Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 49 "Withdrawal"

"For once I actually came because I was worried about you." Ally scoffed and sat down on the pack steps glaring at her enemy. Something was different about her. Leah sighed and sat down next to Ally, causing her to squirm in discomfort. What the hell was wrong with her?

"Here I was thinking you were to witty for your own good, I was wrong. You've had it really rough sister." Ally gripped her knees tightly, Leah even sounded different.

"I don't need your pity Leah, what do you know anyway?" she scowled bitterly. Leah spun around so she was facing Ally with a kind smile on her face.

"I know about most of it father told me. Vampire King, S.E.S, living with the pure-bloods. I'm not pitying you Ally, I'm saying I admire you for fighting your way out of it. When we were kids sometimes you and I would fight to the death, but I never won because you had a stronger mind than me." Ally raised her eyebrow.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying if anyone can conquer this Luna gene it's you. I know if I had been born with it, I wouldn't have survived. Were different you and I sister but I always envied your strength. Not to be rude or anything but I don't envy you anymore." Ally smirked, it was good she understood how big of a burden this was. Leah was a spoilt brat but now she was a lot more mature.

"What made you approach me? Was it just to say you feel sorry for me or was there some deeper meaning?" Ally hit the nail on the head, Leah looked up at the sky and took a deep breath.

"I found my mate…but I don't have a pack I belong to so we can't complete the ritual. I'll get on my knees and beg you if you want?" Ally stood up letting a chuckle escape her lips.

"Leah, you've done some awful things to the people I love. More than anything I would like to tear your throat out right now but I'm showing restraint for my own sake. A mate is someone very special, losing them is the most painful thing on this earth. Because of that I would let you back into the pack, however your forgetting I'm not the Alpha. If you want back in, you know where Blake is." Ally turned on her heels and walked back inside leaving Leah stunned.

Ally walked exhausted back to her room to find Aiden holding a glass of whiskey waiting for her. Ally looked at him like a saint and happily took it gulping it down in one. Aiden's eyes widened as she wiped the excess from her pink lips and sat down on the bed in a slump.

"Ally, if your too tired I can talk to you tomorrow?" he said politely, Ally had an idea what he was going to ask. It would be painful but talking might be good for her after all.

"Nah, lets get it over with sit down." Aiden nodded and pulled up a chair next to the bed closing the door to stop prying ears.

"That night at the day care center…what happened?" Ally began biting her nails nervously reliving the horrific events that unfolded in that place supposed to be filed with happiness. The blood splattered windows, little Olivia cowering behind her while guns were pointed at their heads.

"I snuck out and managed to get my hands on a briefing about a case at a local day care center. Three children had been drained dry violently, initially they believed it to be a pervert or something. But that wasn't the case…it was a five-year-old girl who had murdered her friend to prove to her father she could feed independently so he wouldn't leave her behind." Aiden gulped, that was awful.

"I almost got her to come with me so I could give her a fighting chance, she was only a child after all. Then, her father appeared out of nowhere stating that he turned her secretly In order to save her life, I was disgusted but I understood. I got angry and my eyes glowed, the minute he looked into them he fell to floor in submission and knew my name even though we had never met. Then he asked me for my orders and that he had felt me woke up. I didn't understand what he meant this was before I knew I was an Alpha to both kinds. I asked him what he meant by orders but before he could answer me the S.E.S found us." Aiden waited a while for the rest but could tell she was struggling to say it out loud. Taking a deep breath, she tilted her head back so her tears wouldn't escape, she was tired of crying.

"I've never felt so out of control in my whole life, Luther and Mika started telling me who I truly was. Before my reincarnation I was a murderer, I would give orders to massacre, kill anyone who stood in my way. So, Luther had to kill me. When he told me that it could be different this time, I didn't believe him and I thought it would be safer for everyone if I disappeared completely. I didn't have any hope in myself because I'm just a broken girl. If I lose it then everyone else will die with me and I can't let that happen Aiden. I-I'm scared…of who I am…" Aiden felt physically sick hearing those heart-breaking words escape Ally's fragile mind.

