Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 48 "Luna"

"Hunter stop, you can't fight her she's lost it!" Leah was prying his hands from Helen's throat out of pure fear, if Ally heard about this after she'd woken up all hell would break loose and no-one could stop her. Helen was gasping for breath as Hunter let go, crashing her to the ground.

"Lost it huh? I don't really give a sh*t no-one touches my mate and gets away with it." Helen glared at him as she stormed past her entering the pack house, Leah tucked safely behind him. Hunter was intimidating to say the least standing at 6"4 and built like a brick house. Quinn was walking through the hallway with a cup of tea, Blake had asked him to fetch it for Ally when she woke up. Quinn froze spilling the tea over the side, he hissed and shook off the pain coming face to face with Hunter. His breath was vile, and his eyes were hellbent on revenge. Quinn had heard all about Ally's fight with him, it was pack gossip for weeks.

"Hey Squirt, where's Ally?" Quinn gave him a sly smirk, he wasn't afraid of people like him, Quinn was smart and knew the pack had his back if Hunter dared touch him.

"I wouldn't if I were you, she's not in a very good mood today." Quinn was serious and locked eyes with him. Hunter looked a little shocked such a little framed boy could be so bold. Leah peaked from behind him, Quinn saw her and immediately his face went red with rage.

"Quinn, just tell him where she is, or you'll get hurt." Quinn let a faint laugh escape his lips.

"Should have known you would have something to do with this Leah. Looks like Ally really taught you a lesson. And you." Quinn glared back at Hunter with fierce eyes.

"You're trespassing on King territory; do you have a death wish?" he said bitterly. Hunter raised his hand.

"You little sh*T!" Quinn braced for the pain when a sharp thud echoed at the side of his head. Looking behind him Isaac was standing squeezing Hunter's fist tightly with a frightening glare on his face. Hunter grabbed his arm back and stumbled back a few steps knocking into Leah.

"Long time no see asshole." Isaac tucked Quinn behind him, so he was no longer in the firing line.

"Out of all of the mates you could have found, I couldn't have picked a better match. An Asshole and a Bitch, kinda romantic don't you think?" Isaac was taunting them, now they were in the pack house Isaac had free range. Hunter blinked a few times unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

"Impossible…" he could barely speak, while Isaac held him off in the corridor Quinn sneaked downstairs into the previous punishment room. Blake had renovated the space and rid of all the torture utensils their father would have on hand, it was now light and relaxing. The room was padded, and it was a basic bedroom, attentive to those who were in distress. Blake and Aiden were working hard trying to wake Ally up, she was still out, and her fever had returned with a vengeance.

Quinn rushed to their side applying ice packs to the border of her body, gently he felt her head and it was true, her skin was burning. Blake and Aiden had been talking for a little while and Quinn managed to grasp their situation. His big brown eyes widened with concern.

Blake, "Something's going on Aiden, I've had no problems with outsiders since she left. Literally the day she comes back people start turning up out of the blue? It strange she's like a beacon or something." Aiden was holding her legs down to stop her from convulsing listening to Blake speculation when it hit him.

"You might be onto something there…" he drifted off into deep thought for a while. Quinn also began thinking, a beacon was something that draws people in. Could Ally be a beacon for the supernatural? Blake waited patiently for Aiden's explanation, but it looked as if he was apprehensive. Eventually he spoke up but seemed unsure of himself.

"When we all went to find her, Isaac and I couldn't explain it but we knew where she was. It was like a compass in our head, it pulled us in her direction until we eventually found her." Blake suddenly recalled they didn't navigate through technology and they didn't guess either.

"That's right, you guys didn't even falter once, you knew where you were going. Do you think that applies to others, but my mom and I didn't feel it…" he trailed off a little dishearten his bright blue eyes studying his sisters distressed body. Quinn had been biting his tongue the whole time and finally spoke letting out a large breath.

"We had it too!" he said quickly. Aiden looked at him in interest and raised his eyebrow. This was different.

"Um…Ah I asked Jake too. We would have dreams about her every night for a long time, they always correlated. Sometimes they were identical and sometimes they weren't." Blake scratched his head in confusion, even his pack was affected but not him?

