Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 55 "Welcome to a new age."

"It appears your regenerative skills has accelerated the growth of the foetus."

Helen had called a doctor from the witch region to assess Ally's condition praying the doctors had gotten it wrong, but Ally's face turned white when the older man began informing her on supernatural pregnancy.

"Could I ask your affliction and the affliction of the father?" He asked intriguingly, his face was porcelain silk and he didn't look a day over 30 but the dimmed light in his eyes truly reflected his age as well as his blonde grey hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Only Helen, Ally and the doctor remained in her room for the examination. Ally wriggled uncomfortable on her bed looking at her mother for reassurance. Exposing such a thing was dangerous but Helen had faith in him and smiled.

"I'm a hybrid, the father is a pure-blood vampire." Ally avoiding eye contact, exposing her weakness was very sensitive subject for her. Suddenly, the mental utensils sitting delicately on his lap fell to the floor.

"Excuse me." He said apologetically picking the utensils up one by one, Ally scowled and stood up before walking into the bathroom. Helen sighed and looked at the door as it slammed.

"I'm sorry that was rude of me, I've just never dealt with a case lie this before. Usually, vampires can't conceive children. This must be quite frightening for her." Helen was wide eyed, frightening. She hadn't even considered that her daughter must be afraid.

"It's quite alright I think this is a big shock for especially with the sudden acceleration. Is there anyway to slow it down?" she asked worriedly. The doctor took a deep breathe.

"My only idea would be to keep her out of harm's way, so she has no reason to use her regeneration. As the body cells repair it is also affecting her child to grow faster than usual." Helen agreed; his theory made sense, but it seemed Ally wasn't coping well with the sudden change.

"I'll leave some vitamins for her and if you wouldn't mind giving her my apologies." Helen shook his hand and nodded before he left. Bravely she stood up straightening out her clothes before knocking on the bathroom door.

"Ally, sweetheart could you open the door please?" There was utter silence, perhaps she didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Ally's meeting with Luther must have come as a big shock. Helen was about to give up when the door slowly opened, Ally's eyes were red and swollen it was clear she had been crying.

"I'm being a burden, again aren't I?" she said seriously, Helen was paralyzed seeing the empty look in her eyes. Ally put her hand on her stomach, now there was a clear bump visible. Helen smiled and also put her hand on her daughters' stomach.

"No, sweetheart. You're not a burden, your just afraid. I was the same when I was pregnant with you." She said kindly, Ally sat down wearily.

"If I had used my regeneration anymore then I would have harmed her." Helen suddenly sat down on the floor opposed looking at Ally in awe.

"Her?" she said shell-shocked, Ally smirked and looked at her mother adoringly.

"I always had a knack for guessing the sex of children, but I know it's a girl I feel it in my heart." Helen let a tear escape as she took her daughters hands delicately.

"A baby girl huh? I never thought I'd see the day." She laughed brushing off her overwhelming emotions.

"I have to protect her mom; I will never ever let anyone harm her." Helen nodded.

"That's a mother's instinct, no matter what you will stand by your child." Ally smiled when a loud knock at the door disturbed their sentimental moment. Ally sniffed up and then scowled putting her hands protectively over her stomach.

"Could you give us a moment." Ally said exhaustively. Helen understood and cautiously made her way to the door opening it for the man on the other side. Ally watched Luther enter quickly and scan her up and down. Helen looked at Ally in worry, but he politely nodded excusing her. Luther shut the door and walked over to her. Before Ally could object his large arms wrapped themselves around her softly.

"I was so worried about you." He whispered panicked. Ally couldn't find it in her heart to embrace him back and sat there frozen.

"I'm fine Luther, I healed quickly it was just a scare. Better question, how did you get in here I'm surprised Isaac and Aiden haven't torn your head off yet." She said coldly. Luther retracted with a guilty aura, it was clear he had snuck inside without detection.

"I just wanted to see you. Is the baby okay?" Ally snickered to herself, so that was the real reason he had infiltrated the pack.

"She's fine." Placing her hand over her mouth she frowned to herself, she had let it slip yet again.

"So, it's a girl." He said excitedly. Ally scowled at him violently.

"You act as if this is the first time you've conceived a child, it's frustrating." She barged past him and sat on her bed laying back for comfort, whenever he was around her child would kick violently until her stomach cramped in pain.

"I see it as a positive, now I know how to help you through this." Ally couldn't help but her fangs hang precariously on her lips.

"It's not an illness it's a child." Luther let out a large sigh before walking over and pinning her down on the bed, Ally felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Just how long are you going to fight me for. You're my mate it shouldn't be like this." It was almost sorrowful the way he delivered his words, Ally pulled her face to the side in despair. She also wished this would have been different but that love she once had for him was now drowning in distrust and anger.

