Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 53 "You're Pregnant?"

1 Month Later….

"Good Morning Ally, are you ready to begin the meeting?"

It had been one month since Ally discovered she was pregnant and the wounds were still raw after being subjected to so much trauma over her life time but after she had stabilized herself Ally had announced to the council that she carried the Luna gene…Ever since she was respected by those all over the wolf community but was under heavy scrutiny from the vampire population. With the disappearance of Luther James, the vampires were in uproar looking for guidance. Eli could not take the throne unless Luther was found dead or alive. Meanwhile, Ally and Aiden both found their place within the council as board members suitable for judgement. Vermont was very happy to accept Ally onto the council long before she announced her heritage.

Ally had settled back into the pack house and with the help of Blake built up their reputation as one of the strongest packs in the western region. Isaac had agreed to stay by Ally's side as a supporter after he discovered she was pregnant. Strategically Ally hid the fact she was carrying a child from the council until the time to announce was absolutely necessary, Aiden would keep an eye on her when I trial to ensure she wasn't pushing herself to far. Helen prepared nutritious meals for her daughter everyday so her child would be born healthy, as well as providing pre-natal vitamins so Ally's body could cope with carrying the child.

"Good Morning Vermont are we reviewing case 319 today?" she asked kindly, flipping through her notes waiting for the other members to arrive. Vermont nodded and slipped over the victim report and autopsy. Today's case was very intriguing for her as the perpetrator had not been caught, yet there were witnesses which is what they would be deliberating today. Ally read intently analysing every detail of her best capability when she felt the side of her face prickle at Vermont's glare.

"You look much healthier my girl compared to the first day I saw you, now you have a bit of colour in your cheeks." He chuckled nostalgically, Ally smiled back.

"Well I'm no longer on the path of self-destruction so I'm much healthier now. Vermont, I have a query about this case." Vermont studied where her finger was pointing, and his face looked on in confusion.

"What are you both looking at?" Ally's face lit up seeing a very handsome Aiden walk in his signature Armani suit towards them. He gave a gentle smile to Ally seeing her in her business attire.

"Take a look at this." Aiden sat down beside her and studied the autopsy report. Aiden couldn't see whatever Ally was seeing. Frustrated she snatched it away and put it in the middle of two men.

"Coroner's note states the victim was mauled by a stray wolf from observation but look at the depth of the clawing written here." Aiden looked at it closely, Vermont had poor eyesight, so Ally clarified it for him.

"General Nail length of a shifted wolf is 15 cm, in the observation the nail length is 19 cm. Meaning this is a very large Alpha Wolf which I find hard to believe considering we are fluent with most residents on this area or…it's something else." Aiden sat back from his chair looking at Ally impressed, nothing slipped past her. Majority of people would have dismissed that because the anomaly in nail size was not very great, but she might have caught on to something there.

"What else could inflict such wounds?" Vermont was speculating but Ally had an obscure idea in her mind, she questioned of she was just being to paranoid. Aiden watched her eyes dart over the paper looking for confirmation. Aiden helped her and also began reading the documents rapidly until they both stopped reading at the same time when the name of a witness popped up, Ally clutched her own wrist trying to convince herself it wasn't real.

"V-Vermont is the witnesses already here?" Vermont watched the alarm and terror in both of their eyes and sadly nodded his head, Ally reacted first and sprinted down the column steps, its spiral effect made her go dizzy, Aiden caught her as she stumbled back.

"Careful, don't push yourself." Ally took deep breaths trying to get her words out.

"It's an infiltration, he set up a murder so he could see me. They're S.E.S members Aiden, I saw Mika's name on the witness form." Aiden looked her in the eyes and took a deep breath, so she imitated and gradually slowed her breathing.

"They don't know your on the council do they?" Ally shook her head, that information was private and heavily protected. Aiden took out his phone and immediately called Isaac who was their trump card in situations like this.

Isaac, "Hey what's up, is Ally okay?" he asked concerned. Aiden looked at her carefully checking her eyes.

"She's fine but I need you to come to the council building, we need a bit of support in-case this goes south." Isaac threw on his jacket and ran out of the door staying on the phone with Aiden.

"What's the situation?" Ally gently took the phone from Aiden and filled him in.

"S.E.S members have infiltrated the community posing as witnesses to a crime but since we have voluntarily welcomed them in, we no longer have the authority to remove them. I'm going to stay on trial so I can divert there attention away from the pack, but I need you here in-case they try to take me. I can't fight recklessly in my condition; can I count on you." She said desperately, Ally knew this day would come sooner or later.

"Of course, you can just stay calm I'll have your back from the side-lines okay?" The reason Isaac was their trump card was because he wasn't influenced by the purebloods compulsion and had experience fighting members.

"Thank-you I knew I could count on you." Ally hung up and made her way back up the stairs, Aiden went ahead to inform Vermont on the situation while Ally took her medicine for that day. Ally's appearance had changed quite a lot since her breakdown, she did everything she could to blend in for the safety of her unborn child. Now she had her signature raven hair and wore one blue contact to conceal her vampire side from the community. If anyone knew she was still a hybrid then there would be explosive consequences.