"You always say that, that your broken. I'm going to be honest with you and I'm not pitying you in any way, but I don't think your broken Ally…I think you've been through hell but every time you fight it and find your way back home. Things that are broken shatter sooner rather than later, yet your still here. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, as for being afraid…I get it. Sometimes we lose control, I'm guilty of that crime and so is Isaac you've seen it with your own eyes. I promise you right now, I will never let you go dark. Ever." Aiden looked away awkwardly when Ally didn't say anything back perhaps that was too nostalgic, however when he looked back in her direction Ally's eyes were twinkling and she delicately caught a tear escaping her eye and studied it on her finger. Ally was an emotional wreck right now, she had no control of the emotions. Aiden nudged slightly wanting to hug her but remembered his and Isaac's deal about not pressuring her. To his surprise Ally took the initiative and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck as she sobbed onto his shoulder. Aiden felt like he was in a dream, Ally was never this emotional in fact she was frighteningly cold majority of the time. Something in the last two months had really changed her drastically but maybe this was for the better.

"You have to keep that promise no matter what, I'd rather die right now than hurt any of you. Please Aiden." She whispered weakly. Aiden felt his heart ache.

"I promise." They embraced until Ally calmed down and they chatted casually about the pack members and the incident at dinner before Blake came barging into the room.

"Ally, what the hell is Leah doing here?" Ally looked at the clock on the wall, it had been almost two hours since Ally had told her to talk to Blake. Leah had sure taken her time.

"Your half sister Leah?" Aiden asked in concern. Ally nodded and calmly stood up.

"I told her if she wants back in, she needed to consort with you. You're the Alpha after all." Blake rubbed his neck nervously, he didn't want to burden Ally anymore than he had after the dinner incident. But Blake couldn't handle Leah on his own, they hated each other in fact.

"As my Beta could you please attend the meeting with me?" Ally was quick on the draw and nodded her head, as Beta she had an input, and this was a good opportunity for Blake to learn the tricks of the trade.

"Let's go." Ally strangely had a smile on her face when she left the room leaving Blake slightly uneasy. Aiden stood up and walked over to Blake with a serious look on his face.

"Don't push her too far Blake, she's already on the edge. Only ask for her when it's absolutely necessary until she recovers." Blake gulped and nodded his head. Aiden was scary when it came to protecting Ally, even Blake was slightly intimidated. Blake followed Ally to the office where the atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Leah was sitting feeling sorry for herself as Ally sat to the side while Blake took his position at the desk.

"What do you want from me Leah?" he asked sternly, Leah was the type of girl to cry wolf and Blake hated her for aggravating Ally all of these years. Ally cleared her throat attracting Blake's attention. Blake jumped when he realized, he'd forgotten to state the pack meeting rules.

"Meeting will commence, anything that is discussed in this room will say in the room. Does the second party agree?" Leah nodded her head, Ally scowled at her. Where had that talkative attitude went, she wondered.

"State your business." Ally crossed her legs and leaned back she already knew the reason but if she tried to manipulate Blake or play the victim Ally would cut the meeting right there and it would be game over.

"I realize I was never a part of this pack officially, and I also was very hostile towards other members. Ally being the main victim, but I would like to apologize for my mistakes and request I be reinstated into this pack." Ally's nails dug into the woods on the chair. Victim huh?

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, you aided in my father betrayal to this pack by consorting with the Hollow pack for my role as Alpha. That would be considered treason, removing your title was a kindness otherwise you either would have been banished from all territory and forced to live alongside the humans or you would have been killed for your crime. Explain to me why I should even be speaking with you never mind giving you a place back in my pack?" Ally had wide eyes looking at Blake like a saint, that was very well put, and he didn't lose his nerve once. It didn't occur to her how hurt Blake must have been after their betrayal, but his words spoke true emotions.

"I was following the wrong person because I believed him when he said I would be the true Alpha. Father tricked me and then threw me aside when I wasn't any use to him." She cried out angrily, Ally had enough and stood up from her chair sitting on the desk facing her. Blake could feel the killing intent in her movement like a black hue surrounding her, Ally was truly terrifying when you pissed her off.