"Do not place the blame on me, I'm not the one who decided to conceal the truth. If this was your elaborate plan to make me love you, then it was in vain." Luther's grip tightening until her wrists throbbed beneath his grip.

"What do I do to make you understand I was protecting you, everything I have ever done was to protect you Ally. I chose you and you chose me, or did you forget about that." One arm released and traced the bite mark tucked safely under her long black hair; it was still a secret from her family she had been marked a such a person. The mark throbbed as his finger outlined it.

"I haven't forgotten but don't you think you're getting to comfortable." With that Ally grabbed his arm and flipped him over as a demonstration of her strength, Luther was slightly stunned she had such power considering her condition.

"This should teach you not to monopolize me, I am not your toy. Me carrying your child is just a natural occurrence there are no strings attached and there is no obligation. Whether you stay or not doesn't matter to me…it matters to our child…" Ally quietly added the section on the end. Luther looked at her surprised.

"I want her to have a father…I could never deprive her of something like that so if you stay…I would appreciate it." Luther raised his body up until Ally was sitting on his lap, she was red faced and avoiding his eyes, so he moved the loose strands from her face and caressed her cheek.

"I will always be by your side Ally, no matter what. We are going to give her the best life she could possibly ask for." Ally couldn't help but smile as images of her baby girl flashed through her mind. That was all she ever wanted; no longer did she see this child as a burden but a blessing. She gave her something to live for.

"Have you thought of a name?" Ally's body stiffened before she reluctantly looked him in the eyes.

"Luna…I want to call her Luna." Luther face seemed to light up.

"I wanted to name her after someone we both love." Luther could see she was scared of telling him, but he suddenly wrapped his arms around her for reassurance.

"It's perfect." Ally smiled and stood up.

"Wolves will lick a wound even when it's healed so I will not allow myself to feel defeated by this, but I can't get hurt anymore. Every time I heal our child grows rapidly, if that happens anymore then she will be here very soon. I don't want that yet." Luther listened carefully, so that was what she was so shaken up about. It must have been frightening to think if she had healed anymore then she would be giving birth right now.

"I want to enjoy carrying her, protecting her. I'm afraid of hurting her before she can see just how beautiful the world can be. I talk about being broken and lost but sometimes at night I sit at the window and stare at the moon. It's always finds me no matter where I sit or hide, I want her to see that too. I want her to live a life feeling safe, teach her how to fight and thrive. I…want her to live the life I wasted fighting who I am. Do you understand?" Luther was memorized watching her white eyes stare out of the window at the moonlight. Her black hair held secret strands of white when under the glow, her small bump protruding from her tank top.

"I want that for her too. I will never let anyone hurt her, no matter what. I've spent a long time stuck in a war between water and fire, but I know now who I stand with. I stand with the water because it reflects who we truly are and douses the flames when they become too bold. I stand with you." Ally appreciated his metaphor and he sounded a lot like Luna which made her deeply happy.

"Ally!" A voice called out to her snapping her out of her fantasy, it seemed panicked. Did they already catch on Luther had infiltrated the pack? Ally ushered Luther into the bathroom and sprinted over to the door acting as if nothing was amiss.

"What is it Blake?" Blake was panting heavily, and he looked white in the face. Something was wrong here.

"I-It's a young pup on the outskirts, he's being attacked by Hollow pack. We tried to rescue him, but we don't have the numbers." Ally's ace drained of color, why would they be attacking a young pup in the first place?

"Show me where, I won't let them kill it." Blake nodded and began running towards the source, pack members turned their head seeing the Alpha and Beta running for their lives. Closely they began running with them in pack formation, it had been a log time since they were in a fight.

"Where's Isaac and Aiden?" she asked in concern trying to keep her strength, the doctors' words were rattling around in her head, she couldn't get injured. This fight had come at the wrong time.

"They're trying to save him; we don't know which pack he belongs too but he's no more than four or five years old. "The coherent panting in either ear kept her in focus, how could they target such a young child it was unnatural.

"Somethings not right about this." She said coldly, her mood switched on a dime and she could feel Luna itching to take over, but she mentally demanded her to stay put for now. In the month Ally had returned she had dedicated herself to the pack into becoming stronger and also took a seat on the council to elevate their status for situations just like this.

"I want the pack in circle formation, Oscar you lead right rank. Celina you lead left, Blake and I are going straight centre. No-one is to engage without my say, if you encounter an attack howl as loud as you can, and we will come running. Understood!"

"Yes Beta!" they all called out like an army regiment and began going their separate ways. Luckily, everyone had a clear head and there was no shifting needed, they could fight bare hands alone but from Blake's information the young pup had shifted out of fear.

