Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 56 "This is War."

"I figured you'd show eventually brother." Ally's body shifted into survival mode as Luna took over. The seemingly weak young pup suddenly began to morph until it was the size of an Alpha wolf, his white coat and blood red eyes smiled at his sister standing less than ten feet away from him.

"Sol! Get away from her!" Luther voice echoed around them but in their space, it was only Sol and Luna among a white plane of serenity. A space where only they existed, and the rest of humanity drifted away.

"You grew up sister, quite a vessel you chose." He said seemingly unimpressed at the specimen before him. Luna growled; Ally wasn't a vessel she was her soulmate.

"That's where you and I differ brother, don't mistake me. Ally chose me, not the other way around." Sol had the evilest glare she had ever seen, it sent shivers down her shaking spine until her body was exhausted from the gushing adrenaline.

"Poor girl having to carry you around. What a burden you bestowed upon her, now she will have to die because you just can't seem to grasp my ideal. Your mine, you understand, that don't you?" Luna smirked at him her white hair flowing in the whirlwind around them. Power radiated from both in their secret duel to determine their capabilities. So far Luna was victorious.

"Are you still spouting such nonsense, how pitiful brother. I belong to Ally and Ally alone; she is a better soul than you and I will ever be. Quite frankly I'm tired of this game, why don't we both retire and find peace?" Sol clicked his tongue; his mind was like a brick wall completely impenetrable unless it was his ideal and it frustrated her to her bones.

"I'm afraid that would be impossible, I'm not willing to let such a quantity of bad blood to drain away. I told you in the heavens Luna that you cannot stand with such vile creatures, we are made for much more. Your coming home with me."

"Don't f*ck with me!" Sol gulped as a vulgar voice escaped her mouth until her eyes returned to the mismatched jewels he'd initially encountered. Ally was listening patiently until it had worn down to her soul.

"Who are you to decide whom she stands with; you are just as responsible standing there in that form. Don't you get it? Luna is not your captive or possession; she is her own individual soul and you have lost!" Sol glared at her wide eyed, for a vessel to be so protective over their parasite surprised him. Usually the host would do anything to reject the foreign entity living within.

"Ally, it means saint am I correct?" Ally growled at him boldly, he had no right to know her name never mind it's meaning.

"You seem rather resilient, maybe that's why my sister chose you, but you are far too naïve girl. My sister is a monster, she cannot grasp the value of life and therefore massacred hundreds in the name of love. Failure, pain, heartbreak. Are you willing to experience all of those just to contain her?" Sol was well spoken, and wisdom filled but he had met his match.

"I have already experienced all of those variables of my own accord and I have overcome them. You are just an obstacle; it is your choice. Walk away and leave us be or I will destroy you effortlessly. I haven't come this far to be killed by a petty god with a sister complex. Pathetic." Sol's face twisted in fury, for a human not to be quivering at his feet was not a situation he had ever been faced with. Who was this girl?

"You're quite convincing I'll give you that. I have a question for you. Is that child Luther's?" Ally instinctively put her hands over her protruding stomach. Someone even mentioning her child hade her want to kill someone.

"It is? What of it?" she said defensively. Sol tutted and began walking in circles putting her nerves on edge.

"I will never understand that man, I give him the world and he destroys mine." Suddenly the atmosphere around them darkened until Ally felt overwhelming claustrophobic.

"Luther has nothing to do with this leave him alone. This is between you and me and quite frankly I'm tired of speaking with you it's like speaking to a brick wall. Your much more childish than I anticipated." Provoking him was probably a big mistake but Ally was sick of standing around waiting for him to advance. To her surprise he clasped his hands together and gave her a approving nod.

"I never thought I would say my sister had good taste, but I quite like you Ally. Usually, she would posses a vessel and rule it accordingly, but you've had the privilege to stay in control. Your strong." Ally was uncomfortable, his interest seemed to have dark intentions underlying like a cockroach that won't die.

"I'm happy to have spoken with you, I'll see you again." Ally blinked in disbelief, he had been assessing her and he had decided not to advance, something didn't sit right with her. Why would he go through the trouble to find Luna only to let her go? Sol gave a small wave before disappearing from the black space around them. Like a time warp the original scenery began bleeding through until she was back in the field staring at an empty tree with no sign of Sol.

"Ally!" Her whole body shook as a dozen hands seemed to grip her at once. Luther red eyes were directly in-front of her, they were teary and drowning in fear. It took her a while to gain back her bearings. Blake was next to Luther along with Aiden and Isaac, they all looked horrified.

"Where the f*ck did you go! You scared the death out of me!" Luther was shouting, the usually composed sly man was shaking like a leaf. Aiden and Isaac were also very weary. Had she missed something?

"What are talking about I was here the whole time?" she said squirming away from their grasp. They all looked at her like an alien. Little did Ally know she had disappeared from sight and it had been over an hour since she'd been gone yet in that space it was no longer than five minutes.

