Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 54 "That's Impossible."

There comes a time within one's life where you finally understand what self-preservation and survival entails. You don't survive for yourself, you survive for the people around you because that pain you feel deep down is nothing compared to their pain of not feeling good enough. Sometimes we learn the hard way just how valued you are to people. That day Ally was ready to give up she looked into the teary eyes of her family and found meaning, found pain larger than hers, finding just that small, faint light is enough to self-preserve. If she hadn't of found that light, then she would never get to meet her unborn child. Never get to hear their laugh or cry, when you fight for your children there is a certain animal instinct that consumes the host and it is formidable. Like a hurricane with a protective bubble in the centre so even though the outside is surrounded by destruction you feel secure in that place. Ally wanted to create that world for her child.

"It's true so please do not put your hands on me again because father or not I will destroy anyone who threatens my child." Luther was taken aback by the dangerous look in her eyes which echoed her battered soul.

"I wondered why everyone was so protective of you, I understand I will not lay a hand on you." Ally squinted at him, his sudden concern awakened a storm inside of her. Mika had his mouth wide open studying the glaring eyes around him, this was truly a pack in the simplest of words. They were very intimidating like the smallest move would disrupt the world entirely.

"How do we know your telling the truth?" he said sheepishly, Ally gave him a funny smile as if questioning his intelligence.

"Have I ever valued my life this much Mika, think again." Mika gulped and backed up, Luther was looking at Ally in a different light and she could feel his eyes glued to her abdomen listening to the sullen beat deep within. Isaac tugged her hand and pulled her back so he could protect her. Luther sneered at him, but Isaac simply smiled back tauntingly as if to say he had already won.

"You sure are close to my mate Isaac? Do you have any sense of danger at all?" Blake growled warningly, Damien also had his fists clenched as if tempting him to advance.

"That's enough, you would have discovered it eventually. Tell me did you come here to take me by force. Do you think that would be wise Luther?" Ally asked formally as if talking to a stranger, Luther could see that her eyes no longer saw her mate but an acquaintance a step short of an enemy.

"I won't harm you, these are different circumstances now." Ally chuckled to herself, she seemed somewhat even more mature than she was initially. That wisdom wasn't a trait it was who she was.

"Are you implying if I wasn't pregnant, you would take me by force." Mika finally found his voice.

"You're dangerous Ally, you need to be observed and contained before you kill us all." His emotional speech made majority of the audience smirk.

"That's enough Mika, you know I am not the enemy here. Whatever horror was induced in the past will not become recurrent, I am in control and the circumstances this time are entirely different. I have people to keep me safe and keep me in control, I no longer need you." Ally was addressing both of them.

"Get away from my daughter." A deep guttural growl echoed throughout the whole room, Ally smiled kindly when she spotted none other than her father.

"Father…" she said shell-shocked he had come to her aid. Little did Luther know Ally and her father had reconciled after she exposed her pregnancy. Alpha King no longer hated her and in fact admired her greatly for her efforts to control the Luna gene. Ally was not a monster nor an enemy she was his child.

"I will request every S.E.S member to vacate the territory or we will have no choice but to defend." He was surprisingly persuasive holding a deadly look in his eyes. Luther scowled at him viciously flashing his razor-sharp fangs. The numbers were building up as their success rate deducted rapidly. Alpha King stormed to their position his heart filled with animosity. Ally could feel his aura and it wasn't dark but protective as any wolf is of their children, quickly she caught her brother smiling as Alpha King stood ahead of them all.

"What is your answer?" Luther but his lip angrily and turned around to face Mika.

"Get you and your squad out of here I'll deal with this myself." Mika opened his mouth to speak when Luther's eyes gave him a sudden jolt of fear and his body simultaneously retreated on its own. His quick patter of footsteps was eerie in the silent room.

"You really have changed Ally, I never thought I'd see the day you would allow people to protect you." Ally smiled looking at the people around her.

"Being a lone wolf wasn't suited to me after all." Luther smirked and looked her dead in the eyes with a longing glare, Ally could feel the loneliness radiating from him, everyone left him after all including herself. Ally took a deep breath.

"Could I speak with Luther alone please." She asked kindly, everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Absolutely not, we can't trust him Ally. You can't fight right now." Ally patted Isaac's shoulder reassuringly.

"I said I would prefer not to fight not that I wouldn't be capable of it, plus I doubt he will try to harm me. I'm carrying his child after all." Their reluctance was certain, but they also had respect for them both, Isaac knocked Luther as he went passed.

"Touch her and you won't be getting up next time." Luther nodded in understanding, for one of the first times in his life he was feeling threatened. Ally watched them all leave and sat down feeling exhausted. Luther cautiously too a seat beside her and faced her head on. Ally watched his body language and could tell he was uncomfortable.

"How far along are you?" he asked bravely with a hint of excitement in his heart, Ally thought for a while.

"Four months." She said bluntly, Luther looked quite surprised at this which confused her.

"Why wouldn't you tell me Ally?" he said in disappointment, Ally slammed her hand on the oval desk in anger.

