Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 50 "Who's the bad one?"

"T-That's not possible…" Everyone looked at the despair on her face, there was a mixture of emotions running around Ally's head right now and she couldn't even muster the strength to speak. Instinctively she pulled her knees up to her chest and placed her head on her lap. They had taken turns relaying what Luna had told them. What shocked Ally the most was her grandmother being Luna previous vessel, she had always wondered why they had such a strong bond. It all made sense to her now.

"I believe her Ally. I think she really does want to protect you." Ally bit her knee and shook her head in frustration.

"This is bullsh*t, how do I know I can trust her huh? If Luther can lie through his front teeth, why can't she. Your too gullible." They all looked at each other, Ally was right maybe they couldn't trust Luna but if she really wanted to hurt Ally, she could have killed them all easily when she was in control but instead, she protected them.

"I had no idea she took control that's what worries me, I remember standing up to engage with Hunter and then I blacked out, I figured I passed out and you guys took care of Hunter. God damn it." Ally kicked the desk across the room and began pacing, she hated not being in control.

"Ally, it's going to be okay. If she wanted to hurt us or you, she would have, hell she could have run away but she didn't. Luna said she wanted to protect you, it was grandmothers wish too." Ally stopped pacing hearing her idols name mentioned, Luna must have been important to her grandmother. Ally thought back to the day her grandmother left the earth.

Ally was only thirteen at the time and had refused to eat or sleep for three days staying by Lilly's side, she was at the end of her life and Ally held her hand and stroked her head the whole time. Casually talking to her for comfort, Lilly was very weak in her last few days and didn't speak very much but that didn't stop Ally from staying by her. Helen tried numerous times to get her to eat something, but she was stubborn. At one-point Ally got really sick and Alpha King attempted to force her away from Lilly but Ally lashed out violently almost blinding her father in the process. Helen convinced Jackson to let her be or she would seriously injure herself. On the last day of her life mere minutes before she dies, Lilly placed her hand on Ally's face and said something to her which always confused her up until that very moment.

"Protect her please…" Those were her final words, Ally never understood who she was talking about, when she said it, it was almost as if she wasn't looking at Ally. Ally looked at her hands and smiled holding them close to her body.

"You weren't talking to me, were you?" she muttered it quietly before chuckling.

"I don't know who this Sol is, but he can try to take me if he dares, I'll die before bowing down to him and as for Luther. If he wants to be the middle man, then I have no use for him. How pathetic, trying to deceive me like that. If they want a war with me then they've got one." Ally gave them all a reassuring smile, she didn't want to scare them anymore.

"So, are you okay with Luna? What do we do now?" Blake spoke everyone's mind, this situation was getting more dyer by the second, now Ally had a new enemy and for once it wasn't herself which made her somewhat pleased.

"I'm going to take her advice, I don't want Luther anywhere near me, if I had known in the beginning who he was I would never have agreed to stay with him. We need to be on our guard for Eli and Camilla too, they mustn't of took it too well when I escaped from them. Damien, do you know what they'll do?" Damien gave her a worried look, he knew his siblings and they didn't like other people taking away their toys.

"They won't let you go that easily, I'm surprised they haven't come looking for you already. Didn't my father say Shadow was looking after them, so you think he stopped them from coming after you?" Ally thought intensely for a while, Shadow did say he was her ally. Luna and he were friends in the past, but she hadn't mentioned him when talking to her family.

"I don't know Shadows intentions just yet, he looked pretty afraid of me when I challenged him. If he's close with Luther then the same applies to him. I want a perimeter set up around the house, no-one goes in or out without consorting with me. Got it?" Blake nodded and left to inform the pack.

"You're not messing around, are you?" Isaac could see the fear deep-rooted in her eyes, Aiden could also sense it. Ally was stressed and worried, this was taking a big toll on her body and mind. Ally bit her nails and averted her eyes.

"I can't afford too. I won't lose any of you, but I'm not running away either. I'm tired of running. As long as I have you guys, I'll be okay." Helen walked over and hugged her tightly. Isaac, Aiden and Damien all smiled at each other, little comments lie that made them feel wanted. Ally had trouble expressing sentimental thing but when she did, it was always heartfelt.

------------------------------------Meanwhile at S.E.S Headquarters-----------------------

"How could you let her get away, you idiot!" Mika had Luther up by his collar, the whole facility was in a panic, letting Luna get away was the biggest defeat they admitted in a long time. The higher ups were furious and desperately thinking of ways to get her back without violating any treaty laws. The last thing earth needed right now was a war.

