Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 49 "Real Truth"

"We are all born from something or someone, the implication of reincarnation is very much true. Each one of you have been alive in another place and walked the path of another person already, our souls wait in limbo for someone with the right requirements to be reborn. My situation with Ally is very similar." Everyone had gathered in Blake's office for answers, this was their first time seeing and speaking with Luna. It was true they were different people, Luna had violet eyes and her hair glowed white rather than silver, she was captivating. The unnerving feeling still lingered but everyone pushed aside their bias against her in hope that some new light would be cast on this old tale that was battering everyone's brains.

Blake, "Are you saying you had to wait for Ally before being reborn, why Ally?" Blake spoke on everyone's behalf, there had been plenty of females born of their bloodline, yet Ally had been chosen. Luna strangely looked upset at the question and looked at the floor recalling something.

"Ally, wasn't the first person I'd taken over…originally it was her grandmother." Isaac and Blake gasped suddenly, Ally treasured her grandmother more than anything, how could Luna possibly inhabit both vessels at the same time.

"It's a hopeless tale really. In truth, Ally wasn't my first choice as she wasn't born yet. When her Grandmother Lilly was born, she was my reincarnation, but we were far to different and couldn't co-exist peacefully. It may seem complicated, but Lilly wasn't strong enough to harbor me and she was too kind, our opinions clashed. It's very rare but sometimes we can be reincarnated into the wrong people which is what happened between Lilly and I."

Isaac, "That's not possible, I knew Ally's grandmother. She never mentioned you at all, why would she withhold something so important?" Isaac and Blake were having a hard time understanding what she meant.

"I understand your finding this hard to comprehend, still to this day I find it hard to grasp what really happened between us. You recall her being sick, don't you?" Helen was listening intently, when Luna stated that it suddenly struck her.

Helen, "That's right…when I fell pregnant with Blake my mother was gravely ill throughout the whole duration. That was because of you?" Luna nodded sadly.

"When you were pregnant with your son, you had no idea Ally was present did you?" Helen shook her head, Ally was a big surprise as her body didn't even show up on the scans it was as if she had appeared put of thin air.

"It was a protective factor put there by your mother, she knew my true vessel was Ally from the minute you announced you were pregnant. She shielded Ally so your husband wouldn't rid of her, which is why she was undetectable. The reason she was so sick was my fault, because I was born to the wrong vessel her body had a hard time containing me and tried to expel me. Then when Ally was conceived, she realized immediately that Ally was my true form but until the birth I had to wait. You noticed as soon as Ally was born your mother recovered correct?" Helen nodded tears in her eyes, this was making sense.

"That's why Ally was so sick when she was born, that was you…" Luna nodded.

"I transferred into Ally which took a big toll on her body but from that moment on I knew she was right for me. Ally is a fighter, she will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones she loves." Aiden and Damien were listening with a smile on their face, this was making sense to them now.

Aiden, "What of Ally's grandmother?" Luna smiled to herself.

"Lilly knew from the minute she held Ally in her arms that I was there, we may not have been compatible, but we still loved one another. We both watched over Ally as she grew up, the way she would hold off her father to protect everyone else. How she was so independent, dedicated herself to becoming stronger for others sake. Lilly and I both adore her which is why I don't want her to get hurt." As the kind tales settles that gloomy feeling washed over everyone again, so what was Luna's true intentions then?

"Okay, so was what Luther said true about what you did?" Sighing she stood up and sat at the window.

"It's true. I'm a subordinate, I can control other creatures at will, it's what I'm good at. However, he didn't mention who I was fighting against and why I did what I did. Luther isn't my enemy, but he isn't my ally either. True is, my enemy is still out there. We have yet to meet but I won't ever fall to him. I'm not the only subordinate." Their breath all trapped itself at once…what was this new information? What the hell was she talking about?

"What are you talking about?" no-one was expecting this.

"To put it very bluntly, I have a brother also. He is my enemy." Aiden stood up stunned trying to grasp what she was saying, this had never been mentioned in any folk law that had been written. Luna looked at the confusion on their faces.

"Fine. I'll explain it as simply as I can. I'm the goddess of the moon as you well know, my brother is god of the sun. There is no me without him and there is no him without me it's simple. For a long time, we co-existed, his name is Sol. His name now I have no idea, but my brother is a close friend to Luther. You two, have you ever wondered how you can walk in the sun so freely?" she singled out Isaac and Aiden, it was true apparently in ancient times vampires would die if exposed to sunlight.

"Shezmu, Luther true name and Sol made an agreement, that if Sol allowed the vampires to walk in the sun, he must also be permitted to control them. That's how Shezmu and I met, he was a friend of my brother for a long time. After being around him for a while as he began creating your kind, we fell in love. I was always locked away, Sol could walk freely on earth while I was confined until one day Shezmu offered me freedom if I chose to stay with him and I agreed. That was the worst mistake I could ever have made." The room was silent everyone's ears entwined with her voice as the truth was finally set free.