"He won't be bothering us for a while, let's go home." Everyone looked at each other in awe, she was acting so calmly.

Blake, "Sis, you were gone for a long time. We've been looking all over for you, where the hell have you been?"

Aiden, "What do you mean he won't be bothering us for a while?"

Luther, "We need to asses you for injuries."

Isaac, "You idiot what were you thinking disappearing like that!"

"ENOUGH! Why do you have to be so f*cking noisy. I'm good and I'm back that's it." They were all frozen on the spot, their voices grated on her ears like chalk until she unintentionally used her Alpha voice to silence them. Ally cleared her throat and began walking back towards the house leaving the gentleman unable to fathom why she was so calm.

---------------Pack House------------------

Helen was waiting for Ally at the front door. In the distance she could see Ally holding her arms together dragging her feet towards the house, she had a blank look on her face and didn't even acknowledge as Helen called out to her.

"Ally?" Helen shouted her name louder snapping her out of the worrying daze. Helen also noticed she was very jumpy and shaking slightly. Ally gave a brief smile before walking straight past her. Helen saw the rest of the boys quickly approaching the house, something was off here. Ally didn't even walk back with them.

"Mom, did you see Ally?" Blake ran up looking concerned, so something had happened.

"She just went into the house, what's going on she seems a little shaken up?" Aiden and Isaac both sighed.

Isaac, "Good question that's what were trying to find out." He said angrily. There brains were working overtime seeing the impossible happen right before their eyes.

Aiden "One minute she was talking with the young pup we went to rescue and then she was gone out of thin air. We've been looking for her and then she just showed up an hour later in the same spot saying she hadn't moved. To be honest were baffled and worried about her." Helen listened closely, that really was a big problem. It meant they needed to keep an eye on Ally right now. Luther had ignored them all and went in first following her sweet scent to the bedroom. Without knocking he pushed the door open and stood in the doorway completely stunned.

Ally was sitting in-front of her mirror, but her eyes were like glass, there was nothing in them. Ally was usually hypervigilant and very aware of her surroundings, but she looked lost in her reflection. Luther walked up and tapped her shoulder but there was no response. In frustration he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around until the small light returned to her eyes.

"What is it?" she said rubbing her eyes as if she'd been sleeping. Luther frowned at her and knelt on the floor placing his hand on her stomach. Thankfully, the strong beat was still prevalent so the child was fine but there was something wrong with Ally.

"Ally where have you been?" This time he wasn't going to let her run away and forcefully pulled her chin so she would look him in the eye. Ally reluctant bit her lip and tried to look away, keeping secrets was difficult when you were surrounded by guardians.

"I…I spoke with Sol…" she said darkly with tears resting precariously on the edge of her bottom eyelid. Luther body went numb, of course there was no way she would just disappear out of thin air. Sol was powerful and most likely created a white plane so he could speak with Ally privately.

"Ally, what did he say to you?" Ally pushed his hand away; she was currently still in shock with the underlying feeling of despair creeping upon her.

"I made a mistake of being too bold." Luther put his head down in defeat, but he had misunderstood.

"So, he's coming after you?" Ally nodded her head before gripping her knees until they turned white under the pressure.

"He will but not for the reason we both anticipated. It seems he took an interest in me, at least that's what he implied. Who knew such a hostile tongue could attract such a masochist?" Luther stood up almost stumbling, was he hearing this correctly?

"Your saying he was accepting to you? How is that possible?" Ally shook her head in disbelief.

"Sol commemorated Luna for picking such a vessel. I thought if I stood my ground, he would perhaps back down but I've seen that look in his eyes a million times. I f*cked up." She said angrily, Luther wrapped his arms around her seeing the dejection on her emotionless face.

"You did your best. It's not your fault Ally." Ally sighed and pressed her head against his stomach, of course it was her fault. Her defense had adverse effects and now her arch enemy had taken an interest in her.

"I need to take a bath could you leave me alone for a while." She said softly trying not to sound too harsh. Luther kissed her head before leaving the room. Ally sat there like an ornament relaying what exactly had been said between her and Sol. It was such a blur to her. Hearing the others approaching the room she dragged herself up and locked the door so she wouldn't be disturbed from her thoughts. Tactically, she began putting together new fighting routines for the pack to learn, this was surely going to be a war. Ally wanted to be prepared.

----------------------Blake's Office--------------------

"When the f*ck did he get here anyway?" Isaac was looking Luther up and down intimidatingly, but his mind was also somewhere else. Blake huffed and collapsed into his chair watching the three vampires square each other up.

"That's a good question, you might be my sister's child's father but at least asking wouldn't hurt." He said nonchalantly. Aiden glared at Blake harshly.

"Aren't you the Alpha? What are you going to do about it?" Aiden was slightly disgusted Blake was ignoring his duties, it just proved how helpless he was without Ally. It pissed him off how reliant he was on her.

