Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 51 "Bullsh*t it's not true!"



Ally rolled over coming face to face with the white ring flooring, she had fallen asleep after her argument with Isaac and Blake had searched high and low for her. Ally sat up rubbing her head, she had a pretty excruciating migraine as if she'd drank four bottles vodka. Blake was sitting down next to her with worry painted all over his face.

"You'll catch cold sleeping there." Ally couldn't help but chuckle.

"Are you my mother now." She said playfully pushing him over, Blake smirked back she was in a surprisingly good mood. Ally had been thinking for a while the night before about how she was going to tackle her current situation. Ally pulled him up.

"I have an idea…" she said intriguingly, Blake stood back waiting for her proposition.

"If I can infiltrate the council and speak to Vermont about our current situation then maybe he can help us come up with a solution. This Sol guy everyone's concerned about hasn't attempted to find me or hurt me so I'm guessing he's planning something. Honestly, I can't say Luna and I can fight him off right now but with him we could have a chance." Blake listened and agreed with he but then there was her pledge to the pure-bloods.

"What about the James family, your technically still their pledge?" Ally was stumped for a second.

"I remember Vermont's face when I made that decision and he was dead against it I could tell. Maybe he'll pardon me just this once. As soon as I announced I have the Luna gene things will start to change drastically, the wolves will undoubtedly give me their support, but the vampires are going to be pissed. But I doubt they'll start a war with me just yet, after I tell them I'm not their enemy it's up to them which side they choose." Blake was dumbfounded, Ally was brave to do this. Ally could see the unsure in his eyes and hugged him tightly.

"I promised I wouldn't run away anymore, and I meant it. It's going to be tough, but I have you and everyone else to support me. I also have something else to ask of you but if you are against it, I completely understand." Blake pulled back seeing the fear and sadness on her face.

"I want to reconcile with our father. He knows my story better than anyone, he could be a great ally for us Blake but if you don't want too, I completely understand. He's both of our blood as well as enemy." Blake faced away from her, Ally could tell he way angry she would ask this of him.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked brother." Ally stood up but Blake gripped her wrist pleadingly and pulled himself up.

"I think it will be resolution for both of us to talk to him. I still want to know why our father was so cruel. In fact, I want to know a lot of things so…I'll agree." Ally wrapped her arms around his neck adoringly and hugged him tight, no one made her feel content like her brother.

"I'll find him. Could you help me with training tomorrow?" Ally nodded and they both headed for dinner. Ally decided to make a conscious effort to eat actually food, her body was strangely hungry for human food. Since her return, her fatigue and sickness had also increased, Helen commented it was probably due to undernourishment.

"You killed us with those laps this morning Ally have some mercy." They were whining like idiots and Ally couldn't help but laugh.

"You'll thank me when a pack of feral vamps are on your ass, stop complaining." She said playfully. Everyone was making general conversation, Ally watched Aiden and Isaac enter and she intentionally didn't glance at him. Helen, Damien and Quinn all sat down with Aiden and Isaac and began talking, Ally heard her name being said faintly and sneakily looked over to see Isaac and Helen talking about her. Blake tapped her shoulder moving her attention, Blake knew what they were discussing and knew Ally wasn't ready for it yet.

"Jake keeps looking at you." He whispered, Ally turned around and looked at his sad little face. Sighing she stood up and sat opposite of him.

"Hey little pup, why the long face?" Jake was shy but pushed out his voice.

"I really meant it! I forgive you so please don't be angry at me." He was clearly desperate, and Ally leaned her hand forward, Jake flinched but then let her scruff his head.

"How could I possibly be mad at you. Thank-you for forgiving me, I appreciate. Do you want to come and sit with me?" Jake smiled and nodded scrambling his food and drink, she followed and sat down with him. Ally took her first mouthful of human food, she couldn't believe how much she had needed it. Blake was shocked but said nothing, Helen grinned widely as Ally tucked in. Aiden and Isaac were also shocked it was the first time they had seen her eat something since meeting her. At the end of the noisy meal Ally helped with the dishes, Helen watched her daydream as she scrubbed the bubbles from the plates.

"Sweetheart, what are you thinking about?" Ally jumped slightly and felt her lips tremble, she needed to inform her mother about her decision.

