Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 46 "Losing Control"

"What are you getting at Isaac?" this was a discussion she wasn't expecting for a while, when it came to situations like this Isaac was impatient.

"Did you really fall in love with him." Ally couldn't hide her expression, she did but didn't want to hurt Isaac by admitting it, he was her first love after all.

"I'm not going to get mad if you did." He tried to reassure her so she would talk to him, but her mind was frozen right now, she didn't have the strength to speak.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said quietly. Isaac wanted to stop pushing but couldn't it was killing him not knowing.

"Did you sleep with him?" his tone was different this time, Ally didn't like where this was going.

"Isaac." She said sternly, this was a warning to back off, but he was stubborn. This was going to be a fight she could already tell.

"I just want to know, if he touched you." Ally clenched her fists.

"It's none of your business." Isaac stood up and faces her with dangerous eyes.

"Of course, it's my business, I want to know of he slept with the girl I love." Ally wanted to punch him until he stopped talking, this was making her feel shameful even though it was her decision Isaac wasn't making it easy for her to forget.

"Yes." She said bluntly and looked away in guilt. Isaac nodded his head, that was all he wanted to hear.

"Why? Did he force you?" he asked now filled with resentment and concern.

"No, it was mutual. I'm tired could you leave now?" Ally was trying not to cry but couldn't look him in the eyes. Isaac grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

"Why?" Ally could see the hurt in his eyes, she didn't want to do this to him.

"You won't understand, we have a very complicated relationship. I hate him but I also love him. That's all and it's over now." Isaac stopped when he saw her eyes fill up, he didn't consider that talking about this would hurt Ally.

"I'm sorry I won't ask again." Isaac turned around to leave when he stopped feeling his short stay in place, Ally was gripping it with dear life.

"I didn't want to hurt you, I'm sorry." Isaac also felt his eyes fill up hearing the remorse and sorrow in her sweet voice, Ally didn't apologize often but when she did it was always genuine. He turned around and took her hand.

"You don't have to apologize, I understand, and I don't hate you at all. Knowing someone else captured you heart just makes me want you even more. I'm leaving before I do something, I regret that's all." Gently he kissed her forehead before leaving. Ally watch him leave and felt empty. Isaac was holding back she could tell out of respect for her and she appreciated it. If only he had come straight back after they were attacked, Ally wondered if she would have fallen for Luther. Isaac and Ally had an unbreakable bond when they first confessed to each other years ago, nothing could break a mate bond but when he was turned that mate bond died leaving an empty love. Still, Ally needed him, and she also still loved him. Telling him she had slept with Luther must have been hard for him.

Blake walked into the room cautiously afraid to tell Ally he'd permitted Leah to move back in. Ally was standing in the centre looking limp and empty, Blake walked over and gripped her shoulders bringing her back to reality.

"Sis, are you alright?" he said concerned, he pressed his forehead against her and could tell she had a fever. Ally pulled away from him and carefully studied his expression through squinted eyes before she hit her head in annoyance.

"You fell for her victim act didn't you, god damn it Blake!" she said angrily. Blake back away, her eyes were glowing, and she looked dangerous.

"I'm sorry, she needs support. I couldn't just turn her away sis." He said desperately, Blake didn't expect Ally to be so upset about it.

"Look at me. I'm this close to snapping brother. I'm trying with everything I have to keep myself together but your all killing me right now. I'm tired get out." She said bluntly before walking over to the bed and laying down pulling the covers over her head. Blake stood conflicted for a while wondering if he should stay, his sister was fragile right now. None of them wanted to leave her alone. Thankfully, Aiden came in as Blake was deciding to stay. Aiden could already feel the tension in the room giving Blake a questionable look. Blake shook his head warning him not to say anything. He smiled before leaving Aiden alone with a cocooned Ally. Aiden was growing more worried by the hour seeing how hard Ally was coping with everything, these past two months had destroyed her.

"Ally, talk to me." He said kindly nudging her blanket. She rolled over away from him.

"What's the point? I'm fine Aiden, just leave me alone." As they both sat in silence loud voices in the hallway snapped them out of their silence, it was Isaac's voice and he sounded pissed.

---------------------------Pack entrance-----------------------------

Leah had returned with all of things and bumped into Isaac outside where he was getting some fresh air, the new of Ally being with another man had really annoyed him although he didn't show it. His heart was broken right now. Leah stared at him pitifully.

"Why are you feeling so sorry for yourself? You got your precious princess, back didn't you?" her tone was rude and condescending and Isaac felt like breaking her neck there and then.

"F*ck off Leah I'm warning you." Leah whistled and giggled to herself.

"Wow, you still have that vicious tongue, go ahead get angry. I'd be lying if I said I haven't missed your temper. What's it like being one of those monsters. The thing we trained to kill, shall I kill you? Put you out of your misery?"