"Are you forgetting you your talking too?" Luther gripped Mika's throat and lifted his from the ground. Luther was also devastated, when he woke up not only was Ally gone but Damien too. He felt betrayed.

"It's not my fault your men can't fight, I'm not the only one who underestimated her." He threw his to the ground violently and punched the wall in frustration, if it wasn't for Isaac breaking his neck, he would have Ally all to herself right now.

"I should have snapped his neck, why did I hesitate!" Luther couldn't understand it, he'd never hesitated in killing someone before but seeing the panic in Ally's eyes put his actions at a halt.

"Because you didn't want her to hate you." Mika coughed and stood up facing him.

"It's too late for that. I know she hates me more than anyone, she'll find out the truth sooner or later." Mika gave Luther a sympathetic glance and sighed, that wasn't true if Ally truly hated him then he wouldn't be standing before him. She didn't hesitate in killing those who threatened her family.

"We'll find a way to get her back, don't stress over it. I think she needs this time with her family, she's on the brink after all. We really broke her after all." Luther could hear the guilt behind Mika's words, although their time was short lived it was clear Mika admired her a lot. Who wouldn't that girl could survive anything…?

-------------------------------------------Nigh time at the Pack House-------------------

"Jake?" Ally knocked on the brother's door bracing herself for Jake's reaction after Luna made him hurt Hunter, she would never ask a child to do such a thing. Luna played with his mind, anyone would be afraid of you after that.

"Jake are you going to answer her?" she could hear Quinn's faint voice trying to comfort his terrified little brother. Ally sat her back against the door and slid down to the floor allowing her silver locks to cover her face.

"Jake, I'm sorry for doing that to you. I would never ask you to forgive me. But I just want you to know I would never hurt you." The room fell silent and Quinn's feet could be heard coming up to the door. Ally stood up and spun around, Quinn sheepishly opened the door and avoided eye contact which broke Ally's heart, she had really messed up this time. Jake was huddled on his bed with a pillow over his face. Ally wanted to run over and hug him but that would contradict everything that was going on inside his mind right now.

"I bet you're really scared of me right now…" Ally sat down a few feet from the bed, Quinn sat next to her equally concerned for his brother. After the incident he'd come back white as a sheet, he had thanked Ally for saving him out of politeness but the way she controlled him was unforgivable.

"Jake, Ally would never hurt you, you know that." Quinn was trying to ease him, but Jake just buried his face deeper into the pillow, Ally was frustrated with herself. She specialized in comforting those who were afraid but when she was the monster her mind went blank.

"What I made you do is unforgivable, but that wasn't me. The truth is…" Ally hesitated and bit her lip, could she really confide in them both about what was going on with her? Quinn gave her a questionable look, his big brown eyes searching for answers. Jake noticed the sadness surrounding her and peaked from behind his pillow to see why she had stopped talking.

"The truth is, I have the Luna gene. You know that story you were told by your parents about the girl who fled to earth. Sometimes, she gets restless and we take turns with my body. Luna was the one who made you do that not me…" her explanation was brief and fuzzy, but Quinn and Jake got the message loud and clear.

"Really? You're Luna?" Jake sat up on the edge of the bed, his fear suddenly diminished. Ally nodded reluctantly, it wasn't an excitement for her, it was a nightmare. Quinn was wide eyed and felt like an idiot, he should have known the minute Ally came back, she was different.

"I knew it, that's amazing!" Quinn and Jake both drew closer to her completely intrigued while Ally was fighting to keep her temper under control. Somehow, people were drawn in by Luna even though she would do unspeakable things people were never afraid of her. It pissed her off beyond belief, Ally acted out once and everyone wouldn't dare even look at her funny.

"It's not something to be impressed about, it is what it is. Don't trust her so easily." Jake and Quinn clamped up hearing the hostility on her voice, they had really hit a nerve. Quinn was smart and he could understand why she felt that way.

"I forgive you." Jake said quickly seeing the tears in her eyes, Ally stopped and looked at him closely.

"You don't have to lie Jake, if you don't want to forgive me you don't have too. Either way I'll protect you." Ally could tell it was just situational, no-one would forgive someone so easily for making them do such a thing.

"Excuse me." With that Ally abruptly stood up and left, Quin and Jake sat there stunned wondering if they had upset her. Ally ran through the whole house looking for the one person she could talk too about this.