"I've decided to meet with father…Blake and I…" Helen was so stunned she dropper he dishcloth and stood staring down at the ground. Ally reached down and picked it up understanding her mother's reaction. Helen was a virtually hostage to that man and was only used for creating a new heir. Ally gratefully gripped her mothers' hands.

"I will never ever let him manipulate or hurt you ever again, words are my strongest weapon remember. Before I reconcile with him, I'm going to break him. Make him so afraid he wouldn't dare to hurt any of us ever again." Helen's lips quivered and she stroked Ally's face with adoration.

"You really are our savior. I trust you and I support your decision." Ally smiled at her before finishing up in the kitchen. As she dragged her feet back to her room Aiden was waiting for her with a tired look in his eyes.

"Don't even say it, I don't want to discuss Isaac right now." Ally walked past him and curled up on her bed. Aiden threw a pillow off of her head directing her glare, he looked surprisingly angry at her.

"I have to deal with his moping, what did you fight about?" Ally huffed, as he sat down, she wondered why he was so concerned about Isaac. Usually, their conflict would mischievously make him happy.

"You don't usually try to solve our conflict, somethings changed." She sat up accusingly, Aiden looked at her glaring eyes and looked away in defeat.

"There's something different about him since you came back, I thought you would have noticed." Ally thought back to their argument and began evaluating his words now they had settled. Aiden watched her mind go to work and then her eyes dulled.

"I betrayed you all." She said abruptly. Aiden froze up confused, Ally was admitting to something like that?

"What do you mean?" Aiden knew already what she was implying but wanted her to elaborate, it was true Aiden and Isaac shared the same mindset. That day Ally left them in the courtroom alone, they had never left so empty in their lives like the light had been ripped away. They were stuck in darkness waiting for her to return of her own will.

"Come on Aiden, I don't know how any of you can even look at me never mind smile and laugh as if nothings changed. I left all of you and chose the purebloods using the excuse that you would no longer be safe. The truth is I could have returned after a mere week, I had gotten stronger…Camilla and Eli were no match for me but…" Aiden leaned back trying to hide his disdain.

"Then, you met him." Ally nodded pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Luther wrapped me up in his tales and I believed him naively. I don't know if it was our connection or I was just begging someone to give me some purpose, but I followed him. I'm ashamed of myself for being so stupid." Aiden listened finally grasping some understanding of what Ally was trying to say.

"Did you truly fall in love with him." Ally's body quivered and she but her knee painfully. That was a big question, one she didn't know the answer to anyone.

"In truth, I did fall in love with him and I still love him now but…I hate him more than I love him. Luther lied to me, strayed me towards the humans. But in a way he set me free, now I know who I am and who my real enemy is. In a way I'm not afraid anymore, I don't have to put my guard up for everyone. Do you hate me?" Aiden sat forward and took her hand.

"No…I don't hate you. I'm relieved you aren't still tied to him. Honestly, Isaac and I wanted him dead for stealing you away but now your back. I know your trying your best to find yourself in the pack, we're not blind. So, what did Isaac say to you?"

"I was having a hard time accepting Luna and I felt insecure, so I said some unforgivable things to him. Isaac has always told me no matter what he will support me but if I ever talked about letting go, he wouldn't listen anymore. I guess we're just too hot headed." She chuckled, it may be hostile right now but deep down she knew it was Isaac's way of looking out for her. Aiden smirked.

"You wouldn't be Isaac and Ally if you weren't." They both talked until they were tired out, Jake scurried in her room while Aiden left. Ally groaned and rolled over.

"Hey Ally…" His voice was sweet and delicate, so she eventually gave in and turned towards him.

"What is it little pup?" Jake played with his hands awkwardly his big brown eyes tinted with tears.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Ally hesitated slightly, he wasn't the only one and sometimes hers were quite violent.

"Um, Sure." Jake put on a beaming smile and crawled into bed with her, Ally hugged him tightly and sat for a while until he was fully asleep thinking things over. This was something she needed to overcome and soon, people were counting on her. Not just her family but Luther was too, he had a lot of faith in her and supported her. Although she hated him wholly, the time they spent together made her learn a lot.