"Wait, I have a scent. Let's go." Ally switched modes and tapped into her vampire speed leaving Blake in a cloud of dust and he let put his Alpha howl which stopped everyone on their tracks. It was redirecting them to where the scent was strongest, so King pack changed course and began moving inward towards the Alpha. Ally watched the trees engulf their space until visibility was minimal, it was perfect for close combat, but it was also dangerous for those who were inexperienced and relied on visuals alone.

Ally moved closer to the musky scent sprinting through the trees until she caught wind of Isaac and Aiden. In the distance she spotted a clearing where a mans leg peaked from behind a tree, it was an ambush. Ally began scanning the area around her spotting another three above. She found it interesting Hollow pack was going to such a length to stop her.

"Show yourselves or Ill engage." It was a clear warning and gasps echoed around her, it was clear to them her abilities were something else, Ally looked at the ground seeing clear footprints freshly made. So, the people before her hadn't detected them.

"Fine, have it your way." With that Ally ran up to a nearby tree and vaulted up to their position, they wobbled back in shock onto the hard ground below. Ally whistled and stood on the log branch which had been supporting them. These wolves were only kids, things were becoming stranger.

"Start talking brats, why are you after the kid?" They all whimpered and covered their mouths when Ally's eyes flashed white. Sighing she jumped down from the branch landing effortlessly before picking then both up by the collar.

"I've got sh*t to do are you going to talk or not?" They looked at each other in fear and then gulped.

"It's a monster!" One of them said frantically. Ally looked at the teenage boy questionably, monster huh.

"How so? He's a child, right?" The other boy seemed a lot more resilient and avoided her eyes, those who withheld more also know more.

"You. What does he mean by monster?" The boy scoffed and looked away childishly. Ally chuckled before slamming his body into the tree.

"You'll heal from that in no time but what if I took a limb or even your head. How long do you think that will take to grow back?" Her hair flushed white and her fangs protruded from her mouth.

"You should know he's one of you!" he said angrily rubbing his shoulder, Ally felt her body shudder and suddenly she didn't care about the two young boys ahead of her. Like her? He must be… Ally began sprinting closer to the scent until she was standing in a meadow field surrounded by pack members.

"Looks like she finally showed up!" This wasn't what she was expecting at all, the Hollow pack weren't fighting they were afraid. The scent of horror lingered thick in the air. Ally ignored them and directed her glare towards a far hollow tree taller than all of the rest. At the base stood Isaac and Aiden carefully approaching something at the bottom.

"Don't go near it, it's a monster" Hunter's alpha voice bellowed from the center as everyone shuddered in fear.

"Ally, he's one of you right?" he said panicked running over to her as if she was their savior, Ally couldn't even bring herself to speak and slowly parted her way through the members before. Isaac and Aiden parted ways allowing her to see what was truly going on…

Shaking in fear at the bottom of the tree stood a white wolf with eyes redder than blood and claws blacker than death, it was a pup no bigger than two metres in length. It was beautiful she thought to herself. The strongest scent of fear was coming from the young pup not the members, he was afraid to even look up.

"Everyone stands down and back away that's an order from the high council." She said weakly trying to find her voice. Was this truly what she thought it was? Obediently everyone backed up leaving a seven-metre radius around Ally and the pup.

"Beautiful…" she whispered under her breathe, the young pup suddenly froze and finally picked up the courage to look up. As he looked at her glowing white hair and glowing red eyes his body language relaxed. Ally sat down on the meadow field admiring the beauty of this specimen.

"You're a hybrid…like me." She said gently, the pup squinted at her and shook his fur warningly.

"Get away from it Ally!" Leah's grinding voice called out startling the little pup, Ally put her hand up in frustration requesting silence, she didn't want to scare him off.

"My name is Luna; do you know me?" Wide eyed the pup rejected his body from the tree and faced Ally head on as if smiling at her. Ally let the space around her go blank and she let her mind drift until a ghost like string strengthen out towards the pup, this was an ability's she had kept hidden from everyone. It was her strength alone. Uncomfortably the young pup let her into his mind.

"I'm here to help you Kai." She said happily.

"Y-You know my name! Are you really her!" he said in fear and excitement?

"Have you been searching for me?"

"We've all been searching for you. You called out to us, but my family would not come. So…I came alone." Ally smiled seeing his sheepish demeanor, this was a bright child.

"I see. That was very brave of you. Do you need my help?" Slowly the boys face went from innocent to a twisted smile as his eyes began glowing dangerously. Ally suddenly felt a darkness consume her and her stomach began cramping painfully.

"You're with a child. How troublesome sister." No, that's not possible.

"No…you can't be…why…why?" Ally felt her eyes flood as his smile grew wider and wider until the pain thriving throughout her body was unbearable.