Aiden joined the rest of the members and remained seated peaking at Ally in the far corner looking ready for a fight, he hadn't seen that look in her eyes for a long time. It was a look that would send shivers down the strongest man's spine, she was lethal when it came to protect the ones she loved. Although her pregnancy came as a shock, Ally had developed a bond with her unborn child, especially due to her wolf gene she was very protective over herself. Vermont slammed his hammer on the desk glancing at Aiden wondering where Ally was. Aiden gave him a confirming nod before he tilted his head towards Ally's position. Vermont understood and carried on relaying the notes to the other members whom were bone idle the situation.

"Would the first witness step forward please." Vermont's signature bellowing voice made the room stand still as the large wooden door permitted a very meek looking man, Ally recognised him immediately as one of the previous members. Her throat contracted as she sniffed upwards, it was none other than Jax, the murderer she had arrested in case 1. Jax was a lot thinner and he looked deprived of blood, she could tell by the faint shade of red in his eyes. His tired body dragged himself up to the podium.

"State your name and affliction before the court." Jax began scanning the room looking for something when he met eyes with Aiden, Aiden instinctively glared back as a warning. Jax smirked and looked at Vermont cunningly.

"James Finch, affliction vampire." Ally decided she would intervene considering he was lying about his identity.

"Objection." Her voice called out stopping Vermont in his tacks and she walked up casually and placed her hand on the long table and peered down at him. Jax took a while to work out who she was and then his face began to light up.

"If you're going to make a statement Jax at least be honest." She said tauntingly, he smiled practically ecstatic he could see her again.

"It's been a while Luna." He said happily. Everyone turned to glare at Ally, so she knew the witness meaning she could not participate in the trial, but Ally was a rule breaker and had a few questions of her own. To everyone's surprise she jumped down from the podium and walked towards Jax. Jax approached and hugged her tightly, Aiden placed his feet outside in-case he tried anything. Ally was being far too reckless; however, Ally knew what she was doing.

"Jax is a captive of the S.E.S and has been used as a pawn for their infiltration." Jax stepped back a few steps as Ally looked at him accusingly, her personality changed on a dime. Chatter broke out in the room as all members began to feel uneasy.

"How do you know that?" Jax said shell-shocked.

"So, it's true?" Vermont asked out, Jax bowed his head in guilt.

"I told them not to find me." Ally said angrily, just as Jax was about to retreat the wooden doors flew open. Ally felt her whole body go numb as two big red eyes stared her down and all of a sudden, her stomach began cramping up. Aiden sprinted down and picked her up jumping back up to the podium. Mika and Luther looked up equally shell-shocked that they had found her here of all places.

"You have not been called for your statement, leave!" Vermont was afraid seeing none other than the king at his feet, Luther was still looking at Ally who was huddles close to Aiden in awe, Mika began arguing with Vermont, but Ally was so shocked everything around her seemed to drift out. Until all she could hear was white noise, Ally felt an arm behind her and jumped causing the noise around her to pierce her ears, it was Isaac he had just gotten there in time. Ally stood behind him averting her eyes away from Luther.

"Luna is to be apprehended by the S.E.S for treason and escaping from captivity." Ally lunged forward.

"Until you have an official charge you are trespassing on supernatural territory, we have rights to defend ourselves if you engage." Ally's voice was strong like an Alpha's.

"Why can't you look me in the eyes Ally?" her body froze up hearing Luther address her, Isaac hissed and advanced forwards as a warning.

"Don't push your luck you fucker, want me to snap your neck again?" he said viciously, Luther laughed in response which aggravated him even more. Aiden knew this was a bad situation, if Luther caught wind Ally was pregnant then he would never let her go.

"This will not be accepted, you are trespassing. We will ask you once more to leave." Vermont tried to take control of the situation feeling the atmosphere thick with hostility. Ally couldn't look Luther in the eyes no matter how hard she tried.

"Ally look at me." For some reason she felt her presence drawn towards him, in ranking Ally was technically Luther's mate so she had a connection beyond what Aiden and Isaac could see. Ally managed to look up at him as he studied her from head to toe. Ally felt a flush of nausea come over her and she covered her mouth. What was he doing to her?

"Hey, take your eyes off her and look at me asshole, she's safe with us and she's staying with us. If you oppose that idea, then try to take her I dare you!" Everyone was in shock to hear such a frightening voice come out of a usually timid Aiden.

"You're in the way. Move." Aiden felt his blood run hot and his mind go fuzzy, Isaac and Ally watched him move aside unable to fight the impulsion. Isaac stepped in front of Ally with a smirk on his face knowing Luther had no effect on him.

"Give it up Ally, your family are going to suffer of you fight us on this." Mika finally addressed her, and his voice grated on her nerves, she felt fury unlike anything before.

"Don't you dare threaten my family, I will kill every member on your team before they step foot on my territory. I'm warning you so not f*ck with me." Isaac grabbed Ally's waist and geld her back feeling her pheromones go insane in rage. Luther face twisted in jealousy seeing Isaac's hand on her waist.