"You think you can take me on, don't flatter yourself. You're still that weak little b*tch Ally used to beat the sh*t out of on the daily. Test me I dare you!" he stood up defensively flashing his glowing eyes, Leah showed no fear and walked up to him casually. Tempting him to try her, truth be told Leah was always jealous of how much Isaac loved Ally and would stand up for her while in the pack. These two forces had dark history that was now coming to light.

"I heard Ally got herself a new plaything, so what are you out of the running now dear Isaac? Is that why your down in the dumps. Aww I pity you." Isaac bit his lip and stood shaking trying to contain himself, he'd never had killing intent like this before. In the meantime, Ally and Aiden had sneaked up to the door and were listening in on their heated discussion.

"Ally, don't engage with her." Aiden was afraid in case Ally lost it she was already very agitated.

"I'm giving her ten seconds to leave him alone or I swear to god I'll kill her." Ally had her fangs and nails out ready, Leah was taunting him purposely so if he engaged, Blake would have no choice but to banish him from the pack completely.

"What's wrong Isaac? Did I hit a nerve?" she said tauntingly imitating a child by sticking ut her lip. Isaac closed his eyes and tried to stay calm, but he didn't have to worry. Ally had his back.

"Not enough? Ally sure had changed don't you think, I've never seen her so weak in my life truth be told I'm worried about her. Being the purebloods plaything as well as the S.E.S must have been soul destroying. You really think you can save that pathetic excuse for a female, don't make me laugh." Isaac sniffed up, this wasn't good Ally was clearly nearby and with her sense of hearing it was clear she could hear everything Leah was saying.

"I'm not wasting my energy on you. Word of warning, I'd stop talking while you still can." He smiled devilishly at her, Leah smirked thinking he was just being cocky.

"Tell me, are you disgusted in yourself that you have to feed from people to survive? I think your disgusting, I think if I could have chosen death and being what you are. I would choose death in a heartbeat looks like you chose the wrong path." She said viciously. That was enough, Aiden went to grab Ally before she could engage but she was like lighting. Isaac moved backwards as the pack doors shot open releasing karma. Leah's eyes widened in shock as Ally stood before her with blood dripping from her mouth, she had bit her own tongue to stop herself, but it wasn't enough. Leah could feel the killing intent wrap around her like a viper, this was fear on an entirely different level.

"I'd get off your high horse, you would rather choose death you say? Shall I help?" Leah whimpered, Ally looked up from the floor completely unhinged, this was the side of her she never wanted her family to see. This was her darkness. Leah dropped her bags to the floor and backed away in submission, her knees were weak, and her body quivered in fear.

"Something wrong Leah? Where did that fight go?" she said tauntingly, Ally strutted over and delivered a brutal kick to the side of Leah's head causing her to crash painfully about ten metres away. Aiden looked at Isaac in worry.

"This is bad she's not herself, be ready in-case she snaps." Isaac suddenly didn't have a smile on his face, he didn't consider that but did warn Leah not to say anymore. Leah curled up into a ball to afraid to even look up. Ally sprinted up and kicked her stomach sending her flying.

"This is getting boring, fight back! Come on Leah, all bark no bite how pathetic! Are you sure you want to share a house with me?" Ally laughed sadistically.

"Ally, that's enough." Aiden cautiously approached her carefully gripping her shoulder. Ally spun around and gripped his arm painfully.

"Quit playing hero Aiden, I'll decide when it's enough." Aiden backed away in surrender, he wasn't getting through to her. Ally looked in Isaac direction seeing the terror on his face, he was afraid of her…Aiden was afraid of her…this was the person she never wanted anyone to see. There had been a battle in her head all day, it was Luna vs Ally. In the end Luna had won but Ally was fighting back for control.

"Who's the pathetic one now? Stand up." Ally grabbed Leah neck and lifted her to her feet. Grabbing her chin, she forced Leah to look at Isaac. Ally smirked and pulled her lips up to Leah's ear and began whispering.

"Anyone who hurts my family clearly have a death wish, you talk to him like that again and I'll tear your head clean off with one swipe. Understand?" Leah was barely conscious but found the strength to nod her head. Ally sighed and threw her down to the ground one last time. Isaac and Aiden had never been more afraid of Ally in their life, she truly was an entirely different person. During the altercation Damien and Blake had stood in the pack house doorway watching the horror unfold. Leah was passed out after a brutal beating from Ally.

"Look at me, you need to calm down. Ally!" she was frozen stiff and unresponsive.

"Did you see that Damien, that was your first fighting lesson." Helen had also joined them hearing the commotion. Ally was standing alone in the field while all of her family stood ahead of her. Little did Ally know her eyes were glowing bright violet as the two colours of her eyes combined. Isaac and Aiden had seen this before when she lost control fighting Luther when Ally first transitioned.