"What was the dream Quinn?" Aiden was strangely intrigued about this; any information of Ally would be appreciated at this point. Quinn gave him a fearful look, meaning this was not off to a good start.

"We're all engaging with people, there is always a mix of races. Wolves and Vampires but it didn't start off that way, it's like the more she loses control, the more people are present in the dream. Anyway, we are all fighting, and Ally is standing with a blank expression on her face as we all die at her feet. Whoever we're fighting, they're strong. H-Her eyes were white, she was like a ghost watching all of us perish is agony, everyone is screaming. I'm one of the last ones standing, I'm being drained… the life is being sucked from me and she walks over and snaps the neck of the thing feeding from me and drags it off. Then, she bends down and strokes my cheek, her hair starts to glow. Next thing I know she's congratulating me and everyone who is left standing leaves with her." Aiden listened to the abstract dream feeling very unnerved.

"Not to cause a panic but it sounds like a test, she didn't fight which means there was no cause behind it. It was purely selection, like only the strong are worthy to stand by her side. If this is true, then we have a big problem on our hands." Aiden breathed a sigh in distress as he looked at Ally. Her eyes were staring up at the ceiling filled with emptiness. Quinn was also startled, they had failed to notice she had stopped struggling. Blake back away slowly, praying that it was Ally and not Luna.

"It's me…" she said weakly before sitting up cradling her aching head in her hands. Aiden rubbed her back as she tried to understand what was happening to her. Ally was so afraid of herself she couldn't breathe, she felt like exploding.

"Quinn, in your dream do you remember any other people?" Blake asked curiously, Ally had woken up just in time to catch his thoughts. Ally could hear Quinn's heartbeat pounding through his chest as he tried to recollect.

"Not particularly, there were members of our pack, but I didn't see any of you there." Ally shot her head up.

"It doesn't make sense…" she said bluntly. Everyone froze and looked at her, Blake couldn't believe she was still trying to work herself out even though she was exhausted.

"If it was Luna in control, she wouldn't care about protecting all of you, yet you weren't made to fight? It doesn't add up, why would she need only the strong anyway. Who is she fighting against?" Ally was so frustrated she could cry, none of this was making sense to her. Suddenly, she shot her head up glaring at those around her.

"I have a question to ask all of you, hah truth be told I don't think you will know the answer either…" she paused for a while collecting her throats, everyone anxiously waited for her to speak, there was something bothering her a lot.

"Who are you following? Is it me or is it Luna? They say I can control people, right? What if I'm doing it subconsciously, maybe I've already lost control." Aiden didn't understand, of course he was following Ally. In this scenario Luna was the enemy.

"I don't understand." He said in confusion. Ally put her hand over her mouth and laughed.

"It makes sense…why you and Isaac were pulled towards me… the whole time I was with the S.E.S I was always wondering what you were doing and how much I wanted to see you. The reason I didn't want Blake and my mother to come was to protect this pack. I think you were drawn to me because I wanted you to be, you were influenced by my ability. Sh*t and here I was thinking I had control." She was laughing but clearly distressed. Ally sniffed up catching a familiar scent, oddly it was perfect timing this was her chance to test her theory. Swiftly, she stood up with determination in her eyes. Aiden and Blake both grabbed a wrist bracing in-case she lashed out again.

"I'm fine let me go, I need to see something." She said stubbornly. Aiden gritted his teeth.

"How much more are you going to push yourself Ally! Look at you, you're not well." Aiden cried out desperately, just this once he wanted her to listen. Aiden could hear her heartbeat and it was slow and weak, her body wasn't coping with the amount of energy she was emitting.

"I know my limits, I won't let Hunter touch Isaac I'll rip his head off!" she said angrily prying their grip from her, Blake ran up and grabbed her waist as she stormed out of the door buckling his feet to the ground with all the strength he could muster.

"Blake, let me go!" she spun around and grabbed his shoulders pushing him back, Aiden caught his before he hit the floor, Ally gasped and stared at her hands. This was getting out of hand continuously lashing out at the people she loved. Ally shook her head and sped off leaving a trail of dust behind her she was so fast Aiden couldn't even see her.


"Go ahead Hunter hit me, you still think you can contend with me. Don't kid yourself." Isaac had a taunting smirk spread across his lips and chuckled as Hunter clenched his fists. Jake had come to see what was going on and stood behind Isaac terrified.