"Don't touch what's not yours Isaac." He said warningly, Ally gritted her teeth and growled, Isaac knew this was her pregnancy making her react like this. Usually she was much more composed.

"Are your ears broken? I belong to no-one. Not you not anyone." Ally was fired up and Isaac was struggling to hold her back, her strength was unimaginable. Luther started walking forward until he was equal to Ally as if asking for a fight.

"Ally you can't fight right now you know that." Isaac whispered in her ear trying to remind her to be cautious considering her condition, Luther pricked his ears up and heard every word.

"I don't want to hurt you Ally, please just come quietly." His tone was gentle but had vicious content. Ally tried to calm her breathing, she wanted more than anything to tear his head off after what he put her through.

"That's enough!" Ally relaxed as she felt a strong warmth behind her. Blake and Damien had come for back-up following Isaac and he had never been so grateful for followers in his life. Blake and Damien stepped in-front of her. Luther looked at them questionably when his eyes met with Damien's. Damien didn't look sheepish or weak, he looked much stronger and was facing his father head on.

"You're not telling me something." Luther said out of the blue addressing Ally. Ally froze up again trying to conceal her emotions, everyone apart from Luther knew she was in a vulnerable state.

"Your looking well son." Damien hissed back opposing his father with everything he had. Luther began evaluating the situation trying to work out why they were suddenly so protective over Ally. She usually fought her own battles without relying on anyone else.

"Could all council members leave the room." Ally called out trying to ensure no-one else was hurt during this standoff, she knew a fight was coming and the tension was so strong it consumed everyone in the room. Quickly, the members excused themselves and began fleeing from the court room until it was only those left.

"This doesn't have to be this way Ally, you've been called by the higher ups. You know you can't refuse them." Mika walked up beside Luther in alignment. Ally pushed her way through and stood face to face with them.

"I'm tired of your games, let's be honest for once. You want be by your side so Sol can't hurt me correct?" Ally watched the colour and light drain from Luther face, he looked devastated she had found the truth.

"How do you know about that?" he said shell-shocked.

"Ally don't!" Isaac pulled Ally's face towards him to try and stop her, but it was too late, her eyes were glowing white.

"I told her." She said playfully. Everyone suddenly looked panicked as Luna took over.

"It's been a long time Luther." Luther's eyes widened as his heart fell to the floor seeing his wife before him.

"Is it really you?" he said in disbelief. Luna nodded her head with tears in her eyes. Luther walked forwards but Luna put up her hand strongly.

"Don't mistake me, if you hurt Ally, I will never forgive you." Luther couldn't formulate her words, even Luna was protecting her. Damien bowed his head trying to avoid Luther's glare as he looked at him.

"Why are you resisting me?" he asked angrily to Damien, Damien glared at him.

"Do not monopolize your son Luther, that's unfair. I am asking you kindly to let her go. You love her right?" Luther gritted his teeth, he expected Luna to fall back into his arms, but she had equal hostility towards him as every other member.

"You know you can't fight Sol alone, this is for Ally's own good I swear it." Luna chuckled humorously at him.

"Ally's own good? Was it for Ally's own good when you threatened her family so she would submit to you or maybe it was for her own good when you deceived her of the truth? You hurt her Luther and I will never let that happen again." Luna was stern and straight with her words and Luther had no room for reason. Before anyone could react, Luther lunged forward and spun Luna around holding her neck in his grasp. Isaac reacted first but as soon as he twisted his hand he stopped in fear. Luna eyes faded and Ally's eyes came glowing back in survival mode, she gripped his arm and bit it with everything she had. Luther didn't falter either and tightened his grip until she felt her neck begin to crack. Ally settled down realising she had to protect her unborn child.

"Father please don't I'm begging you." Luther had a cold look in his eyes. Ally had terror in her eyes, and everyone felt helpless.

"Sis, look at me it's going to be okay." Ally shook violently in fear, Luther could smell her fear.

"Tell me what's going on Ally or I will break your neck here and now and take you back with me." Ally tried to take deep breaths as she stood helpless in his grasp her life on the line.

"I'm begging you, you will regret it if you kill me." She said sternly, warning him of the storm that will follow.

"You'll come back." He said emotionless, as if trying to reassure her. Everyone's faces were white as sheets and even Mika looked uneasy, Luther had truly snapped.

"Luther, I am asking you kindly to let her go." Isaac had his hands up seeing the fear in Ally's eyes was killing him.

"Father please." Luther studied there expressions closely as they kept glancing at Ally as if trying to mentally save her. Ally closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew he would find out eventually.

"Luther." She said quietly as she gripped his other arm and guided it to her stomach. Luther initially resisted but her touch was warm and comforting. As she placed it tightly on her stomach, he payed attention to the vibrations until his whole body went numb and a light appeared back in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant so please let me go." She said desperately as she let go of his hand, Luther stayed in place as if trying to decipher the subtle heartbeat deep inside of her stomach. Luther suddenly let his grip go and Ally turned around to face him.

"I am protecting our child, if you take me back there. I will never be safe." Luther looked at her sympathetically, it explained her behaviour and the fact he was going to be a father again stunned him.

"Y-Your pregnant?"