"Come on Aiden, starting a war with him would be so much harder. Ally doesn't need that right now; he's not doing any harm just leave him be." Isaac paused from glaring Luther down and spun around in disbelief.

"Not doing any harm. Are you an idiot? This asshole almost killed her before, he kidnapped her for three months knocked her up and handed her over to the S.E.S. Are you f*cking with me?" Isaac sad sarcastically. Luther finally moved and stood ahead of Blake.

"Thankyou for allowing my presence I appreciate your hospitality." Blake smirked at his sudden politeness. Isaac and Aiden rolled their eyes.

"Don't get too comfortable, the minute Ally wants you out your gone. Speaking of Ally, what the hell happened to her I've never seen anything like that?" Aiden said accusingly, Luther leaned against the desk with his arms crossed.

"Sol took a liking to her so she's a little shaken up." White noise engulfed the room, so casual they all thought. This was a huge issue, taking a liking?

"Elaborate please, your making no sense." Isaac said warningly. Luther sighed.

"It makes perfect sense; Sol took a liking to Ally. Ally's blaming herself for not being strict enough with him, it was her goal to warn him off but it back fired." They all shook their head trying to grasp an understanding.

"This is bad." Aiden caught on quicker than the rest making dark eye contact with Luther. Isaac shrugged his shoulders at his brother asking for some clarity.

"Think about the variables? Luther chose to stay by Ally's side so perhaps this is revenge against him. Next, if he takes a liking to Ally it means Luna will have to abide by his rules in order to keep her safe which could be troublesome. Finally, he could either kill Ally or take her away for good." Everyone's heads dropped simultaneously. Luther gave Aiden and approving nod for his deduction; he had spoken Luther's mind perfectly.

"Jesus Christ, it's not Ally's fault though. That's just how she is." Blake said defensively trying to protect his sister, Luther shook his head.

"I know this man better than anyone, if he's taken a liking to her then it can only ensue horror. It very rare he takes a liking to a human, usually he calls them parasites or ants. I'm afraid Ally had every reason to be afraid right now." Isaac clicked his tongue and left the room. Aiden quickly went after him; it was unusual for him to back down leaving Luther and Blake alone.

"Blake, I understand your sister is important to you and I promise I will do everything in my power to protect her. Please have faith in me as her mate." Luther also left the room; this news had taken a big toll on all four of them.

---------------------------Pack House Garden------------------------

Ally dried her hair off and walked outside for some fresh air. It was times like this she wanted to bathe in moonlight to settle the storm inside of her. Avoiding the boys was a tough act since they were usually glued to her hip for protection but right now being alone was the best medicine.

Ally lay on the patio steps and gazed up at the start above, they were bold tonight as if calling out to her. Sadly, the moon was shadowed by clouds so it's light couldn't quite reach her by she found that metaphorical. Right now, light couldn't reach her either in her soul or heart, it was shrouded with darkness.

Ally placed her hand over her stomach gently and began tapping as if to attract her attention. At first her throat closed as she began to talk but then for comfort, she managed to talk to her.

"Hey baby girl, mommy made a mistake today. I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry." Her voice grew weak as she began choking up, talking to her child was surprisingly emotional.

"Daddy is trying his best to protect you, but your uncle is really mean. But…you don't have to worry because I will never let anyone hurt you. You're our little miracle baby and I can't wait to meet you so hang on. Okay?" Ally's eyes streamed until the stone floor began getting soaked in tears.

"That was beautiful." Ally jumped and quickly wiped her eyes before sitting up. Realizing who it was made her heart sink. Damien was sitting beside her with pain in his eyes, she wondered where he had been for the past few days. With his father turning up out of the blue it must have been tough for him.

"I'm sorry, I should have come looking for you." She said softly trying to bypass her guilt. Damien smiled and took her hand.

"Don't worry about it, you've had a tough few days. I should have been with you." Ally squeezed his hand kindly.

"I suppose your father has caused both of us to go off the rails. I wouldn't expect nothing less from him." She said jokingly, Damien chuckled and looked up at the stars. Ally watched him as he sat silently, she could read his mind like a book.

"Damien, you don't have to be civil with him for my sake. I understand the way you feel about him; I can relate a lot." Damien paused and looked at her like a saint, that darkness in his heart alleviated. Ally always had a way of making him feel better.

"I heard you met Luna's brother, is it true you feel responsible?" Ally huffed; word traveled fast.

"Of course, I do, it wasn't my intention to attract such a parasite. People are going to try and tell me it wasn't my fault, but I disagree. Sol was working me out, I didn't realize he was analyzing me until it was too late. I made a mistake I should have let Luna handle it but I couldn't stand him talking to her like that." Damien huddled closer before flicking her forehead, Ally flinched and rubbed her head.

"You protected who was important to you, I would have done the same thing in your position. Please don't blame yourself. You're not weak Ally." Ally couldn't help but smile, so he could read her too…

"I will stand by my child until the end, this is war Damien. I'm ready."