"I-Isaac who's that man?" he said quivering in fear, Isaac dropped his provocation as soon as that sweet voice called out to him. This was no place for a little pup, Hunter immediately locked eyes on him, he would be good leverage. Leah was quietly staying out of the argument, she didn't want it to go this far. If Ally tried to hurt Hunter surely, she would win. In Leah's head Ally was a monster and after that merciless beating she was unbelievably afraid. Those eyes made her legs trembled just from memory.

"Jake, go stay with your brother please. It's dangerous." Jake couldn't move at all, Hunter had his frozen in fear. Smirking he nudged his head back calling him over, when a pack Alpha wasn't around it was common for young pups to fall influence on others Alpha's. It was all about dominance and because Isaac was no longer a wolf Hunter won the battle easily. Isaac watched in horror as Jake walked up to him as if in a trance and was in his grasp before he could intervene. Isaac felt a sudden rush of fear overcome him, if anything happened to that little boy Ally wouldn't be able to cope.

"Good little pup, how about you call for your Beta." Jake shook violently trying to fight his influence as refused to make a sound. Hunter tutted.

"No? Fine." With that Hunter picked Jake up by his hair and twisted is arm around his back causing him to squeal in pain, that's all it took. Isaac felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as this oppressive aura consumed him.

"Hunter put him down I'm begging you!" Leah tried to get Jake off of him, also feeling the darkness coming like a plague down the corridor. Isaac panicked and spun around trying to cut her off before she hurt anyone, but this person wasn't having any of it. Hunter dropped him to the ground, Isaac scooped Jake up just in time. Quicker than light Hunter was flung back hitting his head on the pack entrance doors as he flew outside. Leah was knocked out with him. An evil chuckle echoed inside of their heads as they attempted to stand. Hunter had no idea what had hit him and couldn't see Ally anywhere.

"What the f*ck is going on!" he was so overwhelmed his eyes filled with tears.

"Don't you dare get up." Both of their bodies locked up, like they were no longer in control. It was as if a snake had wrapped itself internally around their nervous system and any attempt to fight back made the pain more excruciating.

"The more you fight the more futile the outcome, why don't you just give up?" there it was again that empty voice rattling around in their head, it was like a red-hot poker in their brain. Isaac was joined with Blake and Aiden, Damien also ran out to see what the hell was going on but none of them could see Ally anywhere. It was almost as if she was invisible.

"You can't beat me, I'm the absolute. You made a vital mistake touching my family Hunter." Everyone was frozen as Hunter began screaming in agony. What the hell was happening? Jake was still in shock and cradling his arm but managed to slip past the guys because he was so little. Aiden went to grab him, but Isaac held him back. Something was off here, extremely off.

"No-one move or disobey trust me, whatever she is doing let her." Aiden gave him a disgusted look, was he insane. Blake stopped too and also looked at Isaac like an idiot were they really going to let Ally kill him.

"Jake, did that man hurt you." This time her voice was calm and sweet, and Jake sniffled as he wiped his nose.

"Don't you want to hurt him back?" Jake nodded with an angry expression on his face. Before Hunter could take another breath, Jake began kicking him with all of his might, giggling unnervingly as he went. Hunter slowly stopped struggling and his body had lost every ounce of strength.

"Ally, I don't know where you are but Please! He's my mate." Leah was sobbing uncontrollable pinned to the floor.

"W-What the hell is this?" Hunter could barely speak he was in complete shock, her laughter wringing through their ears was terrifying.

"You heard me, I'm the absolute. You can't disobey me, I'm the Alpha. Try all you like. I enjoy that look on your faces, it's terrifying isn't it being unable to control your own body. Unable to do anything…I could slit your throat without a single thought." Jake snapped out of it and fell to the floor in fright backing away from Hunter. Running into Blake's arms he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Ally, stop this!" Isaac looked around trying to spot her but couldn't find her anywhere. Hunter and Leah were speaking to her but the rest of them couldn't hear Ally at all. Only they could hear her voice.

"Alright, that's enough." Leah and Hunter breathed a sigh of relief as their bodies were released from whatever restrained was binding them. Scrambling to their feet they immediately sprinted off into the treeline disappearing from sight. Aiden finally spotted her, she was no more than ten feet away from them leaning against the pack house wall looking pleased.