"Isaac!" Isaac stopped dead in his tracks, he was setting up new gym equipment for training, the minute he looked into her eyes he could tell something was wrong. Ally ran over and slipped under the boxing ring net and embraced him tightly. It was instinct, she needed something to ground her right now. Isaac dropped his equipment and stood in shock, Ally hadn't hugged him like this in a long time. Ally pressed her head into his chest forcefully, her hands were shaking violently, and her breathing was heavy.

"Hey, talk to me what is it?" he hugged her back and stroked her head.

"I'm scared. I'm me aren't I. I thought I was okay with co-existing with her but I'm not Isaac! I can't take it, everyone will fall at her feet, she can do whatever she wants. I'm just a vessel…I'm…I'm nothing." Isaac shoved her back gripping her shoulders.

"Stop! You can't falter now, or she will win, you understand don't you. Listen to me, you are stronger than her. This was just a hiccup, I trust you and I'm not afraid okay?" Isaac pulled her back in, she kept her head to the floor the whole time reluctant to show him her face. This was pathetic, she thought to herself.

"I've had enough! Your lying! I saw your face when I was attacking Leah, the same as I saw your face when I told you about me and Luther. If you hate me then say it, I don't want any of your wishy washy bullsh*t!" Isaac stepped back a bit, she was really going off. Something was really bothering her to be calling him out like this.

"What are you talking about I don't hate you. I'm not afraid of you either, you hurt people who deserve not or the fun of it." Isaac tried to ease her but Ally tensed up once more and she clenched her hands by her side.

"T-that's not true…" she whispered faintly, Isaac heard it.

"What's not true?" Ally couldn't look up anymore, she was shaking from head to toe. Fighting an invisible battle.

"I like it…I like it okay! I enjoyed hurting Leah, the same as I enjoyed hurting those men we fought at the facility. I'm not normal, I can't blame Luna for it either I was fully in control. Every time I could smell there fear it excited me…I like hurting others that's why I'm afraid of myself. I'm a monster Isaac…" After screaming what was truthfully coursing through her veins Isaac was at a stand-still not knowing how to react. It was one thing admitting hurting people however admitting you enjoyed the pleasure of seeing others in pain was a completely different ballgame. Isaac stood trying to find the right words when Ally swiftly put her hand up as if to contain him before he spoke.

"Luna and I are entirely different entities so I can't blame her for this at all. It's funny isn't it…here I am fighting her for control in fear she will hurt the ones I love but I'm doing precisely that right now. What do I do Isaac? Should I just let her in?" Isaac grabbed her shirt and pushed her back onto the floor pinning her against the ring, he was so forceful her body bounced before coming face to face with bright red eyes.

"Enough. I'm tired of holding back with you because your fragile! Do you realize how selfish you sound right now?" Ally eyes widened, Isaac had never been so forceful with her, had she really caused him to snap.

"You run off with Luther without saying a word to us, we scurried around for three months trying to get you back only to find you'd given up. When I stood ahead of you in that holding cell you were ready to die, I've never been so devastated in my whole life, but I held on for your sake. Then, we fight to talk you back round in which we succeeded. When you came home this pack was the happiest, I've ever seen it and you helped them all overcome their weaknesses. I really thought I'd saved you Ally but now your standing ahead of me yet again ready to give up. Don't you think we wanted to give up?" Ally was stunned listening to him rant, she had no idea he felt this way. But…she should have known. Isaac was right, she was being selfish for not realizing the toll all of this had taken on her family.

"Listen to me. You can burden me with your issues all you want, in fact I would gladly sit here and listen to what's going on inside that head of your all day. But, don't for a second think I'll tell you to let go and give up. It wasn't an option a year ago and it's not an option now. Deal with it." Isaac got up and walked out saying nothing else. Ally lay there in silence looking up at the luminous gym light, it hurt her eyes, but she couldn't stop looking at where Isaac's rage filled face had been scolding her. He wasn't afraid and he didn't hold back one bit. Ally settled and closed her eyes. Silence… a sound she wasn't used too but welcomed like a distant family member. Sometimes being alone with your thoughts doesn't necessarily lead to toxic outcomes, that little bit of quiet could help someone rationalize their emotions. It was true she was being impulsive and letting her emotions rule her, Isaac was right she shouldn't be giving up. Ally had survived much worse than this, pain had made her strong. Now her enemy wasn't just herself and the fact that her and Luna had been separated through personality that she felt at ease. Something had been bothering her about Luna's talk with her family, in the discussion she mentioned that Ally was really the dangerous one and it was Luna keeping her in check. So who was the bad one, was it Ally or Luna?...