscar you're a good role model and leader so if it was a boy maybe Ethan? It means strong and unmovable, someone who won't give up but is admired." Carrie and Oscar looked at each other, the names couldn't have matched them better.

"I really like them. How do you know so much about names?" Carrie asked out of interest, Ally cleared her throat, it was because her name didn't match her personality. Ally's name meant saint which she was anything but. Names were very valuable to her as it always held some truth as to who someone truly was. Majority of the time their names matched them perfectly when you read into depth about them.

"I just researched them a lot when I was younger, I think a name is probably one of the most important things in the world. It gives you identity, a sense of purpose." They all agreed and began talking about preparations for her child in future. While everyone chatted, the wolves got rowdier and drunker by the minute leading to an unfortunate altercation. Ally heard the connection of something behind her, the sound that signified flesh striking flesh. Blake acted quickly standing in between the two wolves so the situation wouldn't escalate.

"Oi Oi that's enough!" he yelled strongly but the wolves were unstoppable striking hit after hit, one even moving Blake out of the way. Ally waited patiently hoping Blake as Alpha would be able to handle this situation on his own, but he wasn't at that point yet. Isaac smirked as Ally put down her drink and stood up walking casually towards the both of them. Blake moved seeing the seriousness on her face and watched as Ally did her thing. Standing in between them both.

"If you want to fight them how about throwing one my way? If not, them shut up and sit down." They both had rage in their eyes, her words didn't reach them, but her fists surely would. The pack watched as the second both went to engage again Ally grabbed both on their arms pinning them to the table as they struggled.

"Are you both done?" she asked calmly waiting for their breathing to return to normal. They both nodded and she let them go.

"Tempers fly high when booze are involved, don't let it happen again." She handled the situation with grace and dignity and started walking away when a smell hit her like a speeding truck stopping her dead. Ally turned around looking for the source to see one of the wolves faces cut from the blows. What the hell was going? Why did she have a sudden urge to feed this wasn't right. Isaac and Aiden wanted to cover their nose, wolf blood was vile to them, but Isaac quickly spotted Ally's pupils dilate as she began fighting her bloodlust. Acting quickly, he rushed over and took her hand leading her out of the dining hall.

"Damn it what the f*ck is wrong with me!" she said angrily clutching her throat, wolf blood was supposed to be repulsive to vampires.

"You're a hybrid remember maybe both blood types are appealing to you. If that's true, then we need to be careful." Ally nodded, his theory made sense, but it still unnerved her. That time her bloodlust was a little to strong and she almost lost control, this had never happened to her before. Luther was her feeding source when she was by his side but now what was she supposed to do?

"Ally, are you okay?" Damien came running out after her, seeing she was in distress and seeing the look on her face he could guess what it was.

"Really? Wolf blood---"

"Don't say it. I need a breather just give me a minute." Ally swiftly jogged outside gulping the fresh air like water trying to get rid of this awful impulse coursing through her veins. Wolf blood was never an issue before so what had changed within her? Was it psychological? Did she always have this impulse but never noticed? Holding her head in her hands she took a few deep breaths.

"I never thought I'd see you again dear sister…" Ally froze before snatching her head up to see none other than her half sister Leah. She had her blonde hair since the last time Ally saw her and had lost some weight. As for the provocative clothing it was much more mature, and this time Leah looked at her like a human rather than an enemy.

"Come for a fight?"