"Ally!" Isaac ran up to her grabbing her shoulders.

"You idiot what the hell were you thinking, you need rest! What the hell was that?" Ally sneered up at him flashing her fangs.

"Wasn't it obvious, it was my ability. It was interesting they couldn't do a single thing. I can control people with my voice, I can make them do anything. It was really exhilarating actually." Isaac snarled back at her, she didn't sound like herself at all.

"What's with that look Isaac? Don't tell me you want to fight? I didn't kill him there's no reason for you to be upset with me, so drop it." She whispered violently allowing her eyes to glow, she'd never been this hostile towards Isaac in her life.

"Give Ally back." Blake spoke up cradling Jake in his arms. This wasn't his sister. Ally snapped her head towards him.

"Oh? You catch on quick brother." Blake growled and let Aiden look after Jake while he went over to her.

"I know for a fine fact that if you were Ally, you would have killed him for hurting Jake, but you were just playing around weren't you…Luna?" Ally gave him an impressed smirk.

"Looks like I've been found out, so what now? Ally is sleeping at the moment, seems all of the attention you've been forcing upon her has took its toll. You're lucky I took over when I did, or she'd be covered in blood with that mutts throat in her jaws." Isaac stepped back.

"Wait a second, are you protecting her?" Ally wrapped her arms around herself and smiled.

"Of course, she's my precious vessel after all. If I don't keep her safe, then you would all be very upset. We can't have that can we?" Aiden was suddenly filled with fascination, this was an entirely different person. Perhaps they could get some answers from her.

"Is this your first-time appearing Luna? Is it true your selecting people to fight?" Ally's face gradually darkened her eyes glowing violet.

"Quite keen aren't you vampire. That's none of your business really. I'll give it to you, you're a smart bunch. I see why Ally adores you so much but be careful if she loses any of you. I'll just have to shield her from pain permanently." Everyone's faces dropped, so that was what this was all about. Luna couldn't have full control because she had feeling for Ally. Luna was her protector when it became too much.

"Why now? Luther was by your side and you've waited until now to show yourself…why?" Isaac was equally interested in this situation. Ally gave them a harsh smirk, this was clearly a sore subject.

"Let me guess, you heard the tale about our last greeting. That bastard killed me, even though he swears that he loves me blah blah blah. I had one thing precious to me in this world, she needed me, and he took me away from her." They all thought for a while until it struck them. Lucy…her child.

"Your daughter…Lucy?" Blake felt a slight sadness wash over them. It was clear in Ally's eyes that she was in pain, so even Luna could feel things.

"Ah, I haven't heard anyone say her name so kindly in a long time. I have to say I'm slightly agitated Ally fell for his antics, spewing nonsense about how this time things would be different. He could save me, he's deluded. No-one can save me except from Ally." There it was…the sudden revelation. Ally was a protective factor for Luna too, they believed Luna was the enemy, but it was also true that Ally needed her.

"You don't want to get rid of Ally?" Slowly her face was softer.

"No. If I told you Ally was more dangerous than me, you wouldn't believe me, would you? Pain and suffering are what molds people, sadly she was made from a broken mold which has led to a broken mind. If I don't help her then what's the point in us both co-existing? Sure, right now she despises me because she is afraid of me. Everyone fills her head with lies about how awful I am when none of you know the truth. Why do you think I'm fighting? Better yet, who do you think I'm fighting? Humanity, don't be so naive." Had they got it all wrong?

"What are you trying to say Luna?" Aiden approached her calmly giving her direct eye contact, his maroon eyes piercing her very soul.

"I'm saying I will never betray her. You all stand before me because you are all precious to her. When I look at Ally, I see my daughter, she's stronger than anyone. No-one can beat her because all of that pain has made her a survivor. At first, I wanted to take over her from the minute she was born, put on a facade until I was powerful enough to wage but she changed my mind." Gently she clasped her hands together and stared at them adoringly, she seemed somewhat sweet and kind yet everyone contradicted the person they saw before them.

"If you want to know the truth then I'll tell you. I will not lie, there would be little point. Ally will be awake soon, so I don't have long. Will you listen?"