"Why? You're a friend of my mortal enemy, why would I tell you anything. You lied to me Luther over and over again, and your asking why I didn't confide in you? Pathetic…" she tutted her tongue and looked away from him in disgust, Luther had no room to argue as her point was valid.

"It's my child too." He said sadly, Ally gave him a sheepish smirk as if taunting his victim act.

"True, it takes two to conceive a child. You understand why you can't stay with me don't you? If Sol catches wind of my condition and gene, you may as well kill me right now. I can't fight I will not risk the life of our child over a petty century old war. It's ridiculous." It was clear how furious Ally was.

"You have a point, I don't want to fight either I'm tired of fighting." Ally gave him a cold look, he seemed tired, but their trust was broken entirely.

"Let me ask you a question…" she said quietly. Luther looked at her with worry, venom was a scent only he could smell when it came to Ally.

"Did you fall in love with me purely because of the Luna gene?" Luther looked away in thought scratching his chin nervously.

"I have watched you for 19 years, initially I admired you for containing her but gradually as I saw how you fought for others I began developing feeling for you too, even when we fought on that battlefield when I took the persona of Lucian I still admired your strength. I'm in love with Luna because of my past but I'm in love with you because of the woman you are now. Whether you carry my child or not I want to stay by you." Ally's eyes were wide like a deer in headlights and her mouth was slightly agape in utter awe at his answer. Love? What a broad word.

"Love can spring from various things whether it's time, persona or fate but you fell in love with me for my spirit, is that what your trying to say?" she was trying to clarify his answer feeling uneasy on how to take it. Luther nodded simultaneously.

"What about the S.E.S? You have loyalties now, you will always be loyal to Sol for helping your creation. I don't see a scenario where we can both co-exist peacefully…even if you cut ties with Sol my friends will suffer for that choice. I won't put Aiden or Isaac through that." Luther scowled just hearing their names, they were an established love rival after all.

"I understand your attached to them but they have ulterior motives I can smell it on them from a mile away, maybe my choice could work in my favour." Ally face went red hot with rage, and she gripped Luther's tie.

"You fail to understand, should I say it slower? No-one puts my family in danger, pregnant or not I will fight for my family." Luther could read her red eyes and they glowed at him mercilessly, he nodded in understand feeling the weight of her grip on his throat. Ally had unimaginable strength even more than their last encounter.

"You're a subordinate…" he said stunned, Ally bit her lip in frustration that he had worked her out. Her abilities were supposed to be top secret to avoid unnecessary conflict.

"I have been for a while but it takes a toll on my body, so I haven't used it, why do you ask?" Luther chuckled slightly.

"Nothing your just full of surprises."

"Ally!" They both stopped as a sweet voice called out to them, it took Ally a few seconds to realize who was calling her when Quinn's big green eyes called out to her from below. Ally switched and glared at Luther warningly as Quinn began running up the stairs.

"All-"Quinn froze as he caught his breath at the top, Ally had forgotten one important detail. Luther was the one who had killed Quinn's friend.

"Y-YOU B-BASTARD!" he yelled painfully as he lunged forward to engage, Luther jumped back as Ally gripped Quinn tightly and pulled him to the side slamming his body against the desk.

"Hey, look at me. I promise he won't hurt you!" she was trying to calm him down, but his breathing was dangerous. In his wild eyes was pure hatred and killing intent enough to send a shiver down Ally's spine.

"I thought you killed him!" he cried out in devastation, Ally felt a wave of guilt consume her.

"Obviously I didn't do a good enough job, I'm sorry Quinn." She said sadly. Luther was having trouble recalling him but when he saw how gentle Ally's speaking manner it jogged his memory to that night in the bar.


"Don't!" Quinn cut him off before the pathetic apology could escape his mouth, Ally was frozen the hatred radiating from Quinn was unbelievable, but she understood, this boy had been through hell after that day.

"Please Quinn." She began speaking trying to calm him down as he was inches from shifting. Quinn growled and lunged forward, Ally tried to stop him, but he forcefully shoved her aside knocking her into the table. Ally gasped as her hip crashed against the oak, all of a sudden Quinn spun around seeing her bending over in pain. Luther also felt the world stand still as she gripped her waist in agony.

"A-Ally! I'm sorry!" Quinn stopped targeting Luther and caught Ally as she fell into the chair. Ally had never felt pain like it and immediately she was worried for her unborn child.

"G-Get Isaac." She said weakly trying to breathe through it. Luther rushed by her side as bent over in pain clenching her teeth to avid herself crying out. Quinn nodded and began sprinting out of the room blanketed in guilt.

"Ally, look at me." Her black hair fell over her face as she panted heavily. Luther lifted her head to see her eyes filled with tears.

"Please…make it stop." She said tearfully clutching her side. Luther hugged her tightly his face covered in shock, in a flash the doors flew open and Isaac and Aiden were there within seconds followed by Blake.

"Get away from her." Aiden quickly pushed Luther aside and began assessing her, Isaac was busy fumbling in his pockets for her medication. Luther watched as he stabbed a needle into Ally's leg.

"Shhh, it's okay we got you." Ally flopped onto Isaac shoulder letting a faint cry escape her.