"That does sound very unfair, I'm sorry you had to go through that. However, I almost died fighting off that Hollow pack or did that slip your selfish empty mind sister. What about the countless times we would both sneak out to have a drink? Who came home and had to be beaten to a pulp while you were left unsaved? When we were children you hid under his arm like a brat while I had to fight every single day so he wouldn't hurt my friends and family. How dare you feel sorry for yourself when you can't even use the word yourself, I understand you've found your mate. Before you started talking in this office, I felt sympathy for you, but now after you labelled me as a victim to your hostility. I hope you have fun finding your own path or should I say…welcome to my world sister." Leah was shaking from head to toe while Ally chuckled at her and causally walked out of the office not giving her a second glance. Leah clutched her chest trying to calm her heartbeat. That was an entirely different person speaking just now, Ally had fought with her numerous times, but her aura was never that dark.

Blake was even uneasy as the darkness lingered, Leah was wrong to say such things but even Blake felt sorry for her as tears streamed from her face. Blake tried to be strong, but he was kind and good natured.

"I'll let you back in on one condition…" he said calmly knowing Ally would kill him for this. Leah face lit up, he was really going to give her a chance?

"You antagonize my sister in any way, and she will seriously harm you. You might not have noticed but Ally doesn't answer to anyone she's a great asset to this pack, but we can't control her. You know what that means?" in truth this was a warning, if Leah wanted back in that badly then she would have to be kind to Ally or suffer the terrifying consequences.

"Why are you doing this? Ally's not going to agree to this." She said sadly. Blake sighed.

"Actually, I'm doing it for Ally. I don't have to explain it to you Leah." Leah took a deep breath like she hadn't breathed in years. Leah itched her head nervously.

"Blake, I know it's none of my business but what the hell happened to her?" Blake stiffened up, so Leah had noticed too. Suddenly, he was conflicted if Leah was to move in again, she would need to be warned about Ally.

"Um…it's not my place to say but for the sake of your safety I need to give you a thorough warning." It killed him to say such things, so he tried to fight back the sadness in his heart.

"Ally's changed a lot over the past two months, now you probably won't recognize her. Sometimes she is like two different people, you saw the other person just now. It's dark, desolate, isolating and scary. Then, there's the Ally we both know from this pack, the girl we grew up with. Majority of the time she's in control but sometimes when she's under a lot of stress she switches. So, for your own sake do not piss her off while you're here. I won't be responsible for what she does." Leah was afraid, two different people?

"What are you doing to help her? How are you going to stop her from hurting others in the pack?" Blake gave her a warning look.

"Mother and I can keep her calm we have a good connection with her and then there's Aiden and Isaac. Oh, I forgot an important detail, if you wish to move back in, you'll be living with vampires. They are like family to us so tread carefully. Having second thoughts?" Leah was glaring at him in awe. Blake was confused, was it really that surprising?

"I don't care about that I knew Ally would be close with them, but did you say…Isaac?" Blake finally understood. Leah had no idea Isaac was alive, come to think of it the pack didn't recognize him at dinner either.

"Yes, he's alive." Leah put on an awkward smile, that meant Ally had him back.

"I bet Ally's really happy. Are they back together?" she asked quietly, Blake looked at her with suspicion, she didn't sound very happy about his return.

"None of your business." Leah nodded and got up.

"Thank-you Blake, I really appreciate your hospitality." With that she smiled and left, there it was again. That uneasy feeling… Blake was pacing around wondering how to tell his sister.

Leah began walking towards the exit when a familiar face caught her eye. Isaac was walking towards Ally's room with a drink, Leah sniffed up and the faint iron smell caught her attention, so Ally was drinking blood now?

"Isaac!" she called out desperately catching his attention, he spun around surprised someone actually recognized him. However, when it was Leah's face, he saw his expression turned cold. Isaac hated Leah just as much as Ally.

"Look what the cat dragged in, bet you didn't expect to see me alive." He said angrily. Leah could see his glowing red eyes and felt immediately nervous, he hadn't changed at all. Still following Ally around like a lost puppy.