"Sol treasured me too much, he was far too possessive so when I broke free, he noted it as betrayal. Shezmu and I settled on earth, I was finally free until I realized what sort of creation him and my brother had made. Everywhere I went the streets were covered in blood, vampires had began destroying the earth I had come to love and therefore Shezmu and I grew apart. Shezmu had sworn loyalty to Sol after he granted his creation freedom to walk in the light but Shezmu lost control of them. Sol took over and began destroying everything out of spite because I abandoned him. To stop the nightmare, I created a race of my own…the wolves. That's when my war began, Shezmu was torn between me and my creation so stayed out of the fighting. Luther lied to Ally all this time so she would be afraid of me, he knew as soon as I found my way back the war would continue. Luther doesn't want to lose me again so fabricated a story. "

Isaac, "Wait so it wasn't Luther you fought with? Why would he fabricate this whole story it doesn't make sense, if you were going to share her body then Ally would have found out the truth eventually. I don't get it!" His heart was racing, and this anger was boiling inside of him.

"Luther treasures Ally too, he still loves me but after watching Ally grow up, he grew to love her also. Luther was protecting her from the truth and trying to stop me from taking over. However, our goals are very much the same. I want to protect Ally too! I am not the enemy here, Sol is my enemy, once he finds out I've been reborn he'll come for me. Luther killed me because it was true, I lost control, I wanted to protect my child and I went to extreme lengths to do so. I don't want that to happen again." They all settled uncomfortably, why was Ally so precious to her they couldn't understand it…

Blake, "Your brother…will he try to kill you? Is he really that upset you left him?" Luna gave him a curious smirk.

"Sound familiar Blake, how did you feel when Ally left you? Sol will find a vessel if he hasn't already and he'll come for me. This time however I have the advantage since Ally had both genes. That was an anomaly even I didn't predict. Now I can control both, his chances against me are zero to none. Sol is stronger than me, he is first born after all. We are very much alike Ally. Sol is also my twin brother but don't worry I've already assessed you Blake. You're not Sol's vessel, if you were, I would have sensed it. Anyway, I doubt Sol will kill me more like take possession over me. But I want Luther to stay clear of Ally at all costs, he's still loyal to my brother, I don't trust him." They all nodded in agreement still stunned at this development, finally they knew the truth of their ancestry. Luna was standing before them; this girl was clearly misunderstood.

Damien, "Do you hate my father for what he did?" Luna looked stunned at the question.

"Ah, I forgot you were his son. You resemble him when I study you closer…No, I don't hate him for what he did. I was out of control and he did what was necessary. I need Ally, she can keep me calm and safe. Although we aren't on good terms right now would you relay this information back to her. I would appreciate it." Aiden's eyes widened, every time Luna would mention Ally her expression would soften. She really loved her after all.

"Time's up." She said sadly before sitting down in the chair and closing her eyes. They all waited anxiously for Ally to come back around but she stayed sleeping still knocked out from Isaac's punch.

"I can't believe it, we were wrong this whole time." Aiden was still in awe, so Luna wasn't their enemy at all. Whoever this Sol was, he would come for her eventually. Strangely they all felt relieved to hear Luna was on their side and they now knew who they were fighting.

"I guess Luther is the middle man then. What an asshole deceiving all of us like this. Poor Ally." Isaac flicked Blake's forehead.

"Don't pity her she'll rip your head off." He said playfully, they all looked at her sleeping face. When she woke up this information would probably be good in her recovery, Ally wouldn't have to be afraid of herself anymore.

"So, should we tell her all together?" Helen asked trying to think of the best way possible. They all agreed, when Ally was still sleeping a while later, they decided they should all rest. Isaac picked Ally up and took her to bed. Today must have really took it out of her, she was knocked out completely and didn't even stir. This time they decided to let her sleep alone, it aggravated her when they would watch over like she was unable to care for herself.

---------------------The Next Morning----------------------

"Oi brat. Wake up." Damien felt a nudge on his shoulder, it was still dark out and the sun was just beginning to rise.

"Hmm, what?" The nudge got harder until he was on the edge of the bed, he was struggling to wake up.

"You want to learn how to fight right? Get up." Damien groaned and turned over, he was still sleepy. Before he could say another word, he was kicked out of bed.

"Ow, what the hell." He stroked his painful head and looked up dazed.

"Huh, Ally?" he said in shock, she was already up and she looked pissed. Her eyes were mismatched again so he knew it was her and not Luna.

"You shouldn't be out of bed. Why the hell are you waking me up this early?" he said in concern. There was something in her eyes today that unnerved him. She yawned obviously still exhausted and shook her head.