"It looks like broken ribs we need to get her to a hospital." Ally was silent unable to speak but nodded enthusiastically begging for some pain relief. Isaac picked her up and began scurrying out of the room, Luther tried to follow but Aiden firm hand halted him by the shoulder.

"I wouldn't, you've done enough." He said harshly before running after them. Blake was the only one left and his body language was lethal.

"Touch my sister again and I'll tear you apart!" he shouted as he ran after them. Luther was left alone watching them leave in panic, something was off Ally wasn't that weak and she didn't need medicine for anything either.

--------------------Aiden's car--------------------------------

"Ahh." Ally cried out as they lowered her into the car, Aiden face twanged painfully trying to hold himself together as his hands met the steering wheel. Isaac was next to her stroking her soothingly, but nothing was working to bypass this pain. Quinn was in the seat just behind her tears streaming from his face.

"What the hell happened Quinn!" Blake shouted angrily, Quinn's body shuddered, and he curled up fearfully, as his gasping voice began to escape his lips he was cut off.

"I slipped!" Ally shouted over him, Blake looked at her confused. Usually she was so careful. Quinn was mesmerized, even in agony Ally was still protecting him.

"Luther startled me, and I slipped, Quinn's just in shock." Isaac covered her mouth with each words her breath retracted in agony and he wanted to her to retain some strength. Aiden fist pounded off the wheel.

"I knew that bastard had something to do with it." He said bitterly glancing at Ally pain-stricken face in the back seat.

"It's okay sis were going to get you some help." In high sight Ally had received the worst injury she possibly could, wolves had the tendency to heal a lot faster than the average human, but Ally's regeneration skill was off the chart, so it was taking all of her energy to keep her ribs broken. If ribs healed incorrectly, they would have to be broken again and redirected which was utter agony. Ally leaned her body back and put pressure on her side feeling the fractures bone beneath her sweating skin.

"I need to push it back I can't fight the regeneration any longer, give me something to bite on." Blake and Isaac looked at each other panicked before Isaac quickly lifted his shirt and took off his belt. Ally nodded gratefully and bit down on it as hard as she could. Blake looked away awaiting the scream that was about to escape her lips. Ally started panting heavily preparing herself for the pain. Isaac jumped when he heard the large snapping sound almost simultaneously Ally cried out violently gripping the seat. Sweat was dripping from her face, quickly she placed her hand onto her abdomen closing her eyes until she was in tune with her baby's heartbeat. Initially she heard nothing, and tears began to fill her eyes but after a while the beating was back and stronger than even. Slumping over she clutched her shoulders in relief.

"You did good Ally." Isaac rubbed her back comfortingly, she really did have guts tending to an injury like that wasn't easy, but she endured.

"We'll stop by the hospital to make sure the baby's alright, you can rest." Aiden said sheepishly exhausted witnessing such a harrowing scene. Ally nodded and breathed deeply until the pain seemed somewhat subtle. Isaac stroked her head moving the loose strands from her sweating brow, he had seen her in some scrapes but this time she took the full force protecting her child. Aiden pulled unto the hospital and took turns carrying Ally into the emergency room. The doctors took one look at her pale complexion and whisked her off, this was becoming habit and all four-gentleman sat back in the waiting room. A long hour passed before Alpha King came running to the room. Blake smiled at him reassuring and he breathed a sigh of relief plonking himself down into the metal chair beside them.

"How is she?" Alpha King asked gently, Isaac was still brooding over their last encounter but out of curtesy spoke up.

"Broken ribs, she managed to fuse them correctly before her regeneration kicked in." Alpha King nodded and smiled thinking his daughter was strong.

"What about the child?" this time he seemed even more concerned. Aiden was always suspicious of how involved he was with Ally's pregnancy, Isaac was also uneasy about the situation so both kept silent. Blake watched their faces twist, so he spoke up.

"Were not sure, there was still a heartbeat, but Ally was really weak." Alpha King huffed and bit his nails nervously.

"You seem more concerned about the child then your daughter." Everyone startled and looked over at Quinn, his sheepish fearful body language had twisted to a defensive position. It was as if he was reading Isaac and Aiden's mind.

"I'm equally concerned about both of them." He snapped back crudely. Quinn smirked.

"Bullsh*t, the only reason you reconciled was because she was pregnant. You might have pulled the wool over Blakes eyes, but I see straight through you Jackson." Alpha King looked stunned which raised the bar of built even further.

"You little sh*t!" Alpha King lunged forward when a strong grip held him back, he spun around to see none other than Ally with her stomach wrapped in bandages. Everyone smiled seeing the light back in her eyes.

"Can't you refrain from violence for one god damn minute." She said harshly, obviously she was exhausted and couldn't use the aggravation. Isaac stood up and studied her complexion, it was much darker, and she had bags under her eyes. Something was slightly off about her.

"What did they say?" Blake said concerningly, Ally looked down at the floor flushing a gust of anxiety across the room.

"I'm not four months pregnant…" she said sadly. Everyone was immediately panicked thinking she had lost the child.

"I'm six…" Ally bit her lip in frustration placing her hand over her stomach.

"That's impossible."