"Ally sweetheart, you need to calm down. Look at me." Helen was strangely brave and walked ahead of everyone cautiously. Ally locked eyes with her, Helen had never felt so intimidated in her life. Not even Alpha King scared her this much.

"Don't touch me mom I don't want to hurt you." Her voice was emotionless. Leah stumbled to her feet gasping for breath.

"You're f*cking insane! I take back what I said about you being able to control Luna, your unhinged. You should be chained up!" she screamed desperately, Ally's face went dark and she engaged again. Isaac and Aiden grabbed her arms but her strength was unimaginable. Ally pushed them off easily and straddle Leah delivering blow after blow.

"Stop! Sis you're going to kill her!" Blake joined in and all three men wrestled with her, Ally was stronger than all of them combined. Damien joined in with the struggle as all four of them took each of her limbs and pinned her to the floor. Isaac reached over and gripped her face.

"Look at me, nothing else! If you kill her your going to hate yourself trust me. Who are you!" he shouted desperately as Ally squirmed beneath them, they were gritting their teeth using all their strength just to keep her in place?

"Let go of me before I hurt you. That b*tch had it coming for a long time!" Isaac huffed heavily trying desperately to keep eye contact with her.

"True! You're right but you've proven your point Ally. Do you really want to kill her? Stand in front of the council again! Think clearly!" Ally eventually stiffened up and stopped fighting them. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief; all four men were exhausted.

"Knock me out!" she said fearfully. Isaac eyes widened in sympathy as tears strolled down her face.

"Please, I'm not in control! Knock me out!" her voice shirked and her breathing increased. Ally was having a full-blown panic attack. Blake watched his sister struggling to keep it together.

"It's not me, I'm not me. I don't want to hurt any of you please I'm begging you knock me out!" she shouted desperately, even Leah looked at her in sympathy even though she'd just escaped with her life. Isaac looked away as he raises his fist, Aiden panicked and grippe his arm before hitting her face.

"What the f*ck are you doing!" Aiden couldn't bare to see her get hurt.

"It's okay Aiden, let him do it. I can't hold on much longer please!" Aiden let go and before anyone could take another breath Isaac hit her as hard as he could knocking her out cold. Her body relaxed and she began breathing normally again.

"Are you f*cking happy Leah!" Isaac stood up in a rage, Leah was shell shocked holding her battered face staring at Ally's idle body. Aiden picked Ally up bridal style and carried her inside before things got heated once more. Blake and Damien panted harshly on the ground, she'd really worn them out.

"I never knew she was that strong." Blake said in disbelief. Damien was also stunned; his father could usually hold her off on his own when she had episodes like that but somehow Ally had gotten stronger in this short time.

"How is this my fault! I didn't even hit her back!" Leah screamed back in annoyance.

"Enough! If you provoke Isaac like that of course she's going to defend him, you idiot. Karma's a b*tch, we'll tend to your wounds but your restricted from speaking with her family. You go near my sister again and your out Leah!" Blake growled viciously before storming back into the pack house. Helen was standing in shock with her hand still over her mouth, she'd never seen her daughter in such distress before. Ally was genuinely afraid of herself.

"She's unstable Isaac, you can't control her. One of these days that gene is going to take over and she will kill more than one person my father told me all about it." Isaac sprinted over and stood intimating close.

"Your father is a piece of sh*t and if he tries to talk to her, I will kill him on the spot. He doesn't know anything about her and neither do you so keep your mouth shut." Isaac pulled away and also went back inside followed by Damien. Helen was the last man standing and watched Leah spit the excess blood from her mouth and sit down exhausted.

"Are you here to give me sympathy Helen?" she glared at her coldly. Helen shook her head and sat down with her.

"No, I'm here to ask you why you despise Isaac so much?" Leah scowled and looked at the spot where he had stood.

"It pisses me off he was finally free from her and he's still by her side. Why is everyone so devoted to her, she's a monster." Helen clenched her fists.

"Because she has helped every one of us in some way, plus she's very valuable to us and we love her unconditionally no matter what she does. I don't think you understand the burden on her back, of course she's unstable." Leah scoffed, no matter what her family was going to defend her.

"Leah?" Helen looked up at a man emerging from the trees. Leah smiled and jumped up running into the man's arms, he froze when seeing her face.

"Leah, who the hell did that to your face!" he said angrily, lifting her chin. Helen felt a chill run down her spine, this was clearly Leah's mate. It was none other…than Hunter the Alpha from the Hollow pack. Helen began walking towards the pack house quickly, this guy was trouble. Especially after what he did to Ally in their past encounter.

"It was Ally." Leah was whining like a spoilt child; this situation was getting dangerous. Hunter glared his head up meeting eyes with Helen.

"Where is she Helen, you know what happens when someone harms another mate." Helen gulped and started retreating. Hunter rushed up and gripped her by her throat lifting her a few feet from the ground.

"I said where is she…"