"I am surprised, you look well. I guess your both defying death these days, you should form a club." She said bitterly before storming away. Isaac rolled his eyes, what the hell was her problem? Dismissing her entirely, he walked into Ally's room where Aiden was trying to get her to come back round, her fever had spiked, and she was struggling to focus. It was a combination of stress, malnourished and lack of blood. After her discussion with Leah Ally's fever came out of nowhere and she had collapsed in the hallway where Isaac had found her and asked Aiden to help her while he got some blood. Isaac placed the straw delicately on her lips, she was shaking so couldn't grip the glass tightly.

"Here, it will help." He whispered quietly, Ally sipped in gently and then began gulping it down. She didn't realize she was this thirsty and her throat ached. Aiden sat and watched seeing how vigorous she was when feeding, for some strange reason Ally was going backwards with her thirst. All of that control she had was fading remarkably.

"It's withdrawal, those bastards." She said weakly, Damien also walked in Jake had been nagging him to get Ally so they could train but when he saw the state Ally was in, he was worried immediately.

"What do you mean Ally?" Isaac asked concerned, withdrawal didn't happen to vampires often.

"When I was at the mansion and with Luther, I fed almost every day, I was trying to wean myself off, but I can't take it anymore." She coughed and covered her head with a pillow, so they wouldn't see her face. Damien felt guilty, he knew all of this and turned a blind eye thinking Ally could handle it, but she couldn't.

Damien, "Your used to feeding from vampires, aren't you?" Isaac and Aiden knew what that meant and felt angry just thinking about Luther feeding her. It was an intimate thing after all. Ally didn't say anything else and pretended o be asleep so she could be alone.

"I'll take first watch to make sure her fever doesn't get any worse, Aiden I'll swap shift with you soon." Aiden nodded and took Damien by the shoulder and left them alone. Ally huffed when Isaac didn't leave. He felt guilty for leaving her alone for so long, now she was suffering for it. Gently, he pulled the pillow from her face. Ally sighed and glared at him, she already knew what was going through his head and felt bad. Feeding from Luther must have hurt him a lot. They didn't say anything for a while until Isaac cleared his through and did the unthinkable. Ally watched in horror as he bit into his wrist and held it out to her.

"Are you stupid? What are you doing?" Isaac didn't want to see her suffer anymore and truthfully was jealous she'd been feeding from Luther.

"You won't get better unless you feed." Ally felt like punching him, her urges were unbelievable she had to physically grab the bed frame to keep her body in position.

"I don't want it, I'm trying to get over feeding you idiot." Isaac sighed, she really was impossible. He leaned onto the bed and sat down beside her.

"I mean it Isaac stop it." She turned her face away as the smell overwhelmed her, something about his blood was driving her insane it was almost impossible to resist.

"You're torturing yourself just drink it." He said calmly, trying not to agitate her. Ally gathered her strength and went to start up, but Isaac wrapped his arm around her keeping her put, yet again she was weak and couldn't fight him off.

"This isn't intimate, I'm trying to help you." Even so Ally didn't want to drink from him, strangely if she did it would be awful for Luther, it was basically like cheating. Why was she thinking about him at all after what he did to her?

"Please, I'm begging you." Isaac had enough and pressed his wrist up to Ally's mouth, her eyes widened in surprise, he would go this far. As the fluid soaked her lips, she could no longer fight it and opened her mouth biting down while letting a sigh of relief escape her lips. Isaac stroked her silver hair as she fed, and tears streamed down her face as she admitted defeat. After getting her fill she retracted and jumped out of bed, in shock she had given in.

"Why would you do that to me? You know I don't have any control you practically forced it on me!" she said in annoyance. Isaac took a deep breath.

"If you need help, you don't ask for it. You never have, I gave you what you need. Be pissed at me all you want but you feel better right?" Ally assessed herself, it was true her fever had gone down slightly and that piecing pain in her throat had subsided.

"See, it wasn't intimate you haven't betrayed him." He said reassuring, Ally's face went white. Did he read her mind?