"You're not the only one, the pack is already waiting come on." She waved her hand and left. Huh? The pack was already up but it wasn't even six, why were they up this early? Damien sighed and got dressed. Fighting? That's right, Damien asked Ally how to fight properly. Still, why was she so aggravated this morning? Ally never called him brat?

On his way out he met up with Aiden and Isaac who were also yawning, they looked just as confused as Damien.

"Oh morning, did you get the rude awakening too?" they asked worryingly. Damien nodded and followed them both outside. They stopped seeing the pack formation, it was like a sergeant drill. The members stood in a line facing Ally who stood center ahead of them. She glared in their direction.

"Hurry up." They all felt a chill down their spine and obediently stood in line with the rest. Everyone looked terrified, was Ally really being this serious? Jake and Quinn stood with Helen with their hands behind their back with smiles on their faces, they had been excited for this and didn't mind being woken up early.

"First off. You all failed." They all looked at each other confused. Failed what?

"The first rule of fighting is you must always be ready. I woke each of you up in the same way and none of you responded. What would have happened if it wasn't me and your enemy had broken into the house, you would have all been killed instantly. Just because your home doesn't mean your safe! You must have awareness at all times, not one of you sensed my prescience or lashed out through physical contact." They all finally understood, it was true they were far too comfortable. If it was an enemy, they would have been killed without a second glance.

"You all have heightened senses, meaning your awareness should also become piques if someone is to engage with you. Lesson one, is to develop your senses. Isaac step forward." Isaac couldn't help but smirk, was she really going to make an example of him? Isaac stood ahead of her and Ally raised her fist, before he knew what hit him, his legs buckled, and he fell to the floor. Spinning around Blake was standing behind him with a sorry expression on his face.

"Not every opponent is the one ahead of you so don't focus all of your attention on them. If your think every fight is fair then your deluded, just because you can see them doesn't mean you can see everything. Understood?" Ally helped Isaac up giving him a kind smile, it was just like the old days. Both of them training together. Isaac was still rusty after not fighting for so long, but Ally was still there to pick him up and it made him glad.

"Some of you have fighting experience from being pups so you should pick this up slightly easier but those who haven't don't worry, I'll always have your back so don't worry. When fighting you must also learn to rely on others, don't engage on your own. Always ensure someone is aware you are fighting because if your opponent is stronger you may need help, that's the importance of a pack. Blake?" Blake nodded and let out a low guttural growl which made the packs hair stand on end. It was an Alpha call, only used when a member was in trouble.

"That call can be used to attract other members if you cannot openly ask for assistance. Use it." They all agreed and in sync imitated the growl, Isaac, Damien and Isaac couldn't copy but they knew the growl wasn't necessary for them. Ally would have their back. Damien couldn't stop looking at the smile on Ally's face, teaching really was her strong point everyone was so in tune with her words. Even though she hadn't showed them how to fight, they seemed to have a stronger confidence knowing the basics.

"My fighting style is defensive, I only engage if necessary. I never initiate a fight. If you are on, he offence your moves are easy to predict, it is safer to be on the receiving end and to do that you will need to aggravate your opponent. Mindset is key in fighting, never fight with anger. Do it with skill or you make mistakes. Remember your in control of your emotions and actions, not the other way around."

The rest of the training session was a breeze and she showed the basic fighting techniques like the right form for punching and kicking, everyone caught on brilliantly and Ally was happy with their process. Blake was also laughing and smiling along with everyone while Aiden and Isaac took a breather.

"Sorry about earlier." Ally handed them both some water and sat down breathing heavily, she'd been teaching for three hours straight and had worn herself out.

"Don't worry about it. You haven't changed one bit, but you teach well. Good job." Isaac flicked her head playfully, he was exhilarated with nostalgia seeing her fight like she used too instead of being consumed by rage and emotion.

"Hey Ally, are you alright after yesterday?" Aiden finally decided to ask her, he had noticed she was happy teaching, but Ally usually worked hard in order to distract herself, he could see straight through her.

"I'm fine. I didn't kill her right?" They both shook their head. Jake came running over still full of energy and hugged her. Ally roughed his hair and laughed. However, as she looked down at him something stopped her still. Ally pulled Jake away and lifted his chin.

"Jake, who did that to you!" she said gritting her teeth. Isaac and Aiden felt a wave of anxiety rush over them, Ally had no memory of her fight with Hunter. Jake looked at her confused.

"That man did it. You saved me?" Ally's eyes darted back and forth not understanding what he meant, she'd done no such thing.

"Um Jake, why don't you go and get something to eat." Isaac butted in and rushed Jake off leaving Ally frozen looking at her hands.

"Aiden, what did he mean I saved him?"