The Next Morning…

"Okay, everyone do as many sit ups as you can to strengthen your core, if you need help don't be afraid to ask." Blake was commanding the pack spread out on the straining field, obediently they all dropped and began working out. Blake looked over at Ally who was sitting silently on the bench, Isaac and Aiden were training in their own way but kept glancing at her.

"Ally, are you not joining in?" Ally was so out of it she didn't even hear him, casually he walked over and kicked the bench snapping her out of it.

"Hey, what's with you?" Ally stood up ignoring him and went to join the pack, Isaac and Aiden wandered over as Blake watched her walk past concerned.

"Oi, she's been out of it all day. Did something happen?" Aiden shy fully dismissed his question while Blake was trying to work it out. Isaac looked over at everyone chatting with her, her smile wasn't genuine at all.

"Maybe I should talk to her." Isaac said bravely. Ally shot her head towards him.

"Don't bother I'm fine. Take a picture it will last longer." Ally waved and walked off into the house, the boys stood dumbfounded, that was a vicious attitude they hadn't seen in a while.

"What the f*ck is going on wasn't she all happy and motivated yesterday?" Isaac was pissed but Aiden understood and felt slightly guilty for yesterdays conversation.

"It's my fault." He said quietly. Blake and Isaac glared at him.

"What do you mean Aiden?" he said warningly.

"I brought up Luther and her time with him, I guess she's still bitter about it." Isaac hit him over the head painfully, hissing with pain he clutched his head. Blake sighed and stood in-between them.

"I thought we agreed we wouldn't bring it up idiot." Aiden was the target man and he cautiously backed off.

"Look I'm sorry, she looked down, so I wanted to know what she was thinking." Blake suddenly felt guilty too.

"What do you mean down, I thought she was fine?" Isaac was too naïve, they hadn't reconciled since there argument in the gym, so he hadn't noticed.

"Are you blind, she's putting on a front."

"True, I found her sleeping in the gym the other night." Isaac looked away shamefully, maybe they had been pressuring her too much.

Pack House.....

Helen stopped cooking when she heard the front door slam and heavy footsteps running through the house followed by violent coughing, she quickly put the stove on low and ran to the source. Her big green eyes were scanning the rooms cautiously when she got to Ally's room, her door was shit but you couldn't clearly hear her wrenching her life away. Helen hesitated as she went to knock, something was wrong here Ally wasn't usually physically sick. Helen pushed the door open and stood in her room patiently waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. Ally sat by the side of the toilet exhausted, like her body was a hundred pounds even moving hurt right now. Something wasn't right, she felt fine all day then suddenly it was like a wave of fatigue and nausea consumed her. Ally wiped her mouth and swilled some water, if she lay down maybe it would subside.

Opening her door, she was met with Helen whom was wide eyed with worry, Ally was white as a sheet.

"What is it mom?" she said weakly trying to sound fine, Helen walked over and put her hand on her head.

"You don't have a fever…" she said accusingly, Ally brushed off her hand and flopped onto her bed.

"I'm fine stop fretting over me, I just need some sleep." Ally waited for her to leave but she stood silently. It was annoying so eventually she rolled over and gave her a death glare, but Helen was shell-shocked with her mouth wide open.

"It's just a bug I'll get over it?" Ally said it lightly, what the hell was wrong with her mother she was acting strangely.

"There's no way…" she said in disbelief, Ally was furious and stood up grabbing hold of her shoulders.

"If you have something to say then say it!" Helen suddenly looked at her worriedly and put her hand on her face, Ally's expression softened as Helen smiled at her widely.

"Ally when was the last time you had a period?"


-------------------Training field----------------

"Everyone, good work. You're dismissed." Everyone sighed in relief and dragged there feet back to the house. Aiden, Isaac and Blake began cleaning up the equipment chatting among themselves.

"Ally's going to appeal to Vermont? Why?" Aiden asked intrigued, he had been on leave from the council since Ally's disappearance but was looking to return too maybe he could help her.

"Vermont can help gather more people and she thinks he should be informed about the circumstances considering he's the head of the communities, I support her." They all nodded but were stopped in their tracks hearing smashing glass coming from the pack house. Instinctively they all dropped everything and began sprinting towards the house. Ally screaming voice was echoing throughout the whole house and pack members were gathered outside of her room.

"Bullsh*t it's not true!"